Jipmer 3rd Wave Press Release 2021

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Sagara Sareea areata Ree wd araeierar ea JAWAHARLAL INSTITUTE OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH EAE US GALA HE ATOT FATT, HT ALHTE FH SANT TCA HGS HT ETA) (An Institution of National Importance under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) SIG BAT / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, wae curdiaft 77g, FGENT / Dhanwantari Nagar, Puducherry 605006 Website: www jipmer.edu,in No.JIP/PRO/NEWS/014/2021-22 June 18, 2021 PRESS RELEASE Coron infection among children — Information for parents and public 1, The severity of Corona infection among children when compared to adults has been less so far and hence there is no need to panic. 2. Only when the adults in the family practice the following meticulously — wearing mask, hand hygiene, cial distancing and vaccination against Covid, we can prevent Corona infection among children in the family and protect them. Lactating mothers should also get vaccinated against Covid. 4, After delivery, even if the mother is Covid positive, baby and mother should not be separated, 5. All babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months irrespective of the Covid status. Corona virus is usually not transmitted through breastmilk, In contrast, the baby will receive antibodies against Corona virus through breastmilk. 6. The mother should wear a mask during breastfeeding. She should also keep her hands clean by frequently washing with soap and water or using sanitizer. 7. All children should receive the vaccines mentioned in the National Immunization schedule at the specified age. 8. It is not necessary for children below 5 years to wear masks. 9. Children infected with Corona may be asymptomatic. Some children can have fever, cough, cold or loose stools. 10, If a child infected with Corona virus does not have respiratory distress, he/she can be isolated at home. In case of res ratory distress, it is mandatory to seek medical advice and care, 11. It is important to ensure that the affected children are not dehydrated. These children can be given more fluids like rice gruel, tender coconut water, fruit juice in addition to nutritious diet. 12. If the child has loose stools, home made or commercially available Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) can be given. 13, Oral Paracetamol is enough for managing fever in children, Administering unnecessary medicines without appropriate medical advice can be dangerous. 14, In ease the child also has other chronic problems like Asthma, Diabetes or Epilepsy, the concerned medications should be continued with medical advice. 15. Children should avoid stepping out of the house unnecessarily. They should not be taken to overcrowded places. 16, Due to Corona pandemic and home confinement, children are likely to experience psychological problems like stress or depression. 17. It is advisable to reduce daily screen time for children (watching TV, cellphone, computer etc.). Unnecessary media information which is like to cause fear and panic need not be shared with children. 18. It is important that the parents sit down and freely interact with the children during this pandemic. All their concerns should be addressed diligently. In case the children have psychological issues, appropriate counselling and medical care should be given. 19. To keep children active and happy, we can engage them in different games within the home. Their special talents should be identified and they should be encouraged to improve their skills in the areas of their choice. 20. All of us should cooperate with the Government so that we and our children are free of Corona soon. Dr. Adhisivam, B Professor and Head, Department of Neonatology, JIPMER, Pondicherry arenes Saree ras Re ed ei eet JAWAHARLAL INSITTUTE OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH arene Rta aver sare, eee tet Tee ETT ET (ss ston of Naanal portance under Mistry of Health & Family Weltre) ‘ARE HER / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA \arcaftt. GEEEA /Dhanwantart Nagar Puducherry 60006 ‘Website ww jimrsduin No.JIP/PRO/NEWSI014/2021-22 June 18, 2021 Lusbplilisonms Gorug Spbass@s6 AsnGorarn Asndo-AuTgNnsés esse SHI LOLUPWATEEMNETS STLUMD SPHMSSEHAS VHTET Toor UTBLMNGT s 6oTE 10 Sa@panaca 2 dongs. care CBA M see Gorcoor_md. 2. Aufluaies HSSEUF sews? SWEEG MBAS, FIs Qo.daal sorvlgsse wobgibd Qsneprern SOUL CLM GsAsrcresse AAUMdOTeoeu Ay suira GpHmsSsHs6 Chis GSmbm gu_mod UMg ETS (MIQUIL. 3. SULT Ob sideewEd sLLTU Geneon SOLA Cunt @sAamdrar Corson id 4. GLHOS FaTM Sic TsS Garona Asma Qossrond, sTuytd Geuyd PAT YTECA QGESH Coraior@d. 5. UINGS GHIMSSS WSA 6 nSMSeHSS SmUUUMG ol GEO Qanhas CasinGi. smisiuindy eno Csnerrart AGd GphmssG Gsdornsy. LIDS, CanCyramn Cpmidenor oHFU seMdacr sriscumed epovid Spboss6 Po sow. 6 GanGoreanm Osnibmcrear smi uns @dCurs, assagd soils CagnGib. Cogn ser MGEEEaT CEM SOs AGdErAe AsrainG DSHYG HSB Aeiigiandrer GaucinGrd. 7. G5AW SOLA SILLAMsTLUG GPEMSFHEG GSS srvsHod SOLUMSEaTts UML HSCs rérar Goussor Guo. 3. QHH AUBSGUCL GPHOSESOHSS WOSSSASI SL LMU Gerenrv. uu) BGssord. An GpimssGseG arises, cof, Good, auldoreuTsG 9. Geréoren GsTio eo.w Spbopact, cals spewluo CursrMsNE QossOUTID. DAETEFTaT GSMO 2OL.W GpiMsaGsG ss AMGAGd Apioid HMwOAUCMTd figeoeu Seflanint UPSOS@amcirercvrid. Suyaicnar GPHOSSS MFHH HoorMe QMGHsred Hw oGFHa m,Goursener Guo Geren uo. 11 GsrGrram Gomis QsTO THUL CHbMsBKG CenpbsCLuNEosd, Aajsc 21d Sess GMOUTOS ungssisOsrcror CasinGid. of 56A, Gabi, upsseng Gundmabemusld, sésidror 2 exrananuyto MAYGSCOHSESG AHHH Gousd1 Guo. R aWpoNeuTés QoUIer ety sidsong sarge sivas ORS Gsn@ssoomd. 2B. aMUsEMSSG UTTTACLON wObs CurgUTT. Gphossose CEMAWNO WGHHHAOET WGSHU SCoresnsr ui NGAUS! Hoovscvev, 14. QENGHTaAIT FATS GLHOSSG Te5od Saor_ane CprWasst (q6vgu00, FISKOT BHML, AGMA GUNSTOMA) AGT, WGSHIO Vere enor civsig. ISHS CSMaiTaT oGHsisear ASG 2CAsrcrer Basin Gud 15. GPHMSHsT Comauicdvemined Lora Gaciew agus soli CaGIOd. LET QimsG5sG SPHOSsanc saingciuns enpsse Ce cudsn 1H) 16. QGanGoret Usémoruned, Sigcacu smLbs BLUusmaud SPEMESOSG ocrrmamésd sos Bpso CumdM were igs Fencorescir giDLULsemGrd. 17. GYHMSS5OGHSEG MmOHUMATAMT GEnMVsHnlG, QJnvCue, sadilefl CUNsTMAHMleaT UWIGTLUTL ML GONSSO HOS. 99 BMBETeT Us LL sep GEUIBsct GPHMNSSHEHSEG OSH Garadrigu uP Qevenev, 18. GUSMSSALD SSTUML SHOGHS CUA. HAUGFHEFEEG TCHAD HEF DOHSNS, 21054 Gund (HHUL CaaOwb. PEcaMer aj 5GqHsG esau LAH UTFFOSEGT AGN FH WGSHA MUCUTFMer GUMCs mevevgs. 19. GPO Bsc VAP AWTEAL FOF OLILUTEOL OESBL, og decr@areus Amaumomd. Gpiossaher sofiuc. Boensenad soir Gs AUDEN ous GON HHO. 20. BILD IIMAAUGL PST VOMCOTS! ATK PSSienpssre, Slengaller Brand BUS! GPHOS HES) CarCoraral_ MEGS SIOuremid 1G. Qu. a, BAad CuTrAPUG UpHd sIENMS Heneveut, UsMarris Goansasr mars s1600, aAliwy, Usienau

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