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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Vol.11; Issue: 2; February 2021

Case Report ISSN: 2249-9571

Primary Mucosal Melanoma of Oral Cavity - Case

Abhijit Bhanji1, Shailesh Desai2, Paritkumar Ladani3
Department of Surgical Pathology, Brahmakumaris Global Hospital and Research Centre, BSES MG Hospital,
S. V. Road, Opposite Andheri railway station, Andheri (West) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Department of Surgical Pathology, ESIS Hospital, Worli, Ganapat Jadhav Marg, B Wing, BDD Chawls, Worli,
behind Poddar Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Department of Dentistry, Brahmakumaris Global Hospital and Research Centre, BSES MG Hospital, S. V.
Road, Opposite Andheri Railway Station, Andheri (West) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Corresponding Author: Abhijit Bhanji


Primary oral mucosal melanoma (POMM) is a rare malignant neoplasm of melanocytic origin with
incidence of 0.5% of all oral malignancies. Malignant melanoma is more common among 5 th to 6th
decades of life with predilections more to males than females. The rarity of this lesion with mainly
asymptomatic presentation leads to poor prognosis. Here is a case report presenting a malignant
melanoma of oral mucosa in 49-year-old male patient on maxillary gingiva. Therefore the patient was
suggested for wide alveolar excision with bilateral neck dissection. Thus dental clinicians play a
major role in the identification of pigmented lesions of oral cavity as in our case. Also it is important
that any pigmented lesion detected in the oral cavity with potential growth should be biopsied and
thereby, submitted for histopathology to exclude malignancy. There is necessity of early detection and
highly specialized treatment options that should be brought in serious consideration.

Keywords: Primary malignant melanoma, oral mucosa, melanocytes, gingiva.

INTRODUCTION melanoma is more common in males as

Melanoma develops from malignant compared to cutaneous melanoma are more
change of melanocytes arising from neural common in females. Clinically lesions are
crest. The cells and the corresponding mostly asymptomatic until ulceration and
neoplasms arising from the neural crest are hemorrhage develops which causes delayed
grouped under Dispersed Neuro-Endocrine detection in late stages. Therefore 5-year
System (DNES) tumors. Incidence of survival is poor at approximately 15% to
melanoma of the head and neck account for 30% only [1-4].
25% of all melanomas while mucosal
melanomas are only less than 1% of all CASE REPORT
melanoma. However, incidence of mucosal A 49 year old male presented to
melanoma accounts for 10% of melanoma department of oral and maxillofacial surgery
of the head and neck. The most common with complaints of black pigmentation
sites for mucosal melanoma in order are lesion in left upper labio-gingival region
nasal, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, and since 1.3 years shown in Fig (1a) and (1b)
nasopharynx of which, paranasal sinus has below. History of rapid growth with spread
the worst prognosis. The nasal and oral at lesion since 2 months.
cavity has best prognosis. Mucosal

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Vol.11; Issue: 2; February 2021
Abhijit Bhanji Primary mucosal melanoma of oral cavity - case report.

Fig1a Fig1b

History of hypertension since 2 are clusters and sheets of polygonal cells

months and on anti-hypertensives. No with melanin pigmentation in cytoplasm
history of smoking, alcohol, tobacco and with round to oval nuclei with prominent
trauma. Local examination shows 5 X 3 cm nucleoli with atypia and mitosis. It was
black lesion with irregular surface present at concluded to be malignant melanoma
labio-gingival region opposite 3rd molar primarily of origin of oral mucosa with no
with no ulceration. Lesion is spreading over evidence of secondary origin as seen on
palatal and adjacent gingival region. Similar whole body PET scan.
lesion present opposite of 2nd molar. Immunohistochemistry was positive for S-
Histopathology report of muco- 100 protein and HMB45 protein confirming
gingival junction biopsy showed thinned out diagnosis of malignant melanoma.
epithelium with loss of rete ridges. There

Fig.2a Fig.2b

Fig (2a) under 10x & (2b) under 40x shows sheets of melanin containing pleomorphic cells in the connective tissue

Fig.3a Fig.3b

Fig (3a) under 10x & (3b) under 40x after bleaching shows sheets of pleomorphic cells in the connective tissue

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Vol.11; Issue: 2; February 2021
Abhijit Bhanji Primary mucosal melanoma of oral cavity - case report.

PET scan suggestive of would likely be primary malignant lesion

metabolically active soft tissue lesion along with right parapharyngeal and bilateral level
the posterosuperior nasopharyngeal wall IB-IV cervical lymph node metastasis.

Fig 4a Fig 4b

PET scan also revealed that there the possible etiological factor for this patient
metabolically sites in lungs, liver, posterior is still unclear.
wall of gall bladder and skeleton involving Some studies suggest involvement of
right pedicle of C6, D6, D8, D9 vertebrae, two signalling pathways in pathogenesis of
sacrum, right iliac bones and right proximal mucosal melanoma [11]. The mitogen-
femur with suspicion of metastasis depicted activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway
in fig.4a & 4b. (RAS/MEK/ERK) is a critical growth
Biopsy from right nasopharyngeal cascade involved in oral mucosal
growth done suggestive of chronic melanoma. Second important pathway
granulomatous inflammation and was involved is the phosphotidylinositol-3-
inconclusive when done before muco- kinase-PTEN pathway
gingival junction biopsy. Under TNM (PI3K/AKT/PTEN/mTOR) involving cell
staging of head and neck cancer our patient death regulation. Both signalling pathways
falls under T3N1M0 staging. are triggered by activation of c-kit which is
Patient was advised wide alveolar involved in regulation of activity of MITF
excision with bilateral neck dissection as (microophthalmia-associated transcription
palliative care and further follow-up with factor) that is important in melanogenesis
chemo-radiotherapy & conservative and melanocyte function [12]. High rate of c-
supportive treatment. kit expression and MITF expression is
associated with mucosal melanoma of head
DISCUSSION and neck cancers. Thus, the association of
Oral malignant melanomas are these pathways with malignant melanoma
extremely rare lesions with approximately might be useful for potential targeted
2% of all melanomas cases have been therapy.
reported in literature. [6-8] Cigarette The mean age of onset of malignant
smoking, denture irritation, and alcohol melanomas is 55 years & usually between
consumption are some of the suggested risk the ages of 40 to 70 years. [13] The lesion is
factors, but their correlation is still not more common in men than in women with
established. [9] Exposures to tobacco and sex ratio of 3:1 [14]. In the oral cavity, most
formaldehyde have also been suggested as common site of malignant melanoma is
causative agents for intraoral melanomas. palate followed by maxillary gingiva with
In the present case, the patient was not an incidence of 80% and 91.4%,
exposed to any of these factors and hence respectively [15,16]. The occurrence of

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Vol.11; Issue: 2; February 2021
Abhijit Bhanji Primary mucosal melanoma of oral cavity - case report.

malignant melanoma on the mandibular guidelines for the staging of oral malignant
gingiva is comparatively rare. Our patient is melanomas; yet, probably due to the rare
one of the common cases with the site of occurrence of this lesion [5]. Some suggest
lesion in the mandibular gingiva. TNM staging of head and neck cancer with
The patient has noticed the melanoma for staging of primary oral
pigmented lesion about one year ago and it melanoma to help with further management
proliferated at a rapid rate then. About 50- of it.
70% of primary oral melanomas appear as Differential diagnosis of oral
new lesions from apparently normal mucosal melanoma are melanosis,
mucosa, whereas 30-50% cases develops melanotic macule, oral nevi, racial
from oral pigmentations for several months. pigmentation, smoking-associated
Some of the pre-melanoma lesions include melanosis, postinfammatory pigmentation,
mucosal melanosis and a variety of amalgam tattoo, drug induced melanosis
melanocytic nevi. [17] About 30 to 73% caused by antimalarial drugs,
patients of oral melanosis has been phenothiazines, oral contraceptives and
suggested as a predisposing factor for the various cytotoxic medications,
development of oral mucosal melanoma. melanoacanthoma, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome,
Although there in a higher occurrence of Addison's disease and Kaposi's sarcoma.
primary oral melanoma in India, there is low These possibilities were ruled out in our
incidence of melanosis in India, thereby case.
contraindicating this that melanosis act as Surgery is the preferred treatment
predisposing factor in primary oral followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
melanoma. [18] and immunotherapy. It has been seen to
The mucosal melanomas can show reduce and prevent the recurrence of the
two principal patterns: (1) An in situ pattern lesion with surgical excision followed by
in which the neoplasm is limited to the immuno-chemotherapy. But it is not
epithelium and epithelial-connective tissue established fact as there are only a few
interface (junctional) (2) An invasive reported cases in literature. [22]
pattern in which the neoplasm is found In the cases with distant metastasis,
within the supporting connective tissue [19]. the disease is considered as classically
Greene et al [20] suggested the incurable, surgery being considered only for
following criteria for a lesion to be palliative care [21]. Other treatment
considered as primary malignant melanoma modalities like radiotherapy and
of the oral cavity: 1) demonstration of chemotherapy also offers palliative care in
malignant melanoma both histologically and these cases.
clinically; 2) the presence of junctional The oral melanoma has poor
activity; and 3) the inability to demonstrate prognosis with a five-year survival of 0-
any other primary site. Based on these 55% of these cases. The median survival is
criteria, this case could be considered as a slightly more than two years from the time
primary oral malignant melanoma. of diagnosis for all oral mucosal
Primary oral melanoma is markedly melanomas. [23] Independent prognostic
aggressive and invasive that metastasizes by factors that have been suggested are tumor
both local and distant metastases to sites thickness greater than 5 mm, ulceration and
such as lungs, liver, brain, and bones [21]. A greater than 10 mitotic figures per high
crucial prognostic factor for oral melanomas power fields for all oral mucosal
is lymphatic metastasis at the time of melanomas. Tumors which are diagnosed
diagnosis. Our case also advanced to distant early, especially in the in situ stage, are
metastasis involving lungs, liver and bones. potentially curable and may have a better
The American Joint Committee on prognosis and survival.
Cancer (AJC) does not have published

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Abhijit Bhanji Primary mucosal melanoma of oral cavity - case report.

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