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International Orthopaedics


Effects of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells loaded

with graphene oxide granular lubrication on cytokine levels in animal
models of knee osteoarthritis
Xiao-dong Wang 1 & Xiao-chun Wan 1 & Ai-feng Liu 2 & Rong Li 3 & Qiang Wei 4

Received: 31 January 2020 / Accepted: 27 April 2020

# SICOT aisbl 2020

Background The aim of this study was to use umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs) loaded with graphene oxide
(GO) granular lubricant to treat knee osteoarthritis (KOA) animal models and to analyze their effect on cytokine levels in the
articular cavity.
Methods Twenty-four New Zealand rabbit models of KOA were established by the modified Hulth and cartilage injury method,
and they were assigned to the blank group, the GO group, the UCMSC group, and the GO + UCMSC group, each group
containing six animal models. The GO and UCMSC groups were treated by a single intra-articular injection. The treatment was
started one month after surgical modeling, and the observation period was eight weeks. The expression levels of nitric oxide
(NO), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), glycosaminoglycan (GAG), and collagen-II (COL-II) in serum
and articular fluid after treatment were compared to analyze the efficacy.
Results The GO granular lubricant caused no significant improvement in the intra-articular environment of the knee joint, and
UCMSCs caused a certain degree of improvement in the inflammatory environment. The improvement results of NO, IL-6,
TNF-α, GAG, and COL-II were the best in the GO + UCMSC group, but the improvement results of inflammatory cytokine
levels in serum and articular fluid were not consistent, especially the differences in NO, IL-6, and TNF-α were greater.
Conclusion UCMSCs loaded with the GO granular lubricant can reduce the inflammatory level and improve the level of
biochemical environment in the articular cavity, and thus promote cartilage repair.

Keywords Knee osteoarthritis . Graphite oxide . Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell . Cartilage . Cytokine

Introduction achieved, none of these methods can restore the previous

function of the joint very well. This is because it is difficult
Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a common chronic joint disease, to repair the articular cartilage after being damaged. It lacks a
and middle-aged and old people are the most commonly af- vascular structure and is not conducive to cartilage regenera-
fected group [1]. Although there are many clinical treatment tion. Even if the structure is repaired, it is difficult to restore
methods for this disease and some curative effects have been the biomechanical and biochemical functions of the cartilage
[2, 3].
However, in recent years, the development of tissue engi-
* Ai-feng Liu neering has provided a new way to solve this problem. The application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) had always
been the focus in this field. Graphite oxide (GO), a new ma-
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tianjin Medical University terial for tissue engineering, is gradually emerging in the med-
General Hospital, Tianjin, China ical field. GO as a scaffold carries MSCs as seed cells, which
Orthopaedics Department, First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin may inspire a new idea and a brand-new treatment method for
University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China the treatment of KOA.
Boya Stem Cell Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs) are a
Materials Science and Engineering Department, Hebei University of rich source of obtaining and more primitive. There is no ad-
Technology, Tianjin, China verse effect on the mother and fetus when these cells are
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

collected. They can be easily separated, and they have good 0001), with a body mass of about two kg and a clean level
amplification ability and immune regulation ability. cultured environment [15–17].
Meanwhile, they can express some embryonic markers [4].
Research shows that UCMSCs have the potential to differen- UCMSC cultured
tiate into cartilage, improve the microenvironment of osteoar-
thritis, and promote cartilage regeneration by secreting a vari- The UCMSC used in the experiment was from Boya Stem
ety of cytokines [5–11]. Cell Technology Co., Ltd. It was isolated, cultured, and tested
GO can be prepared as a reticular three-dimensional struc- in its laboratory. To select UCMSC from generation P0 to P7,
ture, and this structure is obviously superior to the two- when the cell fusion rate reached 70–80%, the living morphol-
dimensional structure in MSC culture [12]. Moreover, it has ogy of USMSC was directly observed under an inverted mi-
the electrostatic adsorption effect, which can aggregate cells croscope and photographed. The tested standard is based on
well or locate them in the damaged area. In addition, GO itself the MSC definition standard recommended by the
has the ability to promote the proliferation and differentiation International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) in 2006
of MSCs. [18] (Fig. 1).
The influence on the environment can cause the linkage
reaction of chondrocytes themselves, so as to achieve the pur- GO granular lubrication
pose of cartilage repair. The knee joint-cartilage-cartilage ex-
ternal environment is regarded as an organic whole rather than GO granules were mixed into sodium hyaluronic acid (HA)
a separate structure [13]. Although the MSCs are a hot topic in injection separately for ultraviolet sterilization. Then, GO and
research, there are few studies on their combined scaffold HA were mixed, and the syringe containing the mixture was
materials [14]. At present, there is no report on the combina- repacked into the original packaging and sealed with a sealing
tion of GO and MSCs in a living animal model for three- film (Fig. 2).
dimensional culture. The application of this combination in The preliminary experiment of this study confirmed that
the treatment of KOA to observe its effect on cytokine levels the GO granular lubrication had a repairing effect on the
in the model has never been studied. KOA model established by rats [19]. The GO granular lubri-
Therefore, 24 New Zealand rabbits were selected for this cation demonstrated an apparent antifriction effect on the joint
study. Method of using modified Hulth and cartilage injury surface, providing a stable environment for cartilage repair.
induced animal models of KOA and applied UCMSC loaded The adjustment of microenvironment between the cartilage
with GO granular lubrication in the treatment and revealed its friction interfaces might contribute to the treatment of osteo-
effect on cytokine levels. arthritis through ecological restoration. In addition, the exper-
iment also confirmed the GO granular lubrication has good
Modified Hulth and cartilage injury model
Experimental equipment
According to the review of the animal experiment center of
UCMSCs were purchased from Beijing Boya Stem Cell Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the ani-
Technology Co., Ltd. The following selected reagents and mal experiment scheme and related materials involved in the
drugs were obtained from the animal experimental centre of project meet the ethical requirements of experimental animal
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and welfare and animal experiment. This was a surgical method
Tianjin Institute of Orthopaedics integrated with Chinese modeling, and the specific steps were as follows [20]: The
and Western Medicine: nitric oxide (NO) kits (USA, animal was induced by inhalation of 5% ether followed by
Cranford, CCC company), IL-6 kits (USA, Cranford, CCC intramuscular injection of a combination of xylazine
company), TNF-α kits (USA, Cranford, CCC company), five mg/kg and ketamine 35 mg/kg. All surgical procedures
GAG kits (USA, Cranford, CCC company), COL-II kits were performed with all efforts to minimize suffering. The
(USA, Cranford, CCC company); micro-CT (Germany, skin over the right knee joint was prepared and disinfected
Siemens Company), centrifuge (USA, Thermo Fisher after anesthesia. The animal was placed on the operating table,
Scientific Company), and Microplate Reader (USA, Thermo and the limbs were fixed. Under aseptic conditions, a medial
Fisher Scientific). longitudinal incision of about two cm in length was made on
A total of 24 animals were selected for the experiment. The the right knee joint. The cavity of the knee joint was exposed
animals were 12-week male New Zealand white rabbits pro- layer by layer. Then, the anterior cruciate ligament was
vided by the animal experimental center of Tianjin University resected, the medial meniscus was resected, and the model
of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Tianjin, scxk-JIN 2016- of joint instability was created (Fig. 3). After the operation,
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

Fig. 1 UCMSC surface marker detection

each model was administered one ml of four U gentamicin for following three groups: GO granule lubrication treat-
three days to prevent infection. Animals were free to move ment group (GO group), UCMSC treatment group
and eat, and their injured limbs were not fixed. (UCMSC group), and the UCMSCs loaded with GO
granule lubrication (GO + UCMSC group). Each group
Detection of the KOA model consisted of six rabbits and 18 rabbits in total.

After establishment of the KOA animal model, observa-

tion was conducted for four weeks, including survival
and activity. After the observation, the experimental rab-
bits were killed by ear vein air embolization. Then, the
right knee joint cavity was opened and resected, and the
redundant muscle and ligament were removed by an
aseptic operation. The changes in the cartilage and
synovium were observed and recorded.
Using the preclinical small animal PET/SPECT/CT sys-
tem, a micro-CT scan was performed on the right knee spec-
imens of the animal model with a thickness of 80 μm. The
injury to the articular cartilage and subchondral bone was
evaluated (Fig. 4).

Experimental grouping

There were a total of 24 animal models, without any animal

death, and the modeling process was successful. The
animal models were divided into a blank control group
of six rabbits and a treatment experimental group of 18
rabbits. According to the different treatment methods,
the experimental group was further divided into the
Fig. 2 GO solid particle lubricant
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

Fig. 3 Establishment of
improvement Hulth + cartilage
injury mode

Therapeutic method cytokines, such as NO, GAG, and COL-II in serum and artic-
ular fluid, was determined by ELISA [25].
The concentrations of GO granular lubrication and Micro-CT was used to scan the animal model specimens of
UCMSCs were selected by referring to the previous each group after treatment, the thickness of the section was
research and relevant literature conclusions [6, 19, 80 μm, and evaluate the damage of articular cartilage and
21–24] (Figs. 5 and 6). subchondral bone.

a. In the GO group, 0.5 ml of the GO granule lubrication was Statistical methods

injected into the right knee cavity of the animal model
with a one ml syringe at a concentration of 30 μg/ml SPSS19.0 software was used for statistical analysis. The mea-
GO + 0.25% HA. surement data were expressed as x ± s and compared by the t
b. In the UCMSC group, 0.5 ml of the UCMSCs was test. Results before and after treatment were compared by an
injected into the lumen of the right knee of the animal ANOVA, α = 0.05.
model with a one ml syringe at a concentration of five ×
106 cells/ml.
c. In the GO + UCMSC group, 0.5 ml of the UCMSCs
loaded with GO granule lubrication was injected into the
right knee joint cavity of the animal model. The concen-
tration of GO granule lubrication was 30 μg/ml GO +
0.25% HA, and the concentration of UCMSCs was five ×
106 cells/ml.

Observation index

Four weeks after the model was established, treatment was

initiated, during which there was no restriction of water supply
and free movement.
After eight weeks of treatment, five ml of venous blood
was extracted from the KOA animal model under aseptic con-
ditions and injected into a heparinized centrifuge tube. The
serum was centrifuged at 3000 r/minutes for ten minutes for
collection, and it was stored at − 20 °C. Meanwhile, 0.5 ml of
the articular fluid was extracted from the knee joint cavity of
the KOA animal model (normal saline was injected into the
right knee cavity with a one ml syringe and extracted to collect
the articular fluid), and centrifuged at 5000 r/minutes for ten
minutes. Then, 150 μl of the supernatant was taken from the
pipper and stored at − 20 °C as standby. The content of Fig. 4 Surgical model
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

Fig. 5 American Blood Bank Association AABB Certification

Results The difference between the GO + UCMSC group and the

blank group was highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). The
NO results differences among the GO group, UCMSC group, and blank
group were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The differ-
The NO serum results of the model are as follows: 22.097 ± ence between the GO + UCMSC group and the UCMSC
0.352 ng/ml in the blank group, 21.436 ± 0.031 ng/ml in the group was not statistically significant (P > 0.05).
GO group, 21.020 ± 0.026 ng/ml in the UCMSC group, and The NO articular fluid results of the model were as follows:
17.624 ± 0.127 ng/ml in the GO + UCMSC group. 27.667 ± 0.485 ng/ml in the blank group, 26.627 ±
0.339 ng/ml in the GO group, 25.981 ± 0.305 ng/ml in the
UCMSC group, and 21.733 ± 0.135 ng/ml in the GO +
UCMSC group.
The differences between the GO + UCMSC group and
blank group and the UCMSC group were highly statistically
significant (P < 0.01). The difference between the UCMSC
group and the blank group was statistically significant
(P < 0.05). The difference between the GO group and the
blank group was not statistically significant (P > 0.05).
The differences between the results of NO in serum and
articular fluid were statistically significant in each group
(P < 0.05; Table 1).

Table 1 Serum and articular fluid NO results after treatment (x ± s,


Group Serum Articular fluid P

Blank group 22.097 ± 0.352 27.667 ± 0.485 0.000

GO group 21.436 ± 0.0311 26.627 ± 0.3394 0.007
UCMSC group 21.020 ± 0.0262 25.981 ± 0.3055 0.006
GO + UCMSC group 17.624 ± 0.1273 21.733 ± 0.1356 0.042
Compared with the blank group, P values were 0.192, 0.064, and
Fig. 6 Fifteen micrograms per milliliter of GO particle lubricant 0.008; 0.130, 0.038, and 0.001, respectively
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

Table 2 Serum and articular fluid IL-6 results after treatment (x ± s, Table 4 Serum and articular fluid COL-II results after treatment (x ± s,
ng/ml) ng/ml)

Group Serum Articular fluid P Group Serum Articular fluid P

Blank group 16.082 ± 0.323 10.303 ± 0.240 0.000 Blank group 13.475 ± 0.342 8.308 ± 0.133 0.000
GO group 10.957 ± 0.3431 9.327 ± 0.2544 0.028 GO group 14.127 ± 0.1021 9.391 ± 0.3504 0.030
UCMSC group 9.668 ± 0.1942 7.377 ± 0.3455 0.013 UCMSC group 15.589 ± 0.0632 11.652 ± 0.7015 0.109
GO + UCMSC group 7.426 ± 0.2943 4.034 ± 0.4266 0.015 GO + UCMSC group 19.372 ± 0.0633 14.127 ± 0.1026 0.001
Compared with the blank group, P values were 0.000, 0.000, and 1–6
Compared with the blank group, P values were 0.123, 0.005, and
0.000; 0.088, 0.025, and 0.000, respectively 0.000; 0.101, 0.042, and 0.000, respectively

IL-6 results TNF-α results

The IL-6 serum results of the model are as follows: 16.082 ± The TNF-α serum results of the model are as follows: 9.466 ±
0.323 ng/ml in the blank group, 10.957 ± 0.343 ng/ml in the 0.177 ng/ml in the blank group, 8.447 ± 0.113 ng/ml in the
GO group, 9.668 ± 0.194 ng/ml in the UCMSC group, 7.426 GO group, 6.109 ± 0.044 ng/ml in the MSC group, 5.139 ±
± 0.294 ng/ml in the GO + UCMSC group. 0.183 ng/ml in the GO + MSC group.
The differences among the GO + UCMSC group, the The differences among the GO + UCMSC group, UCMSC
UCMSC group, the GO group, and the blank group were group, GO group, and blank group were highly statistically
highly statistically significant (P < 0.01).The difference be- significant (P < 0.01). The difference between the GO +
tween the GO + UCMSC group and the UCMSC group was UCMSC group and the UCMSC group was highly statistical-
highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). ly significant (P < 0.01).
The IL-6 articular fluid results of the model are as follows: The TNF-α articular fluid results of the model were
10.303 ± 0.240 ng/ml in the blank group, 9.327 ± 0.254 ng/ml as follows: 11.627 ± 0.104 ng/ml in the blank group,
in the GO group, 7.377 ± 0.345 ng/ml in the UCMSC group, 10.897 ± 0.124 ng/ml in the GO group, 8.462 ±
4.034 ± 0.426 ng/ml in the GO + UCMSC group. 0.095 ng/ml in the MSC group, 5.401 ± 0.086 ng/ml in
The differences among the GO + UCMSC group and blank the GO + UCMSC group.
group and the UCMSC group were highly statistically signif- The differences among the GO + UCMSC group and blank
icant (P < 0.01). The difference between the UCMSC group group and the UCMSC group were highly statistically signif-
and the blank group was statistically significant (P < 0.05). icant (P < 0.01). The difference between the UCMSC group
The difference between the GO group and the group was not and the blank group was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
statistically significant (P > 0.05). The difference between the GO group and the blank group
The difference between the results of IL-6 in serum and was not statistically significant (P > 0.05).
articular fluid was as follows: The difference was highly sta- The difference between the results of TNF-α in serum and
tistically significant in the blank group (P < 0.01). The differ- articular fluid was as follows: The difference was highly sta-
ences were statistically significant in the GO group, the tistically significant in blank group (P < 0.01).The differences
UCMSC group, and the GO + UCMSC group (P < 0.05; were statistically significant in the GO group, the UCMSC
Table 2). group, and the GO + UCMSC group (P < 0.05; Table 3).

Table 3 Serum and articular fluid TNF-α results after treatment (x ± s, Table 5 Serum and synovial fluid GAG results after treatment (x ± s,
ng/ml) ng/ml)

Group Serum Articular fluid P Group Serum Articular fluid P

Blank group 9.466 ± 0.177 11.627 ± 0.104 0.000 Blank group 23.832 ± 0.891 30.269 ± 0.329 0.004
GO group 8.447 ± 0.1131 10.897 ± 0.1244 0.043 GO group 26.342 ± 1.0421 31.085 ± 0.0374 0.008
UCMSC group 6.109 ± 0.0442 8.462 ± 0.0955 0.026 UCMSC group 29.022 ± 0.9732 31.223 ± 0.0915 0.153
GO + UCMSC group 5.139 ± 0.1833 5.401 ± 0.0866 0.039 GO + UCMSC group 37.439 ± 2.1553 35.865 ± 1.5376 0.447
Compared with the blank group, P values were 0.010, 0.000, and 1–6
Compared with the blank group, P values were 0.111, 0.017, and
0.000; 0.063, 0.031, and 0.000, respectively 0.001; 0.042, 0.025, and 0.007, respectively
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

COL-II results statistically significant (P < 0.05). The difference in the

UCMSC group was not statistically significant (P > 0.05;
The COL-II serum results of the model are as follows: 13.475 Table 4).
± 0.342 ng/ml in the blank group, 14.127 ± 0.102 ng/ml in the
GO group, 15.589 ± 0.063 ng/ml in the UCMSC group, and GAG results
19.372 ± 0.063 ng/ml in the GO + UCMSC group.
The differences among the GO + UCMSC group, UCMSC The GAG serum results of the model are as follows: 23.832 ±
group, and blank group were highly statistically significant 0.891 ng/ml in the blank group, 26.342 ± 1.042 ng/ml in the
(P < 0.01). The difference between the GO + UCMSC group GO group, 37.439 ± 2.155 ng/ml in the UCMSC group,
and the UCMSC group was highly statistically significant 19.372 ± 0.063 ng/ml in the GO + UCMSC group.
(P < 0.01). The difference between the GO group and the The differences between the GO + UCMSC group and
blank group was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). blank group and the UCMSC group were highly statistically
The COL-II articular fluid results of the model are as fol- significant (P < 0.01). The difference between the UCMSC
lows: 8.308 ± 0.133 ng/ml in the blank group, 9.391 ± group and the blank group was statistically significant
0.350 ng/ml in the GO group, 11.652 ± 0.701 ng/ml in the (P < 0.05). The difference between the GO group and the
UCMSC group, and 14.127 ± 0.102 ng/ml in the GO + blank group was not statistically significant (P > 0.05).
UCMSC group. The GAG articular fluid results of the model are as follows:
The difference between the GO + UCMSC group and the 30.269 ± 0.329 ng/ml in the blank group, 31.085 ±
blank group was highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). The 0.037 ng/ml in the GO group, 31.223 ± 0.091 ng/ml in the
differences among the GO group, UCMSC group, and blank UCMSC group, and 35.865 ± 1.537 ng/ml in the GO +
group were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The difference UCMSC group.
between the GO + UCMSC group and the UCMSC group was The difference between the GO + UCMSC group and the
not statistically significant (P > 0.05). blank group was highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). The
The differences between the results of COL-II in serum and differences among the UCMSC group, GO group, and blank
articular fluid were as follows: the difference was highly sta- group were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The difference
tistically significant in the blank group and the GO + UCMSC between the GO + UCMSC group and the UCMSC group was
group (P < 0.01). The difference in the GO group was statistically significant (P < 0.05).

Fig. 7 Micro-CT results after

International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

The differences between the results of GAG in serum and it could promote the therapeutic effect of UCMSCs as
articular fluid were as follows: The differences were highly scaffold-carrying material.
statistically significant in the blank group and the GO group This research is still in the initial stage of exploration. At
(P < 0.01). The differences were not statistically significant in present, only the biocompatibility of UCMSCs loaded with
the UCMSC group and the GO + UCMSC group (P > 0.05; GO granular lubrication and its therapeutic effect on the
Table 5). KOA animal model has been proved. There were no adverse
GO granular lubricant has no significant improvement in reactions, no animal model death, and no tumour in the joint.
the intra-articular environment of knee joint, and UCMSC has First of all, the research still lacks evaluation of the me-
a certain degree of improvement on improving inflammation chanical condition of the cartilage surface; therefore, the finite
environment. The improvement results of NO, IL-6, TNF-α, element model can be used for comparative analysis, com-
GAG, and COL-II were the best in the GO + MSC group, but bined with the biochemical level results to comprehensively
the improvement results of inflammatory cytokine levels in analyze the treatment with this method. Combined with the
serum and articular fluid were not consistent, especially the biochemical level results, the treatment with this method can
differences of NO, IL-6, and TNF-α were greater. be comprehensively analyzed. Secondly, the KOA model is
not perfect, and therefore, we should aim to simulate more
Micro-CT scan results closely to the real clinical KOA patients to achieve more ac-
curate research results. Finally, further research should be
The micro-CT scan results showed that although the articular conducted on cartilage ion metabolism channels and mRNA
surface damage in each treatment group was repaired to a in the future [29, 30] to further understand the pathogenesis
certain extent, the trabecular bone growth was slightly loose. and treatment of KOA, as well as the gait before and after
New cartilage appeared in the defect area, but the cartilage treatment and pain scores of animals, to understand the recov-
was thin and irregular. According to the results, the GO + ery of knee function after treatment.
UCMSC group was the most effective in articular surface
repair. The effect of the UCMSC group was relatively deviat-
ed, and the cartilage morphology was irregular, while that of Conclusion
GO group was even worse (Fig. 7).
UCMSCs loaded with GO granular lubrication are a new com-
posite scaffold system for tissue engineering research, which
Discussion was established by combining the advantages of both
UCMSCs and GO. We hope to find a way to effectively delay
KOA is a type of aseptic inflammation. GAG and COL-II are the onset age of KOA and even reverse its pathological
specific substances secreted by the cartilage, which can ex- process.
plain the recovery of cartilage function to a certain extent. The
control of the inflammatory reactions is also an important part Acknowledgments We thank LetPub for its linguistic assistance during
the preparation of this manuscript.
of the treatment of KOA. Changes in the cartilage can lead to
increased levels of inflammatory factors in the articular cavity.
Authors’ contributions WX participated in all experiments and was a
IL-6, TNF-α, and NO are indicators of the inflammation level major contributor in writing of the manuscript. WC provided theoretical
[26–28]. According to the results, GO granular lubrication has guidance for experiments. LA was the main designer of the experiment.
no effect on improving the intra-articular environment, and LR was responsible for the supply and detection of UCMSCs. WQ was
responsible for providing the GO granular lubricant. All authors read and
UCMSCs have the effect of reducing the inflammatory factors
approved the final manuscript.
to a certain extent, but the improvement results of inflamma-
tory factors in the serum and joint fluid are not unified. Funding information This work was supported by the National Natural
However, in terms of the overall trend, their results are con- Science Foundation of China (project name: Research on mechanisms of
sistent. Similar to the treatment results of GAG and COL-II, Kidney and Blood stasis KOA cartilage repair based on 3D GO nanoscale
which are secreted by the cartilage, IL-6, TNF-α, and NO scaffold culture of umbilical cord derived MSC 8187150461).
levels were the most decreased in the GO + UCMSC group.
Data availability The datasets analyzed during the current study are avail-
The GO + UCMSC group was the most effective group. able from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
After treatment, the change in the inflammation level in the
articular cavity was consistent with the degree of cartilage Compliance with ethical standards According to the review
repair, which indicated that UCMSCs could improve the in- of the animal experiment center of Tianjin University of Traditional
flammation level and stabilize the intra-articular environment. Chinese Medicine, the animal experiment scheme and related materials
Although GO granular lubrication did not have a therapeutic involved in the project meet the ethical requirements of experimental
animal welfare and animal experiment.
effect on the articular cartilage and biochemical environment,
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)

Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of osteoarthritis. Int J Mol Sci 14(10):19805–19830.
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