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oO Zine - Stuvy nore — — Dr Diva OeAD ve. fill in the Blanks with suitable words 1. A strategic business process used to develop, execute persuasive brand communications programs over time with consumers, custo ‘employees, associates, and other targeted relevant external ant ernal audiences, with the goal of generating both short-term financial returns end build long-term brand and shareholder value is. ime. > 2. The process of planning, executing, evaluating and controlling the use of various promotional mix elements to. effectively. communicate» with a target’ audience is Fenty O=: to be accomplished by an organisation's overall marketing program such as sales, market share or profitability is_ MrAwhing Obj cebives 4, An organizational function and set of processes for creating, communicating ané delivering value to customers and for managing. customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders is —Moiling — 5. The phase of the promotional planning processes that focuses on the product/service offering and the firm itself including the capabilities of the firm and its ability to develop and implement a successful IMC program is called as Znfemd Ametyses's = cues such as symbols, rhymes, and associations that facilitate the learning and memory processis called as MNE Mo HICS s ). A model of attitudes that views an individual's evaluation of an object as being a function of the beliofs that he or she has toward the object. on various attributes andthe importance of these attributes is called Paull’ AHnbebe_alifvde. Madel- Qualitative Research designed to probe the consumer's: subconscious and discover deeply rooted motives for purchasing a product is Mnehvatio Perenol- 9. Aleaming theory that views the probability of g behavior as being dependent on the outcomes or consequences associated with it is_Oberamt/ Jin Condy from’ een agenty personnel who gather information that is relevant to “a client's product or service and can be used in the development of the creative strategy, as well as other aspects of JMC campaign are called as Accoun) Plonner fe : CQervaniss Who helps conceive the ideas for ads and commercials and writes the words for them is called _Copybyl a A a2: An ‘Ad agency set up, owned and operated by an advertiser that is responsible for planning and” hee executing the company’s advertising program is Ta 2-137 Simplified or basic decision rules that can be used by a consumer’to make a purchase choice, as buy the cheapest brand etc is called as Hewrishics External agencies that offer integrated marketing communications on a world wide basis fe caied 25_ ‘Stepan Aten 15. A method of segmenting a market by dividing customers into groups bused on their usage,loyalties or buying responses to a product or service is od ons he pp 'vpe of marketing strategy whereby a firm choses to focus its marketing ‘efforts on one particular market segment is called i 17. The complexity of learned meanings, values,norms and ustoms shared by members of society is called as_Collyre 18. Outcomes of product or service usage that are tangible and can be directly experienced by a consumer are called as ‘ 19. An the study of human motivations and behaviours pioneered by Sigmund Freud is called as i theory, 20. An audit of the advertising agency's efforts in planning,developing, and implementing the client's communications program is called i MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TICK THE RIGHT ANSWER) @ perceptual process in which consumers choose to attend td some sti Selective: Binding b. selective exposure ¢, selective retenti eae attention Gres whereby consumers choose whether or not to make themselves available to media fand message information is 2" Selective comprehen betlecthe atarition o@ective Exposure d. selective reter'*>0 23. The method of compensating Ad agencies whereby the agency receives a fee based on :he cost of the work it performs plus an agreed on amount or prof i Incremental Payment b.Marginal Payment c, Cost plus. d. None of the above 24. A type of marketing strategy whereby a firm offers products or services to a number of market ~7— segments and develops separate marketing strategies for each is a. Cluster Marketing b.Differentiated Marketing c. Niche Marketing. d, Exclusive Marketing 25. Maslows theory of needs consists of stages physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and y fan2-Self-Acutualisation b, Self-Acualization cSelfXctualisation d.Self-Auctualisation strategy in which advertising and promotional efforts are targeted at the ultimate consumers to encourage them to pyychase the manufacturer's brand is (a) Psuh Strategy (b¥Pull Strategy (c) Push Strategy (d) Pulu Strategy 27.Psychosocial consequences of purchase decision consequences that are subjective, personel and foi) Tangible (b) Tangeable (c) Intingeable (Qf Intangible (23.) \e reinforcement of successive acts that lead to a desired behavior pattern or response is Y pea) Training (b) Molding (s¥Shaping (4) influencing 29. The ability of an individual to perceive a stimulus below the level of conscious awareness is termed as uu : (a) Real Perception (b) Perception (c) subminimal perception (4) Subliminal perception 30 It's all about magineeringis an-adcampaign-run-by-whicheompany -—— (a) ARENA MULTIMEDIA (B)TCS (C) WIPRO (D) are ind not others Tie Stupy mATeHAL chia aaa = ws SYA RAS VE rill in the wlanks with suitable words A method of determining the budget for advertising and promotion where all other budget areas are covered’ “and remnaining™ frioney™~ is" available” “for ~ allocation ifort ated ‘A term commonly used in advertising to describe support media’ “Plleenadeve [lebia JA preliminary version of a commercial whereby a videotape of the frames of a storyboard is produced along with an audio soundtrack’ Ai mate: 4. The ability to generate fresh, unique: and: ‘appropriate. ideas that’can Eby used as solutions to ‘communication problems is if Fiviby. 5. Measures of a target audience's stafus concerning response hierarchy. variables such as awareness, knowledge, image, attitudes, preferences, intentions or, behavior. These measures are taken at the beginning or an advertising or promotional campaign to determine the degree ‘to which a’ target audience must-be changed~or movéd by a promotional campaign is res : ‘ 6. “Amethod of determining the budget for advertising and promotion by determining the specific. tasks thet) have, to! be performed and estimating, the’ costs of petformiag_ them is ni method: ‘A delayed! of lagged effect whereby: the. impact of advertising on'sales an choasaie a J subsequent time period: is called tevgnec flee — 2. A service which clips competitors adveNising from local print media baling he cSinahy vo imonitor the types of advertising tt are running orto estimate thelr avertsing expenatures is called clit 9. The practice of either directly or i directly naming one or more competitors in a advertising message and usually making a comparison on one’ or more specific attributes or characteristics is called _Combortive fiveasing - aT 10. The difference between the total revehue generated by a product‘or brand and its total variable costis called as_Contibuhan MM rgin sda ‘document that specifies the basic elements of the creative strategy such as the basic problem or issuie the ad must address, the advertising and communications objectives, target audience, major selling idea or key benefits to communicate, campaign theme or appeal, and supportive information or requirements is called as_Coby. hed fom model that identifies two processes by which communications can lead to persuasion ~ central ‘and peripheral routes is_€labretim Likeliheed: elt CeLm) 13. A research technique that involves observing or studying:’consumers in their natural environment is called as Sthnegeaphic Resemth 14. A model of the process by which the advertising works, . that assumes a consumer must pass through a sequence of steps from initial awareness to eventual action. The stages, include awareness, interest; evaluations fal and adoption is called as. Phi ° pt a ¥) oy er oo ¥ | seb “ we e's we yt? & aw we wl ‘et = rm. 15, An approach to advertising that focuses on the benefits or characteristics that lead a consumer to purchase a product or service’ and- dramatic. elements. to emphasize them is called’ as her reek 2 16. Thoughts that occur to a messagé ‘recipient while: reading, ‘nea and/or ‘hearing a communication are called as. Cognitive Resbmses ess % 17. The process by which a credible. Source ‘influences..a. message recipient. is called 418, Non personal, channels of communication that allow a message to-be sent to many individuals at one time is called as. fon. 5 5 Poet 9..Communications. in which only postive. attributes or benefits of a product or service are Presented is calledas_One $1 : message: f 362: message in which both: sides. of the issue are presented in. the. communication, with arguments offered to refute the opposing viewpoint is called as. Ré ‘oho appeal. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TICK THE RIGHT ANSWER): ® Phenomenon in which the persuasiveness of message increases over tima is ‘a. Delay effect b. Laggard Effect a ase ener 4. Retention Effect, fae 22, Progression by the consumers through a learh-feel-do hierarchical ‘response is ‘a. ELM Model b: MAM Model c. Innovative Model: d.’Standard Learning Model™ 23. A message in which both good and bad poipts about product or cluim are presentedis Dual Message-b. Two sided Messag&c. One sived Message d. None of the above’ Dee tendency for a television or: radio:cammercial to lose its effectiveness when it is Seen and k ¥ /or heard repeatedly is 2, Wareout b, Wearout ¢. Wereout. d. Whareout @r study of the nature of meaning is Wordonomics. bSemiotics c, Synonomics. «Symbolism 26. A sales response médel that attempts to show sales responses to various levels of advertising and promotional expenditures is (a) Z-Shaped Response Curve (b) $-Shaped Response Curve (c] U:Shaped Response curve (b) X-Shaped Response Curve 27. The theory that “arguments presented at the enid of the message are considered to be stronger and therefore are more likely to be remembered is (2), Immediate Effect (b) Regency Effect (c) Reticent Effect (d) None of the above (\? .))) theory that the first information presented in the message will be the most likely to be remembered Is ve (a) Primary Effect (b) Pre-Effect (c) Primacy Effect (d) None of the above 29. A determination of what an advertising message will say or communicate to a target audience is = Meter (ai Gommonieatian Strategy (e Message Strategy (d) None of he above DAGMAR approaich-was developed by === =~ (a) Russel | Glory (B) Russell Arnold (C) Russell Covey (D) Russell Colley Zine Stooy. meron ® ~ Dr: ShiymdeeseO Vie -Fiitin the Btanks-withrsuitabte words—————~- } The actual’ total cost: of placing an ad in a particular “media “Yagicle 2 elute. Cost i K” Commercial spots purchased from local television stations that generally appear: ‘during the time Periods adjacent to the network programmes’ Ad ja@ncy z 3. The basis or approach used in an advertising méesage to attract the attention OF interest of couimers and /or influence their feelings toward the product, service of cause: ig called Piclrerdiing A thed main textportion ofa print ad iscalled Bal (by __ A. special space rate or. discount offered for advertising in two or more periodicals Lombingtin Rate 'edia scheduling strategy where a co spanof the ad campaign is called Coninvidy headline thats very straightforward and informative in terms ofthe message ii presenting 1 1uous pattern of advertising is used over the time A ‘and the target audience’ itis directed towards is in, : pt media scheduling pattern in: which periods of advertising are alternated with periods of no A ivertising:-is called E[rahdi Se : fA” oversize magazine pagd-or cover that Is extended and folded over to fit into the publication AWA ss cates - oe Words In the leading position of the advertisement, the words that will be read first or are Positioned to draw most attention is called as i BEE Sones about a brand or a company that usually cariy the advertising theme and a simple message are called as. py lee ‘ ©: physical arrangement OF the various parts of an’ advertisement including the headline, sibheads, - illustrations, body ° copy’ "8 any’) identifying marks is called as Bo Pasis for the central theme or message idea in an advertising campaign is called as i < 14: The fpecifc goals an advertiser has for the media portion of the advertising program i called as hedia | ae 435. The series of decisions involved. in the delivery of an advertising Message to prospective urchasers and/or users of a product or service is fe, Or Specific program, publication, or promotional piece used to carry an ad message is called as Media Vehicle - The reaching of a very specialized market through programming aimed at particular target audiences is. “ae electronic device that automatically records a houschold’s television viewing, channels watched, number of minutes of viewing, and members of the household watching is called as Orr iter oc Or media scheduling method that combines flighting and. continuous. scheduling is, called is £ H Seas, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TICK THE RIGHT ANSWER) O computation used by media buyers to conipare the cost efficiency of broadcast Programs that livided the cost of commercial times on a program by the audience tating . or Gost per rating point b, Cost rating per point .c. Cost point per rating. d. Point per Cost rating ‘ cs - 22. An arrangement where opportunities to advertise in several different types of media afe offered” - by a single company or a partnership of vario providers : 2. "Gross media advertising b. Crass madie Adveitising c. Crsos Media Advertising lone of the above @ ost figure used in periodicals based on an advertisement placed one inch deep’ ahd one column wide is ‘ : 2. One x Inch Rate b. Rate Per Inch c, Diy inch rated, None of the above The time segments Into whick 9 day is divided by radio and television networks and stations for ‘selling advertising time is : w axTayparts b. daytime c. dayhour d. dayseconds “ 25. The measure that represents the total delivery or weight of a media Schedule during a'specified fie period. It ls calculated by multiplying the reach of the media schedule by the average frequency is @.GPR’sb.GRP’S” c.GSP'r _ d. None of the above 26. Plans of action for achleving stated media objectives such as which ‘media will be used for Sy reaching a target audience, how the media budget will be allocated and how advertisement, will be scheduled is — - (2) Media scheduling (b) Media planning (c\’Media strategy (¢) Media Mix term used in advertising industry to refer to music that is prefabricated, multipurpose and Conventional and can be used in a commercial shen a particular normative effect is desired is (a) Point Music (b) Pindrop (c) Needledrof (d) None of the above : 28. A rate charged by newspapers in which discounts are available based on frequency or bulk Purchases of space = (2) Closed Rate structure (b) Open Rate structure (c) Flexi Rate Structure (d) None of the- above peter ain 29; An estimate of the number of readers of a magaziné ih adailion to HS Siig iginal Purchaser is — (a) Total Rate_(b) Pass along rate (c) Overall rate (d) None of the above 30. The ability of a medium to reach a specific target audience is (a) Reachability (8) Frequency (c) Sef€étivity (0) None of the above a subscriberor wees Tic Stony marTenet ago = Desire ¢e0n00 ve @ 4a) Layout (b) Rough Sketch (c)StoryBoard. (d)Script Ozer headlines in print (@) Minors (oy Below Heac © times of year in which television audience measures are taken are (a) Sweep stakes (b) Sweep re Peak Time (d) Sweeps Periods’ ©: add designed to create curiosity and'buld excitement and interest in product or brand without showing it oote (a) Teeser Advertising (b)Taeser Advertising (c)Teaser Advertising (d) Tesear Advertising 35. An ad that associates the experience of using the advertiséd brand with a unique set of psychological characteristics that would not typically be associated with the brand experience to the same degree without exposure to the advestisement {a) Transnational Advertising (b) Transformational Advertising (c) Transfer Advertising (d) None of. the above. 36, Abuying period that takes place prior to the upcoming television season when the networks sella, large part of their commercial time is : {a) Prime Market (b) Pirme Market (c) Up- coming | Market. (d) Up-front Market ——— ®. message or aétion on the screen in a commercial that is narrated or described by a narrator who is not visible is oe (a) Voiseover. (b) Background Music (c) Voiceover. (d) None ‘of the above ‘38. A situation where the coverage of the media exceeds the target audience is - (@) Over coverage (b) Overshooting (e} Waste Coverage (d) none of the-above © use of a remote control device fo change channels and switch away from commercials is (a) Skipping (b) Zipping. (c) ZapBing’ (d) Nori of the above © The number of persons in the primary target audience that the media buy will reach and the ‘number of times is (a) TPR’s. (b) TRP’S(c) TSR’p_(d) None of the above

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