Fundamentals and Concepts PDF

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Productivity and Time Management for the Overwhelmed

Mastering the Concepts and Fundamentals

Whether you are building a house, or mastering your productivity, if you don’t
have the right foundation, you are setting yourself up for failure.

The tactics and specific productivity strategies we cover in our next section will
be that much more powerful if you master these key fundamentals first!
In this section we cover the following key concepts and fundamentals:

 Time Management vs Self-Management

 Spending Time vs Investing Time
 The Importance of Sleep to Your Productivity
 The Healthiest Energy Erink (water)
 Mastering Your Energy, Mood and Emotional State
 How Will Power Really Works
 Why Knowing and Doing are Completely Different Things

Notes / Insights / Actions

Productivity and Time Management for the Overwhelmed

Once again, let’s take what you have learned and apply it to your specific
situation. Below perform a self-analysis of which foundational areas you need
the most improvement in.

Then, I encourage you to pick three things you learned and can implement
today that will help you overcome these challenges.

Self- Analysis

Which areas did you identify as needing the most improvement? Which
concepts when executed would have the biggest impact on your productivity?


What are three new behaviors you are committed to starting today?

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

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