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Course Title: Architectural Design Studio - IV

Course Type: CC
Course Code:
0 3 4 - 5
Credit Units:5

Course Objectives:
The aim of the studio is to introduce students to design of repetitive units focusing on horizontal
spatial planning with focus on interrelationship between spaces and their respective hierarchy.
Further, the objective is to focus on design evolution with respect to passive design strategies and site

Pre-requisites: NIL

Course Contents/Syllabus:
e (%)
Module I:Introduction to site planning
Introduction to site and its context. The site elements i.e., Location, Neighborhood,
Climate, Size and zoning, Natural and Man-made physical features, Circulation and
Utilities shall be studied and analyzed.
Module II: Design of building having primarily horizontal circulation and
repetitive unitin context of bio-climatic and passive architecture
Introduction to passive and bio-climatic responsive strategies and integrating the
strategies in the building envelope i.e. articulation of openings, wall exposure,
material and orientation with respect to sun and prevalent winds. The studio exercise 70%
focusing on application of the foresaid strategies in design proposals of built form
based on repetitive units.Ex. Youth hostel /higher secondary school / old age home /
charity homes etc.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students are prepared to apply the process of site planning and are enabled to illustrate their design
in response to micro- climate. Students will also modify the building design as a process of varied
functions and activities.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

Lectures and field visit supporting design exercise. Model on each stage enhancing design
development for comprehension of working in studio

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory (L/T) (%) End Term Examination
NIL 100% Viva

Lab/Practical/Studio/FW/SW Assessment
A CP CT SW P2 Viva
Weightage (%) 5 5 10 25 5 50
A – Attendance, CP – Class Performance, CT – Class Test, SW – Studio Work, P2 – Presentation,
EE – End Term Examination
Textbooks & References:
1. BousmahaBaiche& Nicholas Walliman, Newfert Architect’s Data
2. DeChiara&Callender, Time Saver Standards for Building Type
3. O.H. Koenigsberger, Manual of Tropical Housing & Building
4. M. Evans, Housing, Climate & Comfort
5. Donald Watson & Kenneth Labs, Climatic Design
6. Building for a Changing Climate by Peter S. SMI
7. Francis D.K. Ching, A Visual Dictionary of Architecture

1. Joseph De Chiara, Michael J Crosbie, Time Saver Standards for Building Types,
McGraw Hill Professional 2001.
2. Architectural Graphic standards editor – Boaz Joseph
3. Ernst Neuferts Architects Data, Blackwell 2002
4. Kevin Lynch, Site planning, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1967

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