Rizal Lesson 5

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Lesson 5

Instruction: Discuss the item thoroughly. Write the question before each answer. Each
answer should contain at least three (3) paragraphs of not less than four (4) sentences
each. You may write your answers in Filipino. Do not forget to write your full name in the
upper left corner of the paper and your course, year and section below it while the name
of your professors should be indicated in the upper right.
1. Construct a timeline of reforms implemented by the Spanish colonial
government in the 19th century. Identify important events in the life of Jose Rizal
and locate these events in the timeline you constructed. How did the reforms
implemented by the Spanish colonial regime in the 19th century relate to the
experiences of Rizal and his family? Attached to the module is a template where
you can put your answers.
= The Spanish colonization began with the arrive of the European explorer Ferdinand
Magellan in 1521 who is sailing for Spain, which presaged the period when the
Philippines was a colony of the Spanish empire ended with the occurrence of the
Spanish-American war in 1898. Below is the timeline containing the reforms
implemented by the Spanish colonial government in the 19th century. Highlighted texts
are the important events in the life of Jose Rizal during those times.
- Magellan Expedition (1521)
- Encomienda System
- Implementation of Polo y servicio (forced labor for 40 days of men ranging from 16 to
60 years of age)(1580)
- Bandala system (1600)
- Onset of the Manila-Acupico trade (Galleon trade) (1600)
- a revolt place in bohol Header by Tamblot to protest for the tax collection (1622)
-Independence of Bohol from the Spaniards for the following 85 years, Revolt headed
by Francisco Dagohoy (1744)
- Treaty of Paris between England, Spain and France was signed (1763)
- Parishes are secularized and Natives were permitted to enter the Catholic Priesthood
- The appointment of Joseph Bonaporte as King of Spain, Spanish colonies including
the Philippines became integral parts Spain. Filipinos are given the privileges of
Spanish citizenship (1809)
- Promulgation of the Cadiz constitution
- Cadiz Constitution was abolished (1816)
- Birth of Jose Rizal (1861)
- Educational system reformed, allowing natives to higher levels of training and wealthy
people can send their children to study in Spain (1863)
- Opening of Suez Canal (1872)
- Gomburza Three martyr priests were garroted in public, they are the alleged leaders of
the Cavite Conspiracy (1872)
- Jose Rizal went to Barcelona to continue his studies in medicine and there he started
writing Noli Me Tangere (1882)
- Polo y Servicio was reduced to 15 days (1884)
- Jose Rizal finished medical studies in Spain (1884)
- Noli Me Tangere was published in Madrid and Barcelona (1887)
- El filibusterismo was started by Rizal as a continuation of Noli Me Tangere (1887)
- La Solidaridad was established (1888)
- Rizal finished writing El filibusterismo in France (1891)
- Rizal arrived in the Philippines and founded La liga Filipina (1892)
- Spanish authorities arrested Rizal for organizing La liva Filipina and was exiled to
Dapitan, Mindanao (1892)
- Andres Bonifacio led the formation and institution of Katipunan (1894)
- Katipunan revolt had the first real battle for independence takes place in San Juan Del
Monte (1896)
- Jose Rizal was sent back to manila as a prisoner (1896)
- Rizal is sentenced to death and the Governor Camilo Polavieja orders his execution.
(December 20, 1896)
- Rizal was executed by the Spaniards in Bagumbayan in Manila ( December 30, 1896)

2. How did the reforms implemented by the Spanish colonial regime in the 19th
century relate to the experiences of Rizal and his family? Attached to the module
is a template where you can put your answers.
= In the 19th century various reforms were implemented. For one that which affected
Rizal's family the most was the Encomienda system which was implemented on the
onset of the Spanish colonization by the Spaniards. Rizal's family are one of those
wealthy families back in the day not until the reforms made by the Spaniards were
imposed in Hacienda de Calamba where his family is from. Dominican friars made profit
out those farmers living there and grabbed lands from families that are residing in
Hacienda de Calamba, Rizal's family wasn't able to dodge the impact as they were
somehow severely affected by the reforms that happened. From there it is as if the life
of Jose Rizal went downhill, also because of what happened to Rizal's family during the
Spanish colonization especially to his family members like his father and brothers who
were deported to Hong Kong and his mother who was accused of poisoning someone
and was punished, this somehow ignited the desire in Jose Rizal to write his novels. His
sufferings were his inspirations to continue writing and fight not just for his fellow
countrymen but for his country as whole

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