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W3 Learning Area

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Grade Level

I. LESSON TITLE Academic Texts and Texts and Text Structure

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Outlines reading texts in various disciplines
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Outlining Reading Texts

IV. LEARNING Suggested

Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. Introduction 70 minutes What is outlining?
Panimula It is the process of organizing one’s ideas in a logical way. In writing, it helps the
writer what to include and not to include.
What are the common outline patterns that are being used in writing?
There are two common outline patterns that are being used in writing:
a. Introduction-Body- Conclusion or the IBC format
I. Introduction
1. Back ground
2. Thesis Statement
II. Body
1. Major Support 1
A. Minor Support
B. Minor Support
2. Major Support 2
A. Minor Support
B. Minor Support
3. Major Support 3
A. Minor Support
B. Minor Support
III. Conclusion
b. Introduction-Methodology-Results-Discussion or the IMRD format (usually use in
I. Introduction
1. Back ground
2. Research Problem
3. Scope and Limitation
4. Significance of the Study
II. Materials and Methods
1. Participants
2. Procedure
3. Instruments
III. Results
IV. Discussion, Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations
What are the general principles in outlining?
The following are the general principles we follow when we create or write an
1. Parallelism - Nouns should be made parallel with nouns, verbs with verbs; This
will enable the reader to recognize similarity and function. This will enable the
outline to be expressed in parallel sentence structure.
Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth
2. Coordination - Items of equal significance in the same category or label.
Headings = using Roman Numerals
Subheadings = Arabic Letters
I. Definition of Communication
II. Functions of Communication
III. Forms of Communication
A. Oral
B. Written
3. Subordination – Though its most important and least important details
Writer should distinguish major and minor components of the outline
4. Division - Basic rule is to have two or more parts and this division should be
based on rank/level/category.
I. Preparing for a Test
A. Review the lessons
B. Take down notes
C. Sleep early
D. Have a good breakfast
II. Taking the Test
A. Concentrate
B. Read the questions
C. Answer the test

What are the general rules when writing an outline?

The following are the rules when writing an outline?
1. Follow this format:
Sub – topics = CAPITAL LETTERS (A,B,C)
Details under capital letters = Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3)
Details under Arabic numbers are shown by small letters (a, b, c)
Details under small letters = ((1), (2), (3))
Details under Arabic numbers in parentheses (a) (b)
2. First letter must be capitalized.
3. Any point must have at least two (2) sub points
4. Use either the sentence or phrase (topic/words) for each point.
5. Be consistent.
For more discussion of this topic please see Self Learning Module in English for Academic and
Professional Purposes by Talavera, Module 3-4,p.6
You may also visit this link for additional insights about Outlining

B. Development 60 minutes Learning Task 1: Read the short paragraph below and prepare an outline of the
Pagpapaunlad thesis statement and its supporting details using the format presented below.
Many people don’t know the difference between a patent and a trademark.
However, the terms trademark and patent aren't synonyms, they refer to different
things. Granted for a specific number of years, a patent protects both the name
of a product and its method of manufacture. In 1928, for example, Jacob Schick
invented and then patented the electric razor in an effort to maintain complete
control of his creation. Similarly, between 1895 and 1912, no one but the Shredded
Wheat company was allowed to make shredded wheat because the company
had the patent. A trademark is a name, symbol, or other device that identifies a
product and makes it memorable in the minds of consumers. Kleenex, JELL-O, and
Xerox are all examples of trademarks. Aware of the power that trademarks
possess, companies fight to protect them. They do not allow anyone else to use
one without permission. Occasionally, though, a company gets careless and loses
control of a trademark. Aspirin, for example, is no longer considered a trademark,
and any company can call a pain-reducing tablet an aspirin.

Thesis Statement: ______________________________________

Support1 ________________________________
a. ____________________
b. ___________________
Support 2 _________________________________
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________

Learning Task 2: Read the article below and outline the key concepts that are
presented therein. Write your answers in your notebook.

Modern Generation Youth: Inappropriate Behaviour In Kids and Youths

BY: Christine Torcato
The youth of today forms a major section of our society. The modern generation
youth wants to enjoy the gift of freedom. He/she basically wants to live a life full of
adventures, such as enjoying activities like trekking, bungee jumping etc. Today's
youth want to live a life full of excitement and not just of tensions and worries. In
other words, they want to live energized lives.
It is observed that the youth do face a lot of problems when it comes to an open
interaction with their parents. Thus the psychologists recommended that both
parents and children need special counselling that will try and bring solutions to
their problems. "Presently the status of the youth is degrading" is the opinion of
majority of the elderly people. They have taken to all sorts of temptations such as
alcohol, smoking, drugs, and an attempt to commit suicide etc.

"The style of dressing of the youth is turning from bad to worse" is the opinion of
some of the priests, nuns, and people in general. They feel that there should be a
certain kind of decency in their code of dressing be it at home, college, workplace
or the church, temple, mosque and gurudwara. The major factor which needs to
be taken care off in the context of the youth is the ever increasing rate of suicide.
Some youths take up to this major evil due to lack of love and affection. The other
factor could be the pressure put by the parents on the children in the matter of
studies. To some extent this type of behaviour is agreeable for children who are
weak in their studies but not for the excellent students. These children who are
excellent in their studies go through depression and hence take up to suicide. So
therefore my only plea is to please let the youth lead their carefree lives to a
certain extent cause they can brighten our future and help let us live a better
tomorrow. The youth are the ones who can break or make our society. By this I
mean it is the youth who can implement the laws and make the required changes
to bring about a progress in our society. And thus look at the advantages side of it
and then decide whether being too strict with the youth is good or not. It's all up
to you dear parents to secure your child's future in your hands.

I. Introduction
Thesis Statement
II. Body
1. Major Support 1
A. Minor Support
B. Minor Support
2. Major Support 2
C. Minor Support
D. Minor Support
3. Major Support 3
E. Minor Support
F. Minor Support
III. Conclusion
C. Engagement 45 minutes Learning Task 3: Read the speech below and outline the key concepts that are
Pakikipagpalihan presented therein. Write your answers in your notebook.
By Josephine Dastas
“There are small ships and big ships, but the best of all SHIP is FRIENDSHIP.”
Friendship is the best thing that we ever had. There are lots of good definitions
about friends/ friendships and we have those in our heart. We cannot succeed in
life without them; their support and caring relieves us in every ups and downs of
our life. The topic that I will discuss is all about friends/ friendship: some of the
different types of friends and the benefits that we get from friendship. Out of many
excellent definition of friendship, for me it is the best relationship of all.
In the next few minutes, I want to talk about some types of friends. These are the
different types of friends:

Fair Weather Friends: the fair weather friends like to enjoy your company when
you’re up but ran like wind when you are down. For example, perhaps you won a
lotto jackpot but eventually it vanished. Fair weather friends get attached with
you when you are up and full of life but depart from you when they have nothing
to dig up from you.

Dirty Scoop Friends: these are friends that aren’t friends at all. The best scenario
that describes this kind of friend is when you tell someone a secret and you will
be surprised when the nation surrounds you knows it. Be careful with those kinds
of friends.

True Friends: These are friends that are with us when we are down. They may be
our best friends or closest friends who give a real concern for us. “These real
friends are like blood, they come out when we are wounded”.

Those were the different types of friends: Fair weather, Dirty Scoop, and true
friends that we can relate of and have encountered as well. No matter what our
perceptions about friends are, we are still human that needs friends to go
through in life. According to the Chinese Proverb: “At home one relies on
parents; away from home one relies on friends.” We are blessed to have good
friends because of the advantages they brought to us.
The following are some of the health benefits we get from friendship: Increased life
span, lower rates of depression, lower levels of distress, and better psychological
and physical well-being. With the benefits of friendship, you can live longer along
with the positive emotions they shared to us and feel young. Together with the
positive friends we have, we can be physically able to deal with those illnesses and
stresses in our life and stay well. If we want to be happier, we've got to spend at
least some time around happy people (which are our friends) because laughter is
contagious and the best medicine. It turns out that even the simple act of seeing
someone smile is likely to make us smile or scientists call this as empathetic mimicry.
Those were some of the health benefits that we can acquire from friendship. We
got the happiness and support from our friends when we need it; and bringing out
the best on us. And the best of all are the lessons that we learn from them that
make us stronger in every downs of our life.
But as I end this speech, I want to share to you and reflect on this quotation: “the
greatest value of having good friends is not what you get from them, but the better
person you become because of them”.

I. Introduction
Back ground
Thesis Statement
II. Body
A. Major Support 1
i. Minor Support
ii. Minor Support
B. Major Support 2
iii. Minor Support
iv. Minor Support
C. Major Support 3
v. Minor Support
vi. Minor Support
III. Conclusion

D. Assimilation 110 minutes As mentioned earlier, identifying the thesis statement, being able to draw the out-
Paglalapat line of a text and summarize it will eventually help you better understand any
reading material. Likewise, the same goes with writing. Knowing how to write the
outline, express thesis statement and summarize all ideas together is the beginning
towards becoming a better writer.
How do you do with the activities so far? Do you still find it difficult to identify thesis
statement, write an outline and summarize given text/s? If so, do not worry
because we still have activities provided that can help you better understand
these lessons.

Learning Task 4: Look for any academic text found in your home. Check out some
magazines, newspapers or journals, and even online sources. Just make sure that
the web-sites you will visit are legitimate sources of information. Pick an article
about a topic related to your chosen specialization. Read and understand its
content. Then do the tasks below:
1. Write an outline of the article that you have read. Use any of the format in
outlining that you have learned in this lesson.
2. Identify and write the thesis statement used in the article;
3. Write a summary of the article you read.

As you do this learning task, keep in mind that your output will be assessed using
the following criteria:

Category Exceeds the Meets the Fails to Meet Not Evident

Requirement requirements the
5 4 3 2
Title Timely, relevant Relevant and Interesting title With a title
and interesting Interesting title
Thesis Thesis statement Thesis statement Thesis Thesis
provides high provides statement statement
level of insights moderate level provides low does not
on the topic of insights on the level of insights provide insights
topic on the topic on the topic

Format Correct format Correct format Correct format No visible
with no error with few errors with many outline format
Organizatio Organized Most details are Some details Lacks details
n details under organized under are organized and unclear
correct main correct main under correct main idea
idea idea main idea
Content Ideas are Ideas are Some ideas Lacks content
generally generally are supported
supported and supported and and are
are very much are relevant to relevant to the
relevant to the the topic topic

Self Learning Module in English for Academic and Professional Purposes by Talavera,
Department of Education, Region IV-A, Module 3-4, pp.5-6
V.ASSESSMENT 35 minutes DIRECTIONS Read each paragraph. Then fill in the blanks in the outlines that follow.

1. What makes an effective leader? To be sure, no one characteristic or trait

defines an effective leader. It is true, however, that effective leaders get the most
out of employees or group members by holding them to very high standards or
expectations. Setting high standards increases productivity because people tend
to live up to the expectations set for them by superiors. This is an example of the
Pygmalion effect, which works in a subtle, often unconscious way. When a
managerial leader believes that a group member will succeed, the manager
communicates this belief without realizing that he or she is doing so. Conversely,
when a leader expects a group member to fail, that person will not usually
disappoint the manager. The manager’s expectation of success or failure
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thus it pays for a manager to expect the best
from employees.
(Adapted from Andrew J. DuBrin, Leadership)
Main Idea: Effective leaders encourage a high level of performance by expecting
the best from their employees.

1. People are likely to live up to a manager's or superior's expectations.
2. Called the “Pygmalion effect” i.e. expect the best and you'll get it.
3. ____________________________________________________

2. Despite its rapid spread, Islam is not a religion for those who are casual about
regulations. On the contrary, adhering to the rules of Islam takes effort and
discipline. One must rise before dawn to observe the first of five prayers required
daily, none of which can take place without first cleansing oneself according to
an established ritual or ceremony. Sleep, work, and recreational activities take
second place to prayer. Fasting for the month of Ramadan, undertaking the
pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, paying tax for relief of the Muslim
poor, and accepting Islam’s creed require a serious and an energetic
commitment. On the whole, the vast majority of Muslims worldwide do observe
those tenets.* (Adapted from Jan Goodwin, Price of Honor, Plume Books, 2002 p.

Task :
Main Idea: Practitioners of Islam need to be willing to make a lot of effort to follow
the rules of their faith.

1. Get up before dawn, perform ritualized cleansing and say the first of five
daily prayers.
2. _________________________________________________________
3. Fasting for the month of Ramadan.
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
6. Accepting Islamic beliefs.
VI. REFLECTION 5 minutes
This lesson made me realized that ________________________________
I therefore commit to ___________________________________________
Prepared by: Josefina M. Fabra Checked by: Andrea M. Senadoza
SHS teacher-Punta IS EPS-Calamba City


Task 1
Answers may vary

Task 2
Answers may vary

Task 3.
Answers may vary

Task 4
Answers may vary

1. Given
2. Sleep, work, and recreational activities take second place to prayer.
3. Given
4. undertaking the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime
5. paying tax for relief of the Muslim poor
6. Given

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