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“Education is not the learning of
facts; it is rather the
training of the mind to think.” –
Albert Einstein


ur English programme has been the result of a huge
effort among people committed to one objective:
help you achieve your master of the English langua-
ge. So, after a lot of years of work and sacri ce, we come
to you with this programme which will take you from the
very beginning of the basics up to the tops of the advanced
level. As our slogan says, this book series is professional,
practical and lots of fun. Let’s enjoy learning together and
you will know rst-hand that English is not just easy but fun.
Behind this book, there is a complete professional system
that connects and integrates every part of the book to you
teacher’s performance. You and your teacher will interact
perfectly with this book and this will produce the most po-
sitive effect on your learning. Also, the virtual-online aspect
of this series will complement your studies appropriately
giving you more hours of practice. Well, don’t wait more
and let’s get started!


Pages 4, 5

Pages 6, 7

Pages 8, 9

Pages 10, 11

Pages 12, 13

Eduación of the
Future Second Level Pages 14, 15

Third Level Conditionals Mixed Conditionals Pages 16, 17

Pages 18, 19

Pages 20, 21

Pages 22, 23

Retirement: More Fun

Than What You’ve Heard
Pages 24, 25

Pages 26, 27

LEXICON Pages 28

Pages 30 - 36
Discuss this question with your
What experiences have been
the most amazing in your life?


A. Read the text from a travel website and listen in silence.
Then, complete exercise B and C

Real life experiences around the world

Real life experiences are those moments you know and without doubt some of the top spots on the
you’re really alive and experiencing something planet. But if you want to paraglide European
special. While it could be the instant you see one style, where should you go? Fortunately for you,
of the world’s great icons for the rst time, it is we’ve written about the 23 best paragliding sites
more likely to be the moment you nd yourself in in Europe. Click here for more info.
the middle of a village square soccer game, being
treated to a home-cooked meal by your new local Learn To Weave In Peru
friends or sharing a laugh with your fellow Seated in one of the small huts dotted along the
travellers as you try a new mode of transport, ca - Sacred Valley, watch as the local women weave
mels anyone? These unexpected moments are some of the country’s iconic alpaca jumpers. Learn
what travelling is all about, giving you a trip like about their traditional methods dating back to the
no other. Inca period and appreciate the skill and patience
required in their craft. Click here for more info.
Paragliding European Style
Europe offers a vast amount of varied paragliding

B. Vocabulary. What is the meaning of…? home-cooked fellow weave craft

C. Can you answer these questions?

1. What exciting moments can you experience in a trip?
2. How many best paragliding sites can we nd in Europe?
3. What is special about weaving in Peru?
D. Let’s talk.
Would you try doing any of these exciting activities? Why? Why not?

Experiential Tourism In Cusco

These participatory trips allow you to have a cozy Peruvian experience and share t
ping overnight in homestay near Machu Picchu, eating typical dishes or even participating in the life
of the community learning their customs and traditions that are still practiced. An opportunity to live a
unique and unforgettable human experience, totally out of the ordinary


A. First, read the text above. Then, listen to a radio interview about experiential tourism and
discuss these questions with the class:
1. Where is the travel agent from?
2. What is the travel agent’s opinion on traditional tourism?
3. How many of these expressions can your hear from the dialogue? Two are not mentioned:


B. Complete the blanks with these verbs: be sleep visit

I usually ________ all Sunday long. But now I’m _________ my family. I _____ _______ to Machu Picchu once.

C. Let’s talk.
Role-play a dialogue with different classmates by asking these questions: What is your
normal routine in a typical day? What are you doing now? What exciting thing have you done that you
would like to do again?


A. Vocabulary. Which sentences are phrasal verbs and which are prepositional verbs?

1) She turned on the heater /She turned the heater on. - I enjoy listening to music.
2) The plane took off. - You will have to wake him up in the mor-
3) She sat on the heater. - This picture reminds me of my sister.
4) We got off the plane. - You can’t protect him from everything!
- We depend on electricity for almost
B. Practice. everything.
Look at the box. Which are prepositional verbs?
Write two examples with each of them and then share them with the class.


The English language dates back to the fth century, when Germanic tribes invaded
Britain and their languages combined to form Old English. The earliest form of English
looks very different from our modern form, but the two share a number of words and
roots of words. In 1066, the Normans conquered England and brought with them a form
of French. Many French words, along with some Latin, were mixed in with Old English,
and Middle English was born. With the advent of printing in the 16th century, English be-
came standardized. The Industrial Revolution created a need for more words, and British
colonization led to the adoption of many foreign words. These factors were rounded up
to make up Modern English, as we know it today.

Which countries speak English as their mother tongue? Discuss with
the class: A: I think Canada speaks English as their official tongue...
B: Are you sure? I think they speak French, not English!


A. Read the text above and answer these questions:
1 What is the official language in your country?
2 How many people speak English in your country?

B. Vocabulary. What is the meaning of…? MAKE UP MIX IN DATE BACK ROUND UP
Discuss with the class: What is a Phrasal Verb?
C. Let’s talk. How important is English in your life? Discuss this question with the class.

A. Listen to two friends talking about their experiences when they were on vacation last year.
Match the country names to the pictures accordingly.

1 2 3

B. Before listening again, try to predict the blanks answers. Listen again and fill in the blanks
1. Steve travelled to ____________ last Christmas, but he visited ____________ last month.
2. Cynthia was ying from _______ to ______ last summer when the aeroplane had an emergency in
mid- ight. They had to make an _________________ stop in ______________.
3. Cynthia was absolutely ____________ to go around _________ because she was amazed by their
wonderful landscapes.
A. Vocabulary. Read this extract about Cynthia’s experience, mentioned above. Which event happe-
ned rst? Second? Third? Write the number of order next to each event.

Cynthia: “When I woke up in mid ight, I Cynthia: “Well, the pilot told us that
had slept for most of the ight we would land in the nearest airport.
rst-half. The turbulence woke me up. But we had been ying in the middle
Some passengers were screaming and of the Paci c Ocean so I wonder where
others were just staring at each other we would land.”
in despair. That made me nervous Steve: “And where did you make that
because I had been ying for many emergency stop?”
years and I had never had any Cynthia: “You won’t imagine! We
problems.” landed in New Zealand!”
Steve: “That’s terrible! And what
happened next?”

A. Landing in New Zealand ( ____ ) D. Flying in the middle of the Paci c Ocean ( ____ )
B. The turbulence started ( ____ ) E. Flying for many years without problems ( ____ )
C. Waking up in mid- ight ( ____ ) F. People screaming and staring in despair ( ____ )
B. Essay. Write about an experience you had in which different events happened one after the other.
Use Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect to express your story. Write around 120 words.
Once, I went to Cusco with my schoolmates. We had never visited Machu Picchu before but
we’d seen pictures and videos. They looked amazing. But when we were travelling from Lima
to Cusco, our bus stopped in the middle of nothing and

A. Discuss this question with your classmates:
What are your plans for this weekend?
For the end of the month? For the end of the

B. Talk to your partner:

What is happening in the picture? Have you ever
participated in a crazy event with your friends or
classmates? What is the craziest thing you have 1. What will have happened by 2025?
ever done? 2. What causes more stress in today’s teenagers?
3. Who are role models for teenagers nowadays?
A. Read the text from a youth counselling website B. Vocabulary. What is the meaning of…?
and then answer the questions


Young people do not usually think about
their future. A survey done in the USA last CUT DOWN ON
year shows that by 2025 most USA teenagers
will have experienced more changes than the to reduce how much we use or eat of something
ones that were born before 2000. Technology to have a particular effect or result ______
and world affairs now make teenagers live to admire someone or to have someone as a role model
with more intensity. However, teenagers will to have an idea or nd a solution after thinking for
be more open to change than older people a long time ______
will. This is very positive but it can cause more C. Let’s talk.
stress. Do you plan for the future? How so?
Discuss this in class.
Therefore, that is why they look for more
emotions and thrilling experiences in order to LISTENING AND
cope with stress. Nevertheless, some experts SPEAKING
say that they need to cut down on these
A. Listen to a man explaining how important the
experiences because it may add up to higher
future is for him.
stress. Other experts, on the contrary, believe
Then, complete the blanks below. After that,
that teenagers nowadays look up to their
complete the next column with your classmate’s
favourite actors, singers, or social websites
in uencers and that is why they come
up with the idea of imitating them. So, how THE MAN YOUR
does the future look like for you? If you are
a teenager now, then you must think about TONIGHT
what you are going to study and what your
life will become in the THIS
future. Remember, there is a time to enjoy WEEKEND
and a time to stop and re ect about your
future. YEAR


Don’t throw it all away!

Have you ever looked forward to winning

the lottery? Just imagine breaking out of
your poor life! However, some people who
get rich quickly are very careless with
their money and end up being poorer than
they were before.
That’s why I’d be very careful. I wouldn’t
want a completely different kind of life,
so I’d start by putting some of it away, in
case everything went wrong – set up a
B. Explain the message in each sentence: kind of “emergency fund”. Then I
- The man thinks his country will get better in
the next ten years.
- The man will be working this weekend. B. An article.
- The man will have nished his studies by next It is usually written for an English language
year. magazine or newsletter, and the reader is
assumed to have similar interests to the writer.
C. Let’s talk. Who will win the next World Soccer The main purpose is to inform, to interest and
Championship? What will you be doing at this to engage the reader, so there should be some
time next weekend? What will you have accom- opinion or comment. Check the extract above
plished by the end of this year? Discuss this with and notice the use of phrasal verbs and preposi-
the class. tional-phrasal verbs. Then, write your own article
and show it to your
WRITING teacher.

Imagine you see this announcement in an inter-

A. Vocabulary. What is the difference between national magazine.
a phrasal verb (PV) and a prepositional-phrasal
verb (PPV) Which is which? Write down the initials Articles wanted
in the brackets.
Lucky winners
1. Everyone looked forward to the event. (____) What would you do if you won a large sum of
2. The prisoners broke out of their cells. (____) money? How would your life change?
3. The referee broke up the ght . (____) Write us an article answering these questions.
4. The airline did away with tickets. (____) Give reasons.
5. The men managed to put out the re. (____) We will publish the best articles next month.
6. The builders got on with the work (____) Write your article in 140-190 words in an appro-
priate style

1 Multiple Choice Cloze

For Questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best ts each space.

(0) with for at in

No More Classrooms

The use of computers has meant students can study could practice their English, maybe getting a hand
language programmes (0) ... their own speed when from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps,
and for how long they want. at the computer, from the comfort of their home:
What’s more, in the virtual classrooms of the future no (6) ... to catch the bus to college, or a plane to
the student will (1) ... on their headset, and be England.
transported into an imaginary school, choose their Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to
class, take the books they need off the shelf and (2) traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (7)
... conversations with other computerised students. ... the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to
They might (3) ... choose to pay a visit to the relate to real people talking about real issues and
supermarket or the train station, the bank or the generally learning a little more about others will
restaurant. At the (4) ... of a button they would be always lead language learners to (8) ... at least a little
transported to (5) ... realistic settings where they of their time with real people.
1 place put set get
2 take do catch hold
3 although preferably instead contrary
4 force hit depress push
5 so such like alike
6 role duty obligation need
7 replace restore succeed recover
8 spend make have do
2 Open Cloze

For Questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best ts each space. Use only one
word in each space. Example: 0 - the

Camping Holidays camp in these conditions. Don’t be tempted to

splash out on all the latest equipment either.
Although it has a reputation for being rather Most of the fun of camping lies in the chance
basic in terms of home comforts, the modern to get back to nature. There’s no need to take
material used in (0) the manufacture of tents anything more (6) ... the basics.
means camping is at least a (1) ... less hard work. Always try to plan your arrival at the site long
Nowadays tents are (2) ... lightweight that you before it gets dark. You will want to see (7) ...
hardly notice you’re carrying them. They’re easy you’re doing when you try to erect your tent.
to put up yet still a cheaper alternative to hotel Don’t forget to ask for permission if you’re not
accommodation. camping on a registered site, and remember to
Talk to an expert rst before spending a lot of take a supply of food and drink with you in (8) ...
money (3) ... a tent. Different tents suit different the local shops are closed when you arrive. You
needs and there’s no point (4) ... buying a can then enjoy your rst meal under the stars
mountaineering tent (5) ... you’re planning to and begin to appreciate the joys of camping.

Kitchen hygiene

The next time you go to the supermarket don’t forget to buy the
(0) biggest bottle of kitchen cleaner you can to
(1) …………….. your work surfaces.
Recent research in America has shown that the kitchen is often the most
(2) ………... of all the rooms in the home.
The (3) ………... of food, heat and dampness means the kitchen is
(4) ……….... a breeding ground for bacteria that can cause stomach
upsets and vomiting.
The study at the University of Arizona examined 15 homes over 30
weeks. Levels of (5) …………….... were certainly not below average yet
cutting boards and dishcloths were found to contain bacteria in
far greater number than elsewhere in the home.
(6) ……………... say ignorance is the cause of the problem and
point out that (7) ………………... cleaning can lead to serious food
The (8) ……………………... ? Make sure you clean all work surfaces
daily and keep an eye on that dishcloth!

4 ‘Key’ Word Transformation

For Questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the rst senten-
ce, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and ve words,
including the word given.

I haven’t seen you for years. AGES
It’s ___been ages since I______ saw you.

1. ‘Why don’t you come over for dinner at the weekend?’ he asked her. SUGGESTED
He .................................. for dinner at the weekend.

2. The school I studied at last year was better than this one. GOOD
This school ................................................. my last one.

3. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. SPITE

We had a good time .............................................. the terrible weather.

4. Being rude is inexcusable. EXCUSE

There is ................................................................................ rude

5. I regret taking up smoking. WISH

I ...................................................................................... up smoking.

6. The police are interviewing the suspects. INTERVIEWED

The suspects ............................................................................. by the police.

A. Play this game with your class: Tell your class-
mate to:
Sum up three two-digit numbers without a calculator A. Staying up-to-date helps ensure you don’t
or pen in less than ten seconds. miss opportunities, become irrelevant or fall
Mention three birthdates of three people that are not behind your competitors. Don’t be afraid
their parents without checking your social networks. to embrace change. Technical history is
Send a message to a friend without using a mobile or connected to the history of science.
B. The 20th Century was considered the
B. Who did it best? Can you live without techno-
Era of major developments but also the Era
logy? Discuss this in class:
of terror because the Atomic Bomb was
Which is the best invention of all times? Why?
invented in that century. Many historians
READING AND SPEAKING consider this a big irony: we had the best of
A. Read the text from a business webpage. Some technology in our hands and we used it to
parts have been taken out of the text. Choose the produce death.
correct option (A to F) to complete each blank.
One is not used. C. New knowledge has enabled people to
The history of technology is the history of create new things, and conversely, many
invention of tools and techniques and is similar to scienti c endeavors are made possible
the ther sides of history. ___________(1) It starts by technologies which assist humans in
with the beginning of life on earth, and goes traveling to places they could not previously
until the founding of early modern technologies, reach, and by scienti c instruments by which
such as computer and nuclear power. The era of we study nature in more detail than our
technology started when wheel was invented natural senses allow.
which is one of the most important technology
and after it, more and more things were invented. D. Smart speakers, smart homes and even
_________________(2) The Industrial Revolution smart cars are the tech wave to ride in the
began in Great Britain, and many of the future, but it’s just the beginning. In other
technological words, the future happening is now. Or at
innovations were of British origin. By the mid- least, it’ll be here sooner than you may think.
18th century, Britain was the world’s biggest
commercial E. The term came from the Greek word
nation, controlling a global trading empire with techne which means art and craft. It was
colonies in North America and Africa, and with rst used to describe applied arts but now
some it is used to describe the advancement and
political in uence on the Indian subcontinent, changes around us.
through the activities of the East India Company.
The development of trade and the rise of business F. Gradually different things started to be
were major causes of the Industrial Revolution. invented but the main era of technology
and invention came in the 18 century
_________________(3) If we look back to the mid
when industrial revolution started and
20 century, there was no access to internet and
machines got invented and various types of
it was di cult for people to communicate with
development and production started
each other and had problems in their businesses
but with the invention of internet, people
could have face to face conversation via Skype,
Facebook, live

B. Can you nd examples of superlatives and
comparatives in the text? Point them out and
discuss this with the class.

C. Let’s talk. What is the meaning of these senten- WRITING


1. The deeper we dive into technology, the more A. Vocabulary. Complete the blanks appropriately
it seems we try to blend the physical and virtual as per the context suggests:
worlds together.
1. If I want to send an e-mail, I normally use my
2. The higher I climbed, the worse I got because I ____________________, not my mobile phone.
suffered of fear of heights.
2. The biggest problem of technology is the loss
of humanity in our __________________.
SPEAKING 3. Online ____________ are better than going
physically to school.
A. Listen to a woman talking about how techno-
logy has affected her life. What is she afraid of? 4. My friends will change their
__________________ when the new I-phone gets
B. Listen again and answer these questions: released.

1. How long has she been living without any tech- 5. Sci Fi ____________ look more amazing than
nology? documentaries about the future.
2. If anyone loses their mobile phone for some mi-
nutes, how do they feel?
3. What will she do if she gets a mobile phone as a
present for her next birthday?
4. If a person living far away from a city goes throu-
gh an emergency, what can she/he do?

C. Let’s talk. Which conditional sentence talks

about a general truth and which about a real
possibility in the present or near future? Do you
see any difference?

1. If a man gets into a routine, he never changes

that routine unless a big change happens in his
2. I will cook some BBQ if my friend comes to my
birthday this weekend.

A. Discuss this question in class:

Would you participate in a student exchange programme? Do you know what it is?


A. Read the text from a student exchange pro-
gramme webpage. For questions 1-10 next page,
choose the students A – D on this page and un-
derline the words which give you the answer. The
students may be chosen more than once. C. Randall Cruz from Boston went to New

I wouldn’t waste a chance of traveling

abroad if I were offered the same again.
A. Elizabeth from London went to Peru And this was my experience: I lived on
a farm on South Island, where my host
I went to a talk given by a couple of older family had a vast ock of about 3,000
students who had been on an exchange sheep. Being a city boy, the experience
programme the previous year, and it oc- of farming life was totally novel, but
curred to me that if I could persuade my I loved ¡t and took every opportunity
mum, this would be just the sort of break to go out and help with the work of
from normal school routine that I needed. the farm. I also got involved in lots of
sporting activities with my school, including sailing, rugby and
I lled in my application while holding out skiing - all rsts for me. I found New Zealanders so enthusiastic
little hope of being selected. However I about everything that I used to get up with a buzz of excitement
was, and was soon immersed in a totally and, unlike back home, I actually looked forward to going into
different educational culture, which helped
- school every day. I also think I matured a lot during my year
me to appreciate many aspects of my school abroad. I’m not so dependent now on my family or my teachers
back home. Another great advantage of to make me study, and I’ve learned to get on with all sorts of
my year abroad was that I picked up different people, even if they’re not my type. I’ve also learned a bit
Spanish much more quickly than in about the value of money!
classes back home and, because my teachers were pretty
demanding, I even feel con dent writing it now. As a result, I’m
considering doing Spanish and Latin American studies at university D. Luisa Gallegos from Madrid went to
and perhaps after that going into the diplomatic service. If I went Scotland
back in time, I’d take the same decision, de nitely!
After four years in a State secondary school in Madrid, it was
B. Brandon White from Sydney went to a huge shock to nd myself in a private all-girls school in the
Highlands of Scotland, where
England everyone wore uniforms.
Studying there was a complete
Although my parents had insisted that I went, I knew what a revelation to me: gone were
sacri ce they were making to pay for my year abroad, so I was the hours spent in the evenings
determined to make the most of the opportunity. My host family memorising huge numbers of
was really welcoming, but what I found hard to get used to were useless facts for tests the next day
the seemingly endless days of grey drizzle and the fact that it got which I would forget as soon as the
dark so early in winter. Even so, I took every chance to get out and test was over. Instead, we spent a
meet people, make friends and get a real, sin-depth experience of lot of time discussing issues, solving
English life. At the same time, I was keen to make an impact at problems and writing creatively.
school and get good grades, although I found the schoolwork I missed my friends back home,
quite challenging and not really the highlight of my stay. but really appreciated learning to
Even so, I learned far more than I think in new ways and seeing that
expected, made a lot of friends and education could be so creative. I
carne away with the impression that missed not sharing my classes with boys, but on the other hand,
the British are a lot more interesting we probably concentrated harder and may have felt more relaxed
than I had been given to expect by about the opinions we expressed. I’d repeat this experience once
people back home. I’d do this again if
again if they gave me the opportunity.
I were you.

Which person… LESSON 2B
was surprised by the different approach to education? 1 ( ____ )
enjoyed cooperating with their host family? 2 ( ____ )
believes they are more adult as a result of the exchange? 3 ( ____ )
feeIs the exchange has helped to equip them for the future? 4 ( ____ )
felt a responsibility to take as much advantage as possible of exchange? 5 ( ____ )
had a different attitude to attending school while abroad? 6 ( ____ )
wanted a change from their normal school life? 7 ( ____ )
had not expected to be able to do an exchange? 8 ( ____ )
had mixed feelings about the type of school? 9 ( ____ )
changed their opinion of people as a result of the exchange? 10 ( ____ )
B. Point out examples in the text for Second Conditional sentences.

C. Let’s talk. When do we use “a”, “an”, “the” or nothing? Check the examples in the reading and explain
the rules to the class.
1. “I went to a talk given by a couple of older students who had been on an exchange programme the
previous year”
2. “I’m considering doing Spanish and Latin American studies at university”
A. We use “a” or “an” with singular, countable nouns mentioned for the rst time and to talk about jobs.
B. “The” is used with things we have mentioned before or when it is clear who or what we are referring
to from the context.
C. We do not use “the”, “a” or “an” when talking in general and in the plural and with many common


A. Listen to a student explaining his experience abroad.

Then answer these questions:
- Where is he from?
- Where did he go for his exchange year?
- Did he like the experience?
- Will he visit that country again? Why? Why not?
B. Let’s talk. Listen again and discuss these questions with your class:
1. Why exchange programmes are a good idea?
2. Which country would you like to visit?
3. What things would you like to see or experience in your host country?


E-mails and Letters. An informal letter or email is usually between people who know each other fairly
well. In addition to giving news, they are often used to request information, congratulate people, give
advice and ask questions. There are a lot of similarities between informal letters and conversation.
Informal letters ask a lot of questions, show interest and enthusiasm, and imagine a lot of shared
information. Practice this by writing an e-mail to your friends explaining your experience in an exchange
A. Discuss this question in class:

What environmental problems does your city have?

How can we solve them? Why is this important?


A. Read the text from a webpage on internet.
For questions 1- 4, choose the best option
to answer them: The data sure seems frightening, isn’t it? However,
we can’t lose hope just yet, because, in these
We constantly hear about how the world is times of drastic change, some cities in the world
becoming more polluted every day. The oceans, are ghting back, and they are winning! They
rivers, and even the air we breathe are getting are setting an example for us to follow where we
contaminated at a staggering rate. If we had can do our part to reverse the damages we have
known what was coming, for sure we would have done to our mother nature. The solution comes
changed many decisions and behaviours long in the form of environmentally friendly cities.
time ago. The more we continue to pollute these Eco-friendly cities follow a very speci c code of
natural resources, the more it becomes hazardous conduct. In general, an eco-friendly city goes
for our well-being in this world. by a few names such as a green city or eco-city.
Although they differ in nomenclature, the form
Unfortunately, this state of decay isn’t just and function remain almost the same. The eco-
restricted to any one particular country or a city or a green city pours effort into eliminating
state. We are on the top of a global crisis that will the overall carbon footprint of the city
soon render our lands inhabitable if we don’t whilst embracing nature and investing in an eco-
take effective measures quickly. People would friendly project that helps the humans and the
understand better now if they had been informed nature to coexist aiming towards sustenance and
about this before it was too late. But, is it really sustainability.
late? To help you understand the gravity of the
matter, let us look at some worldwide data on There are certain practices that need to be
pollution: followed strictly to achieve such a goal, the
primary being able to nd alternative sources of
- People who live in a polluted area likely to be energy rather than depending on fossil fuels. In
20% more prone to lung cancer the development of such a green city, the efforts
- 40% of America’s waterbodies are un t for are shared between the government and the
swimming, shing or sustaining aquatic life citizens alike. The result is a city that is modern
because of increased rates of water pollution. and also environmentally friendly. The idea of
- Breathing the air in Beijing, China is equivalent building a city that houses modern tech while
to smoking 21 cigarettes a day being kind to nature is not a utopian vision. There
- Half of China’s population does not have are cities all over the world that are doing it now,
access to clean water and results speak for themselves. The overall
- Close to a 1000 children in India die every day happiness and contentment among the citizens
due to extreme water pollution are higher, and the health bene ts follow. Simply
- Around 50,000 deaths are caused every year in put, these cities become places where you would
the US due to air pollution. want to spend your entire lives.

1. How critical is the environmental problem
A) Nature is getting contaminated at a low rate.
B) It is not critical
C) At the current pollution rate, soon we will lose
our planet.
D) Environmental problems are fake news. B) More than half of Chinese children who die
every year is due to water pollution.
2. What would happen if we don’t do some- C) Chinese people smoke too many cigarettes
thing now? per day.
A) All of our lands will progressively become D) Around fty percent of its population does not
inhabitable. have access to clean water.
B) The state of decay will not be restricted to just
one country. 4. What is the solution for world environmen-
C) People will understand better now. tal pollution?
D) Data on pollution will increase. A) To change our speci c code of conduct.
B) To use more green energy sources.
3. How bad is the environmental situation in C) To develop eco-friendly cities.
China? D) To move out of our cities and live in the
A) More Chinese people are getting lung cancer. woods.

B. How many examples can you nd in the text for Third Conditional sentences? Point them out. Can
you identify any Mixed Conditional sentences?

C. Let’s talk. What is the difference between Third Conditional sentences and Mixed Conditional


How to Write a Report. It is usually written for a superior (e.g. a teacher) or a peer group (e.g. members
of an English club). Candidates are expected to give some factual information and make suggestions
or recommendations. A report should be clearly organised and may include headings.

Read this task and write your report.

“Your teacher has asked you to write a report on things for tourists to do in their free time in the city
where you live. In your report, you should mention what free-time facilities there are and recommend

Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Imagine you are a very famous scientist and you have a secret project for saving the planet. Imagine
your partner is the President of your country. Convince him/her to give you support to make your
project come true. The President will ask you a lot of questions because he/she is not easy to be

2 Open Cloze

I was travelling around Europe by __________(1) train one

summer when I was about 25 years old and I arrived in
____________(2) city (I can’t remember __________(3) name) just as
it was getting dark. I went looking for somewhere to stay
such as ____________(4) youth hostel, but the only one I found
was full, and they couldn’t recommend anywhere else for
______________(5) cheap accommodation. As usual, I had ________(6)
problem with ___________(7) money: I didn’t have enough for
___________(8) hotel. I wandered round __________(9) city looking for
____________(10) park to sleep in. It was very dark when I came
to ____________(11) pair of__________ (12) imposing gates leading
into what looked like __________(13) park. I went inside, and
fortunately I had ______________(14) excellent sleeping bag, which I
unrolled and climbed inside. Then I ate some bread, which
was ____________(15) only food I had. When I woke up and looked
around me, I had ______________(16) enormous surprise when I saw
I had been sleeping in __________(17) someone’s back garden!

3 ‘Key’ Word Transformation

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the rst sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and ve words, including the word

1. He won’t pass the test because he doesn’t work hard enough.

If he worked ______________________________ pass the test.

2. Studying abroad will make you more independent.

If you _________________________________more independent.

3. Sandra only goes to lessons because she wants to meet other students.
If Sandra didn’t want to meet other students,

4. l’ll lend you my book if you take care of it.
If you _________________________________, you can borrow it.

5. I can’t tell you the answer because I don’t know.

If I ____________________________________tell you.

6. He’s not very enthusiastic because he’s tired.

If ________________, he’d be more enthusiastic

4. Song

Listen to this song from the internet and complete the blanks in the lyrics. Then listen again and try to
sing it naturally.
Never would’ve hitch hiked to Birmingham Never would’ve took a mind to track him down
If it ___________ for love If it ___________ for love
Never would’ve caught the train to Louisiana Never would’ve loaded up a forty four
If it ___________ for love Put myself behind a jail house door
Never would’ve run through the blinding rain If it ___________…
Without one dollar to my name If it ___________ for love
If it __________… Four cold walls against my will
If it _________ for love At least I know he’s lying still
Never would’ve seen the trouble that I’m in Four cold walls without parole
If it _________ for love Lord have mercy on my soul
Would’ve been gone like a wayward wind Never would’ve hitch hiked to Birmingham
If it _________ for love If it ___________ for love
Nobody knows it better than me Never would’ve caught the train to Louisiana
I wouldn’t be wishing I was free If it ___________ for love
If it _________… Never would’ve loaded up a forty-four
If it _________ for love Put myself behind a jail house door
Four cold walls against my will If it _________...
At least I know he’s lying still If it _________ for love
Four cold walls without parole If it _________...
Lord have mercy on my soul If it _________ for love
Never would’ve gone to that side of town If it _________...
If it _________ for love If it _________ for love

Cultural Note

Some English native speakers from Great Britain tend to use the simple past instead of the past
participle in this kind of construction. It is not considered as Standard English but it is very common in
informal conversations. Can you see an example of this in Adele’s song?


Discuss this question in class:

How do you normally have fun? How do your friends have fun? Can you have fun at work/school? Why
yes? Why not?
A. Read this text and ll in the blanks appropriately with just one word.
B. Let’s talk. How many examples of active voice and passive voice can you see in the text? Point
them out.

How Egyptians Enjoyed in the Past and How They Enjoy Now
A large number of contemporary Egyptian traditions ___________(1) said to have their origins in
very ancient times. These include the holiday which is known ______(2) Sham el Nessím. This holi-
day may have _____________(3) celebrated as early as 4,500 years ago.
It is thought ____________(4) have been the rst festival to celebrate the beginning of the spring.
Nowadays, in the early morning of Sham el Nessím millions of Egyptians come out to crowded pu-
blic parks and other open areas. Young men swim in the Nile and families generally enjoy the cool
breeze of spring. Sham el Nessím ______(5) also celebrated by eating traditional foods and these
include salted sh, coloured eggs, sun ower seeds and raw onions. The reason for each of these
foods __________(6) eaten is supported __________(7) a different myth. For example, offerings
of sh are believed to __________(8) been made to the ancient gods and by __________(9) this a
good harvest was ensured. Salted sh symbolized welfare to the ancient Egyptians and in ancient
times sh ________(10) easily caught by being trapped in natural pools created by the movement
of the Nile.



A. Listen to a speech from a professor about fun at work. What is the main message of the speaker?
B. Let’s talk. Check these questions about the listening. Try to answer them. Then listen again to

1. What did the Egyptians celebrate in Sham-el-Nessím?


2. What made the Egyptians get happy in their celebrations?


3. How do modern Egyptians celebrate today?


4. Who enjoy work more than others? Serious workers? Or relaxed workers?


5. Who do modern Egyptians thank for their celebrations today?



A. Check the questions in Listening exercise B. Which question has auxiliaries? Which one doesn’t have
any? Why?
B. Vocabulary. Write down 5 examples of Subject Questions and 5 examples of Object Questions.
Then, compare with your classmates.

Discuss this question in class:
What do you understand by “networking”? How do you nd help from the people around?


A. Read this text from a British newspaper and ll in the six blanks appropriately with one sentence (A
to G) below. One is not used.
B. Let’s talk. How did this medical student use networking to be successful in his studies?

How Networking helped a university student of Medicine

Medicine isn’t quite like other degrees. I spent the rst three years studying and attending lectures
on anatomy, cell biology and pathology (what happens when the body goes wrong). I found when
I got to medical school that I was required to memorise far more than I had had to at secondary
school and put in far longer hours, especially around exam time.
As well as the lessons and lectures, I had individual weekly classes with my tutor, who also gave
me work to do. _________(1). These classes soon became a high point in my week. We used to
spend the hour discussing such things as the properties of different medicines or the topic of an
essay whose title was Doctors can learn more medicine from treating patients than from studying
textbooks. Do you agree? ______________ (2).
In my nal year, I studied for an extra degree in Physiological Sciences. I was also able to pursue
areas of interest, which in my case included neuroscience, and take supplementary modules in the
history of medicine and pharmacology. Most universities now expect you to do some academia
research as well. However, I felt incredibly lucky that I had the opportunity to work in laboratories
where I rubbed shoulders with Nobel Prize winners. ____________________(3).
As a clinical student, in other words as a student in a hospital, my timetable changed dramatically.
I was expected to dress smartly, as I spent every day with patients as a functioning part of a medi-
cal team. _____________(4) These included surgery, medicine, dermatology, neurology and many
I moved to a London hospital for my clinical training, and had some very memorable experiences,
such as delivering my rst baby and visiting a prison psychiatric ward. ______________(5). I was
permitted to walk into any ward or any operating theatre and observe, learn, ask questions and
speak to patients, whereas practising doctors are all rushed off their feet. Students can often take
time to really investigate a patient’s condition more deeply, and may even be able to inform the
doctors and nurses of some very important detail that has been overlooked and which might lead

to the patient being misdiagnosed. ______________ (6). Everyone teaches each other at whate-
ver level, and now I also help secondary-school students who are preparing entrance exams for
the top medical schools.
Medicine is a very time-intensive degree. However, being thrown in at the deep end of some of
the most challenging situations I have
ever been in, and having to deal with patients from all areas of life, continues to inspire me and
satisfy me on a daily basis


A. And on other occasions we used to just play chess.

B. Now, as a working doctor, who is expected to do certain jobs by certain times, I appreciate that
while I was studying medicine, I had the opportunity to do many things I would not have time for now.
C. On average, four weeks was spent rotating around each of the different specialties across the three
D. The culture within medicine is that each team member’s input is respected, and the team itself
is hugely valued.
E. And although I was expected to work extremely hard, most of the work was enjoyable.
F. These well-known people would always be more than happy to answer questions in the corridor, or
reply to an email that requested more Information about their subject.
G. This usually consisted of writing an essay on a topic related to my studies.


A. Check the text in the previous page again. Find examples of relative clauses. Then solve this exerci-
Fill in the blanks correctly:

1. The man ________ phoned you is my doctor.

2. My doctor, ______ lives in your neighbourhood, vaccinated me yesterday.

Discuss: Which is a De ning Relative Clause and which is a Non-de ning Relative Clause? How do you
B. Check the text one last time and nd examples of Verb plus Gerund. Then solve this exercise:


Complete the blanks correctly with the verbs in the box.

1. He’s made a lot of friends by ______________ the tennis club.
2. We watched a lm about ___________ in the mountains.
3. I really enjoyed ______________ that match.
4. She suggested ______________ a game of squash after school.
5. I’m looking forward to ________________ on holiday.
6. She’s used to _____________________ everything in English.

B. Write an essay about how you would use networking to be successful in life. Write about 140 words
and include Relative Clauses and Verb plus Gerund sentences.

Discuss this question in class:

What is retirement? What is a pension?

Who gets a pension? And when? And why?


A. Check these three pictures here on the right.
What do they say? Do you agree with those
statements? Read the text below and answer the

My best friend was recently forced into an early retirement. While she was within a year of
wanting to retire anyway, it came as a bit of shock when her job position was eliminated and
she was faced with trying to occupy the hours in the day. What should she have done? She must
have felt terrible.

Fortunately, she and her husband had planned for their retirement nancially, so she did
not need to nd another job to supplement their income. However, not much thought had
previously been
given to what she would do to keep herself occupied during retirement. With retirement
thrust upon her so unexpectedly, she felt unprepared, lost, useless and a little depressed. Each
individual faces a unique set of circumstances that dictates how and when they will retire.
Some people plan for early retirement, while others feel they will never be able to retire due to
nancial constraints or health issues. That is why you must plan ahead.

If you are one of the lucky few who are reasonably well set nancially, have good health and
little-to-no guardian responsibilities, then you need to embrace retirement as a new phase of life
with unlimited possibilities. Develop the attitude that you are indeed lucky!

1) What is the biggest problem of retired people when they start this new stage in their lives?

2) How was the writer’s best friend forced into an early retirement?

3) What stops some people to get an early retirement?

4) What is the best attitude to have when retired?

an What You’ve Heard!

B. We use modal verbs to express the speaker’s view of ability, certainty and possibility, obligation,
prohibition and permission.
To express certainty about the present, we use:
• must:
She’s been in over 15 lms, so she must be very well known.
• can’t or couldn’t for the negative (not mustn’t):
You can’t be tired. You’ve just got out of bed!
Mark couldn’t have been at the party - he’s on holiday in Asia at the moment.
To express possibility about the past, we use:
• may have, might have, could have, may not have, might not have plus past participle:
It’s unlike Sally to be late. She may have overslept, or she might not have remembered the appointment.
Find examples of Modal Verbs in the text.


A. Check the text in the previous page again. Find examples of Verb plus In nitive. Then solve this
Fill in the blanks correctly. Use the verbs in the box:


1. It’s too cold ___________ swimming today.

2. He isn’t good enough ___________ the national team.
3. She agreed _____________ him after work.
4. She expected ___________ the race.
5. I expect you ___________________ in the match.

B. Let’s talk. Why should we respect older people? How can we plan for a good retirement?

C. Write an essay explaining how you would enjoy your retirement.

Try to use as many ideas as possible.
Write about 140 words including
Modals and Verb plus In nitive.

1 ‘Key’ Word Transformation

For questions 1 and 6, re-write the sentences using the word given.
1. We’d like all our students to participate in the sports programme.
We are keen on all our students the_____________________________ sports programme.

2. Buying the equipment for this sport is cheaper than hiring it.
It’s the equipment for this sport than _________________________ to buy it.

3. You should have phoned her to tell her the game was cancelled.
You were supposed to _______________________________________ tell her the game was cancelled.

4. Mateo managed to win the race.

Mateo _______________________________________________ the race.

5. “I’ll never get angry with the referee again,” said Martin.
Martin promised never ___________________________________ the referee again.

6. Tanya found windsur ng easy to learn.

Tanya ___________________________________ to windsurf.

2 Team work

A. Complete the sentences by writing the verb in brackets in the in nitive or gerund in the gaps. Do it
in groups and nd who nishes rst. The rst group to nish is the champion!

1 Can I suggest _______________________ (take) a break in about ten minutes?

2 Did you manage _____________________ (get) in touch with her?
3 Do you want me ________________________ (invite) her?
4 He’s considering _________________________ (change) his course of studies.
5 He absolutely refuses ______________________ (have) anything to do with them.
6 He admitted ____________________________ (steal) the money.
7 He persuaded them _______________________ ( nish) the job.
8 I expect ________________________________________ (become) very rich one day.
9 I really don’t mind _____________________________ (work) at weekends.
10 It’s no good ______________________________________ (ask) him anything. He’s really unhelpful.
11 Tanya enjoys ________________________________ (work) in an internet café.
12 You know it’s not worth ________________________ (spend) so much money on a meal like that.

B. Complete these sentences by writing a suitable modal verb and the verb in brackets in the correct
form (present or past) in the gaps. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible.

1. Everyone in the class _______________________(work) incredibly hard because you have all passed
the exam!

2. I think she ___________________________________(be) a really happy person because she’s

always smiling and laughing.

3. Jamie woke up in the night screaming. He _____________________________ (have) a nightmare.

4. I don’t know why Irina hasn’t arrived yet. She ____________________ (have to) stay on late at
school, or she ______________________ (stop) on the way home to see some friends.

5. I don’t know how old the teacher is, but he looks quite young, so he ______________ (be) more
than 25.

6. They say it _______________________ (rain) at the weekend, so we won’t be able to play football on

3 Song

Listen to this song from The Beatles on the internet and complete the blanks in the lyrics. Then listen
again and try to sing it naturally.

I ________________ have known better with a girl like you

That I would love everything that you do
And I do, hey, hey, hey, and I do
Whoa, oh, I never realized what a kiss ____________ be
This ______________ only happen to me
____________ you see, _____________ you see
That when I tell you that I love you, oh
You’re gonna say you love me, too, oh
And when I ask you to be mine
You’re gonna say you love me, too
So oh, I ________________ realized a lot of things before
If this is love you’ve got to give me more
Give me more, hey hey hey, give me more
Whoa, oh, I never realized what a kiss ____________ be
This _____________ only happen to me
__________ you see, ___________you see
That when I tell you that I love you, oh
You’re gonna say you love me, too, oh
And when I ask you to be mine
You’re gonna say you love me, too
You love me, too, you love me, too, you love me, too

Irregular Verbs


C.E.F.R. B2

B. Put the words in order to make sense.

LESSON 1A 1 girl / stared / at / intently / He / the /


2 car / on / blue / nally / the / decided / She

1 VOCABULARY. Words are formed from a root word
and variations. For example: ____________________________________________

ACT is a verb that means to perform a part in a lm, 3 dog / looking / He / after / the / is
play, etc. But we can form more words by using Su-
ffixes and Pre xes with this root word: ____________________________________________

ACT-OR ACT-ION RE-ACT 4 for / waiting / John / is / Mary

These words together form a word family. ____________________________________________

How many words can you derive from the root word
“CLASS”? 5 stranger / The / is / dog / at / a / barking


3. ROLE-PLAY. Imagine you are in a job interview and

your classmate is the one interviewing you. Act out
this situation using this kind of questions:
1. What do you normally do on weekends?

2 GRAMMAR FUN! 2. Why do you want to work with us?

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 3. Where have you worked before?

1. I (not / work) have not worked today. 4. Are you doing anything special this year?

2. We (buy) _______________________ a new lamp 5. How long have you lived in the place you live now?
every three months.

3. We (not / plan) __________________ our holiday


4. Where (be / you) _________________ lately?

5. He (write) _________________________ ve books

so far.

6. She (not / watch) _______________________ TV.

She hates it.

7. (study / you) ____________________ at school this

month? School (not / start) _________________ yet.
4 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
8. (speak / he) _________________________ to his
boss right now?
No. He (have / not / nd) ________________________ llidemperu-pre-destinations-workbook/exam-289247
the time yet Look for Lesson 1A only!

9. My Dad ___ to the supermarket this morning to

LESSON 1B buy some milk.

had gone

10. I ___ for my exam all morning so I was really upset

1 GRAMMAR FUN! when I didn’t do well.
A. Circle one of the options. hadn’t revised

1. I can’t believe she ___ my sandwich!

ate B. Which blank is in Past Simple? And which one in
had eaten Past Continuous?

2. I couldn’t believe she ___ my sandwich!

had eaten 1 When I _________ this morning, it______________.
ate (WAKE UP / SNOW)

3. He ___ his homework so he was allowed to eat with 2 I ________________ when you _____________ me.
us. (SLEEP / CALL)
had done 3 - What _____ you _____ between 8 and 9 p.m. last
4. I ___ of going to Italy before she suggested it. - I ________.
didn’t think (DO / STUDY)
hadn’t thought
4 I _____________ my leg when I
5. What ___ today? _________________.
had you done (BREAK / SKI)
did you do
5 We __________ TV when the power __________.
6. We ___ all our water before we realised there wasn’t (WATCH / GO OFF)
any left.
had drunk C. Look at this strip cartoon from Jim Davis. What
drank does it mean?

2 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:

7. We ___ the test when she told us there wasn’t any
time left! demperu-pre-destinations-workbook/exam-289247
didn’t even start
hadn’t even started Look for Lesson 1B only!

8. My dog ripped my dress! I was so upset, I ___ it!

just bought
had just bought


1 VOCABULARY. Match the definitions (A to J) with A Complete the blanks with the Simple Future
the prepositional-phrasal verbs: Perfect.

get away with 1. Next week, I ____ ____ _____ in Germany for 1 year.
come up with (LIVE)
look up to 2 The bus ____ _____ ______ by the time he arrives.
look forward to He’s
put up with always late!
live up to (LEAVE)
get up to 3 _____ you _____ _______ the project by tomorrow
keep up with morning?
look down on (PRINT)
get away from 4 By Monday morning I ____ ____ ______ the whole
A To disrespect or disregard (READ)
B To be excited about something in the future 5 I ____ _____ ________ by the deadline.
C To take a short break, to leave and be able to se- (NOT FINISH)
parate oneself from one’s environment for a short
time B. Future Simple or Future Continuous? Fill in the
D To become involved in, for example mischief blanks appropriately.
E To contribute, for example a suggestion, plan or
idea 1. Are you cold? I ________ ________ the air conditio-
F To strive to be on equal terms with the common ning, then.
trend, for example fashion (TURN OFF)
G To endure 2. She _______ ________ for us when we arrive.
H To escape blame or punishment (WAIT)
I To ful l 3. I ________ _________ the dishes after I eat. I promi-
J To admire someone se!
2 GRAMMAR FUN! 4. I think he _______ _______ to our party tonight.
5. They _______ ____________ with us on vacation
this year. They have other plans.

2 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
Look for Lesson 1C only

1 VOCABULARY. Change the sentences using the B. Fill in the blanks appropriately.
opposite adjective in each case where appropriate.
1. If my husband ____ too much French fries, he __
- China is smaller than Japan. fat.
____________________________________________ (EAT / GET)

- China is the least populated country in the world. 2. When I ______ my motorbike, I _______ a boat.
____________________________________________ (SELL / BUY)

- The internet is the hardest way of getting informa- 3. Unless ice ________ (warm) up, it ________ (not
tion. melt).
___________________________________________ (WARM / NOT MELT)

- The worst I treat my students, the better they beha- 4. If I _________ this lesson, I _________ my exam.
ve. (LEARN / PASS)
5. Jacob _________ you up, if it _________.

A Read this meme and tell the class what the message 6. If John ______ his English exam, he _______ to the
is. Then say if the sentences are in the Zero Conditio- party.
nal or in the First Conditional and how you know so. (FAIL / NOT GO)

7. When it _________, shops _________ more umbre-


8. If Virginia _________ late, George _________angry.

(BE / GET)

9. If my team ______the championship, we ______.


10. If I _______, nobody _______.


3 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:

Look for Lesson 2A only!

1 GRAMMAR FUN. 5. I do not like _____ basketball.
A. Complete the blanks appropriately with the Se- 6. That is _____ girl I told you about.
cond Conditional. 7. _______ night is quiet. Let’s take a walk!
8. _________ price of gas keeps rising.
1. I ______________ that if I ______ you 9. John travelled to _____ Mexico.
(NOT EAT / BE) 10. Juan is __________ Spanish.
11. I read ________ amazing story yesterday.
2. If you ________ your wife’s birthday what ______ 12. My brother does not eat __________chicken.
she ___? 13. ______ love is such a beautiful thing.
(FORGET / DO) 14. I live in ______ apartment. The ____ apartment is
3. If I knew the answer, I’d tell you. 15. I would like _____ piece of cake.
(KNOW / TELL) 16. I was in _______ Japanese restaurant. _____ res-
taurant served good food.
4. If I _____ lots of money, I _______ all around the 17. Sara can play _____ guitar.
(HAVE / TRAVEL) 2 ROLE-PLAY. In groups of three, one of you is the
Director of an Exchange Programme, one of you is a
5. I _____ ne if I ______ twins now. candidate student and the last one is the father or the
(BE / HAVE) mother of the student. Act out the situation explai-
ning the bene ts of your school. The parent and the
candidate student are not easy to be convinced.

B Complete the blanks with the de nite or inde nite 3 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
1. What _______ interesting place!
2. You should never look directly at _________ sun. llidemperu-pre-destinations-workbook/exam-289247
3. My brother’s girlfriend is ___________ architect.
4. My grandmother is ____________ oldest person in Look for Lesson 2B only!
my family.
5. I usually play volleyball twice _________ week.
6. My cousins live in _______ really nice house.

C Complete the blanks with “a”, “an”, “the” or nothing

1. I bought ___________ pair of shoes.
2. I saw____________ movie last night.
3. They are staying at _____________ hotel.
4. Look at _____ woman over there! She is ___ famous
1 GRAMMAR FUN. B Mixed Conditionals. Complete the blanks with the
right form of the verbs in brackets.

1 If I __________ harder at school, I ________ a better

job now.
2 If I _______ in the middle of another meeting, I
____________ happy to help you.
3 If we __________ at the map, we ____________ lost.
4 If you ____________ that plane last night, you
___________ dead now.
5 If she ___________ afraid of ying, she
_____________________ by boat.

C. Conversation. Read this meme and discuss the

message given. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

1. If I had gone to England, I ______ missed Rachel’s

had would have
2. If I’d gone to University, I ______ liked to have
studied Economics.
had would have
3. I ______ gone to the cocktail party if I hadn’t had
too much work on.
had would have
4. I ______ recognized you if somebody hadn’t told
me who you were.
had would have
5. I would have bought a Mercedes if I ______ been
able to afford it.
had would have
6. I ______ sent you a postcard if I hadn’t lost your
address. 3 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
had would have
7. I wouldn’t have told you if I ______ known that you
would get upset. llidemperu-pre-destinations-workbook/exam-289247
had would have
8. I’d have come in earlier if I ______ known how Look for Lesson 2C only
much urgent work there was.
had would have
9. I ______ forgotten all about it if you hadn’t remin-
ded me.
had would have
10. I’d have helped you if you ______ asked me.
had would have

8. Someone gave me a watch for my birthday.

LESSON 3A Who gave you a watch for your birthday?

Who did give you a watch for your birthday?

C Active and Passive Voice. Choose the right option in

each case.
A Subject or Object Questions? Put these questions in
the correct order. Question 1
1 window / broke / the / Who / ? Active: People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
___________________________________ Passive: Portuguese ___________ in Brazil.

2 door / on / knocking / is / the / Who / ? A is speak

_____________________________________ B is spoke
C is spoken
3 sister / you / does / Where / live / ?
____________________________________ Question 2
Active: The staff cleans all the hotel rooms daily.
4 Jeremy / nice / Where / buy / mug / did / this / ? Passive: The hotel rooms _________ daily.
A are clean
B Choose the correct questions using the following B are cleaned
prompts. C is cleaned

You shall ask a question about the word underlined: Question 3

1. I bought a newspaper this morning. Active: We update the company website frequently.
What bought you this morning? Passive: The company website ___________ frequent-
What did you buy this morning? ly.
What you did buy this morning?
A are updated
2. Something odd happened during the storm last B is updated
night. C was updated
What happened during the storm last night?
What did happen during the storm last night? Question 4
Active: People see this beach as the most beautiful in
3. One of the students didn’t do the nal exam. the country.
Who didn’t the nal exam do? Passive: This beach __________ as the most beautiful
Who didn’t do the nal exam? in the country.

4. I wrote a romantic letter to one of the teachers. A is seen

Who did you write a romantic letter to? B is saw
Who wrote you a romantic letter? C is see

5. Something disturbed me when I was working. Question 5

What did you disturb when you were working? Active: Somebody ships the products via express mail.
What disturbed you when you were working? Passive: The products ___________ via express mail.
What did disturb you when you were working?
A are shipped
6. I dreamt about a strange animal last night. B is shipped
What did you dream about last night? C were shipped
What dreamed about you last night?
2 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
7. Somebody rang me at 3am last week!
Who did you ring at 3am last week?
Who you rang at 3am last week? llidemperu-pre-destinations-workbook/exam-289247
Who rang you at 3am last week? Look for Lesson 3A only!

1. GRAMMAR FUN. 5 This is the person ______ I introduced you a few
A De ning or Non-De ning relative clauses. Point out weeks ago. Choose TWO correct options
which sentences are de ning and which are non-de -
ning and why. a. which
1. My bicycle, which I’ve had for more than ten years, b. that
is falling apart. c. –
C. Complete the blanks appropriately with the verb in
2. Do you know the guy who is talking to Will over
1. Do you regret _________(have) done that?
3. Our boss, who is very nice, lives in Manchester.
2. The job will involve __________ (paint) the ceilings.
4. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci,
who was also a proli c engineer and inventor.
3. Mary enjoys _____________ (play) tennis with her
5. My sister, who I live with, knows a lot about cars.
4. Paul imagines _____________ (drive) a Ferrari one
6. I wrote my essay on a photo which was taken by
Robert Capa.
5. I don’t mind _____________ (go) to the shop if you
7. Patrick’s mother’s house, which I grew up in, is very
me some money.
B. Choose the correct relative pronoun or adverb
6. Julie practised ____________ (speak) English last
for the following de ning and non-de ning relative
She is learning quickly.
1 This is the place ______ I saw him the last time.
7. He denies ___________ (take) the cakes even thou-
a. where
gh it is
b. which
obvious that he took them.
c. that
8. Keith is considering __________ (buy) another
2 That’s the man ______ daughter has won the lot-
a. which
b. who
9. John and Susan nished _________ (work) on their
c. whose
homework at 6 o’clock.
3 Do you know the musician ______ is playing the
10. Anne’s responsibilities include __________ (speak)
guitar. Choose TWO correct options
to the hotel guests in English.
a. who
b. -
2 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
c. that
4 The painting, ______ was nished in 1850, is one of
the most representative works of that time.
Look for Lesson 3B only!
a. which
b. -
c. that


A. Modals for Certainty and Possibility in the present

or in the past. Complete the blanks appropriately with
the verbs in brackets.

1. It’s getting dark. It _______ __ quite late. (BE)

2. You haven’t eaten all day. You ______ ___ hungry.
3. Ask Miranda. She __________ know. (KNOW)
4. It’s nearly six o’clock. They _______ ______ soon.
5. They hadn’t eaten all that day. They ____ ____ ____
6. You look happy. You _____ ____ _____ the good
7. It’s nearly eleven o’clock. They ______ ____ ____ by

B. Complete the blanks with the in nitive in the box.

One is not used.


1 I hope ___________ you next week.
2 He claimed ____________ an expert.
3 I managed __________ the top of the hill.

C. Complete the following sentences with an in nitive

or a gerund.

1. My brother doesn’t want ___________in that com-

2. It is no use for us to try _____________ him of his
3. We don’t have enough butter. We need _________
more in the market.
4. It was a difficult business for me _______ the car
with such a weak battery.
5. We need _________ the police.

2. ROLE-PLAY. Imagine you are retired now. Which

option is the best for you to go on vacation? Discuss 3 WORK ONLINE. Enter to this link for more work:
the pictures.

Look for Lesson 3C only!


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