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Anti-5G Activists Are Also Real-  ACSH relies on

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By Alex Berezow, PhD — July 29, 2019 Name
Related articles
One of the perks of Scienti c American Says
being a science writer 5G Is Dangerous,
is that, during the Vegetables AreSubscribe
Junk Food
weekends when you're UC Berkeley Psychologist
trying to relax and Joel Moskowitz Is Cell Big Fears, Little Risks
unplug from the world, Phone, Wi-Fi 'Truther'
In 1989, the American
crazy people harass
you on social media. Sick from Wi-Fi? If So, Council on Science and
Sure, you might think You're On the Wrong Health released a
Wavelength documentary
that Sundays are
called Big Fears Little
meant for spending Maryland Environmental
Risks, which was
time with family, but Group In The Dark About
Killed by 5G. (Credit: Public narrated by the great
they think Sundays are Radiofrequencies And
Domain/Wikipedia) Walter Cronkite. The
for spreading lies and WiFi
documentary focused
conspiracy theories.
Confessions of a Wi-Fi on how exaggerated
An activist organization called Environmental Health Trust Denier fears about
contacted me on Twitter to boldly declare that 5G wireless "chemicals" made
technology is the "tobacco of the 21st Century." They even people afraid of their
sent a photo that explains everything. Talking on the phone food.
is " rst-hand" exposure; being in a room with wi- is "second-hand" exposure; and I suppose
walking around outside is "third-hand" exposure. Thirty years later, ACSH
has produced an
The consequences of ignoring their warning updated version of Big
are dire. According to their website, cell Fears Little Risks,
phones and other wireless devices cause focusing on issues
breast cancer in women, lower sperm counts such as vaccines,
and mutated sperm in men, and autism and GMOs, pesticides, and
ADHD in children. As I wrote previously, this is nuclear power. It will
quite an indictment: Not even an atomic bomb be released very soon.
can do all that. Stay tuned!
The website is also promoting a documentary
by Jennifer Durant and Thomas Henry Durant
of Bellingham, Washington1. Called 5G Beware,
the video is full of outright misinformation. Popular
For instance, the video begins (at 1:36) with an Articles
electrical engineer taking measurements of
Remdesivir Q&A:
electromagnetic radiation (presumably, in the
Cautious Optimism for
radio spectrum). He is appalled to learn that
Coronavirus Treatment
he is being exposed to 600 milliwatts/cm2 of
radiation. (To put that into perspective, sunlight produces about 100 milliwatts/cm2 of Best Evidence Yet that
electromagnetic radiation.) What the documentary doesn't tell you is that the radio spectrum Coronavirus Came
is completely harmless to humans. from Wuhan BSL-4 Lab

As astrophysicist Dr. Ethan Siegel explained to me in an email, three things must be OMG! We Made One
considered to determine if a source of radiation is dangerous: (1) the energy per photon, (2) Gram of Remdesivir!
the total amount of energy, and (3) the ability of the exposed object to absorb the radiation. Remdesivir Should
The photons associated with the radio spectrum are too weak to break chemical bonds, Inhibit Coronavirus
which means they cannot cause cancer. Likewise, the total amount of energy to which our Despite Failing Against
bodies are exposed by radiofrequency radiation is low. And our bodies aren't good at Ebola
absorbing that radiation, anyway. That's why 5G, not to mention your AM/FM car radio, isn't
giving you cancer2. COVID-19: UV LED Can
Kill 99.9% of
Besides, electrical equipment is very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. If it really was Coronavirus in 30
true that radiation from things like cell phones and towers was causing cancer, your phone Seconds
would burn up long before anything bad happened to you.

The documentary makers don't just get physics wrong. They also get basic biology wrong,
too. They found a medical doctor who was willing to say (at 5:41) that the "structure of the
water in our body is very important for normal function," and that electromagnetic radiation
from outside a ects that. She tells her patients to turn o their wi- routers if they feel bad.
ACSH Videos
All this is pseudoscienti c gibberish. If it was true, then sunlight would have killed us by now.
And the alleged ill e ects of wi- are due to the nocebo e ect.

The entire documentary is 24 minutes long, but I gave up about one-third of the way through
when they compared 5G technology to smoking cigarettes. I don't get paid enough to put my
brain through that kind of trauma.

Anti-5G Activists Are Also Real-Life More videos 


So, who are the Durants, the folks who

made the documentary? Well, they are
"paranormal consultants." If you need
help with a haunting, they have an
online form for you to ll out. (Please, Media
please do so.)
ACSH in the Media:
But you probably won't be happy to know that your intrepid, real-life Ghostbusters are afraid Stay-at-Home Edition
of iPhones.
ACSH in the Media:
Notes Coronavirus Edition

(1) Incidentally, Bellingham is where the Non-GMO Project is headquartered. What is it with ACSH in the Media: Fat
that town? Tuesday Edition

(2) Here is a diagram showing all the di erent technologies that use the radio spectrum. If ACSH in the Media:
these waves were dangerous, we would have died from AM/FM radios, TVs, GPS, and garage Super Bowl Edition
door openers a long time ago. More articles 

Health Scares
vs. Health
Coronavirus: Fear of a
Pandemic, or a
Pandemic of Fear?
95% of Baby Food
Tainted with Toxic
Metals? Don't Panic
Everything Goes to Pot:
Myths Are Driving FDA,
CDC Vaping Policy
Principle: We Must Ban
Driving to Whole Foods

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Celebrities vs.
Tags:  5G wi- cell phones electromagnetic elds conspiracy theories
What the Hulk? 9/11
Truther Mark Ru alo
Testi es to Congress

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Je Bezos' Plan to
Colonize Space is
Based on Sheer
Johnny V • 9 months ago
ACSH is the best source available for accuracy, honesty, and integrity in science. Hands down. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
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is Helping Spread Flu
Heather Erickson > Johnny V • 8 months ago
and Cervical Cancer
I know I come here for the best info.... except for when Josh starts trash talking Tylenol.
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Mischa Popoff > Heather Erickson • 8 months ago
Do you happen to know where I can find regulatory testing on 5G Heather?
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John H Newcomb • 8 months ago

Durants' connexion of anti-5G with ghosts aligns with Russia Today:
1. RT has been revealed as playing a significant anti-5G role:
2. RT also has had an Illuminati expert: https://www.thedailybeast.c...
Groups Who
2△ ▽ • Reply • Share › Hate Us
BlueHornet • 8 months ago
"Incidentally, Bellingham is where the Non-GMO Project is headquartered. What is it with that town?" Journalist Peter Fairley
I can't say with any certainty "what it is" about that town, but there is also a fair concentration of anti-"chemtrail" and HAARP folks, too. Why that is Cites Anti-Vaxx
would be anyone's guess.
Website, Spreads
Whenever I say anything "with certainty", then I'm usually wrong, anyway. I prefer to wear my ignorance openly, as it's the only way I ever learn Misinformation on Flu,
1△ ▽ • Reply • Share › COVID-19
Heather Erickson • 8 months ago • edited DeSmogBlog: Climate
Are public schools really failing this miserably to educate people? Or were these guys home-schooled?
Website Is Headed by
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Anti-Vaxxer Brendan
Mischa Popoff • 8 months ago
I'm having trouble finding info on tests proving 5G is safe. I know they must exist. Can anyone help me?
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DeSmogBlog: Climate
Atomicat > Mischa Popoff • 8 months ago Activist Site Smears
Only mathematicians use proofs. For the rest of us there is Highly unlikely to the point where you would have to posit unknown laws of
physics. We know the EM spectrum better than anything. It's the basis for chemistry and of course all electronics, basically everything around Freeman Dyson and
you. When we can listen to a space probe beyond Pluto that's transmitting with a signal strength of a refrigerator light-bulb, I'd say that's good Other Scientists
evidence that we've got a handle on this. ;)
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DeSmogBlog, The
Glen Duncan > Mischa Popoff • 6 months ago Intercept, Spread Lies
Here ya go, a meta-analysis on one hundred and nine peer reviewed papers on the effects of RF on living organisms:
About ACSH, COVID-19
It's a long one, and I suggest that you read it fully, and it's references, but I'm going to post a spoiler from the conclusions: More articles 
At this time, more reports of beneficial effects than detrimental effects from low-level exposure to mmWave radiation appear to
exist in the literature

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Mischa Popoff > Glen Duncan • 6 months ago

What are examples of these beneficial effects?
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Paul Hilling • 8 months ago • edited

I have challenged electro-sensitives to blind test themselves to which they initially agree. Later however they may come back with an explanation
that such testing doesn't work because sensitivity to EMR depends on the status of one's immune system. Classic pseudoscience goalpost shift!
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Carol Kolinsky • 8 months ago

This is the new cause among alarmist. Change is hard for some people so try to give them mercy but don't let them worry you. ACSH is always here.
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Damon • 6 months ago

I'm a techy at heart and love my gadgets, but PUB MED research clearly shows the Pineal gland can’t distinguish between light and artificially
produced electromagnetic radiation. That is, the brain can’t tell the difference! The pineal gland has adapted to the suns frequency to control the
release of melatonin, but the negative effect is increased artificial EMR (from all the studies) clearly shows reductions in melatonin. Increasing band
width at stronger levels to 27GHz+ will be clearly negative to the health. Most cancer patients have low levels of melatonin. Cancer typically takes 10
years to develop, so no study is going to be conclusive in the short term. Am I witch burner too or does Pub Med research stand as science. Re the
Atomic bomb, it took 30 years for scientists to universally agree it caused cancer (so they where considered partially safe by some scientists at one
point in time). If your still not convinced, put your sleep tracker on, and put your Wifi router in your bedroom while its downloading something. Do
your own tests.
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Kathy Young • 2 months ago

5G is a Raytheon military weapon using assault frequencies. Period. When it is used with A.I., it makes a nice way to get rid of pesky people that
don't bow down to the psychopaths, pedos and satanists running corporations and the world.
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By Alex Berezow, PhD

Vice President of Scienti c Communications

Dr. Alex Berezow is a PhD microbiologist, science writer, and public

speaker who specializes in the debunking of junk science for the
American Council on Science and Health. He is also an Analyst at
Geopolitical Futures and a featured speaker for The Insight Bureau.
Formerly, he was the founding editor of RealClearScience.

Latest from Alex Berezow, PhD:

Remdesivir Q&A: Cautious Optimism for Coronavirus Treatment
COVID-19: UV LED Can Kill 99.9% of Coronavirus in 30 Seconds

Coronavirus: Tedros, Fauci, and the Peril of Politicizing Medicine

Coronavirus: False Positives, False Negatives and the Trouble with COVID-19 Mass
Best Evidence Yet that Coronavirus Came from Wuhan BSL-4 Lab
More 

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The American Council on Science and Health is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the
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we have an endowment. We raise our funds each year primarily from individuals and foundations.

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