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Si El-Houès University Center of Barika

Institute of Letters and Foreign Languages

Department of Letters and Foreign Languages
English Section
Module: “Translation” First Semester exam.
Level: 1st year (English section)
Teacher : Asma Benabbas
Full Name : Groune Assrar
* Robert Bly and his way of dividing the stages of translation:
Robert Elwood Bly is an American poet, essayist, activist and leader of the mythopoetic
men's movement. His best-known prose book is iron john : abook about men.
His eight stages:
He breaks down the process into eight stages, which he illustrates using a René
Maria Rilke poem, XXI. He translates the poem in several drafts from the
German into American English. The eight stages he talks about and provides
examples for through his drafts are:
Setting down the literal translation
Get a handle on the concepts and beliefs presented in the original poem;
abandon the poem if the translator does not feel a connection with them.
Rewrite the literal translation to ensure the meanings of the poem are not lost.
Translate the latest draft into spoken English, using phrases that have been
heard in natural conversation.
Examine the translation in terms of tone to ensure that it carries over from the
original (whether happy, sad, etc.)
Listen to the original for sound and carry those same sounds over to the
translation, such as the use of open vowel sounds.
Speak with a native speaker to go over the translation to ensure meanings and
tone are maintained.
‫‪The final stage is completing the translation with all of the advice given and‬‬
‫‪paying close attention to the original poem’s rhythm and rhymes (which are‬‬
‫‪often less about end rhymes than internal rhymes).‬‬
‫‪The intralingual translation of the passage:‬‬
‫?‪Are translation theories necessary when translating any text‬‬
‫‪The theory differs from strategy in its definition “ Theory is an image of the‬‬
‫‪universe. Strategy is the translation of this image into a plan of work” .This‬‬
‫‪demonstrates that the translator needs a certain theory to prepare the basis‬‬
‫‪upon which he can build The strategy he needs to deal with a specific‬‬
‫‪translation case and / or problem. The theory is a principle that may be‬‬
‫‪applied or ignored .If the theory is implemented, it becomes a strategy.‬‬
‫‪Hence, we can argue this strategy is based on theory.‬‬
‫يقصد بترجمة السطور وما بين السطور انه خالل عملية االنتقال‪ 5‬يجب أن نترجم كل من الكلمات‬
‫والمعنى الكامن وراء هذه الكلمات ‪.‬مثلما نراها في الكتب المترجمة ‪ ،‬يحاول المترجم دائمًا تزويدنا‬
‫بالمكافئ األفضل للنسخة األصلية ‪ ،‬ولكن إذا كان بإمكانك قراءة النسخة باللغتين ‪ ،‬فستالحظ أنه لم‬
‫ضا على المعنى‪ ،‬يجب أن يكون لدى المترجم خلفية عن الموضوع‪5‬‬ ‫يترجم كلمة بكلمة ‪ ،‬لكنه ركز أي ً‬
‫قبل أن يتعامل معه ‪ ،‬لذا لن يجاهد المترجم الح ًقا في العثور على الكلمات المترجمة المناسبة ‪،‬إنه‬
‫مثل ترجمة القرآن الكريم ‪ ،‬إذا كنت ستترجمه ‪ ،‬فعليك أن تفهم المعنى الحقيقي‪ 5‬له ‪،‬فيه الكثير من‬
‫الكلمات العميقة ذات المعنى العميق ‪،‬خاصة لمن ليسوا مسلمين‪ .‬وبذلك فإن القراءة بين السطور لن‬
‫تكون مشكلة ألن المترجم على دراية بالموضوع جي ًدا‪ .‬فادراك المعنى االصلي يسهل كثيرا على‬
‫المترجم عملية الترجمة‬
‫لم يفت األوان أب ًد ا لتبدأ بداية جديدة‪ .‬كل ما عليك فعله هو االقتناع بأن المستحيل مستحيل‪ .‬قل لنفسك‬
‫كل يوم عندما تقفتح عينيك هو يوم جديد مملوء بالتحديات أكيد ‪ ،‬لكن "أستطيع‬

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