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Name – Lima Hazarika

Roll no – 232 , sec – A

Business idea – Poultry farm

Business name – Poultry farming

There are many business but the business I choice is poultry firm as poultry firm is not limited to one
business only . poultry farming is all about raising birds for the purpose of selling meat and eggs and
creating wealth out of the business .


Now a days , the poultry farming business plan is commonly opted by most of the people all over the
globe because of too much profit in this business in a very short time period .

So , today we are going to learn poultry farming project report with taking some ideal conditions for it
. In this article , you will also learn how much investment is required for poultry farming before starting
this business and at what time you will be able to earn a decent income from this business .

After selling up a good Farming , in a very time period , you will be able to get good returns from this
business farming.

This business takes about two to three months from the establishment to give rapid income. If you
are raising poultry birds for the meat purpose , then select a fast growing breed of poultry birds , you
can obtain instant income from this business . By this , in about two months, the breeds are perfectly
suitable for the market .

Presently , poultry farming business is mainly done for the eggs . since this is more profitable than
broiler poultry farming A healthy bird can give you more income as there is a great market demand for
eggs for consumption.

The business of raising domestic birds in increasing more and more and is also opted more by the
grower because of too much profit in the business.


For commercial poultry production , good quality highly nutrition food is a must . the rate of
productivity in birds is vary high . the very quickly convert their feed into food productions . on a regular
bares , they need about 38 nutrients in adequate amounts for their regular diet pattern. The feed can
be given in different forms like crumbles , mask or pellets . Mask is the most economical , commonly
used and easy to prepare feed . pelts are prepared by subjecting the mash feed to heat treatment used
pressure . As a result the pathogens in the feed are destroyed . This enables the birds to digest the feed
and also minimize the wastage .
Crumbles are the expensive from of field pellets are prepared by subjecting the mash Acid to heat
treatment under pressure . As a result the pathogens is the feed are destroyed .this enable the birds to
digest the feed and also minimize the wastage .crumbles are the expensive from of feed where in the
pellets are broken down to grounds .In addition to providing the birds with feed must be given ample
amount of clean and fresh drinking water .

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