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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Division of Biliran
Libertad, Cabucgayan, Biliran



A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades
Libertad, Cabucgayan, Biliran

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Completion
of Senior High School

Ma. Roylyn Chi M. Aremala

Llona Joyce T. Sabado
Roderick A. Mopon
Tee Jay P. Noquera
Raila Marie L. Lan
Angeline S. Agang
Charity M. Toring
Devie D. Luay

S.Y. 2018-2019


Background of the Study

Nowadays, a serious problem faced by different schools is the cutting of classes of

students frequently. According to the research entitled “Unveiling the Dark Side of Education
(2017)”, cutting classes is a coined term which means intentionally not attending the required
class in one’s formal education without a valid excuse/reason. It’s one of the reason why the
researchers want to conduct a study to know what are the factors to the Senior High School
Students of Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades in committing cutting classes.

Ever since, students who cut classes have always been a problem for the teachers.
Cutting of classes, especially in the public schools of the Philippines, make it hard for the
teachers to monitor each student. According to an empirical research of Lewis Taylor (2012)
entitled “Cutting Classes Harms Grades”, cutting classes harms performances for all students
(i.e. grades). For all professors, not requiring students to attend class harms performance.
This empirical project concerns the value of attendance for students as well as the
recommendation that professors require students to attend, or at last design a method to
encourage students to attend, even if it means manipulating rewards and punishes in order to
get it done.

In addition, cutting classes is a common expression that means a student has chosen
not to attend a scheduled class. In an American public high school, students were required to
be in their scheduled classes, with only a few exception (illness, being called to the office to
talk to a counselor or other staff member, being on a school-approved off-campus activity,
etc.). If a student decided not to attend a scheduled class, he or she was “cutting” (Nancy
Schwalen, 1970-2010)

The researchers want to conduct this study to determine the percentage of the
different factors that affects senior high school students who commit cutting classes and such
did affect their academic performance.
Statement of the Problem

The main focus of this study is to know the factors affecting senior high school students
commit cutting classes at Cabucgayan National School of Art and Trades.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following question:

1. What is the profile in terms of:

1.1 Name
1.2 Grade or Section
1.3 Age
1.4 Sex
1.5 Parent’s Occupation
1.6 Monthly Income
2. Do the following factors affect students to commit cutting classes?
2.1 Teachers
2.2 Subjects
2.3 Financial Problem
2.4 Peer Pressure
2.5 Family Problem
2.6 Laziness
2.7 Computer shop
2.8 Vices

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the factors affecting students commit cutting classes. This
will be conducted at Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades in Libertad,
Cabucgayan, Biliran which offers Technical Vocational Curriculum. The researchers provide
a survey questionnaire to randomly selected SHS students as the participants. This study will
start at the month of August up to October.
Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:


The research is vital to the students in Senior High School as it identifies the factors in
committing cutting classes. Students must be aware that this action must be taken seriously.


This study would also be beneficial for parents as it would give them opportunity to
help guide their children.

The study will help the teachers to understand why some students cut classes and it
will guide teachers on what to do to help their students in avoiding cutting classes.

Future Researchers

The study will further open doors for future researchers to refined and expand studies
in relation to cutting classes. This may serve as a source of information about what provokes
students to cut class.

Definition of Terms

For the readers to be able to fully understand study, the following words have
following definitions as how they were used in the study :

Commit – someone who engage into a certain thing

Consequences – results of an action

Cutting Classes – intentionally not attending school

Factors – reason or cause of a problem

Provokes – pushes of influence

Rampant – widely spreading issue


Based on Manila Bulletin (Published June 24, 2019, 1:51 PM), “Reports of Students
Cutting Classes just to go to Internet Shops Alarm QC Councilors”. Complaints of students
cutting classes and spending time in internet shops even during class hours have risen in
Quezon City weeks after the start of this school year.

With this scenario, several Quezon City councilors asked the city government and
concerned agencies to send teams that will randomly conduct inspections on computer shops
and internet cafes operating in the city, and penalize them if found to be accommodating
students during class hours.

Councilors Victor Ferrer Jr., Allan Reyes and Eufemio Lagumbay have supported
calls that computer shop owners should be heavily penalized for accommodating the students
during class hours. According to the councilors, the city government should close down the
internet shops for not submitting to local laws. Ferrer stressed that the children’s future here
is at stake after his staff received reports of an increasing number of students cutting classes
just to play computer games in internet shops.

However, critics asked concerned parties to provide adequate number of computers in

both private and public schools that may be made available to students for their research
works to resolve the problem. Others said that it may be a wise decision to allow foreign
internet providers to invade the local market to improve the speed and accessibility of the
service to domestic users. Lagumbay noted reports relayed to him by his men that some
students have no other viable options but to enter internet shops for long hours just to meet
the deadlines of their various school assignments. Parents said that aside from the inefficient
internet service currently experienced not only in Quezon City but also in the whole country,
public schools have limited number of computers that can only be used during school hours.
They suggested that students with lengthy assignments in numerous subjects that will require
the use of computers be given extra periods after school hours so that they can use computers
and keep them out of internet shops.

Reyes said it is provided in ordinance number 2163 series of 2012 that students are
allowed to enter internet shops and does their school work and projects from 4 p.m. to 11
p.m. Even if the law is in existence, critics said that the problem lies more on its poor
implementation and enforcement as students are now enticed to cut classes to play video
games and in the worst scenario enter into pornographic and violent websites. He said that
parents have complained that computer shop owners should be made to suffer more stringent
and severe penalties as the current ordinance only penalized them with fines of P2,000 for the
first offense, P5,000 for the second offense and closure only on the third offense. Marlon
Bardos who lives in a depressed community in the city said his seven-year-old son can now
go straight to a makeshift computer shop 10 meters away from his residence. “It is very
disheartening to see my young son get addicted to computer games escaping our shanty even
during and past midnight when all of us are asleep. I hope the city government goes after all
illegal computer shops violating the city ordinance. Giving the owners long jail terms may be
a better option,’’ Bardos said. Bardos who works as a warehouseman said that financial
constraints only allow him to rent a very small space in a squatter’s area which he admitted is
not conducive in raising their children properly.

Cutting classes is rampant in the Philippines. According to Noemi G. Ramos in her

study entitled “Cutting Classes, Cutting Future” there were some children who want to study
but they have no choice because of some reasons. One of the major reasons is financial
problem. Thus, every child who has given a chance to study must learn to appreciate and
thank their parents for sending them to school. They are very lucky enough that they are
experiencing the student’s life. And they must not waste the chance to learn different things
that their teachers will teach them in school just because they don’t like to attend their class,
meaning all students must be against cutting classes. Some say it’s because they want to show
their rebellion to their parents.

Ms. Ramos elaborates that the problem on cutting classes also persists in the school
she is teaching. The students who cut classes are not deceiving the teachers or the school but
they are wasting their chance to have better future by being educated. Every time we see
students walking around the campus or even sitting on the bench during class hours, there is
always a question that immediately pops out to a human mind, “Why these students are
outside their respective classrooms even if it’s still class hour?” And realized that maybe the
reason why students are outside is that students cut class. Well, cutting classes are now often
especially to those students who are studying in public schools. Some are just irresponsible
and indiscipline that’s why they don’t even care whether they will attend the class or not.
According to Joshua Gross (March 5, 2019), students are locked in a power struggle.
It’s not with their parents or professor, but with themselves. They know that they’re supposed
to attend classes, and they know why. What they don’t know how to do is make themselves
go. They develop excuses: I’m tired, I have something else to do, it’s boring, I don’t need to
be there, I’m an adult… they know these are excuses. They also understand that we don’t
exist for their entertainment; no professor can compete with the fun stuff on the internet, for
an insufficiently motivated student. The ability to do what you are supposed to do, rather than
what you want to do, is called discipline. It’s not something that’s easy to develop, and at age
18, the parts of the brain responsible for this behavior still aren’t quite fully developed.

Furthermore, students weren’t prepared for the class and didn’t want to look foolish.
They didn’t think they’d get caught, they didn’t care if they got caught. They prioritized other
things over classroom attendance like doing independent research in the library, hanging out
in art/music/gym classes, or skipping school entirely (Laurel McHargue, 2018).

According to Kristine Grace P. Ongcoy (September 2014), everytime a student cuts class,
it’s avoided that they are also cutting their education. It is said that going to school is like a having a job,
they are mostly alike in such reason that you get paid with knowledge. An effective education
abets everyone and aids them in getting a job worthy of their hard work. Just as a saying goes,
“with a good job, you’ll have a good life, but by having a better job, you’ll have a better life.” Having a
suitable and profitable job will not only benefit you, but also your family in which in turn will
help them carry out a bountiful life.

According to Alice Wu, (2013) it is common for students to cut classes in college.
Students in college love skipping classes’ more than junior high students. Some students
think that they are mature enough to do whatever they want. Teachers’ talk is annoying.
Skipping classes and having their own way is much cooler. They think they can take
responsibilities for themselves. Wu thinks that there are three main reasons for this

First, students usually think classes are boring. They are not willing to spend time on
things they are not interested in. They may think the content of the textbook is not useful in
the future. They may think they go to college just for a diploma. They go to classes just for
passing tests. They would rather play computer games, video games, or anything they are
interested in than coming to classes.
Second, peer pressure is another factor that causes this phenomenon. I think peers can
affect a college student a lot. Youngsters love to do things with their friends. If my friends do
not go to school, I would not go to school either. I think peers are an important factor that
makes students cut classes in college.

The primary cause of cutting classes is plain laziness. Students often stay up late and
thus skip classes for oversleeping. The bad weather like heavy rain is also an excuse for their
absence. It is too cold to go to school, especially the school like Chinese Culture University
that is situated high in the mountain. Many CCU students convince themselves to skip classes
with this excuse. The fact is laziness is the real reason that makes them skip classes. On the
other hand, lots of hard-working students still go to college in heavy rain as usual. Even
though there are traffic jams, they can get up early, beat the traffic, and arrive at school on

Although cutting classes is common, students should do their duty as a college

student. Students should have positive attitude to do everything. Even though they think
classes are boring, they can skip classes together, they are lazy to go school, and they are old
enough to do whatever they want, they should take responsibilities for themselves.

Wu, A. (2013) Cutting Classes in College. Retrieved from

Ramos N. G. (2013) Cutting Classes, Cutting Future, Retrieved


Reports of students cutting classes just to go to internet shops alarm QC


Gross(2019). Why do some students like some cutting classes? Retrieved from

McHargue (2018). Why do some students like some cutting classes?


Ongcoy, K.G.P (2014) Factors Why Junior and Senior Students Do Cut Classes.


Research Design
The type of Quantitative Research used in this study is the descriptive research. A
descriptive research seeks to describe the current status of a variable or phenomenon. The
researchers will distribute questionnaires’ to the students to know their thoughts and idea
about this study.
Year Male Female Total
11 15 10 25
12 15 10 25
Total 30 20 50
Respondents of the Study

The table shows the number of respondents that are randomly selected from the senior
high school student in Cabucgayan National School of Art and Trades. There are 25 grade 11
Senior High School students and 25 grade 12 Senior High School students, selected

Data Collection Procedure

After the approval of the academic head and principal, the researchers will distribute
close-ended questionnaires to the randomly selected Senior High School Students of
Cabucgayan National School of Art and Trades.
Data Analysis
In this study, the researchers will use tally sheets as a bases for gathering the total
percentage taken from respondents. A tally sheet is also called a check sheet, is use as a form
for collecting information through observation and counting.
Time Frame
Title Hearing - July 18, 2019
Crafting Research Proposal - August 14, 2019
Data Gathering - August 15 – September 6, 2019
Organizing Data - September 9 – September 17, 2019
Finalizing Report - September 18 – September 24, 2019
Making Final Manuscript - September 25 – September 30, 2019
Final Defense - October 1 - 4, 2019

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