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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 11, No. 6, 2020

Preparing Graduates with Digital Literacy Skills

Toward Fulfilling Employability Need
in 4IR Era: A Review
Khuraisah MN1, Fariza Khalid2, Hazrati Husnin3
Faculty of Education
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bandar Baru Bangi, Malaysia

Abstract—This systematic review aims to review and need of employers and to make themselves relevant and
synthesize employer expectations towards digital skills among marketable.
graduates, steps, and measurements taken by higher education
institutions to prepare students and harness motivation among The process of preparing student marketability in higher
students to make themselves competitive and marketable toward institution education is significantly critical. Students today
fulfilling employability needs in 4IR era. It was designed based are extensively exposed to technology and used it in most of
on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and their daily undertakings [4]. This group is known as digital
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Articles published between January natives, a term introduced by Prensky [5]. However, does
2016 and 2020 were sought from three electronic databases: being born after the digital era make these generations
Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science. Additional items automatically digital literate?
gain from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia repository are
also considered to be reviewed. All papers were reviewed, and the Kirschner and Bruyckere [6] believed that the term digital
quality assessment was performed. Twenty articles were finally native is too general and can be questionable. Even though
selected. Data were extracted, organized, and analyzed using a students of this generation are used to the ever-connected
narrative synthesis. The review identified three overarching digital world, they may not always be able to utilize the
themes: (1) Employer perspectives on their expectation from current technology as expected entirely. There is a digital
young graduates. (2) Institutions’ views on how they should literacy gap between them, and this literacy gap needs to be
prepare their students for the 4IR era. (3) Students’ perspectives identified and minimize during the study years, making the
on how they could motivate themselves. The systematic review students well prepared for the employability.
provides insightful information on the required digital literacy
skills among young graduates, expectations of the industry II. DIGITAL DIVIDE AND DIGITAL LITERACY
player, and how digital literacies can be developed in the Previously, the digital divide defined as the gap between
those who have access to computers and the Internet with
Keywords—Digital literacy; computer literacy; information
those who do not. This gap arises due to several barriers, such
literacy; employability as consumer socioeconomic factors, high technology access
costs, and complex system interfaces [7]. Prior studies on the
I. INTRODUCTION digital divide focused on demographic, socioeconomic,
gender, and ethnic, which ultimately led to the “have or not
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) defined as a
have” computer and internet access as the foundation for their
complete digitization process that connects orders from the
argument [5, 8, 9, 10].
customer and manufacturing up to the after-sales service [1].
The term attracted attention to many leading industry players However, even though more people have access to the
after the World Economic Forum in 2016 and became Internet through smartphones, this does not mean that the
influential agenda to many developed countries. The pace for digital divide has closed [11]. Previous findings show that
4IR is fast in comparison to the previous industrial revolution, members of minority groups, young people, low-income, and
thus cause disruptive innovation through all social systems less educated are more dependent on smartphones. Tsetsi and
[2]. Rains [12] claimed that dependence on smartphones might
bridge the digital divide, but it caused another problem, which
It gave a broad impact on most current job characteristics,
was the information gap. In this case, the new digital divide is
not least resulting in the loss of traditional jobs and creating a
no longer due to the availability or accessibility of the
new job opportunity. To stay relevant in the job market, one
Internet. However, it does look at the differences in internet
needs to have skills and the will to learn and re-learn [3]. The
usage, namely, as a second-level digital divide [13].
new job field will focus more on non-routine activities and
include higher cognitive levels and soft skills. Therefore, this “In the 21st century, the term illiteracy no longer refers to
is an important trait which graduates must fulfill to meet the those who do not know how to read and write, but it is to
those who have not learned how to learn”. The excerpt is from

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Alvin Toffler’s book Future Shock [12], an American author C. Search Strategy
and futurist. Toffler, in his book, goes a long way, expecting A Boolean search strategy was applied. Three electronic
that students will face too many options. Therefore, they databases used, namely Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of
should be taught how to perform the process of classification Science. The keyword used is (“digital
and reclassification of information, evaluate information, and literacy” OR “technology literacy” OR “computer literacy”
be able to move abstract objects into concrete, and vice versa. OR “information literacy”) AND (“employability”), with
Focus is now not only on the issue of what one needs to some different syntax according to the database used.
know about technology but how the technology effectively D. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
and critically being utilized [14]. Additionally, able to
evaluate the reliability of online content [15], and relate the The first level of filtering method done by using the build-
information collected with the area of specialization [16]. in refine option provided by each database used. The inclusion
Employers nowadays need digitally-savvy employees who can criteria were (1) articles published from January 2016 to 2020,
conduct their work effectively and seamlessly through ever- (2) English and Malay language publication, and (3) document
changing technologies and emerging media [17]. type: research article. The exclusion criterion was (1) 2015
and before, (2) using a language other than English and Malay
Therefore, this review paper led to presume that digital and (3) document type conference, book, book chapter, and
literacy is a must-have skill for young graduates to make proceeding.
themselves employability ready. Thus, the systematic review
provides insightful information on the required digital literacy The second level of filtering method conducted manually
skills among graduates, the expectation of the industry player, by going through each title abstract before carefully determine
and how the development of digital literacies by the higher whether to review the articles or reject it based on (1) material
education institution identified at the end of this systematic is a review paper (2) Population is not related to tertiary
review. Its help foster the understanding and add essential education (3) Not-in-line with research objectives (4) Specific
knowledge in preparing graduates toward fulfilling for library literacy (5) Research Note.
employability need in 4IR era. E. Search Outcomes
III. THE REVIEW In line with the Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) researcher adopt and
A. Aims adapts the steps and showing the process using Fig. 1, Article
This literature review has two aims. The first aim is to searching and filtering process using the systematic approach.
explore published research studies for digital literacy
expectations and employability preparedness among
graduates. The second aim is to review and synthesis the
digital literacy skills needed by the students at higher
education institutions to meet the requirements of
employability in the 4IR era. The critical questions that the
researchers want to answer are:
• What are the expectations among employers that the
students need to fulfill?
• How does the institution prepare its students with
digital literacy before graduate?
• How can the students be more motivated to improve
their digital literacy?
B. Design
This review adapts and adopts a systematic approach and
conducted in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) standard
[18]. PRISMA used as a guideline to identify articles base on
the pre-specified eligibility requirements as a framework for
answering determine research questions. It allows the
researcher to minimize biases by using explicit and systematic
methods. The researcher then systematically read through each
article and noting common themes on employer expectations,
higher education institution preparation, and student’s
motivation toward development to join the job market.

Fig. 1. Article Searching and Filtering Process using the Systematic

This study is conducted under GG-2019-068 grants.

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By using the specific search keyword, 365 articles These steps provide us with a systematic way to identify
identified. In the first level selection, only 35 items met the relevant literature for a review process. Finally, 20 articles
criteria. 330 articles excluded due to publication before 2016; were selected to be carefully read and synthesize their key
documents are either conference, book, book chapter, or findings to answer the research questions. The summary of the
proceeding and published in a language other than English and research articles is shown later in Table II.
Malay language.
In the second filtering phase, abstracts reading revealed 15
articles were irrelevant and not in-line with the current Table I shows the summary of the selected studies in terms
research objectives. Its include review paper, the population of design, method, and location.
that is not related to higher education institution (HEI), The research findings are structured according to the
specific for library literacy and research note. research questions and thoroughly discussed further details.


Design Method Sample / Settings

Diary writing (1)
Phenomenology (1)
Content Analysis (3)
Exploratory (2)
Qualitative (8) Case Study (1) Students (14)
Quantitative (7) Causal (1) Industry player (4)
Mix-Method (4) Confirmatory Analysis (1) Academician (3)
Action Research (1) Reflective (2) Others (3)
Interview (5)
Cross-sectional (1)
Time series (1)
Multinomial logistic regression analysis (1)


Study Aim Design/Method Sample/Settings Major Finding

This paper attempt to 1. The study raised the importance of the

shows the relationship institution to equip its students with
The between employability information-technology environment
employability skills and demographic friendly.
skills among data among graduates in 554 undergraduate 2. The researcher emphasizes the need to
students of public universities of A quantitative – cross-sectional students throughout establish a good connection between
Public Higher Malaysia. Additionally, survey several universities in students and the industrial player by having
Education the researcher is also Malaysia. an internship program.
Institution in trying to proves other 3. Teaching and learning approaches,
Malaysia [19] impacting factors for facilities, and technology provided by the
employability among the institution must in-line with the industry
graduates. demands.

How does the

design of a
This paper focused on
learning processes that
enabled the development
collaborative 1. The study suggests self-regulation and
of various digital 78 (82%) out of 95
academic learning new technologies as an integral
literacies conceptualized students enrolled in four
course promote part of digital literacies.
by the Digital Literacy Qualitative – Diary writing consecutive semesters of
digital 2. The researcher recommends to include self-
Framework: photo- a graduate course in
literacies, self- regulation learning skills in the Digital
visual, information, education.
regulation, and Literacy Framework.
reproduction, branching,
social-emotional, and
learning of
real-time thinking skills.
students? [17]

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1. Researcher confirms that information skill

is a critical factor in competitive
This paper aims to
workplaces; therefore, the ability to
identify the information
evaluate information is the most valuable
Information skills needed from the
skills for graduate before they
2. Participants emphasized the importance of
business enter the job market.
information skills for individual endurance
acumen and The researcher also 24 participants, which
and autonomy, especially in enabling
employability: A interested to look for consist of 12 graduates
Qualitative – phenomenology lifelong learning and adaptability.
competitive current literacy skills and 12 employers who
studies. 3. Gathering information for problem-solving
advantage for thought in the university have experience of
is close to a real situation in the working
graduates in that can be applied when supervising graduates.
environment, thus engaging students in
Western Sydney the student comes to the
more profound and active learning
[20] industry.
4. Focusing on commonly used tools in the
industry may be helpful for new graduates.
5. Other essential skills needed by the industry
is a collaborative skill.

Student The objectives of this 97 respondent selected

1. The main finding in this study shows that’s
Perception On study are to investigate using simple random
students have a fair understanding of 4IR
Graduate students’ understanding sampling among
and aware of the changes in the industry.
Employability of 4IR and their Quantitative – Exploratory students from the
2. Results from the survey also show that
In Era Of perception towards study Faculty of Economy and
students must have the willingness to build
Fourth graduates’ employability Management, Universiti
new skills to cope with the technology
Industrial issues in this era. Kebangsaan Malaysia
Revolution [21]

1. The most apparent findings in this paper

are the acknowledgment that lecturers,
librarians, students, and management all
play an essential part in developing
information literacy skills.
2. The inability to conduct independent
information searching and manipulation
Strategic The researcher aims are will lead to a lack of problem-solving
university to explore and skills.
understand how 31 respondent from
practices in 3. The outcome-based learning approach will
university practice has various public research
student motivate students to gather data from
an impact on the Qualitative - interviews universities in Malaysia
information different resources and then construct new
development of consists of students,
literacy knowledge to meet their needs.
students’ information lecturers, and librarians.
development 4. Applying various strategies in the teaching
[22] literacy. and learning approach will develop student
information literacy skills.
5. Librarian suggests a collaborative
information literacy program development
between the library and academic
department will have a significant impact
on the development of information literacy
among students.
1. Universities need to be more determined to
Redesigning This paper focused on equip the upcoming generation with the
redesigning curriculum 72 publications about
curriculum in skills related to capture, analyze, and
and teaching practice, Qualitative method – content 4IR from 2013-2018
line with communicate data using IT infrastructures.
in-line with the 4IR analysis using a strict filtering
Industry 4.0 2. Propose Model Curriculum Matrix include
trend. process.
[23] Big Data, IoT, Cloud Computing, AI, and
This researcher seeks to
create a forecast model
for predicting the
1. The result of this study indicates the ability
chances of attaining 1. 204 engineering
to use information technology in innovative
Employability high-level employability technology students
ways, extra-curriculum activities, and the
Skills Model for skills among students of from various
Quantitative - multinomial industrial-based program used to predict the
Engineering engineering technology. technical
logistic regression analysis level of employability skills.
Technology By identifying missing institutions chosen
2. Study shows interesting factor identified
Students [24] factors, the researcher using a random
affecting employability skills among
aims to reduce the sampling technique.
graduates is parents occupational.
unemployment rate with
the introduction of an
invention program.

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Researcher focus on 1. Strong evidence shows that by applying

2. Questionnaires
evaluating the technology in teaching and learning
distributed using
transferable skills activities will encourage and help the
purposive sampling,
Changing skills through two different students to build their 21-century skills.
distributed among
for architecture courses, namely: 2. The result of this study also indicates that
fresh graduates.
students (i) Architecture lecturers should give more flexibility and
3. Interview with
employability: Education course Mix method: empowered the students in coursework
Analysis of job (ii) Architecture, i. Questionnaires development.
architects, CEOs,
market versus Engineering, and ii. Interviews 3. Interestingly, the interview shows that
founders of
architecture Construction providing the students with an opportunity
architectural firms,
education in with the industry job to connect with the company, increasing
and academicians
Egypt [25] market in Egypt and to the timeframe of internship, promoting
that have 15-30
propose an approach to academic exchange, and encouraging
years of working
fill the gap between participation in conferences in likely
both. increase students’ employability rate.
This study aimed to
gather data that might
give prospective input
about teachers in a
The digital humanities course that
118 students of 1. The result of this study shows a
culture of come from the
Pedagogy in Secondary technological transition has consequences
students of millennial generation.
Education selected for initial teacher training.
pedagogy The researcher is Quantitative – Exploratory
through a population 2. Teacher training should consider adapting
specializing in interested in research
study and surveys with a changes and new cultural conditions from
the humanities investigating whether
non-probabilistic digital technology as a complement to the
in Santiago de cyber-culture helps
sample. educational process.
Chile [26] future teachers using
digital technology even
though the humanities
course lacks technology
1. The interview sessions suggest that types of
competencies needed by the digital
workforce are attitude, essential IT for
The researchers aim to work, critical-thinking, general
1. Select 30
define the individual communication, IT foundations, IT support,
respondents from
skills desired by the lifelong-learning, problem-solving, and
Mix method 289 IT
An exploratory digital workforce, teamwork.
i. Qualitative- content organizations for an
study of digital whether the capabilities 2. Based on the questionnaire survey, it helps
analysis and interview session.
workforce of the digital workforce us to understand that competencies related
interview 2. 389 IT experts were
competency in can be group into to soft skills and foundation knowledge in
ii. Quantitative selected using a
Thailand [27] categories, and establish IT are most required, followed by IT
Exploratory purposive sampling
the expectations of technical ability and IT management
research method for the
demand for capabilities.
quantitative part.
competencies of the 3. The most prominent finding emerges from
digital workforce. the interview session are, almost all IT
experts in Thailand expect graduates to
show skills in lifelong learning, personal
attitude, and dependable.

1. Conduct an in-
depth interview
How the flipped 1. The finding of this study suggests a 4D-
with senior and
classroom FLIPPED Model that consists of out-of-
The main objective is to knowledgeable
affects class activities, feedback, in-class activities,
present a successful academic
knowledge, Mix method and the use of technology.
flipped classroom scholars.
skills, and i. Qualitative – in-depth 2. The researcher strongly emphasizes the
proposal in higher 2. 160 students
engagement in interview. need for two-way feedback as an effective
education to understand enrolled in the
higher ii. Quantitative – way to link out-of-class activities and in-
better its influence in Macroeconomics
education: instruments class-activities.
terms of knowledge, module and the
Effects on development 3. Additionally, the study results show that
skill, and engagement. dual-degree
students’ technology usage help established lecture
program in
satisfaction outside of the classroom, thus creating more
Management &
Luis [28] active learning inside the school.
Law and Business

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The focus of this study

Building student 1. Researcher finds that students give more
is to have an in-depth
employability attention to discipline-specific literacy and
understanding of the Respondents are
through only give little attention to general
importance of Biological Sciences
interdisciplinary information literacy.
information literacy to Qualitative - Case study capstone course students
collaboration: 2. The results reveal a specific emphasis on
develop employability at Macquarie University,
an Australian four dimensions of learning, namely self-
skills among students Sydney, Australia.
Case Study [29] awareness, opportunity awareness, decision
through the capstone
making, and learning about the transition.
1. The result from data tracer shows that age,
course, faculty, co-curriculum activities,
The main objectives of 43863 UKM graduates marital status, industrial training, and
Techniques for
this research are to data instance from the English proficiency are the most influential
identified factors Quantitative – time series Malaysia Ministry of factors that determine graduate
affecting graduate Education tracer study employability rate.
employability. year 2011-2017. 2. However, studies show that the most crucial
factors are age, industrial training, and
Online tutorials made
Information 1. The result suggested that information
publicly available
Literacy in The focus of this study literacy competencies can be matched to
through academic library
Practice: is to analyze the content Bloom’s Taxonomy under the first three
web sites. The source for
Content and of library tutorials and categories, namely remembering,
Qualitative – content analysis tutorials for this content
Delivery of match it with the level understanding, and applying.
analysis is the winners of
Library of difficulties based on 2. The researchers suggest considering
ACRL’s Excellence in
Instruction Bloom Taxonomy. developing higher-order thinking skills
Academic Libraries
Tutorials [31] when designing the online tutorial material.
Undergraduate and
Resignification master’s degree students 1. Results demonstrate training program
of educational The researchers intend undertake two subjects: allowed graduates to improve their
e-innovation to to present innovative i. Event employability and career development
enhance teaching ways in higher Organization, opportunities by encouraging active
opportunities education institutions for ii. Protocol and participation and self-directed learning.
Action research
for graduate teaching methodologies Institutional 2. Participants believed technology literacy is
employability in and how it’s related to Relations essential, and it is crucial to have a wide
the context of employability ready Faculty of Economics range of skills and knowledge of digital
new university among the graduates. and Business, tools, especially ones related to
degrees [32] University of Alicante, communication.
1. The most apparent finding that emerges
from the interview session is that maritime
business graduates must have excellent
communication skills, problem-solving,
Conduct focus groups, adaptability, self-management, teamwork,
skills of The focus of this study
individual interviews, digital literacy, and technology literate for
maritime is to investigate current
and an online survey them to be employable ready.
business and future industry
Mix-method with senior managers in 2. Noticeably that the maritime industry is
graduates: employability skills for
maritime organizations moving toward digitization, therefore
industry maritime business
from Australia, USA, increase the demand for digital literacy and
perspectives graduates.
and Canada. technology knowledge and skills.
3. The survey shows that the use and
management of technology are the current
skills that maritime business graduate
A new
This paper aims to
pattern in
identify the importance
response to new 1. The importance of emphasizing informal
of training in ICTs to get
technologies education on ICT is identified as an
a job. It intended to
and sustainable Respondent age 16 and essential element to be employment ready.
analyze the relation
development. Quantitative – Causal research 24 years old at the 2. The researcher highlights the importance of
between ICTs’
Enlightening European Union. the promotion of self-learning environments
knowledge and
ICT skills for as well as the long-life learning in ICTs to
employment for young
youth increase youth employability.
people in the European
employability in
the European
Union [34]

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This article focusses on

presenting the
construction and first 1. Significant findings of this paper have
Motivational validation of an ICT developed the concept of ICT motivation,
factors motivation inventory measurement of motivation, and first
predicting ICT based on social empirical results on the measure’s
323 German students
literacy: First cognitive theory. The Quantitative - Confirmatory dimensional structure and construct
between 16 and 27 years
evidence on the researcher intends to factor analyses validity.
of age.
structure of an predict computer-related 2. Another critical finding is motivational and
ICT motivation knowledge and skills, metacognitive ICT characteristics are
inventory [35] deduced from ICT- essential for the acquisition and
related usage motives, development of ICT knowledge and skills.
self-effacing, and self-

student learning This paper aims to look 1. The researcher proves that when the
of control by at a novel mechanism lecturer assigns extensive usage of modern
embedding for encouraging students technology within assignments, students
freedom into the to take more ownership Qualitative – Reflective Undergraduate show enthusiasm to complete it.
curriculum: of their learning in terms research Bioengineering student. 2. Another vital point is by encouraging
students of control topics and students to develop teaching materials is the
perspectives improve learning final part of the learning cycle will provide
and products. engagement. a useful learning experience.

“Old school”
meets “new
This article aims to 1. The study shows that a common book
school”: Using
discuss the use of an program offers the potential for a variety of
books and
ordinary book versus activities that improve the students’ literacy
tablets to
tablet program and First-year business and communication skills.
highlight how these Qualitative – reflective students, Nipissing 2. The use of a tablet allows students to held
programs can enhance research University School of academic research during lectures and
literacy and
students’ Business, Canada efficiently communicate the information
communication and with their classmates.
collaboration skills, thus 3. The researcher believes that peer feedback
learning among
enhance employability. is an essential element of in-class research.
students [37]

provide a competitive advantage to them [20, 22]. Another

V. EMPLOYERS: SKILLS NEEDED IN THE FOURTH vital skill highly demanded among employers in this
INDUSTRIAL ERA digitization era is analytical skills [20, 25, 33]. Employees
Almost all areas of work in today’s digital information were supposed to be able to think objectively, holistically,
societies require digital literacy skills. Competencies related to gather data, and evaluate it to support the decision-making
Information-Communication-Technology (ICT) are an integral process.
part of employability [33, 20]. Considering the increasingly Communication skills are also pertinent [30]. Effective
changing technological climate, self-regulated and lifelong communication requires empathy, active listening, written,
learning are critical factors in keeping up with recent and verbal skills. Also, the employer expects the employee to
innovations in the industry [35]. have functional computer literacy, experience in the use of
Employers are not expecting fresh graduates to know core computer application, and knowledge in data processing
everything when they begin their careers. Most of the and information dissemination. Students graduating in this era
employers are willing to train their newly recruit staff. must and should be able to communicate effectively in all
Nevertheless, what they are looking for is the willingness to electronic forms [33].
learn. Therefore it is safe to infer that self-learning is the most New media literacy and virtual collaboration are two
required skills by employers [20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 33, 34]. additional critical skills needed in the future workforce. These
Today, we are living in an era where unlimited information skills will provide employees with the opportunity of
is available and accessible. Locating and accessing data can be integrating productivity-software or technology into their
considered as lower-order skills, as these tasks are process- work and encouraging them to collaborate easily [34]. The
based and generally do not require students to analyze or collaboration skills is another expected skills required by the
synthesize information. Therefore, according to Saunders [31], current industrial revolution era [17, 23, 29, 34, 37].
the ability to evaluate sources and content would be Minimize the gaps in soft skills is essential to many
considered as higher-order information skills. Graduates employers. Jewell [20] strongly recommended that higher
expected to be able to select, synthesize, and to leverage education institutions improve communication, interpersonal
information in decision making. These skills will ultimately and critical skills for students in classrooms. Also, the student

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should be allowed to choose suitable media when presenting Furthermore, regardless of how familiar the digital natives
the information they have attained, as this will nurture the with technology, one must admit that technological changes
students’ soft skills gradually. Applying outcome-based are so fast. Thus, doing continuous training is significant [34].
learning could also encourage the student to construct HEI needs to keep up with these trends and tried to embrace it
knowledge, based on the information gathering activities [22]. in their teaching approach. Ellahi [23] suggested that a
curriculum framework should encapsulate the elements of big
According to Khodeir and Nessim [25], there are two data, Internet of things, cloud computing, artificially
quality categories among graduates, which are technical and intelligent, and augmented reality, thus producing university
non-technical skills. Universities seldom get a negative review graduates that meet the expectation of 4IR industry.
of the technological capabilities of their students.
Nevertheless, lack of employability skills among students is Another way to establish familiarity between study
the critical reason for the frustration among employers. environment and job environment is by providing students
Similarly, Mang [37], in their research, found out that business with an internship program [19, 24, 30]. It is also the
graduates often become specialized in one particular area, but responsibility of the institution to offer excellent facilities and
unable to relate it with world knowledge which is beyond their technology, in-line with the trend and demand of the industry
area of expertise. If graduates can combine highly develop player [19].
meta-skills, it will provide them with more flexibility and lead
Based on the articles reviewed, it is noticeable that the
to a successful career.
responsibility of developing employability skills among
VI. INSTITUTIONS: PREPARING STUDENTS WITH DIGITAL students should not be limited in Information Technology
LITERACY SKILLS classes. Instead, it can incorporate it in all subjects, in term of
teaching approach and assignments design. Selecting
Generally, the Higher Education Institution (HEI) is the appropriate technology to be used is the responsibility of both
last formal institution used to prepare students before they lecturers and students, supported by the institution. Only then,
embark into the industry. Therefore, HEI must design its all the needed skills will be embedded in the student’s mind
curriculum and nurture the needed skills during the students’ organically.
study period.
However, Ayale-Pérez and Joo-Nagata [26] say that the VII. STUDENTS: MOTIVATION NEEDED TOWARD
millennial generation grown up with technologies. Therefore, DEVELOPING DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS
even if their initial training in universities did not emphasize The expectation among employers and preparation by the
in the applied computer or computer-related subjects, this institution is only half the effort in preparing the students for
generation could still be able to work with technological employability. To survive the fast pace of the 4IR era, students
products and services naturally. On the other hand, Mang [37] need to have strong motivation towards developing skills
believed that today’s ease of information access often provides required themselves.
students with a false feeling of competency. Even if they
could easily find information, students cannot still critically Besides, when lecturers are more flexible and embracing
evaluating the data. Therefore, nurture these skills must be their students in designing coursework, these will give
during the studies period that is critically needed. students the feeling of empowerment. Students’ empowerment
would have a significant impact on them [17, 25, 32, 36]. It
Whereas discipline-specific mastery is vital, exposure to gave the ultimate motivation to learn by providing them with a
integrated learning provides students with flexibility is also reason to conduct a particular exploration. Also, setting
required in the industry [37]. Incorporating information and autonomous goals and applying participatory educational
communications teaching in universities may be troublesome, approaches will foster critical thinking and the development of
but it will be beneficial in preparing students for the work professional skills as needed in the industry [32].
market [34].
Students need to play an active role in their learning. By
The student should be assisted in the development of doing so, they can acquire a series of abilities associated with
mastery office computer applications to improve digital content-knowledge education that will make them more
literacy among them. Assignment should be versatile, desirable when they graduate [28].
allowing students to select information services and
approaches freely. Flexibility, experiential, and active learning Clearly, in the selected articles reviewed, self-motivation
are likely to involve students in more in-depth education, can be nurtured by giving students more power to explore and
thereby improving the skills required in the industry [20]. use a wide variety of technologies available. Students’
empowerment will encourage engagement in their learning,
Next, by adding more practical implications, real-life therefore, making them more motivated to learn and explore.
projects, and embedded digital literacy skills in the teaching These characteristics of self-learning and willingness to learn
and learning approach, it will encourage and assist students in are among the most desirable skills in the industry.
building their digital literacy skills [22, 23]. A method such as
a flipped classroom will provide better exposure and influence VIII. AN EMERGING FINDING OF DIGITAL LITERACY
in terms of knowledge, skills, and engagement to the students Most activities using ICT by young adults nowadays are
[28]. predominantly for entertainment and social interaction
purposes, which including game playing and passive forms of

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media consumption such as video streaming. These ICT- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

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