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LEDP Project Completion


Submitted to:

Chief General Manager

Andhra Pradesh

Submitted by:

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 Name of the Project :

 Project Coverage (Areas) :

 Ref. No. :

 No. of trainees successfully completed

the training programme :

 No. of trainees adopted the activity :

 Project Duration : Start Date :

End Date:

 Amount Sanctioned :

 Amount Released :

 Project Implementation Agency :

 Marketing Linkages :

 Name of the credit linkage Bank :

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- A Success story towards sustainable livelihoods…

XXX(XXXXX) is a Non Profit Organization registered with Govt. of India under

Andhra Pradesh, Societies Registration Act, 2001, vide Regd. No. 404/2005, Dated
22/07/2005, at Kurnool. It is also registered with District Blindness Control Society-
Kurnool. With a motto Women Empowerment & Rural Development, XXXXX is
working on Education, Sustainable Agriculture, Conservation of Forest, Environment,
Bio-diversity, Sustainable Livelihood Development and Health in Andhra Pradesh &
Telangana states for the past 11 years in co-ordination with State & Central

YYYY mandal kurnool district is adjusent to Nagarjuna Sagar YYYY Tiger

Reserve (NSTR) here Bamboo is available in a large quantity. XXXXX NGO planned to
utlise this Bamboo as raw material to make handicrafts by providing skill training to
the SHGs of this mandal .

Life Style of the Communities: As mentioned above most of the

communities here depend on daily wage labours. Working in small shops, doing
petty bussiness and dwellers of forests for NTFP and firewood. And in some
communities the women can’t come outside and work as per their coustomes and

XXXXX Intervention: We found very worst scene scenario that had identified
such women that are deprived by having discussions with them and interacted with the
community heads and counseled of being to work and form as a Self Help Groups by
explaining the benefits and advantages that they can avail from the Government
schemes and banks. In this context under the support of NABARD held a meeting in
mandal area and explained all the benefits, schemes and loan availabilities for the BC,
SC, ST, and minority groups if they work as a group.
Before Training Programmes: XXXXX found that most of the women are
illiterate and not coming outside to work. Interested to do works and earn for the way of
making a living. Cultural traditions and family heads problems not sending them outside
to work. Poor economic status to send their children to schools and college. Children
being dropouts and youth were working as daily coolies and daily wage labors
discontinuing colleges. Lack of knowledge on Government schemes and banks. No
proper guidance or financial support. No moral support for their development.

Training Programme: With the support of NABARD XXXXX NGO had

conducted Livelihood Enterprise Development Training Programme (LEDP) on
“(Activity Name)” from 04-11-2016 to 21-12-2016 to 97 SHG women. The selected
women SHG participants were trained on various designs of (Activity Name) making by
professional expertise resource person from Assam. NABARD had supported the
programme by providing grant. The training was successfully completed by the
assistance of DRDA and other line departments within the time frame.
After the Training: The SHGs started manufacturing the handicrafts their own
and marketing them locally at YYYY Temple which is a famous tourist place sufficient
market is available most of them are also participating in fairs, exhibitions, melas etc.,
and also marketing the products in Rural Mart. The trained SHGs were nearly getting an
income of Rs 4000- Rs 8000/-. XXXXX NGO found that the women are more enthusiastic
to do the work and improve their business and requested to conduct such more
programmmes for their upliftment and economical development.
Positive Outcomes after Training:

 Increased confidence levels and built self confidence for sustenance.

 Improved incomes of SHGs.
 Getting orders from Interior decorators and shops.
 Able to meet their daily needs of house hold.
 Opened bank accounts and doing savings.
 Some individually started business at their house hold and some started
small units as a SHG and running the business.

Identified Key points by XXXXX NGO:

 SHGs wanted to do more business and extend their services to other districts,
and state wise.
 Wants to do online marketing.
 Wants to conduct meeting on EDP programmes
 Wants advanced technical support and new methods of training inputs to make
qualitative products with upcoming technologies.
 Wanted bank loans and financial assistance that support women SHGs.
 Wanted to receive such more programmes especially marketing strategies and
distribution channels of finished products.
 To display in trade fairs and exhibitions and information on such trade fairs.
 Such type of support and encouragement from NABARD through various Skill
Development Training Programms.

Voice from a SHG member “ I am house wife previously my family faced a lot of
problems like others insufficient to meet our hose hold expenses and being
lonely in houses due to our tradition culture and family heads problem not sending
outside to work. But after being counseled by XXXXX NGO we formed in to groups
and learnt the concept and the benefit that we can avail from Government
schemes and especially NABARD where we got trained and doing business. Now
we are earning nearly Rs 3000/- to Rs
8000/- in between per month where previously we don’t have anything. We heart
fully thank to NABARD and XXXXX NGO for conducting the training programme
and transformed us for being a earning member and especially to NABARD for
identify, taking this much care for our women community that helped us being a
small entrepreneur and changed our life style. Once again we thank to NABARD
for helping us.”



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