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AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334

DOI 10.1007/s00146-013-0464-0


Smart cities in the new service economy: building platforms

for smart services
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko • Pekka Valkama •

Stephen J. Bailey

Received: 15 October 2012 / Accepted: 23 April 2013 / Published online: 22 June 2013
 Springer-Verlag London 2013

Abstract Recent changes in service environments have We provide examples of real-life smart service applications
changed the preconditions of their production and con- within the European context.
sumption. These changes include unbundling services from
production processes, growth of the information-rich Keywords Smart city  Smartness  Service economy 
economy and society, the search for creativity in service Service platform  e-Platform  Platform governance 
production and consumption and continuing growth of Sustainability  Social inclusion
digital technologies. These contextual changes affect city
governments because they provide a range of infrastructure 1 Introduction
and welfare services to citizens. Concepts such as ‘smart
city’, ‘intelligent city’ and ‘knowledge city’ build new A range of contextual changes of public administration,
horizons for cities in undertaking their challenging service such as unbundling services from production processes
functions in an increasingly cost-conscious, competitive (‘servicisation’), growth of the information-rich economy
and environmentally oriented setting. What is essential in and society (‘informatisation’), the search for creativity in
practically all of them is that they paint a picture of cities service production and consumption (‘creativisation’), and
with smooth information processes, facilitation of creativ- continuing growth of digital technologies (‘digitalisation’),
ity and innovativeness, and smart and sustainable solutions have changed the preconditions of public service produc-
promoted through service platforms. This article discusses tion and consumption. These changes affect among others
this topic, starting from the nature of services and the new city governments, which have a responsibility to provide a
service economy as the context of smart local public ser- range of infrastructure and welfare services to citizens.
vices. On this basis, we build an overall framework for There is a wide variety of city conceptions that have built a
understanding the basic forms and dimensions of smart new horizon for cities in their challenging tasks in an
public services. The focus is on conceptual systematisation increasingly cost-consciousness, competitive and environ-
of the key dimensions of smart services and the conceptual mentally oriented setting. Irrespective of whether the
modelling of smart service platforms through which digital concept is smart city, intelligent city, sustainable city,
technology is increasingly embedded in social creativity. knowledge city, creative city, innovative city, ubiquitous
city, digital city or city 2.0 (e.g. Komninos 2002; Aurigi
2005; Carillo 2006; Hollands 2008, 305), they all paint a
picture of a modern city with smooth information pro-
A.-V. Anttiroiko (&)  P. Valkama  S. J. Bailey
cesses, facilitation mechanisms for creativity and innova-
School of Management, University of Tampere,
Tampere, Finland tiveness, and smart and sustainable service solutions and
e-mail: platforms. Such features of envisioned new urban gover-
P. Valkama nance imply profound changes in the production, delivery
e-mail: and consumption of local public services.
S. J. Bailey Smart service solutions have been discussed from vari-
e-mail: ous points of view. Since the late 1990s, the key issue was

324 AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334

digitalisation, which was discussed under the label ‘smart example, retailing, education, welfare and business, and
communities’ (Caves and Walshok 1997; Caves 2004) and financial services.
later also ‘intelligent cities’ (Komakech 2005; Komninos The emergence and dominance of service sectors in
2002) and ‘knowledge cities’ (Carillo 2006). This discus- cities has been quite controversial because many service
sion is relevant to practically all aspects of local govern- industries are characterised by low-paid low-skilled man-
ment, including service provision, democratic processes, ual jobs. This reflects low productivity of those workers,
city planning and development policy. wages and salaries tending to reflect productivity, espe-
A new dimension to smart city discourse emerged in the cially in the private sector.
wake of environmental concerns, especially since the late New trends in services have started to change the overall
1980s. Almost three-quarters of the world’s population are picture. First, some services can be formalised, codified
projected to live in urban areas by 2050 (UN 2011). This and modularised by information and communication tech-
will create very substantial and highly complex human, nologies (ICTs) and so become more footloose and easily
societal, scientific and environmental issues, including how tradable because global communication and delivery costs
people live, travel around cities and receive services. The are very low through the Internet. An increasing proportion
need to utilise technologies to provide information and of formerly local services can be redefined as global ser-
facilitate community developments and social cohesion vice products and manual services can be digitised and
within increasingly intensive urban environments is automated. (Kushida and Zysman 2009; Jorgenson and
increasingly apparent. Even if the sustainability agenda is Wessner 2007, 276; Rutherford 2002, 393; Zysman 2004,
global, and has been primarily addressed within the EU at 16–18).
both the community and national levels, local and regional Second, development of the ‘network economy’ creates
governments have also become active advocates of sus- new models for cooperation in production, delivery and
tainable development. The hoped-for result is clean air and consumption of services. On the one hand, service enter-
a higher quality of life as member states and their local and prises and other service providers can establish different
regional governments respond to these policy challenges, kind of alliances or consortiums through electronic net-
some city governments having already developed such works in order to circulate knowledge, share risks and
initiatives (Edwards 2011; Schaffers et al. 2011, 434–435; extend and reformulate value chains. On the other hand,
Hollands 2008, 303–305). Furthermore, the idea of ‘crea- consumer electronic networks funnel consumer instruc-
tive city’ has also been linked with a broader progressive tions, expectations and understandings, creating opportu-
agenda, including aspects of sustainability and social nities for shared service experiences (de Man 2004, 4;
inclusion (Sasaki 2003). Bessant and Tidd 2007, 85; Furubotn and Richter 2005,
This article develops the idea of smart public services, 308–310).
starting from the nature of services in the new service Third, liberalisation of many service industries breaks
economy as a context for present-day city governments. up monopoly power and so creates greater competitive
The focus is on conceptual systematisation of the key pressures to be cost-effective and innovative in (re)con-
dimensions of smart cities and their service functions and figuring services (Bailey 2002; see also Bailey 2001;
on building a conceptual model for smart service platforms. Valkama et al. 2012).
From this perspective, the aim is to provide examples of These perspectives of the new service economy create
real-life smart service applications from the European both opportunities and challenges for urban governments.
context. Essentially, the article will provide comprehensive Challenges include how to integrate physical products and
framework for understanding the basic forms and dimen- devices with services and how to ‘unbundle’ manual and
sions of smart service platforms and applications. The silo-based service packages into digitised and integrated
social dimension of smart city as a precondition for the service systems. Also, the perception of value creation has
accurate understanding of what smartness means in public changed in the sense that service providers are not con-
domain beyond instrumentality will also be analysed. ceived as the only parties that deliver value for customers.
Rather, customers have a vital role in the value-creation
process as users who create added value in the consump-
2 The changing role of cities in the new service tion process. Client behaviour and producer–client rela-
economy tionships are crucial in order to understand the value-in-use
and value-in-context arising from services. In this per-
Urban governments have been engaged by increasingly spective, value-in-exchange applied to physical outputs is
radical economic transformation as heavy industries and too limited a framework to fully understand service con-
manufacturing were progressively replaced by service sumption and processes because value can continue to be
industries (in proportionate and absolute terms), for added to the outcome after the exchange of service.

AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334 325

In the current discussion about services, a third con- There is a question of how the ultimate goal of a smart
textual element is added to the picture besides producers city should be understood. It may mean better community
and customers: the service system. This means that in the informatics, improved functionality of urban life, higher
new service economy, values are co-created jointly not quality of urban life or achieving sustainability in human
purely by service providers and customers but also within settlements (see Fig. 1). These characteristics may be
the context of a wider service system made up of inter- complementary and so can be achieved simultaneously
mediaries and other stakeholders. These conceptions put whilst reinforcing each other. Thereafter, they may become
the division of labour and patterns of interaction between mutually exclusive if improved quality in the short term is
the public and private sectors into a new perspective (Paton at the expense of sustainability over the long term; for
and McLaughlin 2008, 79; Vargo et al. 2008; Tien 2007, example, city governments incurring substantial debt by
66–67; Gallaher et al. 2006, 7–11, 117). borrowing to finance better quality services but risking
The process of urban economic growth is therefore not bankruptcy in the future.
simply one of scaling-up existing activities and structures Smart city concepts often appear to approach commu-
to achieve economies of scale and (perhaps) scope. Instead, nity development from the point of view of the application
it involves endogenous and creative–destructive economic of new technologies, assuming that the implementation of
and social evolution processes via organisational innova- new ICTs together with organisational innovations promote
tion. The prerequisite of productivity improvements in viable, improving and tenable urban living conditions. In
urban services is increased flexibility of both service pro- practice, though, big cities have to manage a portfolio of
duction and consumption. This is a vital framing element in many kinds of innovations and it is not self-evident which
the efforts to build smart services that have multifunctional constitute radical breakthroughs. In particular, ICTs make
and synergistic natures as a one of the most important set of it challenging for city councillors and other stakeholders to
activities that is supposed to increase our well-being at choose between them because they lack the necessary
individual and collective levels. technological skills and also because not all ICTs prove to
be effective in terms of their take-up and use by service
users. ICTs may prove to be ineffective because citizens
3 Smart city: ICTs in a multi-layered setting and service users are often characterised by heterogeneity
of their demographic, socio-economic, racial and other
The smart city concept reflects a particular idea of local characteristics (as often are the other stakeholder groups as
community, one where city governments, enterprises and well). Hence, smart city policy must be constructed in a
residents use ICTs to reinvent and reinforce the commu- way that recognises the uncertainty that has its roots in the
nity’s role in the new service economy, create jobs locally diversity of community groups, which in turn helps in
and improve the quality of community life (Eger 2009, 48). dealing with the challenge that chosen technological
In this sense, it is close to the idea of community infor- solutions carry with them inherent financial, reputational
matics (Marshall et al. 2004). Technological solutions lie at and social risks.
the heart of the idea of smart city. Yet, in all sophisticated Another problem may be the much too one-dimensional
conceptualisations, smartness goes beyond the kind of perception behind smart city applications in development
intelligence that can be reduced to the application of new policy, for neither the utilisation of ICTs nor the organisa-
ICTs. This is why both social and ecological dimensions tional and other innovations necessarily bring the kind of
are essential elements of the smart city concept. quantifiable materialistic economic growth strived for by
Smart use of ICTs can be seen both as an organisational politicians and developers. A new element to this discussion
issue and as a driver that changes the wider societal envi- has appeared in the form of smart growth, which provides an
ronment. Concerning the organisational level, smart cities alternative rationale for local economic policy. What kind of
utilise state-of-art ICT tools to implement organisational, growth should we actually strive for? Is all growth good for
managerial and policy innovations. ICT is a means to an our local community or only certain forms of prosperity?
end, not an end in itself: a smart city employs it to make a What kind of growth is sustainable? Such questions have
difference (Nam and Pardo 2011, 185). Indeed, although challenged the widely held conventional view that growth is
application of modern ICTs is seen as an essential mani- always good, reflecting the critical view of the growth
festation of smartness of a city in practically all definitions machine thesis (Logan and Molotch 1987; Harvey 1989). In
of this concept, most applications also include wider policy contrast to the one-dimensional growth mantra, for example,
and governance dimensions required for organisational a smart growth policy responds to suburban sprawl to protect
innovation and investments in human capital, upgrading natural habitats and farm land by using real estate planning
skills of all those who live and work in cities as prereq- controls to increase the density of land use in city centres
uisites of a better urban society (cf. Carillo 2006). (O’Connell 2009, 2012; Downs 2005).

326 AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334

Fig. 1 Degrees of smartness in Ecological

the smart city concept High dimension

Level of Social and
smart Systemic human concerns
system’s dimension (quality of life)
ecological Intelligent
integration systems

Low High
Degree of technological embeddedness

Smart city definitions tend to be normative and narrow governments have to become learning organisations before
in perspective, assuming strong and positive development they can formulate and implement smart city policies to
effects necessarily result from widespread application of create smart production and smart consumption of their
ICTs to city life. This may not always be the net result, services so as to increase the outcome effectiveness of their
however, especially if city governments minimise all other policies and services.
investments in order to rely almost exclusively on ICTs. The smart city model is a response not only to problems
Expenditures on ICTs may be at the expense of other forms caused by rapid urbanisation such as pollution, congestion,
of investment that could also have promoted urban devel- scarcity of resources and deteriorating physical infrastruc-
opment and welfare. Policy makers considering application ture but also to social and organisational factors such as
of smart city ideas should be aware of the presumption in conflicting values, heterogeneous stakeholders and frag-
favour of ICTs and the alternative investments forgone (i.e. mented developers. Nam and Pardo (2011) consider the
opportunity cost) when budgets are constrained. smart city concept as an urban innovation in city manage-
ment and urban policy to deal with such urban problems.
The smart city is not a conventional product, service or
4 Smart city as organisation and governance process innovation but, instead, is a conceptual or para-
innovation digmatic innovation in changing beliefs and creating
understanding of what new ideas have to be adopted in
The smart city phenomenon is attracting an increasing urban policies. Urban policy makers may use ‘smart city’
attention from urban scientists, combining modern ICTs as a framework when they consider the need for, and
with organisational planning and design to unbundle possibilities of, policy changes in different public service
(‘dematerialise’) economic processes, cut bureaucracy, sectors and when they plan city promotion and marketing
streamline service processes and implement organisational activities (Hollands 2008).
innovations (Toppeta 2010). Indeed, the smart city can be Smart governance requires a set of principles to be
seen as a conceptual innovation itself which, at the adopted by urban governments expressing how to control
organisational level, may be called smart, intelligent or a and guide city growth and what principles should apply in
learning organisation (Ellinger et al. 2002, 20). A growing internal and external stakeholder relations. Conventionally,
number of organisational scientists believe it is possible to public sector governance has been concerned with how to
develop learning organisations able not only to create, manage institutions. However, smart governance also tries
acquire, cultivate and transfer knowledge but also to to harness and coordinate the enthusiasm and capabilities of
modify people’s and organisations’ behaviour based on residents to directly and more accurately represent them-
new knowledge, insights and brainstorms (Eriksson- selves, rather than depending on the abilities of their rep-
Zetterquist et al. 2011, 246; Garvin 1993). Similarly, city resentatives to aggregate and articulate their interests. The

AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334 327

focus of smart governance is therefore on participation- shift, namely the increased role of systems and platforms
based organisational arrangements and democratic institu- that are used to facilitate creative collaboration and con-
tions (Johnston 2010). tribute to the increase in and utilisation of systemic intel-
Within an era of heavily constrained local public ligence. This has given rise to a new methodologically and
finances and associated austerity measures, for example, technologically oriented idea of platform governance. It
these arrangements may involve ‘conversations’ between reflects the environment of power shared among interde-
smart city authorities and their local communities to help pendent actors faced with ‘wicked’ problems—for exam-
decision-makers understand what is happening in those ple, complex financial, security and environmental
communities from the viewpoint of different partners and issues—that cross organisational boundaries. A platform
so to share decision-making with them (Lowndes and approach to governance offers a framework for supporting
Squires 2012). Such understanding can be used to make policy informatics, which is supposed to bring changes
room for socially creative innovations by helping to notably on two fronts: first, technology can replace struc-
encourage emergence of community leaders, to build trust, ture as a means of control by employing technological
to negotiate service outcomes and to promote their rather than bureaucratic gatekeepers or facilitators; and
achievement via collaborative arrangements such that city second, the platform approach has the capacity to increase
authority–stakeholder partnerships are integrative rather the flexibility and responsiveness of public organisations
than—as has usually been the case—additive. This can involved in governance processes (Wachhaus 2011, 3, 7).
result in ‘the whole being greater than the sum of the
individual parts’—a cliché but no less true because of that.
Specifically, these smart partnerships have the potential 5 Smart service applications
to go far beyond the use of conventional partnerships
between overlapping public sector organisations set-up to As made clear above, the smart service concept relies on
reduce duplication and so cut costs. ‘Smart partnerships’ both behavioural and systemic dimensions that reflect the
can add greater value by ‘designing into’ the social contract two interrelated categories of consumption and production.
between state and citizen the creativity that can change the In the next discussion, we approach smart services from
behaviour of service providers and service users and these two points of view: (1) individual use and con-
thereby improve outcome effectiveness. Financial and sumption processes, and (2) organisational interaction in
physical capital is reduced by use but human and social service provision. When these are combined with formal
capital can be accumulated by this virtuous circle of cre- threefold e-service typology—information, interaction and
ative interaction between local communities and their city transaction services—we end up with the following matrix
governments, built on a shared analysis and understanding which points to the key aspects of smart services (see
of the contexts within which local public services are Fig. 2). The idea is that ICTs can be used to facilitate such
produced and consumed and of how their outcomes are human and social systems and processes which bring about
created. smartness in urban communities, i.e., socially creative
The above example makes clear that technological human experience and social engineering related to infor-
platforms have to be embedded in social platforms if they mation, interactive and transaction processes. The funda-
are to achieve smart outcomes. Put simply, cities do not mental idea behind this scheme is that smart information
become smart simply by adopting ICTs—becoming a and communication systems are needed to build smart
smart city is a lot more complex than may be realised by creative social systems, which again are conducive to
those promoting all-pervasive and unquestioning adoption sustainable urban life. When applied to services, it builds a
of ICTs. Nevertheless, ICTs can be utilised to develop logical connection between service informatics and intel-
horizontal networks between diverse stakeholder groups ligent and sustainable service systems.
and city governments so as to improve governance of There is a range of smart service solutions that operate
services. at inter-organisational or community level and facilitate
A new perspective on the change in the recent discus- various information, interaction and transaction processes.
sion about governance emphasises steering and coordina- Smart cities develop place-based solutions to urban prob-
tion functions on a non-hierarchical basis in a multi-sector lems and needs by joining up all resources available in a
stakeholder field for the purpose of promoting collective locality, for example, health, police and community safety
interests (Anttiroiko 2012). One of the recent concepts budgets to promote community well-being. In some cases,
reflecting this change is ‘connected governance’ built upon the key is for city governments to give up control by
interoperability, that is, the ability of public agencies to transferring their assets to the voluntary sector and com-
share and integrate information using common standards munities, so they can use and manage them to generate
(Dais et al. 2008, 377). This change reflects an important income to create sustainable small-scale community

328 AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334

Fig. 2 Individual and

organisational dimensions of Information process Interaction process Transaction process
smart services Organisational facilitation in facilitation in facilitation in
and community organisation’s actions organisation’s interaction organisational
interaction transactions
e.g. Community safety e.g. Planning 2.0; Forum
budget; local crime GIS; Virium Helsinki e.g. Timebank;
information sharing collaborative ventures
Level of analysis
Information process Interaction process Transaction process
Individual facilitation in individual facilitation in civic or facilitation in civic or
use and use or consumption consumer interaction individual transactions
e.g. Smart Santander e.g. Pre-paid Oyster e.g. M-payment (Cityzi)
project; Community Card; Befriending

Information services Interactive services Transaction services

Types of e-services

infrastructure and services more appropriate to community Europe in the 2000s (The European Network of Living
needs. This approach has been adopted in Stockholm, Labs at
Sweden, where the city government has relinquished cer- Organisational and community level transactions can be
tain powers whilst still ensuring the strategic direction of facilitated in various ways. One such example is a time
services (Department of Health 2010). bank. Time banks may be part of community reward
It was noted above that, in order to be smart by radically schemes, issuing credits to people actively participating in
redesigning and reconfiguring their services, city govern- supporting their communities, those credits being exchan-
ments need to better understand citizen’s lives and how ged for use of leisure services and events provided free of
they behave. This requires local communities to have much charge by local service providers in both the public and
greater influence on the reshaping of city services, holding private sectors (See the Web site of Timebanking United
them to account and even running services themselves. Kingdom at
This proactive form of engagement is not the same as city There is still a general absence of joint planning by city
governments offering service users a passive choice from a governments with utility providers (e.g. water, in respect of
menu of alternative service configurations. Instead, service environmental sustainability) and other public services
professionals work with users (e.g. families) to co-design (e.g. health care). Cultural barriers include commercial
and perhaps co-produce services to meet users’ preferences confidentiality, whereas social media user groups work
and needs as far as is consistent with promoting achieve- with open data systems, causing problems for joint working
ment of public policy objectives. Engaging users—indi- of cities with the private sector. This may create problems
viduals, families and communities—can unleash users’ for collaborative ventures between city governments and
energy and initiative, changing city governments’ focus businesses, and even with other public sector agencies, as
from simply doing what is statutorily required to also doing well as with voluntary and community organisations.
what is needed by city residents to improve their well- Nevertheless, collaborative ventures are developing, for
being. Communities become partners with the local state example, in the United Kingdom’s West Midlands region
rather than simply passive recipients of services, building where a consortium of 13 organisations (including two
social capital and creating sustainable and resilient local cities, three universities and motor vehicle companies) are
communities. testing low-carbon electric vehicles as part of the CABLED
In Finland, the city of Helsinki is running a cooperation project (
cluster called Forum Virium Helsinki (2012) to provide a Beside time banks, social capital initiatives in the United
platform to develop ICT-based services in cooperation with Kingdom include creative councils (
enterprises, public authorities and citizens as end-users. creative-councils), community catalysts (
The platform has concentrated on five project areas, one of and building community capacity
them being a smart city initiative focusing on the devel- ( schemes,
opment of mobile phone services to facilitate urban trav- focusing on complex social needs, social care and aspects
elling and living. It also opens up public data so that of health care related to physical and mental illness and
companies and citizens can create new services by com- disability.
bining and processing the data in innovative ways. This Many smart service applications facilitate individual
resembles the LivingLab movement that has spread across consumption or service use. In the area of information

AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334 329

services applied to such situations, for example, the Smart It provides a structured and enabling environment for
Santander project enables people to receive real-time technologies, applications or social processes (Anttiroiko
online information on traffic flows, levels of pollution, etc., 2012). The first widely discussed platform issue in the field
cities in countries other than Spain also being involved of e-enabled public governance and services revolved
( around government Web sites. The next phase was the
santander-summary). Another example is the community discussion about portals, which became a buzzword in the
navigator scheme ( late 1990s. At that time, the global benchmark cases such
and more interactively oriented befriending projects in as the citizen-centric portal of Singapore and,
which volunteer ‘befrienders’ offer supportive relation- the single point of access to the US Federal government
ships with people who are socially isolated, be they launched in 2000, opened new horizon in platform design.
children, families, senior citizens, mentally ill or disabled Thereafter, platform thinking began to pervade governance
( discourse through such ideas as joined-up government and
Other examples of applications of ICTs to urban life collaborative government, which offer solutions to prob-
include smart payment systems utilising ICTs to allow easy lems of how to facilitate the collaboration of government
use of transport systems, such as London’s prepaid Oyster agencies. More radical perspectives appeared since the new
Cards. In France, Nice has become the first European city to ideas of Web 2.0, which set a completely new agenda for
use the same near-field communication (NFC) technology to platform thinking in governance. When this is added to
enable payments via smart mobile phones, not just on trams ubiquity and intelligence, we may have the core elements
and buses but also in shops, museums and galleries. People of the platform discourse that is currently in the making
signed up to Cityzi can receive real-time updates of time- (Anttiroiko 2012).
tables, maps and information about their local area, as well as A platform orientation in public governance allows
purchase tickets for trams and buses (Balaban 2010). public organisations to manage policy informatics and
It could be expected that further development of smart interactive processes in a coordinated manner. A platform
city initiatives in the United Kingdom and other EU is not only a tool for managing information but also in a
countries will be hampered by the current austerity mea- wider sense a framework within which to involve key
sures as governments try to reduce government borrowing stakeholders in governance processes and to seek solutions
and debt as shares of gross domestic product (GDP). Par- to complex social problems. It makes it possible to extend
adoxically, however, increasingly severe restriction of the collaborative dimension of governance in the form of
public finance may promote smart thinking to increase co-design, co-creation, and co-production (Wachhaus
efficiency by improving the use of scarce resources. The 2011; see also Bailey 2011).
possibility of creative engagement of smart cities with their Useful perspectives for the design of service platforms
communities was considered above. Initiatives much less are the open innovation marketplace created by InnoCen-
dependent upon community engagement include develop- tive (
ment of multi-agency infrastructure projects to share fixed ation-marketplace) and co-design platforms developed in
costs (e.g. of buildings), digitisation of access to public the open innovation context (Antikainen et al. 2010;
services to provide virtual rather than real service points, Ahonen 2011). There is also a plethora of free open-source
recycling waste hot water to heat public buildings so as to platforms and content management systems for social
reduce energy costs and using mobile phones to pay for networking and content sharing (Pligg, NewsCloud, Dru-
public services such as car parks to reduce staffing costs. pal, Dolphin, Elgg, Mugshot, etc.), free e-commerce plat-
Such smart city developments are not usually supported by forms (Magento, osCommerce, Zen Cart, VirtueMart etc.),
coherent policy framework, but in the United Kingdom, for Web 2.0-based marketplaces and B2B sites (e.g. Freelancer
example, there is an indication of the formation of a broader at, innovation network sites
central government policy ‘‘to create powerful, innovative (e.g. Global Innovation Network, InnovationXchange), and
cities that are able to shape their economic destinies, with social network aggregation platforms based on API appli-
civic and private sector leaders freed to look outwards to cations or OpenID, which provides inspiration for the
businesses and communities rather than upwards to central shape of future service platforms. They give a hint of how
government for solutions’’ (Cabinet Office 2011, 1). e-enabled platforms may serve as ‘engaging platforms’,
which enhance the involvement and participation of citi-
zens, service users and other stakeholders for the benefit of
6 Design of e-platforms for smart services whole community and society (Ramaswamy and Gouillart
In a generic sense, a platform is any physical, technological In service platforms, major functions include access,
or social base on which socio-technical processes are built. creativity, sharing and integration, as illustrated in Fig. 3.

330 AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334

Table 1 Major functions of Web 2.0 tools in public service provision

Main functions Examples of Web 2.0 Examples of public
services and service 2.0 applications

1. Communication MSN, Yahoo, AIM Live Chat feature in

Integration Access and short Skype government Web site
messaging or portal
RSS feeds, Twitter
Service Use of RSS feeds and
platform Twitter in public
Sharing Creativity 2. Content sharing YouTube,, YouTube and blogs
Flickr, Multiply utilised in public
3. Social Facebook, MySpace, Utilisation of Facebook
networking Tagged, Netlog, and other social
hi5, Friendster, networking sites in
Orkut, PerfSpot, service provision
Fig. 3 Major functions of service platforms (Adopted from Ant- 4. Crowdsourcing Wikipedia, 7tipson, User-oriented sections
tiroiko 2012) Patient Opinion of government Web
(UK), Delicious sites
Collaborative e-services
All these aspects can be seen to be a part of what we may Wikis in service design
call governance informatics (Wachhaus 2011; Koliba et al. Geotagging
Concerning access, platforms are supposed to provide Applied from Anttiroiko 2012
easy access to service processes. In this field, new tech-
nologies have a key role to play. The increased use of members of their community and as service users, and
ubiquitous technologies especially has a potential to cause progressively arrange their private spaces by integrating
major changes in such processes (e.g. Murakami 2003). the services provided by public agencies. This implies that
As noted above, another function for service platforms is the ‘user profile’ serves as the point of interaction for the
to support creativity and innovativeness, which provides public agencies to interact (Dais et al. 2008). Currently,
new ideas about local development, service delivery and most portal solutions are only aggregates of public service
solutions to various policy problems. Idea generation is an organisations and build on principles of government-cen-
important process especially if there is a need for radical tric perspectives without genuine integrative functions.
change, like a reengineering service delivery system or This approach is based on a belief that public service
rethinking the role of government (Anttiroiko 2012). delivery may be developed by an improved use of public
Platforms are also useful when we want to communicate sector resources, whereas the suggested integration plat-
with each other, share our ideas and collaborate with form emphasises personalisation as an important integra-
stakeholders. Such functions, which revolve around the tive element of platform design and utilises ideas of
idea of sharing, are typically associated with the Web 2.0 citizen-to-citizen contacts and community networks (Mei-
trend. Paradigmatic Web 2.0 platforms are social net- jer 2011, 598c). Accordingly, the key perspective on
working or content sharing sites hosted by some social integration in service processes and user democracy should
media or software companies (Steins 2009; Brabham 2009) be built on intelligent personalised solutions (Anttiroiko
(Table 1). 2012).
Due to increased fragmentation and complexity in Regarding the types of processes to be facilitated with
modern societies, there are increasing needs for system technologically assisted service platforms, a basic question
integration and coordination, the basic rationale behind the is what kind of knowledge processes we are supposed to
very idea of service governance. An answer to such a facilitate. The fundamental distinction is usually made in a
problem is an integration platform developed by Dais et al. knowledge management (KM) framework between well-
(2008). In their theoretical scheme, it has two main inter- structured routine problems, semi-structured problems and
faces, one for citizens (user profiles) and one for public at the other end of the continuum, ‘wicked’ problems that
agencies (integrated registry). The idea of such platform is are ill-structured or unstructured and highly ambiguous
to ensure a single sign-on access to cross-organisational (Koliba et al. 2011). To systematise the picture further, we
services. Citizens are able to create their own profiles as may distinguish four types of knowledge processes

AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334 331

associated with the governance of service processes that Table 2 Technology-based service concepts
require different facilitation tools (Lenk et al. 2002, 71): Technological Main social dimension Functions of technologies
• Routine processes trends of given technology in service platforms
• Individualised decision-making Open-source Openness, Open platform design,
• Negotiations software modifiability and platform features that
• Democratic deliberation. collaboration support openness and
A service informatics platform supports decision-mak- Web 2.0 Short messaging, Broad citizen and
ing especially for semi-structured or unstructured problems social networking, stakeholder
through a computer-based information management system content sharing and involvement,
crowdsourcing crowdsourcing and co-
(Koliba et al. 2011). Routine processes require easy and production
simple platform features. Individualised decision-making is Geoinformatics Geographic and Locational aspects of
usually associated with user democracy and the use of locational governance and policy
public services. It requires easy-access service portals, information and making
which allow user-oriented service integration. Negotiations orientation
have a critical role in in-sourcing and outsourcing and, in Ubiquitous Multichannel Access to governance
technologies solutions, flexible processes, networks and
general, in taking care of B2B transactions and partnership access, mobility, platforms anywhere and
agreements. This requires platform features that provide systemic intelligence anytime
case-specific information and a support system for con- and remote control
tracting. Lastly, democratic deliberation in service context Adopted from Anttiroiko 2012
is a type of process in which varying opinions and interests
are articulated and aggregated and which provides legiti-
mate decisions and actions as the outcome. Such user future visions underpinning urban policy choices and
democratic processes need facilitation tools that support generates new development ideas which can be utilised in
deliberation and help the community to reach the best strategic city planning. These discussions raise the level of
possible solutions to complex service-related policy design awareness of urban policy stakeholders to the increasingly
and implementation problems (Anttiroiko 2012). complex human, societal, scientific and environmental
When these are combined with the emerging technology issues. Smart cities need an eclectic mix of visionaries,
trends, we can build a matrix of social computing and engineers, business leaders, policy makers, proactive citi-
service platform design. Some aspects of this model are zens and communities. They can facilitate more smart
meta-level changes and some are more phenomenon-level behaviour in response to growing urban problems, utilising
changes, referring to actual functions and services provided new technologies and platforms, which stimulate content-
by the platform. Generally speaking, technological form, individual-system and functionality-sustainability
dimension is relevant to all major aspects of service design dialectics.
and implementation (see Table 2). It has also been made clear that city governments have
The most important message behind the discussion to move away from a top–down approach to service
above (and Table 2) is that different technologies provide delivery and ‘lead from behind’ the bottom–up develop-
tools to support different aspects of smart service produc- ment of a smart ecosystem that becomes increasingly rich
tion, delivery and consumption. This requires that new in its complexity as it evolves into a multifaceted and
technologies are socially embedded and utilised in a diverse urban system based on open access to integrated
selective way to support different functions that build up information systems and self-sustaining growth of social
smartness in service systems. capital within an increasingly joined-up world that is
smarter and more environmentally friendly whilst, at the
same time, facilitating access (often remotely) to improved
7 Beyond instrumentality: towards the inclusive smart and more responsive public services that attain improved
city outcome effectiveness.
City and community governments may increasingly lead
Let us return to an important issue that has been referred to from behind but they will still need vision in developing
only briefly above. It is the need to avoid instrumentalism, long-term strategic plans to invigorate the local economy,
reductionism and technological determinism in the inter- improving the well-being of citizens, and guaranteeing
pretation of smart city concept. A positive dimension of the sustainability of the community. This means that smart city
smart city discourse is that it stimulates discussion about governments will no longer simply be service providers

332 AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334

and enabling bodies: their role is much more holistic and The role of governance is much broader in collaborative
ambitious in stimulating innovative thinking with busi- creation than in competitive destruction, not only because
nesses and communities through partnerships. From this of the greater number of stakeholders but also because
perspective, city developers prefer such smart city concepts creative mutuality and cooperation is more difficult to
which are adaptable and developable so that they can manage than destructive rivalry. Thus, the smart city con-
promote new types of processes of social inclusion in cept is radically different not only from the traditional
growing and resourceful metropolitan communities. hierarchical line management approach to inputs and pro-
The stereotype of the public sector as heavily bureau- cesses of the conventional bureaucratised city, but repre-
cratic, characterised by a silo-mentality and short-termism, sents also a significant step beyond the New Public
lacking scope for productivity improvements and also Management-oriented market-enabling cities of more
inflexible and unresponsive appears to be increasingly recent times.
outdated. That stereotype fails to recognise the increasing
diversity of smart city initiatives within the increasingly
unbundled but joined up and coordinated new service
economy. Post-industrial cities developed as service cen- 8 Conclusion
tres and are now developing new economic, social, insti-
tutional and technological platforms to cope with Smart city is an important future-oriented concept, which
increasingly complex and profound social issues, espe- has potential to integrate new technologies, social systems
cially in the large metropolises. and ecological concerns. Yet, this requires an integrative or
Although there is much commonality, not all cities are holistic approach to the very idea of smart city in order to
becoming smart in the same way, at the same speed, or to become a reality. We have discussed this matter in respect
the same extent. In part this reflects the different require- of one special aspect of smart city—that of smart public
ments and capabilities of their populations, in part their services. The first step in their development is the devel-
utilisation of localism agendas (e.g. in the United King- opment of smart solutions for individual services but the
dom) and in part their take-up of new technologies within real potential lies in the second step, which is about service
the different age, social and ethnic groups. The ICT governance and integrative functions which require some
foundations of smart cities are obviously stronger the kind of service platforms.
greater the computing power within the palm of citizens’ Our discussion has shown just what a multi-layered and
hands and the greater the resulting Internet connectivity. multidimensional issue is the smart city and its smart ser-
Ubiquitous ownership and 24/7 use of such increasingly vices. The new service economy creates opportunities for
low-cost technologies can facilitate social capital through organising unbundled local public services in a pluralistic
real-time connectivity. and complex environment through the development of
Smart solutions clearly do not fit within the conventional technological and social platforms. New technology trends
supply side versus demand side policies for regeneration provide opportunities for sophisticated applications to
and growth of urban economies, which have been domi- support service informatics and integrative service plat-
nating approaches to economic policy. Instead, smart pol- forms. Social and ecological dimensions nuance this
icies are much more integrative and inclusive of social evolving technological scenario by incorporating into it the
potential. Rather than identifying the problem as con- potential of creative partnerships to add greater social value
strained supply or insufficient demand, smart city policies than can be provided by those technological solutions
identify innovation as the required response to the urban alone.
imperative. This is not innovation in terms of improving The more integrative holistic approach outlined in this
productivity of producers and their production functions. article is necessary if we wish to conceptualise smartness
Instead, it is innovation improving the sustainability and properly, i.e., in a way that takes into account not only the
resilience of communities within increasingly dense and technological and formal complexity of smart systems but
complex urban environments. also the human and ecological context with which these
Here, innovation is not part of Schumpeter’s process of systems are supposed to operate and to which they are
creative destruction within the competitive market process ultimately supposed to bring added value in the form of
creating private value but, instead, part of a process of fair, rich, healthy, secure and sustainable life in a wider
creative collaboration and coordination through increased community and global setting. Building such smart cities is
interconnectivity of social groups and social and economic certainly a challenging task in facing technological, social
institutions creating public value through social and gov- and financial risks but their construction is certainly within
ernmental processes. human capability.

AI & Soc (2014) 29:323–334 333

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