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For youths of Arunachal Pradesh


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude

to my political science Assistant Prof. Dr MONIKA BATHEM
(NEFTU UNIVERSITY ),for their able guidance and support in
completing my Research Project of Marketing Wine Shops in
Aalo Town which is compared with “ APONG” which is the
Traditional Culture Identity of Tribal’s People of West Siang
District Aalo Arunachal Pradesh.

I would also like to extent my gratitude to all the

particular wine shops of the Aalo Town to being cooperated
with me and giving me the most relevant as well as fruitful
information about the pattern of wine flows in Aalo Town,
during the lockdown due to (COVID-19).
I feel immensely delighted to present this Research. In this Research I have tried to give all
the important and appropriate things about the Research on the ‘wine marketing in Aalo Town’ and how
it dominated the ‘POKA’ which is identity of tribal’s people of Aalo Town. So, in this Research, I have
endeavored to make this Research attractive and easy to understand, each and every points of wine
marketing works in Aalo Town and also in this Research am trying to shows the consumption levels of
alcoholics, sellers, import/export, service range, total numbers of wine retailers shops, as well as
wholesalers and also shows the wine now days dominated the ‘POKA’ which is traditional culture
Identity of tribal’s people of Arunachal Pradesh, and here also shows lake of roles and regulations made
by the Administration of West Siang District of Aalo Town, giving no limitations to wine shops for sales,
and how the State Government giving precious to wine business in every place and districts of Arunachal
Pradesh. Not only the Government but also Public as well as Public’s leaders of district’s of Arunachal
Pradesh, and also shows how sellers having problems while doing the jobs as sellers, and also the they
face stereotyping in this field of works, also a sellers giving show suggestions to drunker (alcoholics),
here also shows averages selling of wine in a per days of every particulars wine shops in Aalo Town, and
the salaries of the sellers and monthly incomes of wine shops. Apart from this also shows how the
consumption levels alcoholic has increases Aalo as well as in Arunachal Pradesh, it is due to low prices in
wine compared to other state of India.

And here also shows how now days ‘POKA’ is slowly vanishing from us, and also shows the
method of preparing of ‘POKA’, and how is important to tribal’s people of Arunachal before and now
days. While doing this Research I got face lots of problems because of not proper recourses, not
compared by the retails and due to lockdown because of COVIN-19 situations in all over the India as well
as in the world, but however am try to give my level best in this Research to give fruitful and good
knowledge with some bunch of data which collated my me.

So, therefore it is sincerely hoped that this Research is immensely helpful to all. I have given all
the information in this Research by doing field works and by useful resources which am get from local
areas and also from some articles.
:- Acknowledgement

:- Preface

Chapter 1:- Introduction

Chapter 2:- Literature review

Chapter 3:- Analysis

Chapter 4:- Conclusion

TOPIC:- Marketing of wine shops in Aalo Town ?

AALO, formally Along, is a census town and Headquarters of the West Siang Districts of
the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. It is located about a day’s drive 220 kilometers ( 140 m)
from Likabali, which is at the Border of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. It is also an advance
landing ground (ALG) of Indian Air force.

So, the Culture, of Aalo,’ Mopin is the main festival that runs from 5 to 6 April. The Yomgo
River Festival, held every year during peak tourist season, and lasting 3-4 days, is celebrated
from 11 to 15 January. This festival is celebrated with a view to promote tourism, Indigenous
culture, and tradition , handloom and handicrafts and showcase its rich cultural heritage.

The Demographics of Aalo as of 2009, Along had a population of 16,834. Males constitute
56% of the population and females 44%. Aalo has an average literacy rate of 69% higher then
the national average of 59.5% with 75% of the males and 61% of females literate. 15% of the
population is under 6 years of age. The low sex ratio – 916 girls for every 1000 boys in 2001- is
cause for concern, even through it is not typical of the region.

In 2011, its population was 20,700. The Majority of Aalo’s population consists of Galo people
and Galo is the main languages. The Major Religion is DONYI – POLO, followed by CHRISTIANITY
and small minorities of follower of TIBETAN, BUDDHISM, HINDUISM and ISLAM etc.
The Connectivity of Aalo Town from other places of Arunachal Pradesh. So, Aalo does not have
a good road network and the road which runs from north Lakhimpur to the capital city of
Itanager, connects the Town of Aalo to the city. Regular Bus services to Aalo runs from Itanager.
Arunachal Pradesh like, State Transport Service (APSTS) Buses are available to and from Aalo.
There is a 5 hours journey by Bus from Pasighat to Aalo ( 106 km) while from Moying (150 km)
the Bus will take around 6.5 hours to reach Aalo.

The nearest Airport to Aalo is at north Lakhimpur, which is situated in the state of Assam,
North Lakhimpur or Lilabari is connected by flight services to Guwahati and Kolkata. So, simply
one can take Bus or hire a taxi from North Lakhimpur or Lilabari to Aalo.

Aalo has no railway and the nearest railway station is at Silapather. A new line which connects
Aalo to Silapather through broad gauge railway was proposed and the survey has already been
completed and forwarded to railway board.

MEDIA, in Along, Aalo has an all Indian Radio Relay station known as Akashvani Along. It
broad casts on FM frequencies, and Aalo also has their local media roots etc, RCN etc.

So, all the above is the some brief introduction about the Aalo town of West Siang District
Arunachal Pradesh.

Research question:
(1) What are the consumption pattern of Alcoholic drinks, in Aalo Town ( For that I will
intensively take interviews of people/ respondents.?

(2) How much money flows ( in percentage basis ) in Alcoholic beverages on daily and monthly

Descriptive analysis with 15 in-depth interviews and counting all the wine shops in a particular

: Quantitative – Number of wine shops

: Qualitative - 15 in-depth interviews

: Descriptive analysis – Literature Reviews,

Database :
Number of wine shops and 15 interviews Galo Tribes i.e , primary data from the field. With
supplementary articles by different author on the same topic i.e secondary data set.

Literature Reviews :
“ Alcohol has been defined in the Webster’s dictionary as any of a series of volatile
hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation. In common usage, “
alcohol” often refers simply to ethanol or “ grain alcohol “, which may be produced by
fermentation of fruits or grains with yeast and is one of the oldest and most widely used
recreational drugs in the world, typically taken in the form of an alcoholic beverage. Ingestion in
sufficient quantity results in a state known as drunkenness or intoxication.

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance which has an effect on people in many ways. It

mainly acts on central nervous system but it also affects almost all other body organs and
systems. Alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol ( ethanol ), produced as a result of the
fermentation of starch which includes grains ( beer ), vegetables ( vodka ) and fruits ( wine ).
Ethyl alcohol has no taste and is a colorless liquid. Each alcoholic beverage is different in taste
and the way it looks, due to the presence of other substance which are added deliberately or
accidentally. The manufacturing process also gives a distinct flavor and color to the alcoholic
beverage. Alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach
and the small intestine, and is the quickly distributed all over the body. All alcohol that is
consumed enters the bloodstream and then goes to the brain. It takes only a few minutes for
alcohol to reach the brain and begin to act. Liver is the main organ which metabolize alcohol,
and on an average it takes about one hour for the liver to completely digest a standard
alcoholic drink.
Aalo Town wine shops( New/ Old market :

About the West Siang District Aalo is formerly Along, is a census town and headquarter of the
West Siang district of the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. It is located 220 kilometers (140mi) from
Likabali, which is at the border of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Total area of Aalo is 8325 km2 (3214 sq
mi), population according to the 2011, total is 112,274 and the literacy 67.6%. from them male
population 58168, female 54106 and the population growth 8.04% and most of tribal’s in Aalo were
Galo tribes and their major festival is MOPIN which is celebrated on month of April.

Marketing of wine:- So, what I have examine that the total wine shops of Aalo town is more the
100 (wine shops), and from that I have been taken a particular place of Aalo town which is called
New/Old market, it had more them 20 wine shops. So the consumptions level is very high. So, that I
started to research on wine marketing in Aalo but I didn’t get good interviews from sellers because they
uncomfortable to give interviews because for them the interviews is not common to them and for I
faced lots of problems to collect data, but some people were decently cooperate with my interviews and
they give their levels best answers to my questions, from them I came to know how the wine marketing
works in Aalo and as well as all the wine shops license holders were tribal’s people of Aalo but the shops
keeper were different people of different places, they are appoint by monthly salaries basis ,like 5000 to
7000, most of the shops keepers ( wine shops) were school abundant youths and most of them were
tribal’s girls only few men were seller, and also had few non-tribal men sellers in wine shops of Aalo.

So, most of the tribal’s girls which they don’t wanted to the part seller in wine shops but due to
unemployment problems they used to work in wine shops as sellers and some of them doing part time
job during lockdown due to COVID-19, but the others they doing by their own welling most of them
were non-tribal. So, through this way they used to manage to works in field of wine marketing in Aalo

As we came to know the wine shops pattern in Aalo town, we have also came to know the particular
day of money flows in particular wine shops, so per day they used to sales more them income of 5000 to
7000 during lockdown and before lockdown 10000 to 12000 in a particulars wine shops, so the average
total income in monthly of all the particular wine shops will be average of 80000 to 100000, thu they
had no service range, so that the consumers came to buys wines directly through the retails, and Most
selling wine products in Aalo is Beers , from 100% the Beers selling goose to 80% others were brand
wine like OC Blue ,old monk ,brezzer ,pot wine etc.
Import/Export of wine in Aalo Town, there is no export but only import so, the retails buys wine from
wholesaler and it distribute to all the consumers of Aalo So, from the 100% consumption pattern of wine
in Aalo 60% where students and the 40% were elders, therefore the Consumption of alcoholic levels is
very high in Aalo and through this way the wines dominated the ‘POKA’, which is the traditional identity
of the Tribal’s people of Arunachal Pradesh.

To know about ‘POKA’:- POKA, has been considered as a favorite drink among the GALO, all tribal
women prepare it and men help them in pounding the cooked rice. It was noticed that the beverage is
consider as a social drink which helps to bond and encourage people to help each other in every social
cultural aspects. So, in Arunachal Pradesh there 26 major tribes and more the 100 sub tribes and all they
used ‘POKA’ as main part of their festivals so the ‘POKA’ has become the cultural identity of the tribal,
but now days the Wine is overtaking on ‘POKA’ now selling of wine has increase and slowly people are
forgetting the ‘POKA’ because in every festival and every parties they used to buys wine directly from
retails because the people they look for easy and simplest way, for that they buys wine which is
readymade, because making ‘POKA’ it take long time and hard work.

METHOD OF PREPARING OF ‘POKA’:- Rice husks are stapled on Tora(Alpinia allughas/Zingiberaceae)

leaves and are burnt slowly till they become black in color, which may take up to 4-5 hours. Cooled ash
in mixed rigorously in equal amount with warm boiled rice. Again, a heap of rice husk is laid on the
pounded mass and is combusted slowly. Finally the ash is mixed thoroughly along with starter granules
called Apong Kusure @ 2 cake/1 kg of biomass. The inoculated pounded rice paste is then transferred
into a rattan made traditional basket encapsulated with Taro-pat (Alpinia allughas). The container is
sealed tightly and left to ferment for 15-30 days during summer at ambient temperature (in winter it
take up to 2-3 months). After the period of incubation (solid state fermentation), the mass is transferred
to a conical shaped commercially available container which is eluted by pouring warm water slowly
along the sides of the container. The product secreted out of the pore at the bottom of the container is
collected and served. It is known as ‘POKA’. It is ash-colored and sweet in tasted 4 to 8 percentage of

So, from above the reason Wine dominated the POKA now days, because POKA making long time for
preparation but wine get easily in any were in any place of wine in market. Therefore the wine products
and business has highly increased in Arunachal Pradesh and there is no strict law in selling of wine in
Aalo as well as in Arunachal Pradesh, for that the wine has been open sales in market.


So, from the above we came to know that how wine overtaking the POKA which is identity of tribal’s
people of Arunachal Pradesh, as well as the wine marketing increase in Aalo Town and their service
range, sellers, selling patterns, and consumption levels of alcoholic in Aalo Town. Apart from this we also
came to know how the people of Aalo Town and in Arunachal Pradesh, they give wine more precious
them POKA. So, thus the wine is very eases to get and eases to serve any festivals and parties, but we
should not forget our identity, which is ‘POKA’. The now days alcoholic increases high among youths and
other consumers because it is easy to get in any place of market, due to not strict laws made the local
administration of Aalo West Siang District and all over the Arunachal Pradesh and also the prices is very
low compared to other state of India, for that this is also a one reason in increase of wine business
Arunachal Pradesh. So, therefore there much be some roles & regulation should be made by our
administration, am not saying to totally ban the wine shops, because through wine our state
government get high texts from wine business. For that there must have some limitations for youths and
there must be limited wine shops in particulars market area in every districts and Towns of Arunachal
Pradesh. Because when I was working in Research on Topic, ‘The wine marketing in Aalo’, so, when am
doing serve I notice that in Aalo Town wine shops is more them Books stole, it is true in Aalo Town there
is hardly 4 to 5 Books stole in Aalo but the wine shops is more then 100. So, here you can see how the
state government giving precious to wine instants of Books stole, and it is not only the government but
also the public as well as public leaders, this is only example but there is lots of reason which shows the
how wine business is dominated in Arunachal Pradesh.


Name : - Clan : -

Age : -

Sex : -

Occupation : -

Q1, When did you start working in this shop.? Age ( year working )

Q2, why you have choose this job or it’s a time pass job.?

Q3, what are your aspirations’ – you want to be in this job or something else your long term

Q4, Is there any stereotyping in this field.?

Q5, How much do you sell in a day.?( consumption level – according to you;?

Q6, Yours service range.?

Q7, What kind of stuff buyers take from you.?

Q8, Yours observation regarding consumption level of Alcohol.?

Q9, Is there any suggestions you want to make to the Youths of Aalo.?

Q10, Side effects of over drinking.?

Q11, Did any change you observe in recent time.?

Q12, Any exploitation from any side .?

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