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An organization is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need
or they come together to pursue collective goals. All the organizations have a management that
defines the relations between functions and positions and subdivide and assign roles,
responsibilities and authorities to perform defined tasks. An organization is defined by the
element that is a part of it, its communication, its autonomy and its rules of action compared to
outside events. By coordination and planned cooperation of the elements, the organization is able
to solve tasks that lie beyond the abilities of the single element.

Training can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge and competencies as a result of

learning that relate to specific useful competencies. It has specific goals of improving one’s
capacity, productivity and performance. Training is also need to maintain, upgrade and update
skills throughout the working life. In an organization, once the selection of employees is done,
training them for the specific tasks they have been assigned is of great importance. In fact,
training is an important activity in many organizations. Training deals with developing attitudes
which help the individuals to deal with different situation and people according to one’s
advantage. Training has become extremely important for organizations in maintaining its human
resources at their peak performance levels.

Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees,
but many employers in the current climate find development opportunities expensive. Employees
attending training sessions also miss out on work time which may delay the completion of
projects. However despite these potential drawbacks, training and development provides both the
individual and organizations as a whole with benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile


Training is a learning experience that is planned and carried out by the organization to
enable more skilled task behavior by the training. It imparts the ability to detect and correct
errors. Furthermore it provides skills and abilities that may be called upon in the future to satisfy
the organizations human resource needs.

 Training enables the employees to deal with the changing jobs and roles.
 Training develops knowledge, skill and attitude for handling jobs most efficiently.
 Training bridges the gap between the current level of employee KSA (Knowledge, Skill,
Attitude) and the required level of KSA to handle the job efficiently.
 Training is job related and need based.

Training can be seen as a part of total organizational commitment. Training needs to be

recognized on the basis of analysis of environmental demands, processes of internal change,
analysis of the work problems and analysis of manpower competencies of an organization.
Training need occurs whenever an identifiable change takes place in the environment of
procedures, processes and methods of work. Management of change would require orienting and
training the people to the new demands, techniques, skills and adjustment to situations that
would be required.

The training needs caused by such changes can be put as technological changes,
environmental changes, legislative changes and manpower composition changes. Accordingly
there could be three types of training needs: Organization, Professional and Individual.

Our participants in doing this mock training is part time student from UiTM Perlis Arau
consists of 15 person.


The game or communication error is a classic ice breaker. It’s easy to set up and a lot of fun
to play. One group will pick a word given by the instructor and will ‘pass it on’ by whispering it
to someone behind you and the word as pass until the last person.


 Getting started. Although the game is simple to play, you will need to arrange the players
in a way that supports the game. Have everyone stand in either a straight line or in a
circle. Players should be spaced far enough apart that they won’t overheat the word when
it isn’t their turn. Proper position is important when playing this game. It people aren’t in
some sort of order, they won’t know when is their turn.
 Start the game. Choose a person to start the game. This person will be given a sentences
and whisper it to the person next to them. The sentence should be a simple sentence.
Once the sentence has been told to the next person, they will whisper it to the person next
to them.
 Continue whispering the word. Players continue listening to the word and repeating what
they think they heard to the person in front of them. This is done until the last person in
line or circle is told the word.
 The conclusion. The last player says the sentence out loud so everyone can hear how
much it has changed from the first whisper at the beginning of the line or circle.


The main purpose of the Communication Error is for the amusement of the players. However,
there are some additional benefits :

 Will be able to remember few sentences and disseminate the sentences correctly.
 Requires employee to focus on instruction given by the leader.
 Enhance listening and speaking skills of the employees.
 Test the confident of being a leader.
 Helps clearly show how small misconceptions can end up making a huge difference.
 Serves as a springboard for discussing importance of active listening.

A good Communication Error game provides not only amusement to the participant but also
involves the group in an unexpected challenge on how can something whispered be so totally
changed when it moves through a group of people.


Each group will be given the same sentences. The group that say the right sentences will win the

‘Effective teamwork begins and ends with communication.’

‘The art of communication is the language of the leadership.’

‘People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.’

‘Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow.’

‘The quality of your communication is the quality of your life.’


This activity is to test employee creativity. Creativity is a function of knowledge, curiosity,

imagination and evaluation. The greater your knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more
ideas, patterns and combinations you can achieve which then correlates to creating new and
innovative products and services. But merely having the knowledge does not guarantee the
formation of the new patterns. The bits and pieces must be shaken up and iterated in new ways.


 One group consist of 5 members.

 One piece of drawing paper and a pair of scissors are given to each group.
 They need to cut the paper given without broken it to make it a big circle.
 They need to use their creativity on how to cut the paper and make a big hole for all the
members to be in it.
 All the members must be in the circle without stepping outside of the paper.
 All group will do it at the same time.
 No second chances given if the paper broke.


 Dare to make a decision.

 Boost self-confidence.
 Test the creative and innovative of an individual.
 To test cooperation among group members.
 To train a leader by giving a good instructions.


In conclusion, we all know that training and development programs are important for an
organization to develop the employee. When a child was born he required constant touch of
parents till he stood on his own feet. An organization though flowered by creams of the society,
still training is required due to rapid technological up gradation and change in working methods
every day. Training aims at continued self-development of the employees. Employees are
expected to develop themselves continuously in an organization. When the employees in an
organization are developed from time to time with all updated knowledge, then definitely that
organization will grow to a greater height.

The future of employees training and development is not completely known and difficult
to predict because of the vast changes that occur within technology and how training and
development is viewed from organization to organization. What can be said about the future of
training and development is that it is changing and will continue to change. Developments in
technology can be proven to be the best adaptation towards training and development because of
the changes in technology and the ways that training and development will be able to be
delivered through technology being both cost effective and effective towards the results towards
goals and missions of organizations.

The future of employees training and development is not completely known and difficult
to predict because of the vast changes that occur within technology and how training and
development is viewed from organization to organization. What can be said about the future of
training and development is that it is changing and will continue to change. Developments in
technology can be proven to be the best adaptation towards training and development because of
the changes in technology and the ways that training and development will be able to be
delivered through technology being both cost effective and effective towards the results towards


Both employees and companies are concerned with developing future skills and
managing careers. Companies want a work force that is motivated and productive, has up-to-date
skills and can quickly learn new skills to meet changing customer needs. Employees want to
develop skills that not only are useful for their current jobs but also are congruent with their
personal interests and values. Employees are interested in developing skills that can help them
remain employable with either their current employer or a future one. Given the increasing time
demands of work, employees are also interested in maintaining balance between work and
nonworking interests.

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