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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the award of

Submitted By

Under guidance of

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Department


(NAAC Accredited, Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) & 12(B))
(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUH, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, ISO 9001:2008 Certified.)



This is to certify that the Project “MULTIPURPOSE CUTTING MACHINE”is

being submitted by SYED HASNAYN MURSALEEN(17399-M-039), SYED
MOHAMMED(18399-M-011), ABHISHEK CHARI(18399-M-012), SYED
SAMEER(18399-M-042) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the Degree of Technical Education and Training in mechanical Engineering. To
SPHOORTHY ENGINEERING COLLEGE during 2018-2021 is carried out under
the guidance of Mr. K ANIL KUMAR

Internal Guide Head of Department


Assistant Professor Associate Professor
MECH Dept. MECH Dept.

External Examiner

The completion of this project work gives me an opportunity to convey my gratitude to all those
who have helped me to reach a stage where I have the confidence to launch my carrier in the
competitive world in the field of Engineering.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks External Guide for permitting me to do a

project work in their esteemed organization.

I express my sincere thanks to K ANIL KUMAR, Principal, and Sphoorthy Engineering

College for providing all necessary facilities in completing my project report.

I express my sense of gratitude to Associate Professor Mr. K. SESHACHARYULU,

Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, who encouraged me to select the project and
completion of this project with providing necessary facilities.

My honest thankfulness to Assistant Professor K ANIL KUMAR, (Internal Guide) for

his kind help and for giving me the necessary guidance and valuable suggestions in completing
this project work and in preparing this report.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the Management, Teaching and

Nonteaching staff of Sphoorthy Engineering College for their kind co-operation during the
period of my study.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents & friends for their continuous encouragement
and support during the entire course of this project work

I, the undersigned, declare that the project title “Multipurpose cutting machine”
carried out at “Sphoorthy Engineering College” is original and is being submitted to the
Department of “Mechanical Engineering”. Sphoorthy Engineering College, Hyderabad towards
partial fulfillment for the award of Technical Education and Tanning.

I, declare that, the result embodied in the project work has not been submitted to any
other University or Institute for the award for any Degree or Diploma.


SYED MOHAMMED (18399-M-011)

ABHISHEK CHARY (18399-M-012)

SYED SAMEER (18399-M-042)


Our concept is regarding “Multipurpose Cutting machine” Nowadays most of the machines are
performing one operation at one time because of that it consume much more time & also those
machines are driven by electricity and highly expensive.

The machine operating by means of electricity has limited application in the rural area.
Therefore it is possible to convert more than two or three machines into one machine. It will save
cost, electricity as well as find application in rural area. four operations like grinding, drilling,
cutting and trimming will be done on one single machine.

A person can generate four times more work can be done on a single machine. The
system is also useful for small working areas as it takes less space when compared to two or
three different machines .

Keywords: Grinding, cutting, Multi-Purpose, Drilling e.t.c





1. CHAPTER – 1

1.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………..1

2. CHAPTER – 2

2.1 Methodology…………………………………………………...…………...2

2.2 Objective………………………………………………...………………….3

2.2.1 Advantages………………...…………………………4

2.2.2 Applications……………….…………………………5
3. CHAPTER – 3

3.1 Component of machine……………………………………………………8

3.2 Costing of project………………………..………………………………11

4. CHAPTER – 4

4.1 Calculations………………………………………………………………12

4.2 Results & Discussions……………………………………………………13

4.3 Conclusions…………………………………………………………...….14

4.3.1 Future scope………………………………………...……..15

4.4 Reference…………………………………………………………………16

4.5 The Help books………………….………………………………………..17


Fig. 1: Soild works Prototype ----------------------------------------- 12

Multipurpose cutting Machine is manually operated system which is mainly use for grinding,
drilling and operation.

This rotor operated machine has a simple mechanism including a chain drive, Belt drive &
sprocket’s arrangement. During the working process electrical energy is convert into mechanical
energy which used for cutting, drilling, and grinding etc. Multi purpose machine that perform
their work quickly and efficiently without the hassle of using different machine for performing
different operation on workpiece.

It has four arms on which four different operation are performed. Nowadays every task have
been made quicker and faster due to high advancement of technology. But this advancement of
technology also demand a huge investment in industries here main goal of every industries is to
make high productivity rate with maintaining a quality at a low production cost.

Multipurpose machine is the conversion of rotary motion to reciprocating motion. The

reciprocating motion also called reciprocation is a repetitive up down and back forth linear
motion found in a wide range of mechanisms including reciprocating engine and pump scotch
yoke mechanisms is used in the machine to provide reciprocating motion to the hacksaw and
shaper and bevel gear arrangement for the drilling operation.This multipurpose cutting machine
mainly work on that. It’s Reduce a human effort and human time and carryout number of
operations simultaneously on a one platform. This machine is economical and it can be used in
ruralarea where electricity is insufficient. This machine is a cheap and also unable for mobile.

"Multi Operational Mechanical Machine "This work was mainly carried for manufacturing and
fabrication industries. The machine which is used to produce the product with high accuracy and
quality and produce the goods in an economical manner. It makes the inventory cost less. The
multipurpose machine has performed different operations simultaneously with high possibility. The
scotch yoke mechanism which is attached with the main drive shaft directly attached then it is used
for different operation. Number of operations has been performed by a single drive system.

The main focus of the work is to reduce power usage and increase the productivity reduced floor
space. Portability is an important quality in any machine in today's world; every field of science and
engineering has got portability as one of its most important advancements. Therefore, the machine
we have designed satisfies this principle with respect to the manufacturing industry.

In the present scenario most of machines are electrically driven to increase the productivity
and reduce the manpower but in the rural area electricity is irregular or insufficient. Therefore we
make one machine with many operations, which can be used in rural area and also
in urban area to reduce the cost and to increase production. Today in the industries production
have been made very quicker and fast because of a new technology but this technology also
demand a high investments.

Our rotor powered machine is cheap that’s why it reduce a cost of production. Electrically
driven machines are mostly heavy weighted because of this it cannot be used for a mobile use.
This automation is also become a cause of a worker`s weaker health.

This rotor based multipurpose machine not only saves time and saves electricity but also.
Mostly electrically driven machines are single purpose machines.

That`s why it increase a machine equipment cost. Our multipurpose machine can be used for
more than one operations Simultaneously on a same platform. To improve the performance of
the machine a peddling device can be added which will reduce the electricity usage to zero and
will also play a huge role on the healths of the workers as by peddling the workers will stay fit
and active all the time.

In this project we will generally give the power supply to the motor to operate the shaft on
which four pulley are mounted parallely, and the first pulley is connected to second pulley with
a belt drive to operate grinding wheel. At one end of the shaft, gear box is connected with
pulley 4 to operate cutting operation with hacksaw blade. The gear box converts rotational
motion of shaft into translatory motion. The fifth pulley is connected with motor with pulley
belt to operate the shaft. The third pulley is connected to the drilling center pulley with a belt
drive to perform the drilling operation.

1) The main objectives is to provide multi-operational machine which can perform multiple
operations . To
provide a machine which can do more than one operation simultaneously.
2) To perform the drilling, grinding and cutting operations by a simple rotor device .
3) To develop machine which will provide full utilization time, save money and space.
4) To make the machining operation cost-effective and eco-friendly. The product designed has
reduced operating cost, maximum
2.2.1 Advantages

 This multipurpose cutting machine saves electricity that’s why it can usable at a rural
area. Less investment is required.

 Reduce an inventory and production cost.

 It can be used for mobile application.

 It is cheap as compared to all the other electric operated machines.

 It also saves space and easily maintainable

 All operation is performed by only one motor

 Less human power is required

2.2.2 Applications

 This machine will be used in rural area, because of irregular electricity supply.

 Reduce time and space

 For domestic purpose.

 To drill hole in u\tube, wood and to grind mild steel, stainless steel etc.

 An addition of a peddling will be useful for operating the machine

Fig. 1: Soild works Prototype
3.1 Component of machine
1) Frame

2) Motor

3) Pulley

4) Bearing (ball & sliding bearing)

5) Rocker arm

6) Hacksaw blade

7) Tool post

8) Drilling chuck

9) Drill tool

10) Iron cutting blade

11) Nut & Bolt

12) Other Componets


S.No Particulars Total Cost Rs./units Total cost

1. Motor – 2500rpm 01 1500 1500

2. Bearing 6400 no 04 75 300

3. Circular saw plate (150mmdia) 01 140 140
4. Screw nut assembly 04 20 80
5. Iron cutting blade 01 20 20
6. 12 inch bolt 01 30 30
7. Multipurpose machine frame - 1500 1500
8. Drill 01 180 180
9. Drill tool 01 40 40
10. Hacksaw tool 01 60 60

11. Grinding blade 01 40 40

12. Welding - 500 500

13. Paint 02 80 80
14. Nut &bolt 04 15 60

15. wire(3m) 01 40 40
16. Transportation - 450 450

TOTAL 5020

Speed of rotation of pinion = 800 r.p.m Speed of rotation of wheel = 500 r.p.m

1) Transmission Ratio = N1/N2 = 800/500 = 1.6

2) Transmission Ratio 1.6 therefore Z1 is taken in between (30-27 using psg data book) Z1 = 28
3) Z2 = i×Z1 = i × 28 = 1.6×28 = 44.8 ≈ 45 4)

Assume center distance is 635mm Optimum center distance a = (30 to 50) P [7.74] 635 = 40P
Pitch (P) = 15.875 mm 5)

Calculation of Power Transmitted on the basis of

Allowable Bearing Stress N = (σ×A×V ÷ 102× ks) in kw σ For (Z1=28 & N1=800) is 2.42
kgf/cm2 & projected bearing area =0.26 cm2 ks = k1. k2. k3. k4. k5. k6 Ks=
1.5×1.25×1×1×1.5×1 = 2.8125 V= Z1 × N1 × P ÷ 60×1000 = (28×800×15.875) ÷ (60×1000)
=5.92 m/s

N= (2.42×0.26×5.92) ÷ (102×2.8125) = 0.01298 kW

6) Power Transmitted on the basis of Breaking Load = Breaking Load= 820 for R1548 N=
(Q×V) ÷(102×n×ks) = (820×5.92)÷(102×10.2×2.8125) = 1.65 kw

7) Check for Factor for Safety= [n]= Q÷ [∑p] [n]=actual factor of safety should be greater than
allowable ∑p= Pt + Pc + Ps Pt = 102N÷V , if N in kw =(102×1.65)÷(5.92) =28.42 kw [ 7.78]

Pc = wv ÷ g = (0.29×5.292)÷(9.81)=1.036 [7.78] where w = weight per meter of chain, kgf =

0.29 [7.72] Ps =k. w. a where

k = coefficient of slag =6 a = center distance in m =0.635m

[7.78] Ps =0.635×6×0.29=1.1049 ∑p= 28.42+1.036+1.1049 = 30.5609 [n]= 820÷30.5609 =

26.83 Here, 26.83>10.2 therefore design is safe.

Calculated actual factor of safety is greater than Minimum factor of safety than the design is safe
Calculation of actual length of chain (lp) = 2ap + ((Z1+Z2)/ (2)) + ({(Z2-Z1)/ (2∏)} 2 / {ap}) ap
= (ao)/(p) = 40 mm lp = 80+36.5+0.18225 = 116.68 mm

8) Calculation of exact center distance (a)=( e+√(e2-8m)×p) ÷ (4) m= ((Z2-Z1)÷ (2∏))

A= 80.18x79.81÷4=634.98

DESIGN OF BELT DRIVE = Data available is Power = 1.65 kWDriver speed = 500 rpm
Transmission ratio (i) = 2 Center Distance(c) = 1.5m Driven pulley diameter = 0.630m
1) Selection of std. Pulleys = i = D/d = n/N 2= 630/d therefore d= 315mm Tolerances on nominal
diameter = + or - 3.2 mm (page no 7.54)

2) Design power calculation = Design power = (Rated kW × Load correction factor)/ (Arc of
contact factor × small pulley Factor) For shock load correction factor = 1.5 (page no 7.53)

Arc of contact = 180*- {(D-d)/(c)} × 60 (page no 7.54) = 167.4* For arc of contact 167.4* Arc
of contact factor = 1.04 (page no 7.54) For transmission ratio (I) =2 small pulley diameter factor
= 1.13 (7.62) 3) Selection of Belt= Dunlop “FORT” Belt is selected based on load type. (Page no
7.52) 4) Load Rating and No. of Belt Plies =V= (∏×D×N) ÷ (60) = (∏×0.315×500) ÷ (60) =
8.25 m/s Load rating at V m/s = load rating at 10 m/s × (V/10) (page no 7.54) =
0.0289×(8.25/10) = 0.02384 kw/mm/ply Based on the values ofV= 15.05 m/s & d= 400mm from
page no (7.52)

for FORT type & 6 ply belt std. width of belt = 112mm 6) Calculation of belt length (page no
7.53) = For open belt drive L = 2c + (∏/2) × (D+d) + (D-d) 2/ (4c) = 3000+1484.40+16.53 =
4500.93mm Pulley Dimensions (page no 7.54) =width of pulley from page no 7.54 pulley width
= 125 mm from page no 7.55 std, pulley width = 125mm Tolerance is +or- 1.5mm No.of arms
(from page no 7.56) for small pulley, 4 arms for larger pulley, 6 arms


By using this machine we can perform more than three operation simultaneously which save the
production time as well cost. For operating this machine there is no need of very high skilled
worker. This machine is very useful in rural area because regular power cut-off is takes place in
rural area. This machine is perform drilling & grinding operation on material like wood,
aluminum & steel which having less hardness & thickness.

For designing the structure, motor is kept as a main power source. According to our design all
the necessary parts are assembled. Although we have designed the structure with considering the
necessary safety factors, these are theoretical values that we have collected from the parts from
our design dimension.

After the actual market research for the availability of the parts of our machine, we are able to
process the parts of our desired dimensions. In that case, the standard parts with an approx.
conformance with our calculated values would be preferred and corresponding modifications can
be done.

By using this machine we can perform more than two operations simultaneously which save the
production time as well as cost.
For operating this machine there is no need of very high skilled worker. This machine is very
useful in rural area because regular
power cut-off is takes place in rural area. This machine is perform drilling & grinding operation
on materials like wood, aluminum
& steel which having less hardness & thickness.

We see that all the industries, which are production based want low production cost and high
work rate which is only possible through the utilization of multi-function operating machine
which will use less power as well as less time and less labour. Since this machine provides
working at different center so it reduces the time consumption up to an appreciable limit.

In an industry a considerable portion of investment is being made for machinery installation

which is very costly. So we have proposed a machine that can perform operations like drilling,
cutting & grinding at different working centers simultaneously which shows that industrialist
have not to pay for machine performing above tasks individually for operating the operations

The following conclusions can also be drawn that

1. The machine is useful particularly for small scale industries.

2. Workers movements can be minimized.

3. Number of operations can be carried out on the single machine.

4. Power consumption is reduced.

5. Floor area required is reduced.

6. Cost of manufacturing is also reduced.


1. Other operations can also be incorporated in to the machine

2. The machine can be made more portable.

3. Cost can also be reduced to some extent by manufacturing it on a mass scale

The websites:








4.5 The Helpful Books

 Workshop Technology

 Theory of machine

 Machine design

 Production technology

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