HSP05 Employee Competence rv4

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Process Reference HSP05

Process Owners H&S Manager

Pages 2

Revision Date Revised by Process Initial Release date 23.11.17

04 20.04.2020 L Myers Competence training and awareness Originator L Arrowsmith


The purpose of this procedure is to define the process of monitoring & recording
employee competence & training (both internal & externally provided training)


Ultraseal International Group Ltd, Norman Hay Engineering Ltd & Surface Technology
Holdings ltd and subsidiaries companies

3 Employee Competence & Training Process - Description


A training/competency requirement is identified when;

 a new employee joins the company;
 a new system or process is introduced into the employees work area;
 The employee moves to a new work area or is promoted;
 The employee’s annual appraisal/development review is carried out.


When a new employee joins the Company the HR department, H&S Manager
and Quality manager are responsible for carrying out the induction.

3.2.1 Company Induction

General Company induction is carried out by the HR department who initiate
the completion of the Induction Form.

3.2.2 H&S Site Induction

The manager/supervisor carries out the department specific induction and
completes the remainder of the form. HF022 to be completed where applicable.

3.2.3 Quality Induction

The quality manager will carry out the department specific induction and
complete the remainder of the form.

3.2.4 Initial Training Requirements

Any initial training requirements identified at this stage are listed on this form.
(i.e. “on the job” or specific departmental training). The HR / H&S department work
with the department manager/supervisor to ensure training requirements are met.


The Company has job descriptions for all positions within the plant. They
detail the purpose and main duties of the position and a candidate profile of the skills
and competencies required for the job.


All employees receive a full appraisal once a year, which reviews competence
and identifies development needs. HR issues the relevant documentation to the direct
Manager or Supervisor when they are due.
Process Reference HSP05

Process Owners H&S Manager

Pages 2

Revision Date Revised by Process Initial Release date 23.11.17

04 20.04.2020 L Myers Competence training and awareness Originator L Arrowsmith


To assist with the assessment of competence and development needs, The

Manager/Supervisor assess whether the employee require any training to carry out
their job either at employment offer stage or during the appraisal. However, if the
employee and the Manager/Supervisor agree that further training is necessary then a
training request shall be raised. For all training that requires H&S training
certification, these will be entered onto the training matrix and monitored by the H&S


Training can be internally sourced, for example, induction, or “on the job”
training or externally sourced with an outside training provider.

4.4.1 Internal Training

Internal or inhouse training is organised when an employee is to be trained in
a new job skill or in a new system or process. The skills matrix identifies those
employees “Fully competent and can train others”. Whenever there is a change to the
process, or a new process is introduced, employees are trained and reassessed by
their supervisor to determine skill level. Only those employees “Fully competent and
can train others” remain as trainers. These are managed and reviewed by the quality

4.4.2 External Training

All externally sourced courses must be raised on the correct Training Request
Form HRM003a-1 Time to train form and approved fully as shown on the form. If the
external training request is not approved it must be returned to the originating
manager with an explanation for non-approval. Once training requests are completed
and approved these can then be booked by the originating manager or H&S if safety


Personnel records shall be locally stored within the HR office under lock and
key and will only be archived once the respective person has left the employment of
Ultraseal International Group Ltd, Norman Hay Engineering Ltd & Surface Technology
Holdings ltd and subsidiaries companies. Competence safety training certificates will
be stored with H&S Dept.

Associated documents
HRM001g Induction form
HRM003a Time to train form
HF022 PPE issue form

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