1.17.Spatical-Temporal Estimation For NTL

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10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

! Spatial-Temporal Estimation for Non-Technical

L. T. Faria, Student Member, IEEE, J. D. Melo, Member, IEEE and Antonio Padilha-Feltrin, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract — This paper presents a novel method for estimat- remains a primary focus in much of current research. Recent-
ing the spatial distribution in geographical space of the non- ly in [1], a state estimation based approach to the load estima-
technical losses over time. The method progresses in two stages: tion of distribution transformers was exploited to detect meter
in the first stage, a generalized additive model is used to generate tampering and provide quantitative evidence of NTLs. In the
a map of current loss probabilities. The second stage employs
literature, several techniques in the area of intelligent sys-
the Markov chain to generate a map that indicates possible
future changes in loss probabilities. The method yields an as- tems, or soft computing, have been employed, some of which
sessment of the location of the non-technical losses now and in are: multiple classifiers and wavelet coefficients [3]; fuzzy
the future at the city subarea level, even indicating the variables logic [4], [5]; text mining [6]; Bayesian networks [7]; the
that have greater statistical correlation with the non-technical pattern recognition technique via optimum path forest [8],
losses. We apply the method to a city with approximately 81,000 data mining [9]; data mining using support vector machines
consumers and the results are compared with those obtained [10], using extreme leaning machines [11], using generalized
through inspections carried out by a Brazilian power utility. The rule induction [12], and fuzzy inference systems [13].
detection rate surpasses 78% in inspected subareas. The method The above references detect consumer units (CUs) with
we propose offers improved estimation of distribution of the
NTLs without considering the characteristics of the geograph-
non-technical losses in urban regions.
ic areas in which they occur. However, such a characteriza-
Index Terms — Electricity theft, generalized additive models, tion can improve the detection of regions with loss and may
non-technical losses, spatial point pattern analysis. clarify why they are more concentrated in certain areas of the
city. The detection of the geographic regions where there is
I. INTRODUCTION greater loss probabilities is useful because it enables a series
of combat and prevention actions for NTLs. The loss proba-
N on-technical losses (NTLs) are present in almost all
electric power distribution systems and are the source of
considerable expenses for many power utilities [1]. The in-
bility maps for the present and future, using spatial temporal
estimation, allows the visualization of geographical regions
with the highest loss probabilities. These maps can be used as
troduction of smart grids and smart meters may contribute to
a general guide to the power utilities for all actions to treat-
a significant reduction in such costs by eliminating some
ment and reduction of the NTLs in low voltage CUs with
types of losses [2]. However, the development of such tech-
meter belonging.
nological advances often progresses more slowly in develop-
There are other problems in power systems can be benefit
ing countries (particularly those with high rates of NTLs). For
from spatial-temporal estimations. For example, in [14], a
these reasons, there currently exists a real need for further
spatial point pattern analysis to determine the input data for a
research on more efficient NTLs evaluation techniques.
spatial-temporal simulation of the load growth is explained
The present work seeks to answer the following questions:
and in [15], a spatial-temporal approach for estimating the
where, why and when do NTLs occur? The methodology we
load demand of battery electric vehicles charging in small
present here differs from that proposed in other NTLs studies
residential areas was proposed.
in that ours considers the spatial distribution of socioeconom-
In [16], a qualitative approach is presented in which soci-
ic characteristics and electrical infrastructure in the city sub-
oeconomic aspects that provide a favorable environment for
areas where the losses occur. From these spatial distributions,
the emergence of the NTLs are analyzed. One hundred and
two loss probability maps are produced: one representing the
two countries were evaluated from 1980 to 2000. NTLs are
present, which is devised through a generalized additive
associated with governmental and social weaknesses, such as:
model (GAM), and another representing the future via the
political instability, government ineffectiveness, high levels
Markov chain. These loss probability maps indicate the city
of corruption, poverty, high birth rate, low human develop-
subareas vulnerable to NTLs.
ment index, etc. It appeared that the socioeconomic character-
The task of detecting NTLs is one of the most challenging
istics of the subareas where NTLs occured were relevant, and
in the field of power systems and, as such, NTLs detection
they will be considered in this work.
This work was supported in part by Coordination for the Improve- In the present study, a method for identifying the regions
ment of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), in part by National Coun-
cil of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and in part by
vulnerable to NTLs is presented, and the corresponding vari-
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under grant #2014/06629-0. ables that contribute most significantly to the emergence of
L. T. Faria, J. D. Melo, and A. Padilha-Feltrin are with the Depart- these losses are established. The method results are probabil-
ment of Electrical Enginnering at São Paulo State University (UNESP), ity maps of the emergence of losses in the present and future.
Ilha Solteira campus, Brazil.
E-mails: lucas.teles.faria@gmail.com, joeldavidm@gmail.com, padi-
We apply the method in a Brazilian city with approximately
lha@dee.feis.unesp.br. 81,000 CUs. The maps are compared with inspections con-
ducted by the power utility, showing a loss identification rate

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

of over 78%. The main contribution of the proposed method the spatial variation of the risk population. In the present
is the estimation of the spatial variation of the NTLs by city work, the entire risk population is regular CUs, because the
subarea over time. NTLs can appear in any regular CU of the city.
This work is organized as follows. In section II-A, it has The location of CUs with NTLs (Cases) and the CUs with
been discussed how to determine the loss probabilities in the no loss (Controls) are the input data for the GAM. Then, the
present via spatial point pattern analysis. Section II-B in- GAM is used to obtain the probabilities of finding Cases
cludes the Case-Control study, and how to determine the (CUs with NTLs) in city subareas.
current loss state of each subarea through GAM is presented
C. Generalized Additive Model
in sections II-C and II-D. In section III, the future loss state of
each subarea via Markov chain is determined (sections III-A The GAM is a semi-parametric model that allows the in-
and III-B). In section IV, the proposed methodology by com- clusion of distribution network variables, socioeconomic
paring the loss states provided with real data from inspections variables and others as a function of the city subareas [23].
in a Brazilian city is applied and validated (sections IV-A and The inclusion of the effects of variables in the model is ef-
IV-B). In section IV-C, the variables that have the greater fected according to [22] and is shown in (1). In (1), 𝑥 is the
statistical correlation with the NTLs are identified. The con- vector of variables, 𝛽 are coefficients of the variables, and
cluding remarks are presented in the section V. 𝑔(𝑠) is a smooth function of the spatial coordinates 𝑠 to mod-
el other information that is not available.
𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥)
This section contains techniques used to estimate, at pre- 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡{𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥)} = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 { } = 𝛽𝑥 + 𝑔(𝑠) (1)
sent, the NTLs vulnerability in each city subarea. 1 − 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥)

A. Spatial Point Pattern Analysis In (1), a probability surface 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) is estimated, where a
Spatial analysis allows incorporating space and revealing linear effect of the 𝑥 variables and a residual spatial variation
the characteristics of the subareas where the NTLs happen. It represented by 𝑔(𝑠) are considered. Moreover, eq. (1) has a
comprises a set of tools to explore and model processes that logistic regression model extended by an additive component
are expressed through a spatial distribution known as geo- 𝑔(𝑠), which is smoothly varying in space and is independent
graphic phenomena. Spatial analysis measures properties and of the 𝑥 variables.
relationships in order to consider explicitly the spatial loca- The procedure for estimating 𝛽 and 𝑔(𝑠) is based on the
tion of the phenomenon under study [17]. usual iterative methods for the GAM [23]. These parameters
A point process is a statistical process in which some are calculated simultaneously during the iterative process for
events of interest within a limited region A are observed. The the GAM. After several experiments, we observe that the
location of events generated by a point process in the area of influence of these parameters in the method efficiency de-
study is called a point pattern [18]. pends on the spatial distribution of the input data.
The main interest of the spatial analysis of point events is Applying (1) to each location or point belonging to the
to analyze the point patterns and determine whether they base GAM input data obtains a probability 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) of the
show any systematic pattern. If a pattern of point events shift emergence of NTLs at the spatial location 𝑠.
significantly compared to a stochastic distribution (usually a
Poisson distribution), this is an indication of a spatial distribu- D. Determining the Present Loss State
tion other than complete randomness that should be the sub- The vulnerability for the NTLs in subareas is represented
ject of further analysis [19]. by three loss states: regular, attention, and critical. These
In this work, the CUs are represented by points in space states indicate that vulnerability to losses are low, intermedi-
(point events). The term “event” refers to any type of phe- ate and high, respectively.
nomenon localizable space by geographic coordinates. After execution of the GAM, every point of the Case-
In order to determine the spatial variation of the NTLs, we Controls database is associated with a probability 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈
performed a Case-Control study. [0,1] of the emergence of NTLs. The current loss state of
each city subarea is determined by means of grouping and
B. Case-Control Study
sorting of the probabilities contained in each subarea.
One of the epidemiology applications in others areas is to Let’s consider m points from the Case-Control database
associate contagious diseases with crimes, because the occur- contained in a particular subarea. The objective is to deter-
rence of diseases and crimes follow a similar pattern [20]. mine the percentage of these m points that are in each of the
In this context, we consider a Case-Control study [21], loss states: regular, attention and critical. These percentages
[22]. In public health, e.g., sick people (Cases) are compared represent a probability for each loss state and are placed in a
to healthy people (Controls). It is assumed that all Cases and vector [%𝑃𝑅 %𝑃𝐴 %𝑃𝐶 ]1×3 𝐴
. This vector is associated with
Controls have been exposed to risk factors for the disease. each subarea A. The terms %PR , %PA , and %PC represent the
According to [18], the distribution of Cases is influenced percentage of the m probabilities contained in the subarea A,
by the heterogeneous distribution of the risk population. which are in states of regular, attention, and critical losses,
Therefore, it is necessary to estimate their spatial distribution respectively. Modal class determines the current loss state in
and compare it to existing Cases. The Control set represents the subarea, i.e., the loss state in which the probabilities are

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

most frequent. time interval t. The conditional probabilities 𝑃{𝑋(𝑡𝑘+1 ) =

There is a lower bound (LB) and an upper bound (UB) to 𝑥𝑘+1 |𝑋(𝑡𝑘 ) = 𝑥𝑘 }, termed transition probabilities, represent
each of the three loss states such that P(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ [𝐿𝐵, 𝑈𝐵]. The the state probability 𝑋(𝑡𝑘+1 ) to be 𝑥𝑘+1 at time 𝑡𝑘+1 if the
LB and UB are specific to each under analysis region. They state 𝑋(𝑡𝑘 ) is 𝑥𝑘 at time 𝑡𝑘 . The transition probabilities are
are calibrated for each loss state after an exploratory analysis obtained from samples at a time interval [24].
on the GAM probabilities. Techniques as standard deviation, A stochastic process is considered a Markov process of
natural boundaries, quantiles, equal intervals, among others first order if the future state depends only on the present state
can be used for determining the class limits of the loss state, and not on past states. This methodology does not ignore the
as explained in [19]. past; however, it assumes that all past information is concen-
For illustrative purposes, the southern area of a city parti- trated in the present state. The transition probabilities do not
tioned by respective subarea, as shown in Fig. 1, is consid- change with time, which characterizes a stationary process.
ered. The subarea in black contains three locations of CUs, According to [19], there is no single solution to model
represented by points from the Case-Control database (𝑚 = dynamic spatial phenomena. In the present work, some con-
3). It is assumed that the bounds for each loss state such that siderations are made to enable the use of the Markov chain to
𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ [𝐿𝐵, 𝑈𝐵] are: 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ [0, 1⁄3] in regular state; model the spatial variation of the NTLs. For a short-term
𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ (1⁄3 , 2⁄3] in attention state, and 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ horizon, the NTLs are approximately stationary. The losses
(2⁄3 , 1] in critical state. It is assumed also that the probabili- are influenced by the socioeconomic conditions of the city,
ties associated with each of these points, resulting from the which change slowly. Thus, the process is approximately
implementation of the GAM, are 0.02 (regular state), 0.09 stationary, and states in the recent past resemble the present
(regular state), and 0.38 (attention state). Therefore, proba- states.
bilities of 2/3 and 1/3 are in the regular and attention states,
A. Transition Matrix
respectively, and 0/3 is in critical state. The current loss prob-
abilities for each loss state for the black subarea of Fig. 1 are The probability is usually defined as (3). The probability
[2/3 1/3 0]. It can be concluded that the subarea is in the 𝑃(𝐸) of an event 𝐸 is the relative frequency at which this
state of regular loss, because the GAM probabilities are more event occurs in a series of attempts under constant conditions.
frequent in this loss state. The subarea in black has common
boundaries with fourteen other subareas (highlighted in gray). 𝑁𝐸
𝑃(𝐸) = (3)

where 𝑁𝐸 is the number of times that event 𝐸 occurs in n

trials. The occurrence of an event 𝐸 in a particular observa-
tion is entirely uncertain; however, the relative frequency
with which it occurs in repeated observations has stable prop-
erties. If not, probability theory may not apply [25]. 𝑁𝐸 repre-
sents the number of CUs with NTLs found in a total of n CUs
inspected by teams in a city subareas.
For a fixed time interval, the loss probability is obtained
from (4) after adjusting (3). Given that 𝑃̂𝐴 is the annual esti-
Fig. 1. Map of the southern part of a city highlighting one of its subareas (in mated loss probability related to the subarea A in the year y.
black) that contains three points from a Case-Control database and fourteen
neighboring subareas (in gray).
𝑦 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑈𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑁𝑇𝐿𝑠
𝑃̂𝐴 (𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠) = ( ) (4)
In this section, the Markov chain is used to estimate the
Having determined the current loss state of each city sub-
subareas vulnerable to NTLs in the future.
area, the transition matrices are used to estimate the future
The Markov chain is a mathematical model used to de-
loss state.
scribe stochastic processes [24]. The outputs are the probabil-
Fig. 2 presents the general structure of the transition ma-
ities of occurrence of each one of the discrete states as dis-
trix with all its elements. 𝑃𝑖𝑗 is the probability for a subarea to
crete-time functions. It is an empirical method that focuses on
the relationships among its variables, assuming the relation- remain in the same loss state (for 𝑖 = 𝑗) or change state (for
ships of the past will remain in the near future, as per (2). 𝑖 ≠ 𝑗) after a fixed transitional period of one year.

𝛱(𝑡+1) = 𝑷. 𝛱(𝑡) (2)

where Π(𝑡) is the system state at time t, Π(𝑡+1) is the system

state after interval of (𝑡 + 1) and 𝑷 is the transition matrix
among states. The transition matrix represents the probability Fig. 2. Loss state transition matrix by city subarea.
of a state i to stay the same or change to a state j during the

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

The transition matrix of each subarea is obtained from the Note that the probability for the subarea to be in the states
number of annual changes in loss state (or lack thereof) for of regular, attention, and critical loss in 2012 are 6⁄15, 1⁄15,
each subarea and its neighbors. The loss state is defined from and 8⁄15, respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that the
the loss probabilities in (4). loss state for this subarea will change from regular (current
The goal is to obtain the elements of the transition matri- loss state) to critical (future loss state).
ces for all subareas. In this example, the LB and UB bounda- The method proposed here can be summarized as follows:
ries of each of the three loss states are the same of the previ- Step 1: Build the Case-Control database.
ous example, i.e., 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ [0, 1⁄3] in regular state; A database is constructed from georeferenced inspections
𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ (1⁄3 , 2⁄3] in attention state, and 𝑃(𝑠, 𝑥) ∈ and the power utility customer base. This base is associated
(2⁄3 , 1] in critical state. The building of the transition matrix with socioeconomic variables from the census and is the input
related to the subarea highlighted in black in Fig. 1 is consid- data for the GAM.
ered in detail. At the beginning, all the elements of the matrix Step 2: Execute the GAM in (1) and construct the proba-
are null. This subarea has loss probabilities, defined in (4), of bility map.
0.05 (regular state), 0.08 (regular state), and 0.37 (attention Step 3: Determine the current loss state of each subarea
state) in 2009, 2010, and 2011, respectively. So, in two possi- using the probabilities calculated in the previous step.
ble annual transitions (from 2009 to 2010 and from 2010 to The current loss state of each subarea is determined based
2011), one regular state remained regular (2009 to 2010); in on the percentage of the probability map that is contained in
another possible transition (2010 to 2011) the regular state each area and the loss state it is in: regular, attention or criti-
changes to attention state. Therefore, a unit in the elements of cal. The current loss state of the subarea is determined by the
the transition matrix 𝑃𝑅𝑅 (probability of the regular state loss state in which the GAM probabilities are most frequent.
remain in this same state the next year) and 𝑃𝑅𝐴 (probability Step 4: Estimate the transition matrix P for each subarea.
of the regular state changes to the attention state in the next Matrix P is constructed from (4) by evaluating the annual
year) is increased. This process is repeated for the others transitions in loss state for subareas and their neighbors.
fourteen neighboring subareas of the subarea, highlighted in Step 5: Forecast the future loss state.
black in Fig. 1, to get the full transition matrix. The future loss state forecast is obtained through matrix
In the example of Fig. 1, fifteen subareas (the subarea multiplication between the vector of current loss states (Step
highlighted in black and fourteen neighboring subareas it) 3) and the transition matrix (Step 4). The result is a vector
each contain two transitions (from 2009 to 2010 and from containing the probabilities of each subarea being in each of
2010 to 2011), resulting in thirty transitions. The number of the three possible future loss states. The loss state with the
transitions in which loss state i remained the same or changed greatest probability in the resultant vector determines the
to loss state j is calculated after each fixed transition period of forecasted loss state for the evaluated subarea.
one year.
In (5), we present the transition matrix P for the subarea IV. CASE STUDY: APPLICATION IN A BRAZILIAN CITY
highlighted in black in Fig. 1 after normalization of the In this section, the application of the methodology pro-
amount of changes in loss state (or lack thereof). It is worth posed here is examined in detail. All simulations were per-
mentioning that the sum of each transition matrix line is uni- formed on R© software version 2.15.3. The libraries used are
tary [24]. as follows: mgcv, spatial, spatstat, and splancs. The mgcv
library is employed to execute the GAM [26]. This library
3/5 1/10 3/10 implements the nonparametric estimator, as in [22].
𝑷=[ 0 0 1 ] (5)
A. Input Data
1/4 1/4 1/2 3×3
In the present study, actual data from georeferenced in-
spections provided by a Brazilian power utility and data from
B. Determining of the Future Loss State the latest Brazilian census are used [27], [28].
The forecast of the future loss state is obtained by multi- The inspected CUs belong to a low voltage network of a
plying of the current loss state vector matrix by the transition medium-sized city in the State of São Paulo, Brazil with ap-
matrix for the subarea. The result is a 1 × 3 vector containing proximately 200,000 inhabitants. Inspections conducted in
the future loss states’ probabilities. The most probable result- 301 subareas of the urban area are used.
ing vector determines the loss state predicted for the evaluat- The power utility inspected 9,278 CUs being 2,463,
ed subarea. 1,103, 3,777, and 1,935 in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, re-
In (6), the future loss state of the subarea highlighted in spectively. Inspection teams found 1,133 CUs with NTLs
black in Fig. 1 is estimated considering the loss probability being 165, 88, 454, and 426 from 2009 to 2012, respectively.
vector and the transition matrix shown in sections II-D and The inspections are commonly performed in the form of
III-A, respectively. campaigns; i.e., officials inspect all the CUs in a city subarea
in which there may be a high number of NTLs.
3⁄5 1⁄10 3/10 In Figs. 3, 4, and 5, the information from inspections has
[2⁄3 1⁄3 0] [ 0 0 1 ] = [6⁄15 1/15 8/15] (6) been represented graphically by city subareas.
1/4 1/4 1/2

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Fig. 3 shows the number of annual inspections by subare-

as. Those in dark red were targeted inspection campaigns.
Fig. 4 shows the number of CUs with NTLs by subareas.
Equation (4) is employed to calculate the annual loss proba-
bilities for the subareas in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Thematic maps related to annual loss probabilities by subareas for the
years 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; (a), (b), (c) and (d), respectively.
The CUs of the loss database are not georeferenced.
Therefore, in order to apply the method proposed here, they
are grouped by the transformers to which they are connected;
the distribution network transformers are georeferenced,
Fig. 3. Thematic maps of the total number of CUs inspected annually by unlike the CUs.
subareas for the years 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; (a), (b), (c), and (d)
1) Case-Control Database Construction: The input data is
sampled according to Case-Control study. The set of Cases
consists of all irregular CUs from 2009 to 2011 (the year
2012 is reserved to validate the proposed methodology). The
set of Controls is a random sampling of regular CUs for
which loss has not occured.
The database is built with a (9:1) sampling scheme; i.e.,
for each irregular CU that belongs to the set of Cases, there
are nine regular CUs belonging to the set of Controls. The
Cases contain all 707 CUs found to be guilty of irregularities
and the Controls contain 6,363 regular CUs, randomly select-
ed from all the CUs inspected; both, from 2009 to 2011.
Fig. 6 displays the distribution of CUs in the Case-Control
database on the map of the urban area. The central region
(inscribed in the circle) has the largest number of inspections
and CUs with NTLs.
It is noteworthy that the sampling scheme (9:1) represents
the real situation of field inspections of Brazilian utilities; on
average, every ten inspections reveals one irregular CU. In
this work, e.g., on average, there is an irregular CU for every
8.2 inspections.

2) Description of the GAM Variables: In the GAM, eleven

x variables are used as in (1). These variables are described in
Fig. 4: Thematic maps of the total number of CUs with NTLs annually by Table I and characterize the socioeconomic aspects, the pow-
subareas for the years 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; (a), (b), (c), and (d) er grid, and the concentration of the NTLs by city subarea.
These variables are grouped into two groups: socioeconomic

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

variables (those from the census) and technical variables extension of the distribution network, and CAMPAIGN indi-
(those from the power utility). They were chosen after an cates whether there were a high number of CUs inspected
exploratory analysis in accordance with the recommendations (over 30); all variables are related to subarea.
of the power utility experts.
B. Validation of the Methodology
The method was validated by comparing the forecast to
inspections for the year 2012.
For the application of the proposed method, the bounds
for each loss state such that P(s, x) ∈ [LB, UB] are: P(s, x) ∈
[0, 0.15] in regular state; P(s, x) ∈ (0.15, 0.35] in attention
state, and P(s, x) ∈ (0.35,1] in critical state. Now we can
evaluate the loss probabilities in the present and future and
define the loss states in each city subarea.
In order to validate the estimated loss state, the loss state
for each subarea was determined again from the number of
NTLs in 2012. A subarea is considered to be in regular or
critical state if the number of NTLs is less than three or great-
er than eight, respectively. If these conditions are not met, the
subarea is in the attention state.
Fig. 7 shows the result of applying the proposed method-
ology. Fig. 7 (a) and (b) presents the current loss state of each
subarea (via GAM) and the forecasted loss states (via Markov
chain), respectively. As noted above, in order to validate the
method, the subareas are again categorized into one of three
Fig. 6. Spatial distribution of CUs in the Case-Control database in the urban loss states according to number of NTLs in 2012 and com-
area of the city from 2009 to 2011. The CUs are classified into irregular
(Cases) and regular (Controls).
pared to the forecast obtained in Fig. 7 (b). In a total of 301
subareas in the urban area, 280 subareas were evaluated.
TABLE I Among these, there were 219 hits (78.2%) and 61 errors
DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIABLES USED IN THE GAM (21.8%). The states of 21 subareas were not forecasted due to
Variables Description lack of data.
Average Number of Average number of residents in permanent We observed that although the proposed method has not
Residents households properly recognized subareas in critical state, the proposal
Nominal average monthly income of persons
Average Income
10 years of age or older (with and no income)
detect subareas which does not change state (see Figure 7
%Rented (c)), considering a conservative approach i.e., the largest

Percentage of leased private households

Residencya possible margin of error for each loss state. In addition, the

%Residency Percentage of private households with water proposal identifies the locations that should not be visited.
with Watera supply
%Residency with Percentage of private households with garbage C. Variables with Statistical Significance
Garbage Collectiona collection service
%Residency with Percentage of private households with pave- In addition to being essential for the construction of the
Pavementa ment in surrounding areas probability map, the GAM indicates that the variables have
Percentage of literate people five years of age statistical relevance and, therefore, influence the NTLs. Table
or older
II presents the estimates, standard deviations, and statistical
LOSSTRAFO Percentage of irregular CUs by transformer
significance for the GAM x variables in (1).

LOSSAREA Percentage of irregular CUs in the subarea The p-value corresponds to a significance for which the
hypothesis H0 (null hypothesis) can not be rejected. H0 is the
NTRAFO Number of transformers in the subarea hypothesis in which the variables are not relevant. H 0 is re-
Binary variable indicating whether there were jected if the p-value is less than or equal to the predefined
campaign actions in the subarea
Percentage with respect to total residency in the subarea.
level of significance. In the present work, the significance
Percentage with respect to the total number of individuals in the subarea. level is fixed to 𝛼 = 0.1.
In this context, the significant variables (boldface in Table
Among the socioeconomic variables available in census II), i.e., those that influence the NTLs in the analyzed city,
data by subarea, seven were selected: Average Number of are: LOSSTRAFO (p-value < 2. 10−16 ), LOSSAREA (p-value
Residents, Average Income, %Rented Residency, %Residency 5.92. 10−6 ), CAMPAIGN (p-value < 2. 10−16), NTRAFO (p-
with Water, %Residency with Garbage Collection, %Resi- value < 6.07. 10−4 ), and Average Income (p-value
dency with Pavement, and %Literate. The other variables 4.81. 10−4 ). The significance of LOSSTRAFO and
were taken from inspections; LOSSTRAFO and LOSSAREA LOSSAREA indicates higher concentration of the NTLs in
are related to the concentration of irregular CUs by trans- transformers and in subareas with a high percentage of irregu-
former and by subarea, respectively; NTRAFO is linked to the lar CUs, respectively. The significance of NTRAFO indicates

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

higher concentration of NTLs in subareas with more trans- We must emphasize that it is not possible to state conclu-
formers, while, the significance of Average Income indicates sively that variables without statistical significance have no
the concentration of NTLs in subareas with average income influence on the presence of the NTLs. Statistical significance
that is higher than the average income of the city. Finally, the must be interpreted with discretion upon exploratory analysis
significance of CAMPAIGN demonstrates that there are more of the problem [19]. Moreover, the significance of each vari-
NTLs in targeted subareas of inspection campaigns. able is modified to the extent that the variables of the analysis
are included (or excluded). Significance is also influenced by
a sample of the Case-Control database.
The residual term of splines smoothing function is signifi-
cant (p-value 0.073). This means that there may be some
residual spatial variation not explained by the variables asso-
ciated with the GAM.

Variables Estimates p-value
Average Number of
-0.10250 0.25620 0.68922
Average Income -0.00024 0.00007 0.00048
-1.29400 1.07800 0.22998
-0.79650 1.16100 0.49257
with Water
%Residency with Garbage
3.14900 2.14800 0.14264
%Residency with
-0.33760 0.86280 0.69558
%Literates 1.37600 1.87800 0.46367
LOSSTRAFO 13.20000 0.89600 0.00000
LOSSAREA 6.43700 1.42100 0.00000
NTRAFO -0.02196 0.00640 0.00061
CAMPAIGN -1.13700 1.17600 0.00000

The proposed methodology is easily implementable in sta-

tistical analysis tools. It was applied in our database and the
required computational time was five seconds on a personal
computer with Intel® Core TM i7 processor at a frequency
2.8 GHz and 4 GB of RAM.

In the present paper, a method for the estimation of vul-
nerability to NTLs in city subareas at the present (via GAM)
and for the future (via Markov chain) was shown.
The regional spatial-temporal behavior of the NTLs is rep-
resented by the loss state of each area, which is determined
from a probability map. This map is obtained via GAM and
Fig. 7. (a), (b) Current loss state (obtained via GAM) and forecasted loss considers socioeconomic variables from census data and the
state (obtained via Markov chain), respectively, by subarea of the urban area. power grid. The Markov chain is used to model the dynamics
(c) Validation methodology by comparison between the forecasted loss state of the losses; i.e., to check for changes in the loss state by
in (b) and the number of NTLs, by subarea, in 2012.
subarea. The method was validated with existing inspection
data, and it has been proved feasible to forecast loss of each
From Fig. 3, in each year, there are subareas of the central
subarea with an accuracy rate of 78.2%.
region that are targets for many inspections. This fact ex-
plains the increased amount of NTLs found in this area, as The main contributions of the methodology we propose
can be seen in Fig. 4. Moreover, the central region, in accord- here are to regard the place where the NTLs occur and esti-
ance with the result of the GAM, has high population density mation the spatial variation of the NTLs by city subarea in the
and an extensive distribution network. over time. Through it, three fundamental questions were an-

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2469135, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

swered: where the losses are located, i.e., which are the criti- epidemiology of antibiotic use and resistance in community-based studies:
the emergence of urban clusters of Escherichia coli quinolone resistance in
cal subareas; what the causes of loss are, i.e., which variables São Paulo, Brasil,” Internaticonal Journal of Health Geographics, pp. 1-10,
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