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Republic of the Philippines

9700, Marawi City, Philippines

(Nurse – Patient Interaction)

Name of the Student: Abubakar, Hidjarah B.

Case/Patient’s Problem: Manic Phase of Bipolar Disorder

Student Nurse Therapeutic Communication Patient’s Response Analysis

Tell me something about that took Ok, it was four o’clock in the morning,
place prior to your admission to the Giving broad openings I was working out for the Olympic Patient is responsive.
hospital. team. Can you dig it?
Because um. Well, I had this buddy
who got thrown out to the place
where I was living and he was
supposed to meet me in Hallsville
Why were you doing that? Seeking clarification Park. It was four o’clock in the Patient is interactive.
morning and he didn’t show up so I
figured that I would work out and
then they got me on a DOC disorderly
conduct. Question mark.
Running back and forth, basically
What were you doing when you were checking out the court, you know.
working out? Asking relevant information Checking out the moves that I’m Patient is responsive appropriately.
going to do when I get into the

Are you already on the Olympic? Asking relevant information No. Patient is interactive.

You’re not on the team?

Seeking clarification No, I’m not on the team. Patient is responding appropriately.
So, you’re just trying out, is that what
you’re trying to do? Seeking clarification Yes, trying out. Patient is responding appropriately.

What makes you think you’d be Because I’m a damn good basketball
eligible for the Olympics? player and I’ve never done nothing
Patient interactive but avoids eye to
Giving broad openings wrong in my life before, and and uh,
eye contact and moves a lot.
so I think I can make the Olympic
Why do you say that? Because I’m in good shape and and
Seeking clarification uh I got Olympic abilities I know I Patient is responding appropriately.
Olympic basketball skills I know I got
Why do you mean by Olympic Olympic basketball skills. I’m better Patient is responding appropriately
Seeking clarification than Oscar Robertson
abilities? and started to laugh nervously.

Earlier you said you could join the Nothing I’d be ashamed of, see. Like
Olympics because you’ve never done nothing I’d be ashamed of like if I did
anything wrong and you were in good Seeking clarification something wrong that I’d be ashamed Patient is feeling agitated.
shape? I think It’d be hard for me to join the
Olympic team, don’t you believe?
Oh, that was just (The patient is
smiling and then laugh) elementary
you know, I mean that’s just, that’s
nothing big I mean that’s just hassles
What do you think about all those
between elementary kids I mean
fights you’ve gotten into ever since Presenting Reality Patient feels anxious
what’s that I mean maybe I got a swat
you were in seventh grade.
here in there for punching a kid in the
face or something (embarrassed
laugh) that’s nothing big all right let’s
go on
what happened when I was 17
(thinking) I was committed to a
So, what happened when you were
Asking relevant information mental institution (Laughing hard) it Patient feels anxious.
was a bomber ( trying to laugh hard) I
amaze myself sometimes
I guess It’s my personality, I don’t
Why? Seeking clarification know (confused) I’m something else Patient is responsive.
aren’t I? All right let’s go on.
Well I also been thinking about
becoming a free agent and see what
bobby leonard thought. What kind of
skills he thought I had seen he’s the
Indiana pacers coach, see um, see I’m
I lost my train of thought um, do you a free agent now and and really that’s
have any plans for the future? Giving broad openings being a nobody nobody’s looked at Patient is responding appropriately.
me yet Leonard hasn’t, nobody has I
was going to have my dad get in
contact with Leonard and if it’s
possibility that he could do it because
I’m a damn good basketball player
and I should be on a professional.
have you played basketball in the Asking relevant information Yes, I played basketball all my life
Patient is interactive.
Yes, um, I was on the seventh grade
In school were you on the high school
Asking relevant information team, maybe the eight ninth or tenth. Patient is responsive.
I don’t know it’s been so.

No, I didn’t play varsity (Laughing) I

So, you didn’t play varsity? Seeking clarification. dropped out I see like I got married Patient is responsive.
when I was 16 or 17
How were you feeling when you were I was feeling great, fantastic, super.
playing basketball that night, how Giving broad openings He was like the best feeling in the
Patient is feeling euphoric.
would you describe it? world or next to the best feeling in
the world
I don’t think you want to know. all
right. I’m getting a little bit cramped. Patient is feeling euphoric and
what the best feeling in the world? Asking relevant question
making nervous laughs.

All right, I’ll walk around. I’ll check

You can walk around. Making observation Patient is cooperative.
out the books
Oh heck yes, (amazed) like when I
was on that basketball court, I felt
Were you feeling more self-confident like I could do anything anybody
Seeking clarification Patient is feeling euphoric.
than usual? wanted me to do, except for
something ridiculous like like
shooting a half-court shot

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