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"The secret of getting ahead is getting

Assalam walaikum and a very good Evening Ladies and gentlemen, a warm
welcome to all of you! A gigantic thanks from the bottom of my heart to everyone
for allocating their precious time and to those involved in organizing this
On this special occasion today, we have our Honorable Moderators, esteemed
executive committee members, and, last but not least, newly recruited East West
University Business Club members. This is Fabiha Rahman and This is
Chowdhury Obaid Mostofa here extending a warm welcome to all of you to the
'ORIENTATION PROGRAM 2021' of East West University Business Club.
East West University Business Club was founded back in 1999. It was one of the
first clubs of East West University to complete 20 years of legacy. East West
University Business Club had the honor of organizing East West University's first
ever National Business Competition in 2017. We have organized 51+ grooming
sessions, 17+ competitions, 165+ seminars, 225+ workshops. Let's sneak a look at
our glorious club journey. Can we have the AV on the screen please? 

EAST WEST UNIVERSITU BUSINESS CLUB may be segregated in a hierarchy
but there is a member base of 21 people who are the backbone of this club: The
Executive committee. Every year this club aims to set better milestones and this
only happens because of the effort and consistency of the members of this club.
But most importantly, the success we achieve is because of the sheer determination
and strong stratagem of our executive committee members. They make us believe
in ourselves and bring visions of the club to reality! 

So, Let’s take a glance at these charismatic people.

We already know which club is the best: East West University Business Club. So,
becoming a member of this Club wasn't a simple task. To get this far, all of the
contenders had to compete against each other.

To ensure their spot, the newly recruited probationary members sitting here today
had to overcome their anxieties and give it their all in each stage, and they have
successfully won those battles of “Dare to Thrive” in the initial screening, group
discussion and final interview rounds.

Whenever we welcome a new member to our family what is the first thing we do?

 Don’t we give them an identity? 

So, we give them a cute nickname, right? 

In real life or on messenger. 

IN BOTH I GUESS, so we have a surprise for the newly recruited members!

You all have been given a nickname as well! Can anyone guess what it is?

phoenix rises from ashes, they know their own ways of getting things done,
setbacks have never stopped them and never will.

Before Mashruha Zabeen Ma’am’s speech

Besides having the charm of winning hearts with her ever bright smile, she puts
everybody at an awe with her work ethics, mental strength, and skill sets. She has
faced everything and represented EAST WEST UNIVERSITU BUSINESS CLUB
with dignity wherever she stepped in. She is none other than Mashruha Zabeen
Ma’am, senior lecturer, EWU. Ma’am, we would like to hear some precious
words from you.

After speech: Thank you so much Ma’am for your valuable words and influencing
us in the best ways!
Before Silvia Akter Ma’am’s speech

This woman is a perfect example that honesty and simplicity takes you a long way.
Whatever the situation maybe, she always tried to motivate each and every
member and was capable of seeing through them. Her contribution to the various
events of EAST WEST UNIVERSITU BUSINESS CLUB is remarkable and
worth mentioning. She is our very own Silvia Akter Ma’am, Assistant professor,
EWU. Ma’am, please share some valuable words with us. 

After speech: Thank you so much Ma’am for sharing your perspective. You always
inspire us ma'am!

Before Dr. Md. Abdul Momen sir’s speech

Now, we will be talking about a shadow who has been overseeing us from the
beginning of our journey. His firm guidance and omnipresent support has not only
been our source of infinite inspiration, but also the very driving force that has
helped us reach new heights of success and glory. He is none other than Dr. Md.
Abdul Momen sir, Assistant professor, EWU. We would be delighted to request
our honorable moderator Dr. Md. Abdul Momen sir to share a few valuable words.

After the speech: Thank you so much sir! Your insights always motivate us to do
our best.

Due to some urgent issues our moderators will have to take their leave.
Thank you so much, honorable moderators for being here with us today
and making this program more eventful.
Second Segment
Alright everyone we have now officially entered the 2nd segment of this
orientation. This is Chowdhury Obaid Mostofa and Fabiha Rahman After such a
long trail of formalities; it is time for us to have some fun! Our journey as the
bittersweet and eventful. Here is a quirky Behind-The-Scene Video of us: 

{Behind-The-Scene Video}

Scavenger HUNT

Alright everyone Let's move on to the first exciting part of this evening! Tonight
we will be playing a game to keep things interesting.

This game is called Scavenger Hunt more like a Virtual Scavenger Hunt.

For this game we will tell you a riddle. This riddle will describe a very common,
every-day object found in everyone's homes. 

The first person to correctly guess what the object is and show it to us will get the
point! Remember, showing the object to us before someone else does is very
important! Now let's begin!

So for a better understanding of you all, Me and Obaid are going to demonstrate
how the game will be played.

Obaid tell me the riddle

What gets wet while drying?

Answer: A towel

Good job!!  So just like that, you have to show us the answer straight. You don't
have to ask us for permission or anything. We are looking for some direct answers,
so no vague terms or words!!!

After speech: Thank you for your participation. Hopefully you enjoyed the entire
game and are energized enough for the rest of the evening.

EC Speech

That surely was exciting. But we are more excited about the next People we’re
going to talk about.

EAST WEST UNIVERSITU BUSINESS CLUB has a super team of individuals

who are the brilliant masterminds behind setting the bar higher by the moment -
Our Honorable Executive Committee for the fiscal year 2020 to 2021! Now, we
desire to hear some valuable words from the Executive Committee members.

We would like to request <Name>, <Designation>, to share a few insightful



Mohammad Shafin Rahman                         Operation Coordinator

Md. Zahor Daud Zehad                                Logistic Coordinator


Rabeya Bashir                                  Organizing & Operational Co-



Shuprova Khan                                              Communication



 Probal Sarker Turjya                                     Communication



 Saima Akter Nisuti                                        Communication



 M. Zulkarnain Ibna Ehsan                            Creative Secretary


 Tahmidul Hoque Shovon                               Creative Secretary


 Sumaiya Syful                                        Organizing &amp; Operational


 Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman              Organizing &amp; Operational



 Shahriar Mustafa Chowdhury                  Organizing &amp; Operational



 Zubeiri Aman Taha                                          Head of Digital Media


 Intisar Rahman Rumman                                   Head of Logistics


 Md. Iftekhar Rahman Eftee                                   Head of Creative

&amp; IT


 Akash Saha                                                       Head of



 S.M Taimur Akbar                                             Head of Operations

 Nusrat Fatema                                                        Treasurer


 Tasnia Farzana Matin                                        General Secretary


 Farhan Tanvir                                                         Joint Vice President


 Ismat Zerin                                                            Vice President


 Jahid Hossain                                                          President

Ending Ceremony

Well, as much as we would not want this lovely evening to end, we will have to
bid you all goodbye for now. We would like to thank each and every one for taking
time out of their hectic schedule and being a part of such a memorable time today.
members. We hope your journey at EAST WEST UNIVERSITU BUSINESS
CLUB is filled with greatness, solidarity and positivity. This is Chowdhury Obaid
Mostofa and Fabiha Rahman signing off, goodnight and stay safe, stay home.

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