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Trabajo que como parte del curso de inglés presenta el estudiante:

 GIL SANTA CRUZ, Román Alexander Cód. U19314262

 VARIAS CACHAY, Julio Rafael Cód. U19314351

 Mg. Luz Angélica Lora Sánchez

Chiclayo, 28 de mayo del 2021


Good evening teacher. We will present a dialogue about Future intentions.

-Alexander: Hello, Julio

-Julio: Hello Alexander, nice to meet you.

-Alexander: Thanks. What are you going to do on your next vacation?

-Julio: I plan to go on a trip to Lima with my mother, to visit my grandparents who

live there and also to do professional internships in a construction site or
construction company. Are you going to buy a car in the future?

-Alexander: No, I'm going to buy an apartment. I will be saving what I earn in my
work to get it and to have a calmer place to continue working. What plans do you
have when you graduate?

-Julio: I want to work so I can save money and also specialize in some area of civil
engineering. What are your plans for the following 2 years?

-Alexander: I’m going to quit smoking. I am going to finish my degree in civil

engineering. I am going to start working and specialize in my career. I'm going to
have my own department. I am going to visit and get to know the different
departments of my country thanks to my career. What do you plan to do with the
money you save?

-Julio: I plan to save a capital to be able to form a company and work independently.
What are you going to do on your next vacations?

-Alexander: I am going to start my thesis with which I will obtain my bachelor's

degree. I'm going to start getting up early and helping my family around the house. I
am going to start working virtually in a small business and grow in experience for my
career. I am going to travel with my father to Chachapoyas for his work as a civil
engineer. Nice to meet you, Julio.

-Julio: See you later Alexander.

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