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 Submissions shall be sent to the following address: Accepted languages:

Romanian (single-author or collective volumes), French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and
especially English. Submissions in languages other than Romanian should be revised by a native
 Authors pledge to abide by the provisions of copyright law.
 Submissions are accepted for publication once the editorial staff ascertains that the mandatory
scientific, linguistic and editorial standards have been respected, and following a peer review process.
 The editorial staff can operate changes in the texts accepted for publication, in order to bring them in
line with the Center's style sheet.
 Given the fact that the four issues of the Transylvanian Review annual volume include a limited
number of pages (160 each), contributors are kindly asked to be economical when it comes to the length
of their submissions, thus making it possible for more studies to be included in a single issue.
 The four annual supplements to the review (with a maximum of 320 pages each) operate under a
different thematic regime; they are coordinated by one of more authors (editors), who cooperate with the
editorial staff in order to ensure that publication standards are respected and who fully finance the
publication of the supplement in question.
 The authors of books and the coordinators of the supplements shall send the texts only in their final
form, and nor as work in progress. The full table of contents should be accompanied by
files/chapters/articles listed in the proper order, not jumbled together in a single file.
 In estimating the length of their submissions, authors must take into account the fact that one page of
the Transylvanian Review includes 3,000 characters (including spaces), plus one page set aside for title,
abstract, and keywords. One page of the supplement includes 3,230 characters (including spaces), plus
one page set aside for title, abstract, and keywords.
 If the submitted article has been drawn up in the framework of a national or European project, this
shall be stated in a note inserted at the beginning of the article, at the bottom of the first page.


 The studies sent to the Center for Transylvanian Studies or to the Transylvanian Review must be in Word
format (.rtf or .doc; at least Word 2000), with the proper diacritical signs, font Times New Roman, size
11 points, single spaced, A4 page with the margins evenly set at 2 cm.
 Do not use the insert symbols function, for diacriticals or for other signs specific to certain languages,
with the exception of musical, mathematical, chemical symbols, etc. The excessive use of preset styles
should also be avoided.
 Authors shall not use bold type, except for the articles that require multiple distinctions (for instance,
studies pertaining to the field of linguistics). The excessive recourse to italics should also be avoided.
 Quotations more than seven lines long shall be featured as block quotations, separately indented and
without inverted commas.
 Submissions for the Transylvanian Review shall be accompanied by the following items, always written
in the English language:
– Abstract – 10 lines maximum, 944 characters (including spaces), size 9 points (if the article is not
in English, the title must be translated into English)
– Keywords – 5–7 keywords
– Author's contact data – academic title and rank, institution, complete address of the institution,
author's e-mail (e.g.: Giordano Altarozzi, Ph.D., Lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences
and Letters, Petru Maior University of Târgu-Mureş, 1 Nicolae Iorga St., Târgu-Mureş
540088, Romania, email:
 Submissions for the Transylvanian Review shall also be accompanied by a short presentation of the
author (in the language of the article): academic title and rank, institution and (if applicable) the title and
subtitle of one or two of the latest published books (indicating the year of publication).
 Authors shall use endnotes rather than footnotes.
 Annexes (graphs, maps, tables, images) shall be included separately and not in the Word file. All
annexes shall be black/white (linear), gray, or convertible into gray (continuous-tone copy, halftone
copy). The source (origin) shall be indicated for all annexes.
 Graphs or other elements featuring statistical and numerical data shall be sent in Excel format, including
the format data; authors shall resort to Arial or Times New Roman fonts, size 10 points, with diacriticals.
 Tables shall be made using the “Table” function, in Arial, size 9 points, in keeping with the
recommendations in The Chicago Manual of Style (
Numbering shall be done in keeping with the conventions of the language in which the article is written.
 For maps, use a homogeneous font, preferably in CorelDraw vectorial, with the possibility of altering
(making corrections to) the text.
 Images shall be processed using dedicated software (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint etc.) and they
shall be sent in JPG, TIFF etc. formats, at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Images must definitely not
be inserted in the Word file containing the text of the article. An indication shall be made as to where in
the text they are to be inserted, or whether they are to be featured at the end of the article.


sent for publication to the Center for Transylvanian Studies must abide by the current academic standards, as
specified in the DOOM2 (Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2005).
The content, the form and the structure of bibliographical references are indicated in the SR ISO
690: 1996 standard, adopted by the Romanian Standards Institute (IRS), also available in all legal deposit
Authors are kindly asked to consult the list of current standards (
doc/Standarde-in-vigoare.pdf) and, according to the specific nature of their texts, to resort to the proper
conventions (abbreviations, transliterations, indexes etc.).
Submissions can be accompanied by a recommendation from an outstanding personality in the
respective field and by a detailed presentation of a possible co-financing method.
Submissions must be accompanied by a summary, two to three pages long, in an international
language (preferably English) and an index (as necessary: of names, places, thematic).


sent for publication to the Center for Transylvanian Studies or to the Transylvanian Review quarterly must
follow—apart from the general rules mentioned above and from the technical requirements for texts sent in
electronic format—the stylistic conventions specific to the languages in question (essentially, the uniformity
rules: punctuation, abbreviations, capitalization, bibliographical references etc.).

Texts in English
shall abide by the conventions of the American style (English US):
e.g.: – hyphens, en dashes, em dashes, 2- and 3-em dashes;
– periods, commas; note numbers—in superscript—come after all punctuation marks (e.g.: “. . . of
such matters,”13 which indicates that. . .);
– periods and commas stay within the inverted commas;
– for inverted commas, use “ ” and ‘ ’(interior);
– 3 spaced dots indicate that parts of the quotation have not been included.
Submissions will follow the rules and norms set by the University of Chicago Press (The Chicago
Manual of Style) ( Both referencing systems are
accepted (for notes and bibliography/references): Humanities Style (system) and Author-Date Style
(system). References to pages shall be limited to their number, without the specification p. (pp.).
– dates shall be given in the form day/month/year (e.g.: 30 August 1964).

Les textes en français

Références bibliographiques :
– pour un ouvrage :
Prénom, Nom, Titre, ville, maison d’édition, « collection » (mention facultative), date, p.
– pour un article :
Prénom, Nom, « Titre de l’article », Titre de la revue (ville, maison d’édition s’il s’agit d’une
publication inconnue dans les milieux francophones), no, date, p.
– pour un article ou un chapitre dans un ouvrage collectif :
Prénom, Nom, « Titre », in Prénom, Nom (dir.), Titre de l’ouvrage collectif, ville, maison
d’édition, « collection » (mention facultative), date, p.
– 2e occurence et suivantes d’un ouvrage : répéter le nom de l’auteur et le titre abrévié de l’ouvrage, puis
op. cit. et la page.
– Si une note reprend la même réferénce que la note qui la précède, il n’est pas nécessaire de répéter la
référence : un simple ibid. suffit, suivi de la page.
– Si le nom de l’auteur de deux références qui se suivent directement (dans la même note) est le même,
mais les ouvrages cités diffèrent, on utilisera l’abréviaton id. au lieu de répéter le nom de l’auteur.
– Guillemets français « ... » (distancés par rapport au texte cité). Les guillemets anglais “...” seront
réservés à l’usage des guillemets à l’interiéur d’autres guillemets.
– Les coupes dans une citation seront indiquées par des points de suspension entre crochets : [...]
– Obligatoirement en français, les signes de ponctuation composés de deux signes (deux-points, point-
virgule, guillemets), sont séparés du mot précédent d’un espace insécable (utiliser les outils standardisés
offerts par les programmes Microsoft Office pour la langue française – clavier AZERTY, correcteur,
guillemets intelligents etc.).
– Les majuscules doivent être accentuées comme les minuscules.

Die deutschsprachigen Texte

Die deutschsprachigen Texte können jede der im deutschsprachigen Raum benutzten Zitierungsformen
Die Anführungszeichen können „…“ oder »...« sein.
Man zitiert:
– ein Buch:
Vorname, Name, Titel des Buches, Erscheinungsort, Seite.
– einen Artikel:
Vorname, Name, in: Titel der Zeitschrift (Erscheinungsort wenn sie wenig bekannt ist), Nr.
(Erscheinungsjahr), Seite.
– ein Artikel in einem Sammelband:
Vorname, Name, Titel des Artikels, in: Titel des Bandes, hrsg. von (oder hg.v.)
Vorname, Name, Erscheinungsort, S.
Üblich werden Abkürzungen benutzt wie: ders. (Ders), dies. (Dies), ebenda (Ebenda), ebd. (Ebda)
Wenn ein Autor oder ein Werk mehrmals zitiert werden: Name, Gekürzter Titel, S.

I testi in italiano
possono seguire qualunque sistema di documentazione usuale in Italia.
Le virgolette tipo “...” oppure «...»
La citazione si può fare nei seguenti modi:
– per un libro:
Nome, Cognome, Titolo del libro, Editrice, Città, Anno di pubblicazione (facoltativo: Collana,
nr.), p. (pp.)
– per un articolo:
Nome, Cognome, Titolo dell’articolo, «Titolo della rivista» (luogo di pubblicazione se si tratta
di una pubblicazione poco conosciuta), a., nr. (annno calendaristico), p. (pp.)
– per un saggio o un capitolo di un volume collettivo:
Nome, Cognome, Titolo dell’articolo, in Titolo del volume, a cura di: Nome, Cognome, Editrice,
Città, Anno, p. (pp.)
Alle successive citazioni: Nome, Titolo abbreviato, p. (pp.).
Per quanto possibile saranno evitate le abbreviazioni tipo: cit., ivi, ibidem, op. cit.

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