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İnci Yüksel (2010) Masaj Teknikleri

The Position of the Client:
Image 28
The client is at the supine position on a bed. A
thin pillow is placed longitudinally under the leg.
While placing the pillow, distal part of extremity
must be higher than proximal part. Also a pillow
is placed under the head. The patient is covered
with bed sheet without only lower extremity
(Image 28).
Image 28: Patient position for the massage of
the right thigh
Therapist’s Position:
Standing on the right side of the bed and and facing towards patient.
General Stroking
3 times (From distal part of foot to proximal of thigh)
At the distal side of the foot, the right hand is placed on the inside and the left hand is placed on
the dorsum of foot. Proceed with deep stroking with the palmar part of two hands. At the
proximal of thigh, the lower hand is on top, the upper hand is on the outer side and while
returning back to the foot end stoking is superficial. At the end of foot, the hand is again taken in
the starting position and general stroking is repeated (Image 29).
Image 29: Application of the general stroking motion in the lower extremity. a) For the right lower
extremity, general stroking is started in the distal part of the extremity with the left hand above
and the right hand below, b) Deep stroking with the same hand positions progresses to the
proximal extremity, c) the lower hand slowly begins to move to the upper region towards proximal
of thigh d) At the proksimal of thigh, the right hand moves upwards and the left hand shifts
laterally and slightly under the extremity, e) When returning to the distal of extremity, apply
superficial stroking with right hand above and left hand slightly lateral and below, f) Progress to
the tips of the fingers without change of hand.
M. Quadriceps:
3 times stroking: Left hand supports
knee. The right hand is placed in
position 'C' ( the thumb and
forefinger open and with using the
web gap) placed under the patella.
Deep stroking through the upward
and outward of muscle, in return
Image 30a Image 30b superficial stroking through the down
and inward of muscle (Image 30).

Image 30: Application of the stroking motion to the M.

Quadriceps a) The right hand is placed in position 'C' placed
under the patella, left hand supports knee b) After passing
patella with superficial stroking, deep stroking movement
starts on the muscle upward and obliquely c)After making a
rotational movement in the proximal part of the muscle, go
Image 30c down to the bottom of the patella with superficial stroking
Image 31a Image 31b

3 times kneading: The right hand is placed in position 'C' and under the patella. The patella is
passed by going upwards with deep stroking. When you reach the muscles, the wringing
movement starts from top to bottom with two hands and progress to muscle proximal. Go down
to the bottom of the patella with superficial stroking (Image 31).
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is finished, repeat stroking
Image 31: Application of the kneading motion to the M. Quadriceps a) The patella is passed with
superficial stroking, b) The wringing movement is applied up to proximal of muscle.
Image 32a M. Tensor Fascia Latae:
3 times stroking: Right hand supports knee. Deep stroking
from the knee up to the thigh proximal with the left hand
palmar face or with the hand half punched, return to knee
level with superficial stroking (Image 32).
Image 32: Application of the stroking motion to the M.
tensor fascia latae. a) Deep stroking is started from lateral
side of knee with the left hand palmar face b) It progresses
in the same way until the proximal of the thigh.

Image 32b
Image 33

3 times kneading: Kneading with left hand in the direction of the thumb and then raised to the proximal
thigh, then returned to the knee position by superficial stroking (Image 33).
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 33: Application of the kneading compression to the M. tensor fascia latae.
Outer part of M. Hamstring (M. Biceps Femoris):
3 times stroking: Right hand supports knee. Deep
stroking from bottom to top at the back of the thigh
lateral with the left hand. Return to knee level with
superficial stroking (Image 34).
Image 34: Application of the stroking motion to the M.
biceps femoris.
Image 34

3 times kneading: Kneading with left hand in the

direction of the thumb and go to the proximal part of
thigh, then returned to the knee by superficial stroking
(Image 35).
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is
finished, repeat stroking.
Image 35: Application of the kneading motion to the M.
Image 35 biceps femoris.
Medial part of M. Hamstring (M.semi tendinosus and M.
semi membranosus):
3 times stroking: Left hand supports knee. Deep stroking
from bottom to top at the back of the thigh medial with the
right hand. Return to knee level with superficial stroking
(Image 36).
Image 36: Application of the stroking motion to the M.semi
Image 36 tendinosus and M. semi membranosus .

3 times kneading: Kneading with right hand in the direction

of the thumb and go to the proximal part of thigh, then
returned to the knee by superficial stroking (Image 37).
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is finished,
repeat stroking.
Image 37: Application of the kneading motion to the
M.semi tendinosus and M. semi membranosus.
Image 37
Image 38 Image 39
Adductor Muscles:
3 times stroking: Left hand supports knee. Deep stroking from bottom to top at the adductor region
with the right hand. Return to medial of knee level with superficial stroking (Image 38).
3 times kneading: Kneading with right hand in the direction of the thumb and go to the proximal part
of thigh, then returned to the knee by superficial stroking (Image 39).
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 38: Application of the stroking to the Adductor Muscles.
Image 39: Application of the kneading to the Adductor Muscles.
Knee (if it is necessary):
3 times stroking: Start from the bottom of the patella and
go around patella with deep stroking with both thumbs.
Return to bottom of the patella with superficial stroking
(Image 40).
Image 40: Application of the stroking to the round of
patella. a) Start deep stroking at the bottom of the patella
with both thumbs b) Apply deep stroking at the around
Image 40
3 times kneading: Kneading with both thumbs towards the
fingers and return with superficial stroking (Image 41).
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is finished,
repeat stroking.
Image 41: Application of the kneading to the around of

General Stroking:
When the thigh massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 41
Preparation of the patient:
All clothes should be removed from the knee level. Patient
must not to wear clothes that will block circulation in the thigh.
The position of the Client:
The patient is at the supine position on the bed. A thin pillow is
placed longitudinally under the leg. While placing the pillow,
distal part of extremity must be higher than proximal part. Also
a pillow is placed under the head. The patient is covered with
bed sheet without only leg (Image 42).
Image 42: Patient position for the massage of the leg
Therapist’s Position:
Standing on the right side of the bed and facing towards the
Image 42
General Stroking
3. times (From foot to up to knee)
At the distal side of the foot, the right
hand is placed on the inside and the left
hand is placed on the outside. Proceed
with deep stroking with the palmar part of
two hands. At the proximal of thigh, the
Image 43a Image 43c lower hand is on top, the upper hand is
on the outer side and go down to the foot
end with superficial stroking. At the foot
end, the hand is again taken in the
starting position and general stroking is
repeated (Image 43).
Image 43. Application of the general stroking motion at leg
massage a) Start with the left hand above and the right hand below
at the distal part of the extremity b) Deep stroking to the proximal of
knee then change hand position c) Return to the distal of extremity
Image 43b with right hand above and left hand slightly lateral and below.
Knee (if it is necessary)
M. Tibialis Anterior:
3 times stroking: Left hand supports
ankle. The palmar surface of four fingers
of while the right hand is going placed on
the tendon of muscle at the medial of
foot then go upwards with deep stroking.
Go up and lateral and cross the ankle
Image 44a Image 44b towards muscle then deep stroking is
applied up to the the knee level. When it
comes to knee alignment, go down by
superficial stroking and turns at the
starting point. (Image 44)
Image 44. Application of the stroking motion to the M. Tibialis Anterior.
a) Deep stroking starts from the tendon of muscle medial side of foot,
b) While the right hand is going up upward and lateral and cross the
ankle towards muscle, c)Deep stroking is applied with palmar side of
Image 44c four fingers towards the distal part of the patella
Image 45

3 times kneading: After the right hand is passed through the tendon by stroking with four fingers,
start kneading movements in muscle. Kneading is not applied on tendon. Kneading is applied in
the form of circles drawn inside the four fingers and in the direction of the thumb. (Image 45)
3 times stroking: When the kneading massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 45. Application of the kneading motion to the M. Tibialis Anterior.
M. Peronealis Brevis and
3 times stroking: Right hand
supports ankle. The palmar
surface of four fingers of left
hand is placed on the
tendon of muscle at the
Image 46a Image 46c lateral of foot then go
upwards wtih deep stroking.
Deep stroking is applied through the origin of muscle
then return with superficial stroking through insertion
(Image 46)
Image 46. Application of the stroking motion to the M.
Peronealis brevis and longus. a) Start deep stroking at
the tendon of muscle at the lateral of foot, b) Process
lateral and toward the proximal side of the leg c)Go
down by superficial stroking and turns at the starting
Image 46b point
Image 47

3 times kneading: After the left hand is passed through the tendon by stroking with four fingers, start
kneading movements in muscle. Kneading is applied in the form of circles drawn inside the four fingers
and in the direction of the thumb. After kneading until the origin of the muscle, return starting point with
superficial stroking (Image 47)
3 times stroking: When the massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 47. Application of the kneading compression to the M. Peronealis brevis and longus.
Image 48a
Image 48c

M. Gastrocnemius – M. Soleus:
3 times stroking: Right or left hand supports ankle. The other
hand is held in 'C' position and placed on the heel part of the
Achilles tendon. Start from the tendon to the muscle body with
deep stroking and then to the origin of the muscle. Return with
superficial stroking through starting point. (Image 48)
Image 48. Application of the stroking motion to the M.
Image 48b Gastrocnemius – M. soleus.
3 times kneading: After passing through the tendon by
deep stroking, start kneading compression on muscle
in the direction of the thumb. Kneading is applied until
the origin of the muscle . Return to insertion of the
muscle with superficial stroking (Image 49)
Image 49. Application of the kneading motion to the M.
Gastrocnemius – M. soleus.
NOT: If it's hard to conceive it all in one hand, muscle
can be taken in two parts as inner and outer parts like
Image 49 M. Hamstrings. In this case, the inner part should be
taken with the right hand and the outer part with the
left hand at the right lower extremities.
General Stroking:
When the leg massage is finished, general stroking is applied three times up to the knee.
Preparation of the patient:
All clothes should be removed from the knee level. Patient
must not to wear clothes that will block circulation in the
The position of the Client:
The patient is at the supine position. A thin pillow is placed
longitudinally under the leg. While placing the pillow, distal
part of extremity must be higher than proximal part. Also a
pillow is placed under the head. Except the treatment are
the patient is covered with bed sheet (Image 50).
Image 50: Patient position for the massage of the foot.
Therapist’s Position:
Standing on the right side of the bed and and towards to the
Image 50 patient.
Image 51
General Stroking
3 times (From distal of foot to ankle)
Foot massage starts with stroking by the right hand of the therapist is positioned at below inside and
the left hand is placed on the top outside. At the proximal of ankle, the lower hand is on top inside, the
upper hand turns from the inside
Image 51. Application of the general stroking motion at foot massage.
Dorsum of foot:
3 times stroking: The inside of the thumbs of two
hands is placed at the end of toes
(metatarsophalangeal joint). Progress with deep
stroking to the proximal of foot (ankle). Passes over
the upper parts of the malleoli at the ankle level.
Image 52a
Return the same places with superficial stroking
through metatarsophalangeal joint (Image 52).
Image 52. Application of the stroking motion on the
dorsal of foot. a) Start deep stroking at
metatarsophalangeal joint, b) At ankle level, move
through malleoli.

Image 52b
Image 53

3 times kneading: Kneading is applied by drawing circles in the direction of the other fingers with the
thumbs of both hands. After kneading to the ankle level, stroking is applied by opening the sides at the
upper parts of the malleoli. Return the same places with superficial stroking through
metatarsophalangeal joint (Image 53).
3 times stroking: When the dorsum of foot massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 53. Application of the kneading motion on the dorsal of foot.
Medial part of the foot:
3 times stroking: Left hand supports ankle. Thumb
finger of the right hand is placed at the MP joint
level. Process upwards with deep stroking. Turn
over at the medial of malleol. Return with
superficial stroking through metatarsophalangeal
Image 54a joint (Image 54).
Image 54: Application of the stroking motion on
the medial part of foot. a) Start stroking
movement at the MP with the thumb of right
hand, b) progresses with deep stroking to the back
of the medial malleolus

Image 54b
Image 55

3 times kneading: the thumb of right hand is moved up behind the malleol by applying kneading in the
direction of the other fingers. Return with superficial stroking to the starting point (Image 55).
Image 55: Application of the kneading motion on the medial part of foot.
3 times stroking: When the medial part of foot massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Lateral part of the foot:
3 times stroking: Right hand supports ankle. Thumb
finger of the left hand is placed at the MP joint level.
Image 56a Process upwards with deep stroking. Turn over at the
medial of malleol. Return with superficial stroking
through metatarsophalangeal joint (Image 56).
Image 56. a) b) Application of the stroking motion on
the lateral part of foot.

Image 56b
Image 57

3 times kneading: The thumb of left hand is moved up behind the malleol by applying kneading in the
direction of the other fingers. Return with superficial stroking to the starting point (Image 57).
3 times stroking: When the lateral part of foot massage is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 57. Application of the kneading motion on the lateral part of foot.
Image 58a Image 58c

Image 58b Image 58d

Plantar part of the foot:
3 times stroking: The left hand support at the top of the foot. Start with deep stroking by ulnar edge of
right hand from MP joint to heel. Swivel motion is made at the heel and return MP joint level by
superficial stroking (Image 58).
Image 58. Application of the stroking motion on the plantar part of foot, a) Start with deep stroking at MP
joint, b) Process with deep stroking through heel, c) turn back with heel stroking d) Superficial stroking
is applied in return
3 times kneading: Process kneading by drawing circles
in the direction of the fingers with palms. Turn MP joint
by superficial kneading (Image 59).
Image 59a 3 times stroking: When the plantar part of foot massage
is finished, repeat stroking.
Image 59 a) b). Application of the kneading motion on
the plantar part of foot.

Image 59b
3 times stroking: The left hand support
metatarsals. The dorsal and plantar faces
of the thumb is gripped by the hand and
the index fingers of the right hand. Deep
stroking from distal part of toes thorugh MP
joint. Return with superficial stroking
(Image 60).

Image 60. Application of the stroking

motion on toes.a) start thumb stroking
from finger tip with right hand, b)deep
stroking through proximal of MP joint c)
the second finger is again held with the
right hand d) the third finger is held with
the left hand e) the fourth finger is held
with the left hand f) the fifth finger is held
with the left hand
3 times kneading: The thumb is kneaded by drawing
the circles outward with the index finger at the back
and thumb in front through MP joint. (Image 61)
3 times stroking: Stroking is applied to the thumb
three times.
The same movements are done with the right hand
on the second finger and are done with the right hand
on the third, fourth, fifth finger.
Image 61
Image 61. Application of the kneading motion on toes.

General Stroking:
3 times (From distal part of foot to ankle)
Start stroking with the right hand is placed on the below inside and the left hand is placed on the top
outside. At the proximal of ankle, the lower hand is on top inside, the upper hand turns from the inside to
the bottom and go down to the foot.

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