How To Adjust The Pump Factor

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Pump factor adjustment for RT-9200

1. Turn on the instrument and then get into “Sys. Setting” menu (as figure 1).

Figure 1
2. Click .969 and there will be a new menu showed as figure 2.

Pump factor adjust --- PumF adjustment:

1. Set 1.56 for PumF as default.
2. Program the aspirate volume 500ul, use a pipette to dispense 1000ul into cuvette, and
then press “aspiration” button.
3. Check the aspirate volume, if the aspiration is 550ul, you need to reduce the PumF (such
as 1.50), and then click “Enter” button to save it.
4. Check the actual aspirated volume. If the aspirated volume is about 500ul, the PumF
adjustment is finished. If not, go back to step 1 to adjust PumF again.

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