ASCE Failure To Act Ports Report FINAL

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Failure to Act

The economic impact

Of current Investment Trends in
Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports
This report was prepared for the
American Society of Civil Engineers by
Economic Development Research Group, Inc.

The report was funded by a generous

grant from the ASCE Foundation.

American Society of Civil Engineers

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Economic Development Research Group, Inc.

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Publication was supported by the

ASCE Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers
Institute (COPRI).

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

All Rights Reserved.
Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports

★| Contents
2 | List of Figures and Tables
3 | Preface
4 | Executive Summary

9 | Section 1 Introduction
11 | Section 2 Overview of Airports, Inland Waterways,
and Marine Ports

17 | Section 3 The Potential Investment Gap

26 | Section 4 Costs Incurred Due to a Failure to Invest
32 | Section 5 Economic Impacts
| Section 6 Conclusion

42 | About the Study

43 | Endnotes
45 | Acknowledgments
45 | About EDR Group
A technical appendix is separately available at
★| Figures and tables
1 U.S. Navigation System, Marine and Inland Ports
10 Costs by Commodity of Using Under-Sized Vessels
2 Nearly 80% of Domestic Air Trips Are Taken
to Accommodate Shallow Harbors or Narrow
to or From the 15 Largest U.S. Metro Markets
Channels at U.S. Marine Ports
3 Projected Growth Forecasts for America’s Trade
11 Land-Side Congestion Costs Accruing to Freight
Volume, 2011–  2041
and Business Travel Using Airports, 2010
4 Long-term U.S. Container Trade Forecast,
12 Land-Side Congestion Costs Accruing to Freight
2011 – 2037
Using U.S. Marine Ports, 2010
13 Effects on U.S. Business Sales, GDP and Jobs
Tables from Congestion at Major Airports, 2012 – 2040
1 U.S. Waterborne Freight through Marine 14 Lost Trade Due to the Gap in Airport Investments
Ports — Imports and Exports
15 Sectors Most Affected by Decline of Air Service
2 Effects of Failure to Invest in Airports, Inland in Jobs and Business Sales, 2012 – 2020
Waterways, and Marine Ports, 2012 – 2040
16 Lost Trade Due to the Gap in Inland Waterways
3 Leading International and Domestic Air and Marine Ports Investments
Freight Centers, 2011
17 Effects of Failure to Invest in Inland Waterways
4 Capital Expenditures by Airport, 2001 – 2010 and Marine Ports on U.S. Business Sales, GDP
5 Investment Gap Totals, Airports and Jobs, 2012 – 2040
6 Estimated Public Capital Investment Gap, Inland 18 Top Ten Sectors Most Affected by Decline
Waterways and Marine Ports of Waterborne Trade, 2020
7 Hours of Scheduled and Unscheduled Delay 19 Sectors Most Affected by Decline of Waterborne
on US Inland Waterways, 2009 Trade in Jobs and Business Sales
8 Total Containerized Trade for U.S. Ports,
1980 – 2010
9 Net Impact of Airport Congestion on the
U.S. Economy

2 American Society of Civil Engineers

★| Preface
The purpose of the Failure to Act report series
is to provide an analysis of the economic impli-
cations for the United States of continuing its
current investment trends in infrastructure. This report focuses on airports, as well as
The reports in this series assess the implications inland waterways and marine ports. Elements
of present trends in infrastructure investment of airports include the surrounding runways
for the productivity of industries, for national and facilities, as well as the terminals. Elements
competitiveness, and for households’ costs. of ports include the port channel depth, ter-
The Failure to Act series analyzes two types minals, and equipment, including cranes and
of infrastructure needs: warehouses. For airports and ports, efficient
access to and from port areas are important
★★ Building new infrastructure to service considerations.
increasing populations and expanded This is the fourth report in ASCE’s Failure
economic activity; and to Act series. The first report, Failure to Act: The
★★ Maintaining or rebuilding existing infra- Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends
structure that needs repair or replacement. in Surface Transportation Infrastructure,
encompasses highways, bridges, rail, and transit.
Every four years, the American Society of Civil The second report, Failure to Act: The Economic
Engineers (ASCE) publishes The Report Card Impact of Current Investment Trends in Water
for America’s Infrastructure, which grades the and Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure,
current state of 15 national infrastructure addresses the delivery of potable water and
categories on a scale of A through F. ASCE’s wastewater treatment. The most recent report,
2009 Report Card gave the nation’s aviation Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current
infrastructure a D and gave its inland waterway Investment Trends in Electricity Infrastructure,
infrastructure a D–. The infrastructure of addresses electricity generation, transmission,
marine ports was not graded in 2009, but will and delivery. The final report will summarize
be part of the 2013 assessment. This report the potential consequences of failing to invest
answers the question of how the condition of the in all of these critical infrastructure systems.
United States’ airports, inland waterways and
ports, and marine ports affect the nation’s eco-
nomic performance. In other words, how does
a D or D– affect America’s economic future?

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 3
Air and waterborne transportation infrastructure Airports and ports cannot function without
spans the United States and the globe. These effective connections to the nation’s roads and
facilities are critical to the health of the U.S. rail systems. Virtually all cargo shipped by air
economy, enabling the importing and exporting arrives at and departs from airports by truck.2
of goods, as well as global business travel: Passenger transportation to and from airports is
primarily by car, but also includes an increasing
★★ The U.S. aviation system includes almost proportion of transit options (e.g., fixed rail and
20,000 civilian airports, although just 5,200 buses).3 Inland and marine ports rely on high-
are open to the public. Of these, more than ways and railroads to transport cargo to ports
3,300 are designated by the Federal Aviation for shipment and to distribute goods to market.
Administration (FAA) as part of the National
Plan of Integrated Airport Systems, including The Role of Airports, Inland Waterways
all 500 commercial service airports and and Marine Ports in the U.S. Economy
2,800 general aviation airports. Both air Airport services facilitate the transfer of pas-
passenger and air freight services are concen- sengers and goods and function as gateways to
trated in a relatively small number of airports economic globalization. Passenger and freight
in major metropolitan areas. Roughly 80% movements are concentrated in a handful of the
of U.S. origin and destination traffic is in 15 thousands of airports in the national aviation
metropolitan markets, and 70% of air freight system. Among the 3,300 airports that are des-
tonnage originates at 15 metropolitan areas ignated by the FAA as important to the national
(nine metropolitan areas are included among aviation system, 35 airports in the nation’s top
the top 15 passenger and freight markets). 15 markets account for 80% of U.S. domestic
★★ The U.S. inland port system consists of more passenger origin and destination movements,
than 12,000 miles of inland and intracoastal totaling 343 million trips. The FAA forecasts that
waterways, with about 240 lock chambers. enplanements in these 15 markets will increase
More than 566 million tons move through 30% by 2020 and 121% by 2040.4 These projec-
the inland transportation system annually, tions exceed enplanement forecasts at other
more than half of which is coal and petroleum commercial airports, which are predicted to
products. More than 70 million metric tons increase 25% by 2020 and 93% by 2040. More
of grain, soybeans, and food are transported important from the perspective of air traffic
within the U.S. each year by way of the inland projections, commercial aircraft operations are
transportation system.1 projected to grow 17% through 2020 and 62%
★★ The U.S. has more than 300 commercial by 2040, including increases in the 15 major
marine ports, through which pass 2.3 billion markets of 23% by 2020 and 86% by 2040.
short tons of cargo a year, and more than 600 As with passenger travel, freight shipments
smaller harbors. In 2010, 51% of the potential are concentrated in major metropolitan areas. By
capacity of container yards in U.S. ports was tonnage, 92% of international air freight tonnage
fully utilized. The system accommodated is imported or exported through the 15 leading
more than 16,800 annual vessel arrivals. U.S. customs districts, and 70% of domestic
air tonnage originates in 15 key metro markets

4 American Society of Civil Engineers

(nine metro areas are among the top 15 for both included 86% of America’s crude petroleum
air passenger and freight markets). imports as well as the majority of 28 other com-
In the United States, the system of inland modities imported to the U.S. The U.S. depends
waterways and marine ports play a vital role in heavily on waterborne trade for its growing
both the domestic and international transpor- export markets, especially agricultural products,
tation systems. In 2010, the cargo transported manufactured goods, and, increasingly, the
on these waterways was valued at $152 billion. exporting of energy and refined petroleum prod-
For the inland waterway system, this includes ucts. In 2010, more than 76% of U.S. exports (by
approximately 56% of all crude petroleum, 15% tonnage), valued at $469 billion (approximately
of all coal, and 24% of other fuel oils, which alone 35% of total exports by value), were transported
affect the efficiency of all economic sectors that by water for foreign markets.5
rely on energy. Other commodities with signifi- Trade volume for marine ports is expected
cant shares moving by water include 22% of basic to double by 2021, and double again shortly
chemicals, 18% of agricultural products, and 19% after 2030. Even if global growth slows due to
of nonmetallic minerals. economic problems in Europe, our major trading
By 2020, traffic on inland waterways is partners are a diverse set of countries in Asia
expected to increase by 51 million tons of freight and Latin America, and the growth forecasts
from 2012, an overall 11% increase. By 2040, are indicative of long term trends that will
this increase is expected to exceed 118 million require major investments in our marine ports.6
tons above 2012 levels, an overall increase
of 25 percent. The Investment Gap
The marine ports system is especially impor- Airports
tant for America’s international trade, with For commercial airports, the Airports Council
nearly 800 million tons (70% of U.S. imports in International-North America (ACI-NA) and the
2010), valued at more than $944 billion (approxi- FAA publish projections of five-year spending
mately 50% of all imports by value), arriving in needs, and the FAA tracks both private and public
the U.S. by water (see Table 1). These imports actual expenditures in its Form 127 reports.7

Table  1 ★ U.S. Waterborne Freight through Marine Ports — Imports and Exports

Tonnage (millions) Value (trillions of 2010 dollars)

Imports 798 0.94

Percent of total imports 68.8 49.2

Exports 580 0.47

Percent of total exports 76.5 35.4

TOTAL 1,378 1.41

Percent of total trade 71.9 42.2

Source Freight Analysis Framework (version 3), Data Tabulation Tool, July 2012 (

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 5
Extending the trends of needs and spending from In many cases, private and public investment
these sources shows an annual capital gap of by port authorities and non-port entities enables
about $2 billion through 2020 (roughly $13 billion the ports simply to maintain existing conditions
in need and $11 billion in expenditures per year) to fulfill customer needs and requirements.
and $1 billion annually from 2021 to 2040 ($12 However, many commercial ports are also
billion in need to $11 billion in expenditures, planning improvements. Port authorities are
assuming spending through 2020 does not fall planning on spending a combined $18 billion
lower than recent trends). through 2016 on infrastructure improvements
In addition to construction needs, congestion for water terminals, while their private-sector
relief is being proposed through the Next Gen- terminal partners anticipate spending a
eration Air Transportation System (NextGen), combined $27.6 billion for a total of nearly $46
which is expected to transform the management billion. This is more than $9 billion per year, of
and operation of the air transportation system which more than one-third would be spending
in the United States, moving from the current by the port authorities themselves.9 Although
ground-based radar system to a satellite-based this investment would make up the majority of
system. NextGen is designed to minimize delays funding for ports, the maintenance of existing
by reducing the time aircraft sit on the ground. navigable channels and waterways and the abil-
Multiple uncertainties may affect the timing and ity to accommodate the increasing size of cargo
ultimate costs of NextGen, including constantly vessels requires dredging, a portion of which
changing technologies. At present, the most must be funded by the public sector through
widely accepted projected cost for NextGen is Congressional appropriations to the U.S. Army
$31 billion, in addition to the approximately Corps of Engineers. A key challenge for marine
$9 billion that has already been invested between ports in the United States, particularly on the
2003 and 2011.8 East Coast, will be their ability to handle the
large “new-Panamax” cargo ships that will
Inland Waterways and Marine Ports start service with planned expansions of the
The greatest threats to the performance of the Panama and Suez Canals.
inland waterway system are the scheduled and To accommodate anticipated growth in trade
unscheduled delays caused by insufficient fund- and domestic waterborne traffic, total public
ing for operation and maintenance needs of locks investment needs are expected to exceed $30
governing the traffic flow on the nation’s inland billion by 2020. This includes both navigational
system. A total of 90% of locks and dams on the dredging and operation and maintenance needs
U.S. inland waterway system experienced some for both marine dredging and inland waterways
type of unscheduled delay in 2009. According to and marine ports. It does not include private
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, maintaining sector investments to improve the port facilities
existing levels of unscheduled delays on inland themselves or improving connections to
waterways, and not further exacerbating delays, surrounding roads and rail systems to reduce
will require almost $13 billion in cumulative congestion experienced by trucks entering and
investment needs by 2020, and an additional $28 exiting port facilities. By 2040, these needs are
billion by 2040. Current funding levels can sup- expected to reach $92 billion.10 The U.S. will be
port only $7 billion by 2020, and an additional left with a funding gap of nearly $46 billion if
$16 billion by 2040. Roughly 27% of these needs current investment trends continue, based on
entail the construction of new lock and dam facil- the annual budgets for navigational purposes
ities, and 73% are estimated for the rehabilitation
of current facilities.

6 American Society of Civil Engineers

that have historically been appropriated to the Although this is already happening in a limited
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by Congress.11 number of industrial sectors today, these effects
About $16 billion of the funding gap is expected could magnify in the future. If current needs
to accumulate by 2020, with the additional and investment trends for U.S. airports, inland
$30 billion projected to accumulate from 2021 to waterways, and marine ports continue over time,
2040.12 More than 61% of the identified need and the nation’s competitiveness will erode, affecting
funding gap are intended for marine navigation its ability to sustain well-paying jobs, especially
and operations and maintenance, and about in export sectors. In addition higher costs will be
39% for inland waterways.13 incurred for imports, which will increase costs
of materials to businesses, thereby increasing
Economic Impacts cost of production, and for consumer products
The U.S. economy relies on low transportation sold to households, which eventually will erode
costs for its exports to offset higher wage levels their disposable income. These effects are
and costs of production when compared with reflected in significantly lower projected levels of
its competitors. Greater costs to export goods U.S. exports, business sales, GDP and disposable
will affect the nation’s ability to compete in personal income throughout the economy,
global markets for goods produced in the U.S. culminating in a loss of jobs. Table 2 summarizes

Table  2 ★ Effects of Failure to Invest in Airports, Inland Waterways,

and Marine Ports, 2012 – 2040 (in billions of 2010 dollars, unless otherwise indicated)

Inland waterways
Airports and Marine Ports
Annual Impacts 2020 2040 2020 2040

GDP – $47 – $70 – $95 – $255

Jobs – 350,000 – 358,000 – 738,000 – 1,384,000

Business Sales – $87 – $179 – $183 – $517

Disposable Personal Income – $53 – $53 – $117 – $269

Exports – $11 – $62 – $43 – $142

Cumulative Losses 2012 – 2020 2021 – 2040 2012 – 2020 2021 – 2040

GDP – $313 – $1.21 trillion – $697 – $3.3 trillion

Business Sales – $580 – $2.7 trillion – $1.3 trillion – $6.5 trillion

Disposable Personal Income – $361 – $1.1 trillion – $872 – $3.7 trillion

Exports – $54 – $708 – $270 – $1.7 trillion

Note Losses in business sales and GDP reflect impacts in a given year against total national business sales and GDP in that year.
These measures do not indicate declines from 2010 levels.
Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 7
the economic impacts for 2020 and 2040, and rise to almost $2 trillion by 2040. Roughly $1.3
the cumulative impacts expected during the trillion in business sales will be lost by 2020,
periods 2012 – 20 and 2021 – 40. Total impacts rising to $7.8 trillion by 2040. The cumulative
through 2020 and 2040 are discussed below. loss in national GDP will be about $700 billion by
2020 and reach $4 trillion by 2040. Disposable
Airports personal income will be lost, with losses pro-
The economic impact of congestion at major air- jected at almost $872 billion through 2020 and
ports will have significant effects on the national $4.5 trillion through 2040. With this reduction
economy due to delays in cargo movement and in production, income, and spending, there
business travel, assuming that capital spending are projected to be 738,000 fewer jobs in 2020.
remains consistent through 2040, as it has been By 2040, the job losses will grow to almost 1.4
since 2001 (about $10 billion annually in 2010 million — jobs that will be lost due to the lack of
dollars). The broad impacts on the U.S. economy U.S. competitiveness in global trade and because
would represent cumulative losses from the the nation’s households and businesses will be
national economy of $54 billion in export value spending more for commodities that arrive by
and $580 billion in overall business sales by 2020, marine ports and are transported to market via
rising to $762 billion and $3.3 trillion by 2040; inland waterways.
lower levels of gross domestic product (GDP) are
expected to amount to $313 billion by 2020 and Conclusion
$1.21 trillion by 2040; and losses in disposable America’s airports, inland waterways, and
personal income will total $361 billion by 2020 marine ports link the nation directly to the
and $1.49 trillion by 2040 (all in $2010). Overall, global economy, and link regions of the United
the U.S. economy will end up with 350,000 fewer States together. These three infrastructure
jobs than it otherwise would have by 2020. systems support the nation’s ability to export,
Over time, domestic freight movement and to efficiently move goods internally and to
business travel will likely shift from relying on expand our high-end service sector through
air to surface transportation modes to partially widespread business travel. These functions are
adjust for the declining efficiencies and higher critical to the U.S. economy, and depend on the
costs of air transportation.14 However, this will efficient and cost effective operation of these
lead to higher costs for those commodities that networks. Each of these systems require that
are shipped by air, both in terms of out-of-pocket the investments needed to sustain competitive
expenses and time,15 which will mean particularly transportation costs are well coordinated among
hard times for all industries that require same-day the many interdependent modes of transporta-
freight delivery. As a consequence of congestion, tion needed to keep the entire U.S. supply chain
the direct cost of air transportation is projected to operating efficiently, and to ensure that our
be 6% higher in 2020 and 9% higher in 2040 than strong service sectors can efficiently and cost-
would be the case with the initial investment.16 effectively make use of international and long
distance business travel. However, as has been
Inland Waterways and Marine Ports demonstrated in this report, inadequate and
Similar effects are felt within the inland water- unbalanced investments in essential commercial
ways and marine ports sectors. If America only transportation infrastructure have become an
maintains its current level of investment in enormous drag on the productivity and competi-
these systems, the losses to its economy will tiveness of the U.S. economy.
increase shipping costs annually. By 2020, lost
value of exports will be $270 billion and will

8 American Society of Civil Engineers

This report illustrates the continuing importance of airports,
inland waterways, and marine ports for efficient cargo
movement within the United States and for the importing and
exporting of goods. In addition, this analysis also highlights
the importance of aviation for business travel.

America’s networks of airports, inland that can absorb longer transportation times
waterways, and marine ports share several are shipped in bulk or bundled into containers
characteristics. Airports and marine ports and shipped across oceans, while high-value,
function as international gateways that enable lower-weight cargo or goods that require
U.S. industries to export and import goods fast delivery are sent via air freight. Both
from abroad. In addition, airports and inland systems also move passengers, although
waterways provide alternative modes to inland and ocean passenger transportation
surface transportation for transporting goods is not part of this study.
throughout the country, relieving some of the This report’s economic analysis is based
congestion burden on our highways. primarily on documentation of freight and
Air transportation is more often used for air passenger movement from the Freight
high-value and low-weight goods or commod- Analysis Framework (U.S. Federal Highway
ities that require just-in-time delivery. This Administration), the Foreign Trade Division
mode of real-time delivery is employed for of the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Bureau
goods required for manufacturing processes of Transportation Statistics, and the FAA.
(e.g., parts for an automobile assembly plant) Data on the needs of airports and waterborne
or for perishable food for same-day sales. ports were developed from data provided by
Inland and intracoastal waterways are often the FAA, the Airports Council International-
better suited for bulk commodities that can North America (ACI-NA), the U.S. Army
be transported at lower costs than if placed Corps of Engineers, and the American
on trucks or railcars. Certain commodities Association of Port Authorities.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 9
Study Objectives and Limitations As part of the Failure to Act series, this report
The purpose of this study is to survey the focuses on the economic consequences of not
economic effects of current investment trends making needed investments in airports, inland
in America’s airports, inland waterways, and waterways, and marine ports as they affect
marine ports. productivity throughout the United States,
Throughout the report, infrastructure invest- global competitiveness, and hence the nation’s
ment needs and investment trends are projected, long-term job and income growth. This analysis
and potential gaps are identified where needs are does not consider the short-term impacts of
likely to exceed investment levels. It is difficult to those money flows associated with spending
predict future levels of capital spending because on the construction, installation, and operation
a wide range of factors will exert an influence of additional infrastructure, though they also
during the coming decades. The analysis given affect patterns of jobs and incomes for workers.
here focuses on a “trends scenario,” which This report, along with other studies in this
assumes that the investments needed and made series does not give special attention to jobs
for airports, inland waterways, and marine ports required to operate infrastructure systems,
will continue in the next decades at essentially which is especially important when discussing
the same levels as in recent years. The data airports. Typical jobs in airports include airport
given for airports are based on data collected management, airline employment and airplane
by the FAA and ACI-NA. The data given for services, on-airport freight handling, terminal
inland waterways and marine ports are primarily retail and services, security, and ground trans-
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addi- portation. Economic impact studies are routinely
tion to public sources from combinations of conducted on behalf of airport authorities, state
federal, state, and local jurisdictions, investments departments of transportation and national
come from a mix of private-sector sources and organizations for airports and airport systems.
user fees, including airlines, airline passengers, Recent studies conducted at different airports
and shippers. across the country by different consulting firms,
The capital gap is the difference between the using similar but not identical methodologies
level of dollars invested in infrastructure under show that 20,000 to 60,000 jobs are located on
a trends scenario and the level of investment major airport grounds. These studies also docu-
required to replace, expand, or improve infra- ment the extent that air travel supports tourism
structure as demand grows and facilities age by analyzing visitor spending. In addition,
or require modernizations and new capacity. multiple national studies of impacts have been
Failure to carry out needed investments can published over recent years. For example, a
result in higher costs in moving saleable goods study sponsored by the ACI-NA estimates the
to markets, higher costs for goods required for impacts of commercial aviation to be more than
production processes by U.S. manufacturers, and 1.2 million jobs, including those generated by
higher costs for business travel for all economic visitor spending.17 Other studies sponsored by
sectors (airports). In turn, these impacts will NASAO and FAA estimate overall impacts of
make U.S. goods and services more expensive general aviation and civil aviation, including
and less competitive internationally, driving up aircraft manufacture and parts.
the costs of consumer items for U.S. households, Finally, this study discusses regions and
as well as cutting GDP and eliminating jobs. metropolitan areas, but it does not name or
rank specific airports or inland or marine ports.

10 American Society of Civil Engineers


Airports and waterborne transportation are the critical piece of

the national transportation system that enables overseas trade and,
for airports, fast long-distance travel. The contribution of these
systems to international trade is critical for the national economy.
Exports alone supported approximately 9.7 million jobs in 2011,
as every billion dollars of exports supported 5,080 jobs in the U.S.18

The U.S. airport system accommodates connect ports from Boston to Brownsville,
almost 735 million passenger enplanements Texas. In 2010, an estimated 566 million
and moves $1.1 trillion in cargo. The FAA pre- tons of goods were moved on the U.S. inland
dicts that the U.S. airport system will carry waterways and 2.3 billion tons of freight were
more than 1 billion passengers by 2024, and moved through U.S. marine ports.20 Interna-
the Federal Highway Administration predicts tional trade underscores the importance of
that the value of air freight will grow to $4.5 U.S. waterborne transportation; more than
trillion by 2040 (in 2010 dollars).19 70% of traded commodities by weight are and
An intricate system of waterways ties imported or exported through marine ports.
inland ports to marine ports and provides Airports, inland waterways, and marine
one of the most cost-effective ways of mov- ports cannot function without effective con-
ing a wide variety of freight within the lower nections to roads and rail systems. Virtually
48 states and between the U.S. and all of its all cargo shipped by air arrives at and departs
major trading partners (see Figure 1). Inter- from airports by truck, and passengers’ access
connecting rivers form a marine highway and egress are also by surface transportation.
network in the heart of the nation, from the Passenger transportation to and from airports
Gulf ports to the Great Lakes. For example, is primarily by private automobiles and taxi-
the Mississippi River connects inland ports cabs, but also includes a variety and increasing
as far away as Pittsburgh and Saint Paul to proportion of transit options.21 Inland and
the ports on the Gulf of Mexico. Intracoastal marine ports rely on highways (for trucks) and
waterways provide a system of navigable railroads to transport cargo to ports for ship-
canals, lagoons, rivers, sounds, and bays that ment and to distribute landed freight.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 11
Figure  1 ★ U.S. Navigation System, Marine and Inland Ports
Pasco Milwaukee
Lewiston Chicago
Indiana Harbor
Umatilla St. Paul
Portland Boston
La Crosse Albany

Dubuque New York/

Oakland New Jersey
Quad Cities
Omaha St. Louis Parkersburg
Kansas City Huntington
Mt. Vernon Louisville Norfolk
Paducah Knoxville
Los Angeles Tulsa Nashville
Chattanooga Wilmington
Long Beach Decatur
Little Rock
Birmingham Charleston
Vicksburg Savannah
Texas City Gulfport Pascagoula
Matagorda Tampa
Marine Port
Inland Port Panama Port
City Everglades
Source Institute for Water Resources, Corpus Christi Mobile
US Army Corps of Engineers, Beaumont
“U.S. Port and Inland Waterways Port Arthur
New Orleans
Modernization: Preparing for Post- Lake Charles
Panamax Vessels,” June 20, 2012.
South Louisiana
Baton Rouge

Airports America’s 2,800 noncommercial airports play

The FAA designates public use airports that are an important role in the national airport system
important to the national system as the National by accommodating pilots in small aircraft sepa-
Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), and rately from large commercial airline aircraft at
these airports are eligible to receive grant money congested commercial facilities. GA airports are
under the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program. included in the NPIAS if they have sufficient
The NPIAS airports include all commercial activity and are at least 20 miles from the nearest
service airports. Noncommercial service airports NPIAS airport. The 269 reliever airports in the
are known as nonprimary and include general avi- NPIAS provide pilots with attractive alternatives
ation (GA) and reliever airports. Noncommercial to using congested hub airports and also provide
GA airports account for more than three-quarters access to the surrounding area. GA airports are
of the NPIAS airports, and in 2010 accounted for particularly important for rural areas, given that
less than 1% of total system passengers.

12 American Society of Civil Engineers

they are the closest sources of air transportation
for approximately 19% of the population.22 Inland Waterways and Marine Ports Key Facts
The FAA forecasts that enplanements (individ-
ual trips) will increase by 28% by 2020 from 2010
★★ The U.S. inland port system consists of more than
12,000 miles of inland and intracoastal waterways with
totals and 110%, more than double at all commer-
about 240 lock chambers. More than 566 million tons
cial airports, by 2040 from 2010. However, growth
annually move in the inland transportation system, more
in the 15 largest passenger markets is expected to than half of which is coal and petroleum. More than 70
increase by 30% by 2020 and 121% by 2040, while million metric tons (12.6%) of grain, soybeans, and food
enplanements at other commercial airports are are transported within the U.S. each year by way of the
cumulatively are predicted to increase by 25% by inland waterway system.24
2020 and 93% by 2040. More important from the
perspective of air traffic congestion, commercial ★★ The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredges 300 commer-
cial harbors, through which pass 2.3 billion short tons
aircraft operations are projected to grow 17%
of cargo a year, and it also dredges more than 600
by 2020 and 62% by 2040, including 23% by 2020
smaller harbors. In 2010, 51% of the potential capacity
and 86% by 2040 at the 15 major markets.23
of container yards in U.S. ports was fully utilized. The
In other words, it is expected that more pas- system accommodated more than 16,800 annual vessel
senger trips will be taken and more airplanes will calls, with a reserve vessel call capacity of 23,994 calls.
be in the air, although given the higher trends
for passengers than for commercial operations, it
appears that more people will fly per aircraft than and interim destinations for transporting goods
is now the case. Moreover, though this growth internationally to Asia.
will be national, it will be especially pronounced Projections indicate that air freight tonnage
in the current major market areas that are already will increase nationally by 54% from 2010 through
saturated. Even with an increase in on-time per- 2020 and by an additional 94% from 2020 through
formance, this means that capital investments 2040, for a total growth rate of nearly 200% from
will be needed to update and expand terminal 2010.25 These projections indicate that more cargo
facilities, enhance ground circulation within flights will be needed, which will add to congested
airports, provide for vehicle and transit access and conditions; passenger and cargo-only planes may
egress to airports, and increase runway sizes to be heavier, requiring longer runways for take-
allow for heavier fully loaded takeoffs, in addition offs, and more truck traffic will be required to
to maintaining current facilities. transport goods to airports for loading and from
Similar to passenger travel, freight shipments airports for deliveries.
are concentrated in major metro areas. By tonnage,
Table 3 shows the 15 most heavily used customs Inland Waterways and Marine Ports
districts in terms of air freight, as well as the 15 In the United States, the system of inland water-
largest metro areas for origins of domestic air ways and marine ports play a vital role in both
cargo. Note that air cargo activity is more concen- the domestic and international transportation
trated for international shipments than domestic systems. In 2010, nearly 1.9 billion tons of bulk
ones, with 92% of international air freight tonnage freight and almost 43 million TEUs moved on
being imported or exported through the 15 leading the U.S. water transportation system.26 Notably,
U.S. customs districts and 70% of domestic air ton- approximately 56% of all crude petroleum, 15%
nage originating in the key metro markets. These of all coal, and 24% of other fuel oils are trans-
customs districts and metro cargo markets include ported over the nation’s inland waterways,
Alaska and Hawaii due to the long shipping dis- which affect the efficiency of all economic sec-
tances required for domestic cargo, as well as the tors that rely on energy. Other commodities with
location of these two states as refueling stopovers significant shares moving by water include 22%

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 13
Figure  2 ★ Nearly 80% of Domestic Air Trips Are Taken
To or From the 15 Largest U.S. Metro Markets


New York
San Francisco Bay Area
Washington, DC

Las Vegas
Los Angeles

Dallas/ft. Worth

Metro- area
Airports, if more than Miami
one airport is in a
particular metro-area

Metro Markets Air Trips (in millions) Metro Markets Air Trips (in millions)

Boston (BOS, MHT, PVD) 20.2 Dallas (DFW, DAL) 19.3

New York (LGA, JFK, EWR, ISP, SWF) 39.1 Denver (DEN) 18.8

Washington (DCA, BWI, IAD) 27.7 Las Vegas (LAS) 22.2

Atlanta (ATL) 18 Phoenix (PHX) 16.4

Orlando (MCO, SFB) 21.9 Los Angeles (LAX, ONT, SNA, BUR, LGB) 35.5

Miami (FLL, MIA, PBI) 22.4 San Francisco (SFO, SJC, OAK) 26.5

Chicago (MDW, ORD) 26.4 Seattle (SEA) 15

Houston (HOU, IAH) 13.8

Note Includes 2011 outbound + inbound domestic o&d passengers excluding duplication between the top 15 markets.
Sources U.S. Department of Transportation, O&D Database, Database Products Inc., CY 2011. Graphic and calculations
courtesy of ICF SH&E.

14 American Society of Civil Engineers

of basic chemicals, 18% of agricultural products, of domestic shipments on inland waterways is
and 19% of nonmetallic minerals. expected to increase by $18 billion, an overall
Overall domestic water transportation trans- 12% increase. By 2040, this increase is expected
ported freight valued at almost $152 billion in to be $26 billion above 2010, an overall 17%
2010 (in 2010 dollars).  By 2020, freight value increase in constant value. 27

Table  3 ★ Leading International and Domestic Air Freight Centers, 2011

International Domestic
Customs District Air Tons Metro Markets Air Tons

New York City 1,298,000 Memphis 1,763,000

Chicago 1,110,000 Louisville-Cincinnati 1,184,000

Miami 1,002,000 Los Angeles 577,000

Los Angeles 968,000 Anchorage 537,000

Cleveland 611,000 Indianapolis 424,000

New Orleans 446,000 New York 351,000

Savannah 412,000 San Francisco 316,000

Dallas/Fort Worth 341,000 Washington 187,000

San Francisco 331,000 Chicago 155,000

Houston/Galveston 234,000 Dallas 145,000

San Juan 210,000 Philadelphia 143,000

Great Falls 194,000 Miami 133,000

Anchorage 167,000 Atlanta 131,000

Philadelphia. 139,000 Honolulu 129,000

Seattle 119,000 Phoenix 104,000

Subtotal 7,580,000 Subtotal 6,277,000

Other Districts 645,000 Other Metro Areas 2,680,000

TOTAL 8,226,000 TOTAL 8,957,000

Percent of 15 Leading Districts 92% Percent of 15 Leading Metro Areas 70%

Note International and domestic data cannot be added due to double counting if shipments between domestic points lead to,
or result from, international cargo flights. Metro markets and customs districts may include multiple airports.
Sources U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, aggregated by WISERTrade and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics,
T-100 Domestic Cargo Database.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 15
In 2010, more than 76% of America’s interna- Shipping
tional exports reach global markets though marine Commodities transported over water are shipped
ports. Nearly 585 million tons of freight leave the as bulk commodities, specialized cargoes, or in
nation’s shores by water, valued at $469 billion containers (measured in twenty-foot equivalent
(or 35% of America’s exports by value). Effectively, units, TEUs).30 Goods shipped on inland water-
all of America’s exports in commodities such as ways are primarily bulk, while cargo shipped
coal, fuel oils, gasoline, and crude petroleum are through marine ports is a mix of dry and liquid
shipped by water. Including these fuels, maritime bulk, containers, and other cargoes (e.g., roll-on/
is the primary mode of export for 25 of America’s roll-off cargoes, like automobiles, and general
export commodities. In addition, roughly 71% of or project cargo, like steel and heavy equipment).
bulk imports by tonnage arrive in the U.S. by water, Inland shipping is primarily dry bulk com-
valued at more than $944 billion (approximately modities (agricultural products, coal, iron ore,
50% of all imports by value). These imports include coal, grain, and other minor commodities).
86% of America’s crude petroleum imports, 100% Tanker shipping, also considered bulk, involves
of its fuel oil and coal imports, and the majority of the transportation of crude oil petroleum, and
28 other commodities that it imports.28 other petrochemical products. Specialized
By container weight in total trade (exports and ships designed to carry liquefied natural gas are
imports), the leading marine ports in 2011 were becoming more prevalent as markets for this fuel
Los Angeles/Long Beach, New York /New Jersey, expand. Roll-on/roll-off vessels carry automo-
Savannah, Houston and Oakland. However, if all biles, trucks, and increasingly more specialized
commodities are considered, bulk oil shipments in self-propelled vehicles, agricultural equipment,
particular are more commonly handled by ports and military vehicles. Finally, the containerized
along the Gulf of Mexico. The leading ports cargo shipping industry primarily involves the
for all total weights (volume of trade) are Houston, transportation of consumer goods and inter-
Los Angeles/Long Beach, New Orleans, New mediate or finished industrial goods, and is
York/New Jersey and Corpus Christi.29 generally higher in value per ton shipped than
The inland waterways and marine ports sys- bulk commodities.
tems mutually support the trade of commodities The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans
among global markets, with the marine ports construction investments for inland waterways
serving as gateways and transfer points to high- and tracks commodity shipments for 17 districts
way, rail, and inland water systems. The inland that operate and maintain assets. A total of 51%
systems transport goods within the U.S. (espe- of the bulk tonnage on the marine ports system
cially agricultural commodities from America’s moves through ports in the Gulf Coast region.
Midwestern states), as well as provide access to Nearly a quarter (23%) moves through ports
the marine ports. It is estimated that 346 million in the North Atlantic region, and 12% moves
tons of goods were transferred from inland through the South Pacific region (which includes
waterways to marine ports in 2010, primarily California). The South Atlantic and Great Lakes
for export. When a commodity goes from the regions combined account for less than 10% of
inland system to the marine system, a transfer marine trade in the United States. Nearly half
must be made from one vessel to another at the (46%) of the tonnage on the marine system is
marine port. For this reason, delays on inland petroleum and petroleum products. Other sig-
systems can affect the ability to move freight effi- nificant bulk commodities moved on the marine
ciently through marine ports. Similarly, using port system include food and farm products
smaller vessels at marine ports can impose costs (16%) and crude materials (other than fuels). All
on goods moved through the inland waterway the other commodity groups collectively account
systems. Figure 1 illustrates these two systems. for approximately 26% of marine tonnage.

16 American Society of Civil Engineers

Based on identified needs, annual spending patterns
projected by agencies, and trends extended from recent years,
cumulative funding gaps for airports, inland waterways,
and marine port infrastructure were identified:
★★For airports, the gap is estimated at a little over
$39 billion through 2020 (including NextGen), and
grows to $95 billion through 2040.
★★For inland waterways and marine ports, the gap is
estimated at almost $16 billion through 2020, and grows
to $46 billion through 2040.

Airports billion annually, which is less than one-third of

As shown in Table 4, expenditures at commer- the capital spending levels reported by airports
cial airports have been relatively constant during to the FAA on Form 127, as noted above.31
the past decade, at about $10 billion nationally.
These expenditures represent revenues drawn Capital Investment Needs
from all sources — including federal, state, and The FAA forecasts capital investment needs for
local governments, passenger facility charges, NPIAS airports in five-year increments based
airport revenues, and capital bonds. on AIP-eligible projects. Additionally, ACI-NA
The recent history of the grants given by augments the FAA’s capital needs projections
the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) for large, medium-sized, and small hub air-
documents that total annual grants to reliever ports by incorporating investment needs other
and other GA airports ranged from $790 million than AIP projects. ACI-NA accepts the FAA’s
to just above $1.6 billion (in 2010 dollars) during estimates for non-hub commercial, reliever,
fiscal years 2005 – 11. Within this period, grants and other GA airports that are part of the
to commercial airports averaged about $3.2 NPIAS. Capital aviation needs in this report

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 17
are based on the more comprehensive ACI-NA for general aviation airports, however, center
estimates, which include projects ineligible for on needs to meet FAA design standards, as well
AIP funding and otherwise eligible projects not as reconstruction.34
submitted for funding.32 The first step in estimating the capital spend-
Capital needs include access, airfield capacity, ing gap for commercial airports is to look at the
airfield standards, new airports, airfield recon- difference between the needs documented by
struction, safety, terminals, and security. the ACI-NA studies for the years 2005–15 and
The five-year capital need is assumed to be the capital spending trends reported by the FAA.
$76 billion, or averaging about $15 billion a year Capital gaps average about $2 billion a year when
(in 2010 dollars). Nearly half the total need is these needs and investment trends are projected
required by the 29 large hub airports. In all, through 2040, not including the additional
the 138 hub airports will require about 71% of investments that will be required for NextGen
capital financing in the next five years, while technologies (see Table 5). These projections
the 3,194 other NPIAS airports will require the include the construction and maintenance needs
remaining 29%.33 Larger airport hubs foresee of airports, projects to improve airfields, and
significant needs for terminals first, followed addressing congestion and travelers’ comfort with
by improvements to airfield capacity, and then air-side and land-side investments. In addition to
for the reconstruction of facilities. Investments construction, NextGen will increase the air traffic

Table  4 ★ Capital Expenditures by Airport, 2001– 2010 (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Hub Designation
Year Large Medium Small Non-hub Total

2001 7.6 1.8 0.8 0.7 10.8

2002 7.0 2.2 0.9 1.0 11.1

2003 6.4 2.0 0.9 0.7 10.1

2004 6.1 1.9 1.0 0.8 9.8

2005 6.1 1.8 0.9 0.9 9.6

2006 6.0 1.9 1.0 1.1 9.9

2007 6.8 2.2 1.0 1.1 11.1

2008 6.0 2.2 1.0 1.1 10.3

2009 6.3 2.3 1.1 1.5 11.2

2010 6.3 2.2 0.9 1.4 10.9

Annual average 6.5 2.1 0.9 1.0 10.5

Note Actual expenditure trends are available only for commercial airports. Data sets of aggregate capital spending, such as the
FAA Form 127 reports, are not assembled for reliever or GA airports.
Source FAA Form 5100-127, Annual Operating and Financial Summary; calculations by the EDR Group.

18 American Society of Civil Engineers

capacity of congested metropolitan areas while The current FAA implementation plan calls for
minimizing needs for new runways and airports. implementation to be completed by 2025. By
NextGen is expected to transform the man- 2020, NextGen is also expected to reduce delays
agement and operation of the air transportation by 35% over what will occur if nothing is done.35
system in the United States, moving from the Implementing NextGen will require investments
current ground-based radar system to a satellite- by both the public and private sectors.
based system. The new system will use more Multiple uncertainties affect the timing and
accurate Global Positioning System technology ultimate costs of NextGen. First, technologies
to replace the existing ground-based radar air keep improving and costs keep changing. Second,
traffic control (ATC) system. Among the antici- the degree to which the benefits of the NextGen
pated benefits of NextGen are: will be realized will depend on when aircraft
operators decide to install NextGen-related equip-
★★ Air travel will be more predictable, because ment and the technologies that are available when
the system will reduce delays by cutting the it is installed. Third, the decision of private-sector
time aircraft sit on the ground or are held carriers to install this equipment will depend on
in the air. Delays will also be reduced because (1) the projected return on investment, which will
the system will better monitor weather be affected by the unknown costs of equipage,
conditions around the country in real time, installation, training, and operation; (2) the lack of
allowing for more flexibility in rerouting information about an incentive plan to help defray
aircraft around weather problems. costs or help with installation and training; and
★★ The system will allow ATC and pilots (3) uncertainties concerning timelines for imple-
to better identify risks, assess alternatives, mentation of the ground infrastructure needed for
and avoid hazards. NextGen and confidence in the true benefits that
will accrue to carriers.36

Table  5 ★ Investment Gap Totals, Airports (in billions of 2010 dollars)

“Traditional” Capital Investment

Projected NextGen Needs Above
Capital Projected Investment Anticipated
Year Spending Needs Gap Needs Funding

2020 10.7 13.0 – 2.3 – 2.2 – 4.5

2040 10.8 12.3 – 1.5 – 0.6 – 2.1

Cumulative Totals

2012 – 20 95.1 114.0 – 18.9 – 20.2 – 39.1

2021 – 40 213.7 249.6 – 35.9 – 20.2 – 56.1

2012 – 40 308.8 363.6 – 54.8 – 40.4 – 95.2

Sources FAA Form 127, FAA NPIAS Report to Congress, ACI capital needs surveys, U.S. Government Accountability Office,
and NextGen Institute, FAA. Extended trends projected by EDR Group.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 19
A major challenge for the NextGen program navigation and for operations and maintenance,
has been the inability to establish a clear, detailed with about 39% for inland waterways.41 It is
estimate of the cost of the system from planning important to note that this table does not include
through implementation, including components improvements to port facilities that are funded
of the project to be implemented after 2018.37 The by the private sector, which is generally held as
best estimates to date of the investment required confidential and proprietary information.
from the public and private sectors for NextGen
is the very large range of $40 billion to $160 Inland Waterways
billion, with $40 billion through 2025 being an The greatest threats to the performance of the
estimate with which most analysts would agree nation’s inland waterway system are delays
(made up of $20 billion from the public sector and caused by insufficient operation and maintenance
$20 billion from the private sector).38 The $40 of the facilities. When a lock or dam reaches
billion includes about $9 billion already invested a state of poor repair, waterborne traffic must
between 2003 and 2011. stop more often to allow for more frequently
Spending for NextGen is estimated to require scheduled maintenance. Although this delay
at least $31 billion between 2012 and 2025 (in imposes some level of cost on industries that rely
2010 dollars), which amounts to about $2.2 on waterborne commodities, the greatest cost
billion a year if allocated evenly within this time is imposed when an unscheduled delay (due to
frame. In addition, about $600 million, roughly equipment failure or a deficiency beyond routine
2% of the initial cost, is assumed to be needed maintenance) occurs. Unscheduled delays inter-
each year from 2026 through 2040, for mainte- rupt business operations in entire supply chains
nance and software upgrades. Table 5 illustrates dependent on waterborne shipments. With
the total gap between anticipated funding, the adequate investment, these delays are prevent-
capital needs projected by airports, and Next- able. A total of 90% of locks and dams on the
Gen. Annual additional needs are about $4.3 U.S. inland waterway system experienced some
billion from 2012 to 2020 and fall to less than type of unscheduled delay in 2009.42
$3 billion from 2021 to 2040, based on the Table 7 shows the scheduled and unscheduled
assumption that the capital development for delays imposed by deficiencies on the U.S. inland
NextGen will be completed by 2025. waterway lock and dam infrastructure in 2009.
Note that the over 19,000 hours of scheduled
Inland Waterways and Marine Ports and unscheduled service interruptions on inland
To accommodate anticipated growth in water- waterways averages 52 a day, and that of the
borne traffic, future spending needs that have nearly 156,000 total hours of delays due to
been traditionally public sector are estimated to these interruptions, nearly half are unscheduled.
total approximately $30 billion by 2020 and $92 Unscheduled delays are especially costly because
billion by 2040. This includes navigational and vessel operators are unable to anticipate and
operations/maintenance needs for both marine offset the costs of these incidents.
dredging and inland waterways. Funding gaps Based on trends in data from the U.S. Army
of almost $16 billion by 2020 and $46 billion by Corps of Engineers, maintaining existing con-
2040 are expected to result from the difference ditions and levels of unscheduled delay on the
between these estimated requirements and the nation’s inland waterways will already require
annual budgets for navigational purposes that almost $13 billion by 2020 and an additional
have historically been appropriated to the U.S. $28 billion by 2040. Current funding levels can
Army Corps of Engineers by Congress.39,40 As support only $7 billion through 2020 and an addi-
shown in Table 6, more than 61% of the identified tional $16 billion through 2040. A total of 27% of
need and funding gap are intended for marine these needs entail the construction of new lock

20 American Society of Civil Engineers

Table  6 ★ Estimated Public Capital Investment Gap, Inland Waterways
and Marine Ports (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Estimated Need Estimated Funding Unfunded

2012 – 2020

Inland Waterways 12.7 7.2 – 5.5

Marine 17.6 7.2 – 10.4

TOTAL 30.2 14.4 – 15.8

2021– 2040

Inland Waterways 28.2 16.0 – 12.2

Marine 33.5 16.0 – 17.5

TOTAL 61.7 32.0 – 29.7

TOTAL 2012 – 2040 92.0 46.4 –  45.6

Sources Inland Marine Transportation Systems (IMTS) Capital Projects Business Model, Final Report, Revision 1, prepared
by IMTS Capital strategy Team, April 13, 2012; U.S. Port and Inland Waterway Modernization Strategy: Options for the Future,
presented at Marine Board Spring Meeting, May 15, 2012. Long-term trends are based on annual needs, appropriations and funding
estimates for inland waterways and marine ports over 20 years.
Note Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Table  7 ★ Hours of Scheduled and Unscheduled Delay on US Inland Waterways, 2009

Factor CY2009

Number of Scheduled Delays 6,532

Hours Delayed Due to Scheduled Delays 81,882

Number of Unscheduled Delays 12,494

Hours Delayed Due to Unscheduled Delays 73,689

TOTAL Number of Delays 19,026

TOTAL Hours of Delay 155,571

Source U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Calculations by EDR Group. These data reflect 184 locks with data available for an origin
and destination matrix.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 21
and dam facilities, and 73% are estimated for the the top 10 U.S. trading partners are South Korea
rehabilitation of current facilities. The needs are and Saudi Arabia. Altogether, the top 10 trading
not expected to increase sharply or exponentially, partners account for more than $925 billion in
but will peak after 2020, when critical age and trade through waterborne commerce, or 54% of
capacity thresholds are likely to be reached. total U.S. maritime trade.43
The deterioration of America’s inland waterway America’s trade volume is expected to double
infrastructure is well documented. Key factors by 2021, and to double again shortly after 2030
presented by Inland Waterway Users’ Board (see Figure 3). In the next decade, total U.S.
of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, include: exports are expected to surpass imports for the
first time in a generation. Even if global growth
★★ While the design life of our locks and dams slows due to economic problems in Europe, the
is generally 50 years, the majority of our locks major U.S. trading partners are a diverse set of
have exceeded that — many are more than countries in Asia and Latin America, and the
70 years old. growth forecasts for trade with them are indica-
★★ The United States Maritime Administration tive of long-term trends that will require major
projects dramatic growth of domestic freight investments in U.S. marine ports.
volumes, which will compound the congestion Thus, the demands of the nation’s growing
problems on the nation’s already overcrowded trade volume will exceed the capacity of its cur-
highway system, driving industries to our rent port infrastructure. From 2012 to 2020, it
inland waterways system to find competitive is estimated that 25% of the capital investment
alternatives for moving their goods. needs of U.S. ports will be for port expansion,
★★ Enormous project cost overruns and delays and 75% for the rehabilitation of existing assets.44
in project schedules have greatly strained By 2040, the cumulative total for maintenance
the Inland Waterways Trust Fund balance. and rehabilitation of assets is estimated to
Meanwhile, the billions of dollars in benefits account for 83% of all needs.
foregone by virtue of not having the use
of completed projects continue to escalate. Trend Towards Larger Vessels
The performance of today’s U.S. marine ports is
Marine Ports most likely to be affected by the increasing sizes of
Navigable channels serving U.S. marine ports vessels, which may outpace the funding available
require significant investments that are likely to for operations and maintenance requirements to
increase over time as vessels involved in interna- sustain even the current state of good repair, and
tional trade double or triple in size. The effects of a the necessary deepening of navigable channels.
failure to invest in these vital links to America’s This is particularly true for container ships — those
global trading partners could jeopardize these that transport the fastest-growing segment of
key trading relationships. In 2011, China and Japan international shipping, as measured by both the
accounted for nearly 20% and 7% of U.S. maritime size of the vessels involved and the value and
trade, respectively, and they are this nation’s two volume of the cargoes they transport. Although
largest waterborne trading partners in value of containerization has been a factor in international
goods. America’s leading Latin American trading trade since the early 1970s, growth in contain-
partners are Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela, which erized traffic accelerated after 1980. Trends
together account for 10% of total U.S. maritime in international container trade that emerged
trade. Germany, the United Kingdom, and Russia between 1990 and 2000 are shown in Table 8.
are this country’s largest European maritime Many factors are likely to require increased
partners, accounting for a combined 9% of the investment in the nation’s marine ports infra-
value of U.S. trade. The two other nations among structure. Global trade patterns continue to

22 American Society of Civil Engineers

Figure  3 ★ Projected Growth Forecasts for America’s Trade Volume, 2011–  2041
(as of the first quarter of 2012)

0 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041

Imports exports
Source U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Port and Inland Waterways Modernization, June 2012.

Table  8 ★ Total Containerized Trade for U.S. Ports, 1980 – 2010 (millions of TEUs)

U.S. Region 1980 1990 2000 2010

North Atlantic 2.6 2.67 4.09 6.61

South Atlantic 1.75 3.85 8.95 10.62

Gulf Coast 0.58 0.82 1.69 2.82

North Pacific 1.02 2.41 3.59 4.23

South Pacific 2.49 5.77 12.06 17.98

TOTAL 8.44 15.53 30.39 42.26

Source American Association of Port Authorities, July 2012. AAPA also provided 2011 data, which shows 42.7 million TEUs.

change, with new centers of production emerging ports, and by the expansion of the capacity of
as the economies of international trading part- waterways that are strategically important to
ners evolve and mature. Future trade patterns U.S. trade, like the Suez and Panama Canals.
and the operational changes required by larger Although the largest of the newer classes of
vessels will alter vessel deployments and ship- vessels will not call on all U.S. ports, the aver-
ping patterns. Decisions about routing will be age size of vessels — especially those involved in
influenced by changing demand for shipping ser- transporting containerized cargoes — will likely
vices, development of major new transshipment increase significantly in the future and affect the

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 23
operations at most of the major U.S. ports that 13,000 TEUs. Even larger container vessel sizes
currently handle containerized cargoes. All of will also have an impact on the U.S. West Coast
these factors will require that U.S. ports invest ports — especially those in the South Pacific.
in the capacity required to support changes Since 1970, vessel sizes have increased, affect-
in global trade patterns emerging in the 21st ing the requirements for both channel width
Century. These trading patterns will be supported and harbor depth in U.S. ports, and this trend is
by ever-larger container vessels. expected to continue with the introduction of
Today, the U.S. ports in southern California —  new-Panamax vessel dimensions. Container ves-
primarily the San Pedro ports of Los Angeles sels that can pass through the expanded Panama
and Long Beach — and the South Atlantic ports —  Canal will be limited to approximately 13,000
dominated by Savannah, Hampton Roads, and TEUs, with fully laden drafts of about 50 feet
Charleston — transport the majority of containers (their current draft limits are about 39.5 feet).
that move through U.S. ports. Similar geographic However, container vessels of up to 18,000 TEUs
trends are expected to persist even when the are expected to begin calling at the U.S. West
expansion of the Panama Canal is completed Coast ports, where draft restrictions due to the
in 2015. Panama Canal are not a factor. Also, westbound
The expansion of the Panama Canal is likely trade between Southwest Asia — a growing source
to influence the size and port call patterns of con- of U.S. imports — and the U.S. East Coast ports
tainer vessels serving the U.S. East Coast ports. will likely use the Suez Canal, which already
For some ports on the U.S. marine system, the accommodates vessels in the 14,000 – 15,000
canal’s anticipated widening is expected to lead TEU range between Asia and Europe.45
to even larger ships, with post–Panama Canal Although vessels this large are expected to
expansion (new-Panamax) vessels exceeding call at only a limited number of U.S. ports, the

Figure  4 ★ Long-Term U.S. Container Trade Forecast, 2011– 2037 (in loaded TEUs)

Loaded Exp
Loaded Imp
0 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037

Loaded imports loaded exports

Source U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Port and Inland Waterways Modernization, June 2012.

24 American Society of Civil Engineers

proliferation of larger vessels as an efficient were able to handle the maximum-sized new-
means of global water transportation points Panamax container vessels fully laden once the
to the importance of port capacity for efficient Panama Canal is expanded. Since 2010, several
trade at all U.S. ports. Shipping costs per ton are ports have been taking steps to prepare for new
significantly lower when freight can be delivered ship sizes, and there have been reports of larger
on a larger vessel, because large vessels are more ships, though probably not fully laden, entering
cost-effective to operate, especially in light of selected east coast ports. Other factors that are
rapidly increasing fuel costs. For this reason, important for ports to be able to accommodate
even U.S. ports handling vessels much smaller ships of 5,000 TEUs or larger include intermodal
than new-Panamax ones will be sensitive to their freight considerations, proximity to popula-
capacity to handle ships of a size adequate to tion centers, and management that develops and
most efficiently deliver freight to and from U.S. implements strategies for modernization.47
markets. Orders for very large vessels — those The sources of funding for ports are diverse,
over 10,000 TEUs — are already being delivered with private investment by port authorities and
to vessel operators. Smaller, fuel-inefficient non-port entities contributing significantly to
vessels are being retired from service. enable the ports simply to maintain existing
These trends are expected to continue and will conditions to meet customer needs and require-
require all ports providing container services to ments. Port authorities themselves are planning
be equipped to handle vessels of increased size. on spending a combined $18 billion through 2016
If ports are not equipped with appropriate chan- on infrastructure improvements for water termi-
nel depth, berth capacity, and gantry and crane nals, while their private-sector terminal partners
capacity to accommodate larger vessels, the costs are looking at spending $27.6 billion, for an
of shipping products to and from the U.S. will aggregate total of nearly $46 billion. This is more
increase, diminishing the competitiveness of U.S. than $9 billion a year in combined infrastructure
industry and ultimately having adverse impacts investment, of which more than one-third will
on the national economy. This is particularly be spent by the port authorities themselves.48
important to U.S. ports because the larger ves- Although this investment makes up the majority
sels can call on ports in Canada, Mexico, Central of funding for ports, dredging will be required to
America and the Caribbean, that currently have maintain existing navigable channels and water-
the capacity to handle these larger vessels. ways, as well as to accommodate these larger
Containers can then be moved to US markets vessels. Dredging is usually partly or completely
by rail (in the case of Canada and Mexico) or paid for by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.49
by smaller ships (in the case of Caribbean ports) For this reason, shortfalls in the Corps’ capital
to deliver goods to the United States. programs pose a significant threat to the perfor-
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has mance of the marine port system.
assessed the current capacity of major U.S. Public funding for the marine system has been
and Canadian ports in terms of their maximum stagnant in recent years despite the significant
estimated capacity for handling container local revenue sources that support the operation
vessels.46 Although most U.S. West Coast ports of U.S. ports and given the increasing demands
are able to accommodate vessels in the range on and needs for the marine ports. Funding for
of 7,000 – 13,000 TEUs, 2010 data indicate only marine ports declined 15% from 2010 to 2012,
five Atlantic ports and one Gulf port are able and is expected to increase only briefly in 2013
to accommodate vessels of more than 5,000 because of funding from the American Recovery
TEUs, only two are currently able to accommo- and Reinvestment Act.
date vessels of 7,000 TEUs or larger, and none

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 25

Assuming that America’s needs for air and waterborne

transportation continue to grow, and that investment trends
continue, costs for U.S. industries and households will be
approximately $34 billion due to airport congestion and $59
billion due to deficient inland waterways and marine port
infrastructure in 2020. By 2040, these costs are expected to
rise to $63 billion for air transportation and $82 billion for
inland waterways and marine ports (in 2010 dollars).

Airports ★★ Costs to airlines, including fuel, crew

The U.S. commercial aviation system is con- costs, extended wear and tear on aircraft,
gested in key metropolitan areas and requires and therefore higher maintenance costs;
significant capacity expansion to meet the ★★ Cost to passengers based on delayed and
passenger and air cargo growth projected canceled flights and missed connections,
through 2040. In this respect, there are and increased investment in buffer time
two options: to build new capacity in major to account for this decreasing reliability;
markets; or to fund NextGen, the advanced- ★★ Costs to passengers who do not take trips
technology solution to increase and maximize due to increased delays and decreased
airport capacity. This analysis is based on the reliability; and
NextGen solution, which is in the early stages ★★ Costs to shippers and receivers of cargo
of implementation by the FAA. due to delays. These costs are particularly
Under current investment levels, congested important to firms that rely on just-in-
conditions will lead to the following impacts: time deliveries.

26 American Society of Civil Engineers

The FAA released a study on impacts that docu- billion in 2012 to $34 billion in 2020 and is
mented the national cost of airport congestion expected to reach $63 billion by 2040 as conges-
at $32.9 billion in 2007, including $28.9 billion in tion worsens under current trends (see Table 9).
direct costs and an additional $4 billion in indi-
rect GDP impacts.50 These costs were adjusted Inland Waterways and Marine Ports
to a base of $21.9 billion in 2010 (in 2010 dollars) Failure to invest in inland waterways and marine
using the following steps: ports has already created a situation where ves-
sels must wait out unscheduled delays on inland
★★ Indirect GDP was recast as direct business waterways, or where undersized vessels must be
costs by multiplying the 2007 ratio of total used to accommodate shallow harbors or narrow
output to GDP. This brought the total to channels at U.S. marine ports. These inefficien-
$36.3 billion. cies disrupt business operations and increase
★★ Dollars were adjusted to the 2010 dollar value, costs. They also force businesses to incorporate
which brought the total to $38 billion in 2007. scheduled delays into operations attributable to
★★ Only economic transactions were counted. insufficient capacity for passing through locks, or
Therefore, 48% of passenger costs were the need to run multiple loads of cargo in smaller
included, which is the estimated proportion ships than would otherwise be preferable. For
of business travel.51 The value of personal the users of inland waterways, these effects will
travel was not counted. Second, the cost of not be exacerbated over time if current trends are
taking trips, also known as “welfare costs,” extended. Delays are estimated to have imposed
were zeroed out under the assumption that $33 billion in costs on U.S. products in 2010, and
business travelers will not avoid trips. These these costs are expected to increase to nearly
steps brought the total to $24.8 billion in 2007 $49 billion (in constant 2010 dollars) by 2020
(in 2010 dollars). and to $68 billion by 2040.52 Coal and petroleum
★★ Air travel has decreased during the recent products (including fuels) are expected to incur
economic downturn. From 2007 to 2010, the majority of these costs, adding to the already
operations have decreased by almost 12%. increasing costs of those energy sources.
This adjustment was made to lower the In addition, businesses relying on marine
estimated cost of air congestion on economic ports face increased costs from importing goods
transactions in the U.S. to $21.9 billion. for direct sales or for use in production pro-
cesses, and reduced business sales from exports
The cost of congestion, assuming trends to international markets. The need to use under-
extended in investments, was adjusted to 2040 sized ships to accommodate shipping through
on the basis of the FAA’s Terminal Area Fore- shallow harbors adds to the costs of U.S. busi-
casts (TAFs). The costs between 2010 and 2040 nesses’ imports and exports, and therefore to the
were adjusted using two factors from TAFs to costs of consumers. Additional costs for traded
represent the costs of airport congestion under products due to shallow harbors are estimated
trends extended: the overall national increase to have been about $7 billion in 2010 ($3.8 billion
projected for operations; and the overall rate of in added import costs, and $3.3 billion in export
increase for the 15 largest air markets in the U.S. costs),53 and are expected to increase to $9 bil-
(encompassing 35 airports), compared with all lion by 2020 and to $14 billion by 2040 (in 2010
other commercial airports in the nation. The dollars), as shown in Table 10. Petroleum and
estimated costs of airport congestion, excluding petroleum products are expected to account
nontransactional impacts, will rise from $24 for about one-third of these total added import
and export costs.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 27
Table  9 ★ Net Impact of Airport Congestion on the U.S. Economy (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Sector 2007 2010 2012 2020 2040

Airlines – 8.69 – 7.67 – 8.37 – 11.86 – 22.08

Passengers – 8.39 – 7.41 – 8.08 – 11.45 – 21.32

Industries other than

Airlines (Cargo) – 7.75 – 6.84 – 7.46 – 10.57 – 19.68

TOTALS – 24.83 – 21.91 – 23.90 – 33.87 – 63.08

Sources FAA, US Travel Association, calculations by EDR Group.

Table  10 ★ Costs by Commodity of Using Under-Sized Vessels to Accommodate

Shallow Harbors or Narrow Channels at U.S. Marine Ports
(in millions of 2010 dollars)

2020 2040
Total Total
Commodity Imports Exports Trade Imports Exports Trade

Coal, Lignite and Coal Coke ­­– 274 – 879 – 1,153 – 459 – 1,096 – 1,555

Petroleum and Petroleum

Products – 2,620 – 989 – 3,609 – 2,984 – 1,316 – 4,300

Chemicals and Related

Products – 371 – 614 – 985 – 741 – 1,124 – 1,865

Crude Materials, Inedible

Except Fuels – 625 – 437 – 1,062 – 1,256 – 688 – 1,944

Primary Manufactured Goods – 308 – 81 – 389 – 676 – 161 – 837

Food and Farm Products – 160 – 1,765 – 1,925 – 283 – 2,779 – 3,062

All Manufactured
Equipment, Machinery – 80 – 61 – 141 – 162 – 115 – 277

Total Unknown or
Not Elsewhere Classified – 10 – 12 – 22 – 11 – 34 – 45

TOTAL – 4,448 – 4,838 – 9,286 – 6,572 – 7,313 – 13,885

Source EDR Group calculations, based on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Data, 2009; and Freight Analysis Framework forecasts.

28 American Society of Civil Engineers

Landside Transportation The issues and scale of ground congestion at
Needs for Air and Port Traffic marine ports is similar to airports. When cargo
Landside transportation improvements are is delayed due to deficient connections to roads
also needed to ensure the efficient movement and railroads in port cities, supply chains and
of goods to and from both airports and marine business operations are affected throughout the
ports. The 2011 Failure to Act report on surface U.S., also threatening the price competitiveness
transportation highlighted the costs that defi- of U.S. products abroad. Table 12 shows that an
cient highways, bridges, and other elements of estimated $1 billion of ground congestion costs
surface transportation infrastructure impose on in 2010 accrued to cargo shipments entering and
the U.S. economy. It needs to be noted that many exiting the 16 largest port areas of the U.S.
of America’s highest-volume marine ports and Similar to the airport analysis, the congestion
most heavily trafficked airports are also located impacts are based on metropolitan conditions
in some of its most congested cities (e.g., Los and the principle of minimal tolerable conditions
Angeles, Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore– reflected in the Failure to Act report on surface
Washington). Delays in transportation lengthen transportation. As indicated in Table 12, marine
the shipping process for moving goods to or from ports with the highest average values of cargo
airports, marine ports and the nation’s inland also tend to be those with the highest congestion
waterway system, thereby increasing costs to costs. The Los Angeles metropolitan area, with
shippers that are passed through to other busi- the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, has
nesses or households. Tables 11 and 12 present the most congested seaports in America and
a snapshot of congestion costs at major airports shows the highest landside congestion costs. The
and marine ports in 2010. Los Angeles and New York port areas combined
Congestion near airports that affects the account for 65% of the total landside congestion
economic performance of U.S. industries is con- costs shown for the listed ports.
centrated near the nation’s major airport hubs, In 2010, deficient or congested surface trans-
and adds costs to U.S. businesses of over $1 bil- portation conditions resulted in a $795 billion
lion in 2010, just accounting for major airports. impact on imports and $311 billion on exports.
Table 11 shows the impact of congestion on air In Houston, Miami and Norfolk, the impact of
cargo and business travel at the 15 largest air surface transportation on exports to the ports
passenger regions in the U.S., and it adds impacts exceeded the estimated impacts of imports com-
for five additional major airports. These impacts ing from these ports. For all other major marine
incorporate the total tonnage moved to and ports on the list the affected value on imports
from airports, and 48%54 of air travelers, who exceeded that of exports, and for LA-Long Beach
are presumed to be business travelers minus the and New York, the ratios of impacts by imports
proportion of travelers who use transit services to exports is more than $3-to-$1 and almost
to go to the airport.55 Note that value of time for $5-to-$1, respectively.
personal travel is not included, and this is why
impacts do not appear to be severe at primary
tourist destinations such as Orlando and Las
Vegas. The data shown reflect minimal tolerable
conditions and not free-flow traffic.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 29
Table  11 ★ Land-Side Congestion Costs Accruing to Freight and
Business Travel Using Airports, 2010 (in millions of 2010 dollars)

Airport/Region 2010 Ground Congestion Costs Accruing to U.S. Industry

15 Largest Aviation Metro Markets

New York City 239

Los Angeles 179

Miami 172

Chicago 168

San Francisco 102

Atlanta 40

Dallas/Fort Worth 32

Boston 25

Seattle 20

Houston/Galveston 18

Phoenix 15

Denver 14

Orlando 8

Washington DC 4

Las Vegas 2

Selected other Airports/Regions

Philadelphia 35

New Orleans 17

Memphis 14

Cleveland 6

Louisville - Cincinnati 6

TOTAL for 20 Airport Regions 1,116

Note The economic impacts of these ground delays are a portion of the Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment
Trends in Surface Transportation Infrastructure.
Source EDR Group Calculations Based on U.S. Department of Transportation, O&D Database, Database Products Inc., CY 2011;
ACRP Report 4, Ground Access to Major Airports by Public Transportation, Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies and FAA and the above referenced Failure to Act study.

30 American Society of Civil Engineers

Marine ports with the highest average values of cargo also
tend to be those with the highest congestion costs. The
Los Angeles metropolitan area, with the ports of Los Angeles
and Long Beach, has the most congested seaports in
America and shows the highest landside congestion costs.

Table  12 ★ Land-Side Congestion Costs Accruing to Freight Using

U.S. Marine Ports, 2010 (in millions of 2010 dollars)

Congestion Congestion
Costs Accruing Costs Accruing
Port Metropolitan Areas to U.S. Imports to U.S. Exports Total

Los Angeles, CA CSA 339 104 443

New York, NY-NJ-CT-PA CSA (NY Part) 232 51 283

San Francisco, CA CSA 39 21 60

Savannah, GA CSA 33 18 51

Seattle, WA CSA 29 7 36

Miami, FL MSA 23 38 61

Baltimore, MD MSA 22 15 37

Houston, TX CSA 18 27 45

Charleston, SC MSA 13 8 21

New Orleans, LA CSA 11 8 19

Portland, OR-WA MSA (OR Part) 10 3 13

Boston, MA-NH CSA (MA Part) 10 4 14

Delaware 8 7 15

Mobile, AL CSA 5 1 6

Norfolk, VA-NC MSA (VA Part) 1 3 4

Jacksonville, FL MSA 2 1 3

TOTAL of Major Ports 795 316 1,111

Note The economic impacts of these ground delays are a portion of the Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment
Trends in Surface Transportation Infrastructure.
Source EDR Group Calculations Based on USDOT Freight Analysis Framework Data, 2010, Army Corps of Engineers Data, 2009
and the above referenced Failure to Act study.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 31
By 2020, the broad impacts on the U.S. economy would rep-
resent cumulative losses from the national economy of $54
billion in export value and $580 billion in overall business
sales due to unmet airport needs, and $270 billion and
roughly $1.3 trillion in business sales due to unmeet needs
of inland waterways and marine ports. The U.S. is predicted
to lose $313 billion and $700 billion of GDP by 2020 due to
aviation, inland waterways and marine port impacts.

In the same timeframe, losses in dispos- Table 13, would represent a cumulative loss
able personal income will total $361 billion of GDP totaling $313 billion by 2020 and $1.52
attributed to airport needs and $872 bil- trillion by 2040. Overall, the U.S. economy
lion attributed to inland waterways and will end up with an average of 350,000 fewer
marine ports. In the face of these dollars lost jobs than it would otherwise have had by
to the national economy, there is expected 2020. And even with economic adjustments
to 350,000 fewer jobs in 2020 due to unmet occurring in later years, the result would still
airport needs and 738,000 fewer jobs due to be 358,000 fewer jobs in 2040.
inland and marine port needs.56 Over time, domestic freight movement and
business travel will likely shift from a reliance
Airports on air to surface transportation, such as trucks
The economic impact of congestion at major and trains, to partially adjust for the declining
airports will have significant effects on the efficiencies and higher costs of air transporta-
national economy due to impacts on cargo tion.57 However, this will mean higher costs
movement and business travel, assuming that for those commodities that are shipped by
capital spending remains consistent through air, both in terms of out-of-pocket expenses
2040, as it has been from 2001 (about $10 and time, which will affect all industries that
billion annually in 2010 dollars). The broad rely on same-day freight delivery. As a conse-
impacts on the U.S. economy, shown in quence of air-side congestion, the direct cost

32 American Society of Civil Engineers

of air transportation is estimated to be 6% higher reachable by air. These changes will also increase
in 2020 and 9% higher in 2040 than would be the the costs of imports, which will affect house-
case with an initial investment.58 holds, as well as manufacturers that rely on
International cargo and will be particularly imported goods in production processes. By 2020,
affected by increasing costs and inefficiencies, the failure to increase investment in airports is
impairing U.S. competitiveness for businesses expected to cost the U.S. about $114 billion in
that sell to overseas markets that are only trade, and will increase to $1 trillion by 2040 (in

Table  13 ★ Effects on U.S. Business Sales, GDP and Jobs from Congestion
at Major Airports, 2012 – 2040 (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Average Year
Annual Impacts 2020 2040 2012 – 2040

GDP – 47 – 70 53

Jobs (FTE positions) – 350,000 – 358,000 – 338,000

Business Sales – 87 – 179 112

Disposable Personal Income – 53 – 53 51

Cumulative Losses 2012 – 2020 2021 – 2040 2012 – 2040

GDP – 313 – 1,209 1,523

Business Sales – 580 – 2,682 3,262

Disposable Personal Income – 361 – 1,128 1,489

Note GDP reflect impacts in a given year against total national business sales and GDP in that year. These measures do not indicate
declines from 2010 levels.
Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

Table  14 ★ Lost Trade Due to the Gap in Airport Investments (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Year or Period Exports Imports Total Trade

2020 – 11 – 9 – 20

2040 – 62 – 15 – 77

2012 – 20 – 54 – 59 – 114

2021– 40 – 708 – 257 – 965

2012 – 40 – 762 – 316 – 1,079

Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 33
2010 dollars). As seen in Table 14, this lost value exports affects the demand for — and therefore
is roughly even between exports and imports the production of — American-made products to a
through 2020, and then becomes significantly greater extent than goods that are imported.
higher for exports by 2040, which is a primary Table 15 compares the impacts of job losses
reason that national loss of GDP will increase and business sales through 2020 by sector. Note
from an annual average of $35 billion from 2012 that while job losses are heaviest in retailing,
to 2020 to $60 billion from 2021 through 2040 (in the cumulative loss of business sales falls most
constant 2010 dollars). This is because the loss of intensely on those business and professional

Table  15 ★ Sectors Most Affected by Decline of Air Service

in Jobs and Business Sales, 2012 – 2020

Cumulative Business Sales

Job Impacts in 2020 Impacts, 2012 – 2020 (in billions of 2010 dollars)
Percent Loss of Percent
Loss of Total Business of Total
Sector of Jobs Loss Sector sales Loss

Retail trade – 94,000 27 Finance & insurance – 76 13

New construction – 37,000 11 Retail trade – 47 8
Other business services – 28,000 8 Real estate and royalties – 29 5
Finance & insurance – 27,000 8 Wholesale trade – 27 5
Wholesale trade – 21,000 6 Trucking, highway
& passenger transit – 26 4
Trucking, highway
& passenger transit – 19,000 5 Owner-occupied housing – 26 4
Restaurants and bars – 19,000 5 Air transport – 24 4
Air transport – 17,000 5 Professional services – 21 4
Professional services – 13,000 4 Computer & data processing – 20 3
Movies and amusements – 12,000 3 Other business services – 19 3
Manufacturing Sectors – 42,000 12 Manufacturing Sectors – 107 18

Leading 10 Sectors – 329,000 94 Leading 10 Sectors – 424 73
Other Sectors – 21,000 6 Other Sectors – 156 27

TOTALS – 350,000 100 TOTALS – 580 100

Note Jobs have been rounded to thousands.
Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

34 American Society of Civil Engineers

services that rely on air passenger transportation. ability to offer competitively priced export
Note that manufacturing is divided among 49 sec- products — whether manufactured goods, agricul-
tors and that the negative consequences of airport tural products, or sources of energy for a growing
congestion are spread among them. Cumulatively, global middle class — will be affected by the con-
manufacturers are expected to lose more than ditions of nation’s ports and inland waterways.
$107 billion from 2012 through 2020, resulting Impacts from unmet needs in both inland
in a loss of almost 42,000 jobs in that sector. waterways and marine ports are expected to
result in an aggregate loss of business sales of $1.3
Inland Waterways and Marine Ports trillion by 2020 and $7.8 trillion by 2040. If the
By failing to invest in its inland waterways and current level of investment in the nation’s water-
marine ports, the U.S. is jeopardizing its ability ways persists, the losses to the U.S. economy will
to provide the low-cost transportation required affect not only the nation’s output, but will also
to remain competitive in a global marketplace. exacerbate a continuing loss of jobs. The toll from
The total effects on U.S. trade and national these losses will be reflected in declining national
competitiveness in the global economy will be prosperity. America’s GDP losses will accumulate
significant — $270 billion in exports by 2020 and every year — reaching almost $95 billion in 2020
almost $2 trillion in exports between 2012 and and more than $255 billion in 2040. The cumu-
2040. The greatest opportunities to grow the lative loss in national GDP through 2040 will be
U.S. economy lie in gaining access to global mar- almost $4.0 trillion — driven by the nation’s erod-
kets for the commodities and heavy industrial ing ability to keep transportation and shipping
goods that the nation manufactures because costs low enough to compensate for our higher
selling goods (as well as services) abroad returns wage levels and costs of production.
income from overseas consumers to the United By 2020, there will be an estimated 738,000
States. As shown in Table 16, the losses in the fewer jobs if the U.S. maintains its current levels
value of export trade are nearly double the losses of investment (Table 17). By 2040, these job
in import trade. losses will be 1.4 million — jobs that will be lost
Maintaining low transportation costs is vital if due to America’s lack of competitiveness in
the nation is to preserve the relatively high-wage global trade and because its households and
jobs created by its export industries. The country’s businesses will be spending more for the goods

Table  16 ★ and

Lost Trade Due to the Gap in Inland Waterways
Marine Ports Investments (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Year or Period Exports Imports Total Trade

2020 – 42.8 – 20.5 – 63.3

2040 – 141.6 – 63.6 – 205.2

2012 – 20 – 270.1 – 157.4 – 427.5

2021– 40 – 1,711.8 – 775.6 – 2,487.4

2012 – 40 – 1,981.9 – 933.0 – 2,914.9

Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 35
Table  17 ★ Effects of Failure to Invest in Inland Waterways and Marine Ports
on U.S. Business Sales, GDP and Jobs, 2012 – 2040 (in billions of 2010 dollars)

Average Year
Annual Impacts 2020 2040 2012 – 2040

GDP – 94 – 256 – 137

Jobs (FTE positions) – 738,000 – 1,384,000 – 911,000

Business Sales – 183 – 517 – 270

Disposable Personal Income – 117 – 269 – 156

Cumulative Losses 2012 – 2020 2021 – 2040 2012 – 2040

GDP – 697 – 3,278 3,975

Business Sales – 1,335 – 6,496 7,831

Disposable Personal Income – 872 – 3,662 4,534

Note Losses in business sales and GDP reflect impacts in a given year against total national business sales and GDP in that year.
These measures do not indicate declines from 2010 levels.
Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

they import and the commodities they move billion. By 2040, U.S. households will have lost
within the U.S. on its inland waterways. more than $4.5 trillion in disposable income.
Over time, America’s lack of competitiveness The U.S. standard of living will also be
will affect its ability to create well-paying jobs, affected as the cost of its imports rises. The rising
especially in the export sectors that will increas- costs of imports will affect more than just the
ingly depend on its ability to capture its share consumer goods in retail and grocery stores.
of the growing global marketplace. Higher costs Most of the manufactured goods produced in
for the imports consumed at the household this country depend on manufactured compo-
level, greater costs to transport the wide array nents that are imported — often on the same large
of imported intermediate goods that supply container ships that bring in imported consumer
domestic manufacturers, and the nation’s ability goods. Manufacturers depend on these low-cost
to provide low transportation costs for exports components to hold down the prices for their
that support jobs with significantly higher aver- products — products that are sold in a global
age wages than in countries that compete with market. Substituting components means either
the U.S. for new and growing markets will even- raising costs to cover higher U.S. wages and
tually erode the nation’s wages and disposable passing them along to their customers, or
income. Although one can already see this absorbing all or a portion of these higher costs.
happening in a limited number of industrial For the consumer, higher import costs may
sectors, these effects will magnify rapidly in the mean shifting purchases to more expensive U.S.-
future. By 2020, cumulative losses in disposable produced products, but consuming less overall
personal income will reach more than $872 due to higher prices paid for necessities. Under
any of these circumstances, the prices paid by

36 American Society of Civil Engineers

U.S. households and businesses will increase, commodities, most of the transportation from
the range of products (or inputs into the manu- the point of production to the point of export is
facturing process) will decline, and the overall provided by the U.S. inland waterway system.
competitiveness of the national economy, as Many of these export opportunities depend on
measured by U.S. businesses’ ability to price long-term supply contracts, especially for energy
their products at globally competitive prices, suppliers like coal and natural gas. Each of these
will be reduced, thereby reducing overall trade. major export markets requires that U.S. trading
The effects of the expected decline in trade partners make long-term investments to
by sector are shown for 2020 in Table 18 for both receive and process what they will import (U.S.
exports and imports. Agricultural, petrochemical, exports — or those of its competitors). Because
energy, and the industrial products needed by long-term supply contracts, especially for energy,
growing nations are competitively produced in generally span a period of 10 years or longer,
the U.S. and are seen as its greatest export oppor- America’s ability to compete today has long-term
tunities for the future. Overseas markets for these impacts that are not recoverable with a quick-fix
commodities depend on ocean transportation via sometime in the future. In addition, agricul-
a limited number of marine ports. And for bulk tural exports are highly price-sensitive. For

Table  18 ★ Top Ten Sectors Most Affected by Decline of Waterborne Trade, 2020
(in constant billions of 2010 dollars)

Exports Imports
Sector Dollar Value Sector Dollar Value

Agriculture, forestry, fisheries – 3.6 Crude petroleum – 1.8

Wholesale trade – 2.8 Apparel – 1.5

Aerospace – 2.8 Drugs – 1.1

Other chemicals – 2.0 Motor vehicles – 1.0

Petroleum refining – 1.6 Other chemicals – 1.0

Air transport – 1.3 Motor vehicle parts – 0.8

Meat products – 1.2 Primary nonferrous metals – 0.7

Drugs – 1.2 Metal products – 0.7

Agriculture fertilizers & chemicals – 1.1 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries – 0.6

Miscellaneous plastics products – 0.8 Miscellaneous manufacturing – 0.5

All Other Industries – 24.6 All Others – 10.7

TOTAL – 42.8 TOTAL – 20.5

Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 37
commodities like these that are subject to annual of reduced export trade and the costs for imported
or seasonal price changes, high transportation goods that will affect the entire economy — both
costs can threaten participation in export mar- the traded and untraded sectors. Because so much
kets for these goods if these costs eat up too much of the impact of the reduced global competitive-
of the delivered price. ness will be felt in reduced disposable income, the
As U.S. economic growth is impeded by under- overall effects on the U.S. economy will show up
investment in infrastructure, the effects will in sectors that one does not usually associate with
ripple through the nation’s entire economy — not trade — areas like retail, with a loss of 110,000 jobs
just those sectors directly affected by the lack of by 2020, and a loss in cumulative sales of $71 bil-
competitiveness. Table 18 shows how the effects lion between 2012 and 2020, as shown in Table 19.

Table  19 ★ Sectors Most Affected by Decline of Waterborne Trade in Jobs

and Business Sales (in constant billions of 2010 dollars)

Cumulative Business
Job Impacts in 2020 Sales Impacts, 2012 – 2020
Percent Loss of Percent
Loss of Total Business of Total
Industry of Jobs Loss Industry sales Loss

Retail trade – 110,000 14.9 Finance and insurance – 136 10.2

Other business Real estate and

services – 57,000 7.7 royalties – 78 5.9

New construction – 53,000 7.2 Wholesale trade – 71 5.3

Wholesale trade – 48,000 6.5 Retail trade – 71 5.3

Finance and insurance – 48,000 6.5 Professional services – 53 4.0

Restaurants and bars – 40,000 5.4 Owner– occupied

housing – 53 3.9
forestry, fisheries – 40,000 5.4 Agriculture, forestry,
fisheries – 50 3.8
Education, social
services, NPO – 34,000 4.6 Other business services – 44 3.3

Professional services – 32,000 4.3 Petroleum refining – 38 2.8

Other medical Computer & data

services & dentists – 31,000 4.2 processing – 33 2.5

All Other Industries – 247,000 33.5 All Other Industries – 709 53.1

TOTAL – 738,000 100 TOTAL – 1,335 100

Note Jobs have been rounded to thousands.
Sources EDR Group and LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM Group, 2012.

38 American Society of Civil Engineers

Unlike other classes of infrastructure — such as highway,
transit, water treatment, and electricity — America’s airports,
inland waterways, and marine ports link the nation directly to
the global economy. The nation’s ability to export to countries
with growing economies and thereby participate in global
growth depends on competitively providing the essential
commodities and high-value manufactured goods that growing
economies need to supply their populations and industries.

Preserving the advantages of low-cost pro- among the many interdependent modes of
duction of the goods that U.S. citizens and transportation needed to keep the entire
businesses need to enjoy a high quality of U.S. supply chain operating efficiently, effec-
life and keep the costs of intermediate goods tively, and equitably. However, as has been
low depends on the same basic requirement: demonstrated in this report, inadequate and
that the costs of transporting the nation’s unbalanced investments in essential com-
imports and internally produced commodities mercial transportation infrastructure have
to export markets are kept as low as possible. become an enormous drag on the productivity
Each of these linkages requires that the and competitiveness of the U.S. economy.
investments needed to sustain competitive U.S. airports and water ports are the pri-
transportation costs are well coordinated mary means for competitively supplying the

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 39
nation’s vast array of imported goods to both The nation’s port system is in danger of being
consumers and businesses, as well as meeting non-competitive at several key ports in the
the requirements for a technologically advanced Southeast and Gulf port ranges due to the slow
service economy — and thus they are vital to the and complex process of project delivery for
nation’s economic well-being and standard of critical dredging projects — especially those that
living. The nation’s investments in its inland will allow key ports to participate in offering
waterways and marine port systems are also services that depend on serving larger bulk and
vital to its ability to compete effectively in global container vessels that will call on U.S. ports
markets as the demand for U.S.-produced goods, once the expanded Panama Canal opens in 2015.
commodities, and services grows. Other ports on the West Coast and Northeast
Through a combination of federal support will need to increase navigational capacity as
from the Airport Improvement Program, state operating economics dictates the introduction
and local funding, passenger fees, and private of larger vessels on global trade routes.
investments, the U.S. airport system is main- Moving goods to and from inland markets and
taining a sufficient level of safety and security. airports continues to pose a significant challenge
However, air-side congestion is worsening, and in some of the more congested U.S. metropolitan
the long-scheduled NextGen improvements have regions — t ypically those where the largest
been delayed. For the calculations contained in airports and marine ports are located. Freight
this report, a $40 billion cost of public and private bottlenecks associated with highway access are
investment has been assumed, which is the frequently within metropolitan areas or at key
primary factor in the capital investment gap and choke points like major river or rail crossings.
the key to mitigating congested conditions, along These points require public-sector investments
with maintaining traditional streams of airport in highway system improvements that are
infrastructure investments. increasingly challenged for other public trans-
The national waterborne transportation system portation investment priorities.59
is really a “Tale of Two Systems” of inland water-
ways and marine ports. Inland waterways rely Research Implications of Federal Policy
primarily on public investment and has suffered and Private Investment Trends
from chronic underfunding, seriously affecting Currently, federal investments in highways,
the nation’s potential to participate in a highly ports, various elements of the nation’s inland
competitive global market for exportable waterways, and the rail system are not evaluated
commodities that will be in great demand in the or prioritized on a corridor basis. Public invest-
future. This failure to adequately invest in a ment decisions do not adequately take into
publicly managed inland waterway system affects consideration potential effects of the increased
the nation’s ability to export key commodities costs of transportation system inefficiencies
like grains, energy, and specialized manufactured being borne by the cargo owners, manufacturers,
goods. It also provides competing countries with or consumers. For passenger transportation,
an opening to capture market share, which in simple measures like the value of travel time are
some cases is tied to long-term contracts. used as surrogates for measuring user savings.
Investments in America’s marine ports are But in highly complex supply chains — where
dominated by public port authorities and private inventory costs, equipment investments, labor
port operating companies. These investments productivity, return on investment, and other
are being driven by the need to respond to measures of effectiveness are more common — 
market forces tied to domestic economic activity assessing the effects of federal investments
and growing demand for U.S.-produced goods in improving the efficiency of transportation
by developing countries and regions.

40 American Society of Civil Engineers

infrastructure requires a more nuanced and
detailed assessment of the returns on public
funding. To this end, several areas require
further research:

★★ Determining the sensitivity of shippers to

the increased costs of transportation and
assessing the effectiveness of investments
in airports, marine ports, and waterways in
influencing these costs.
★★ Assessing the best available technology
for NextGen with a framework for system
maintenance and upgrades. This could be
compared with how adequate future through-
put at major airports can be achieved without
implementing NextGen.

Moreover, highly detailed and complex data

sources are available for examining the perfor-
mance and needs of the airports, marine ports, Moving goods to and from inland markets
and inland waterways and ports operating in and airports continues to pose a significant
the U.S. However, those that are publicly avail- challenge in some of the more congested
able are often out of date, too abstract, and miss U.S. metropolitan regions — typically those
or try to fill in information about various com- where the largest airports and marine
modity groups (especially bulk commodities).
ports are located.
Commodity-specific data on domestic air cargo
are not readily available. These factors make
comprehensive, data-based analyses difficult
and challenging to undertake.
Even when information about the capacity,
operations, current and future freight volumes,
and potential deficiencies of the multimodal
transportation system are developed, there will
still be insufficient understanding of the effects
of investment on improved system capacity and
operations, or the consequences of cost savings
attributable to these investments, to adequately
assess the national or regional economic effects
of such investments. Finally, there is a need to
consolidate investments patterns to analyze past
investments made for general aviation airports,
which may be best accomplished by surveying
state departments of aviation.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 41
★| ABOUT THE STUDY commodity portion were estimated for the port
regions by using the multimodal Freight Analysis
The following are the primary data sources and Framework data.
methods used in this study: Land Congestion. Economic costs of port-
Airports. Needs were extrapolated from related traffic congestion were calculated using
estimates for future needs developed by the the Texas Transportation Institute’s Annual
FAA and the ACI-NA through 2015. The ACI-NA Urban Mobility Report Data, USACE port data
survey was used for hub airports because it is regarding import/export tonnages, and Freight
based on a survey of all needs reported by airport Analysis Framework data to estimate cost
officials, while the FAA report is based on antici- and ton levels for estimates of dollar per ton
pated AIP funding requests. ACI-NA, however, by commodity. Future values were forecasted
accepts the FAA estimates for commercial, by using the ground transportation cumulative
non-hub, reliever, and GA facilities. The history truck congestion estimates developed from
of investment was gleaned from the FAA Form 2010 HERS-ST used for the Failure to Act surface
127 database, which reports actual investments transportation report.
made at all commercial airports. These invest- Freight. The impact of degraded infrastruc-
ment levels include public and private funding ture for each mode in this study is based on
sources. To complete estimates of capital changes in generalized shipping costs, and is
investment needs, FAA documents and interviews based on the framework of the TREDIS Freight
were used to estimate the cost and schedule of Module (Transportation Economic Develop-
NextGen. Combined, the 2010 FAA study of the ment Impact System). Generalized costs are
cost of congestion, historical data on enplane- calculated separately for bulk and containerized
ments, and origin and destination movements commodities, and they include marine shipping
and aviation forecasts is the basis for estimating costs; inland truck, rail, and barge shipping costs;
the cost of the capital gap. travel time costs for the inland moves (includ-
Inland Waterways. Data drawn from the ing delay from highway congestion and inland
Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center of the waterway deficiencies); and travel time penalties
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) were for intermodal transfers. Highway congestion
utilized for lock performance characteristics and in metro areas surrounding ports was derived
specifics regarding through tonnages. USACE’s from, and therefore has a slight overlap with, the
public domain database was used to supply findings in Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of
O-D matrix by commodity to feed to network Current Investment Trends in Surface Transpor-
(supplied via the NTAD website, USACE web- tation Infrastructure.
site). Forecasted values were based on a two-part Economic Impacts. An economic model
function using linear extrapolation of historical of the U.S. economy is used to calculate how
network unavailability hours out to 2025, and households’ income and expenditure patterns,
then instituting a logarithmic decay to simulate as well as business productivity, are affected and
a decrease in demand as a result of steep increase lead to changes in the nation’s competitiveness
in unavailability. and economic growth. The results are provided
Marine Ports. USACE Waterborne Commerce in terms of long-term changes in jobs and income
Statistics Center data were used to break out in the U.S. This study uses the LIFT model
bulk commodity tonnages and trips by draft (Long-Term Inter-Industry Forecasting Tool),
for port regions. For container traffic, a port a national policy and impact forecasting system
database developed by the Institute for Water developed by INFORUM, a research center
Resources was utilized. Future values for bulk within the Department of Economics at the
University of Maryland, College Park.

42 American Society of Civil Engineers

★| Endnotes
9. American Association of Port Authorities, “U.S. Port
Infrastructure Spending Survey 2012 – 2016,” June 2012.
10. The $92 billion is projected over 30 years. This is
based on average annual needs estimated by the US Corps
1. U.S. Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, of Engineers assuming that a state-of-good repair is main-
“2010 Summary of Domestic and Foreign Waterborne tained for the existing system. Given that substantial
Commerce,” May 2012. additional navigational dredging will be required, and that
2. Both the 2007 U.S. Commodity Flow Survey and the 2010 this will increase on-going operations and maintenance
(provisional) Freight Analysis Framework link air freight requirements, these estimates are very likely to be lower
to truck, and do not mention rail in the context of air cargo. than required to maintain future improvements to the
marine navigation system.
3. See Mathew Coogan et al., Ground Access to Major
Airports by Public Transportation, ACRP Report 4, Airport 11. See the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works
Cooperative Research Program of the Transportation budgets and five-year plans at
Research Board. Missions/CivilWorks/Budget.aspx.

4. An “enplanement” is a passenger boarding. The FAA 12. The projections are based on the Corps’ estimates
uses revenue passenger boardings (enplanements) and cargo of annual additional needs from 2011 to 2020.
data to calculate the apportionments that determine appor- 13. “U.S. Port and Inland Waterway Modernization
tionment formula for the Airport Improvement Program. Strategy: Options for the Future,” presented at Marine
5. Source: Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) (version 3), Board Spring Meeting, May 15, 2012.
Data Tabulation Tool, July 2012 ( 14. This is assuming that the other modes are viable
Extraction4.aspx). For 2010, FAF reported a total value alternatives, and not functioning below “minimal
of $146 billion in 2007 dollars, which is equivalent to tolerable conditions.”
$152 billion in 2010 value.
15. Examples including rushing parts to repair broken
6. U.S. Army corps of Engineers, U.S. Port and inland (and therefore idle) equipment, incurring hourly crew
Waterways Modernization: Preparing for Post-Panamax costs over long distances, spoilage/breakage/insurance and
Vessels, June 2012. packaging costs due to moving fragile goods (or expansive
7. As reported by airports to the FAA on Form 127, drugs) overland.
these expenditures represent revenues drawn from all 16. This cost increase is in real value after inflation.
sources — including federal, state, and local governments, Source: LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM
passenger facility charges, airport revenues, and capital Group, 2012.
bonds. Although ASCE and FAA project needs for all
airports, Form 127 accounts for spending only for commer- 17. CDM Smith, prepared for ACI-NA, The Economic
cial airports. Accordingly, needs and expenditures cited Impact of Commercial Airports in 2010, January 2012.
in this paragraph reflect commercial airports only, and do 18. U.S. Department of Commerce, March 12, 2012
not included reliever and other general aviation airports.
19. Freight Analysis Framework, developed by Developed
8. US Government Accountability Office, Air Traffic by the Center for Transportation Analysis in the Oak
Control Modernization Management Challenges Associated Ridge National Laboratory under funding from the
With Program Costs and Schedules Could Hinder NextGen Federal Highway Administration.
Implementation, Report to Congressional Committees,
20. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, June 20, 2012.
February 2012. According to an alternate analysis, imple-
menting the highest performance levels envisioned in the 21. See Coogan et al., Ground Access to Major Airports;
IWP for ground and aircraft capabilities by 2025 could note that both the 2007 U.S. Commodity Flow Survey
increase NextGen’s costs significantly beyond the initial and the 2010 (provisional) Freight Analysis Framework
cost estimate of $40 billion (e.g., in some scenarios that link air freight to truck, and do not mention rail in the
require every aircraft to be equipped with extensive context of air cargo.
avionics in a shorter time frame, estimated costs can go
22. Source: NPIAS Report to Congress 2011-2015.
as high as $160 billion). If the highest performance levels
are implemented over the longer period, by 2035, the cost 23. One takeoff and one landing equal two operations.
estimates would be lower, but still would be considerably Sources: FAA, “APO TAF Operations and Enplanements
higher than $40 billion.” Gerald H. Dillingham, Ph.D., Data Summary, 2011-2040”; calculations by the EDR Group.
Director of Physical Infrastructure Issues, US Government 24. U.S. Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, “2010
Accountability Office, letter to The Honorable John L. Mica Summary.”
and The Honorable Thomas E. Petri, November 22, 2010,
Subject: Integration of Current Implementation Efforts 25. Freight Analysis Framework projections, Federal
with Long-term Planning for the Next Generation Air Highway Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation System. Transportation, last modified February 27, 2012,
scaled to data reported by the Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, 2001-11.

Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports 43
26. Weight with a TEU can vary greatly, depending on the 43. Source: U.S. International Trade Commission, Bureau
commodity packed and the volume filled. of the Census, assembled by WiserTrade (2011 data).
27. Ibid. 44. Inland Marine Transportation Systems (IMTS) Capital
Projects Business Model, Final Report, Revision 1, prepared
28. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Freight
by IMTS Capital Strategy Team, April 13, 2012.
Analysis Framework, 2010; calculations
45. Source: U.S. Port and Inland Waterways Modernization:
29. Data from data from U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign
Preparing for Post-Panamax Vessels, Institute for Water
Trade Division and provided through
Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, June 20, 2012.
30. TEUs are twenty-foot equivalent units, a unit of
46. Ibid.
measurement equal to the space occupied by a standard
20-foot container; TEUs are used in stating the capacity 47. Drawn from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Port
of container vessel or storage area. American Association and Inland Waterways Modernization, June 2012, which
of Port Authorities, Glossary of Maritime Terms, available utilized 2010 data.
48. American Association of Port Authorities, Glossary.
31. FAA, Grant History Summaries.
49. The Army Corps of Engineers typically pays between
aip/grant_histories. In addition, a category “other”
35 percent and 60 percent for channels dredged deeper
averaged $472 million per year, and includes block grants
than 45 feet, with the local port authority paying the
to states, grants to multiple airports, and miscellaneous.
balance. The local port authority pays all costs of dredging
Some of this funding may also be channeled to airports.
channels that are less than 45 feet deep under the Water
32. ACI-NA also assumes a “real” 2% annual construction Resources Development Act of 1986.
escalation factor, whereas the FAA’s NPIAS estimate is
50. “Total Delay Impact Study: A Comprehensive
based on constant dollars without assuming that construc-
Assessment of the Costs and Impacts of Flight Delay in
tion costs will increase more than the general economy.
the United States. October 2010,” sponsored by the FAA
However, Failure to Act analyses use constant dollars.
through its National Center for Excellence for Aviation
33. Source: Airports Council International - North Operations Research.
America survey and FAA NPIAS, reported by Airport
51. U.S. Travel Association, travel horizons, July 2009.
Capital Development Costs 2011 – 2015, Airports Council
International-North America, February 2011. 52. EDR Group calculations, based on U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers data, 2009; and Freight Analysis Framework
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid., 19. Retrieved from the FAA’s Web site,
53. EDR Group calculations, based on U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers Institute for Water Resources, Container Port
36. Ibid., 20. Capacity Study, prepared by the Tioga Group, December,
2010 (updated, May 2012).
37. Email correspondence from Heather M. Krause,
assistant director, Government Accountability Office, 54. U.S. Air Travel Association.
to Susan Jones Moses, EDR Group, May 11, 2012.
55. Estimated in ACRP Report 4, Ground Access to Major
38. Email from Michael R. Garvin Jr., executive director, Airports by Public Transportation, Transportation Research
NextGen Institute, FAA; May 10, 2012. The $160 billion Board of the National Academies
figure comes from risk mitigation and is the estimate
56. Due to the overlap if impacts caused by ground
if everything goes wrong.
congestion effects, the impacts of air and waterborne
39. See the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works infrastructure are not added together.
budgets and five-year plans.
57. This is assuming that the other modes are viable
40. The Corps’ Inland Waterway construction projections alternatives, and not functioning below “minimal
are based on a yearly outlook from 2011 to 2030, but since tolerable conditions.”
the gap was not addressed in 2011, this study pushes the
58. The cost increase is in real value after inflation.
year to 2012-31 and holds these annual averages constant
Source: LIFT model, University of Maryland, INFORUM
through 2040. Deep Water costs are estimated based on
Group, 2012.
average annual expenditures for 2012 through 2020 as
presented by the Corps in May 2012. The average annual 59. These issues were explored in an earlier report
public funding need is $3.2 billion, compared to the in the Failure to Act series on surface transportation
planned private sector investments of approximately (
$9 billion per year.
41. “U.S. Port and Inland Waterway Modernization
42. See

44 American Society of Civil Engineers

Economic Development Research Group, Inc. (EDR
Group), is a consulting firm focusing specifically on
applying state-of-the-art tools and techniques for evalu-
ating economic development performance, impacts, and
opportunities. The firm was started in 1996 by a core
group of economists and planners who are specialists
in evaluating the impacts of transportation infrastruc-
ture, services, and technology on economic development
opportunities. Glen Weisbrod, the president of EDR
Group, was appointed by the National Academies to
chair the Transportation Research Board’s Committee
on Transportation and Economic Development.

The transportation work of EDR Group includes studies

of the economic impacts of road, air, sea, and railroad
modes of travel, including economic benefits, develop-
ment impacts, and benefit/cost relationships. The firm’s EDR Group wishes to thank Brian Pallasch and Emily
work is organized into three areas: (1) general research Fishkin, as well as ASCE’s Committee on America’s
on investment benefit and productivity implications; Infrastructure, for the opportunity to conduct this
(2) planning studies, including impact, opportunities, research. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance
and benefit/ cost assessment; and (3) evaluation, of Jeffrey Werling, Ron Horst, and Doug Mead of the
including cost-effectiveness implications. University of Maryland Economics Department. In
addition, we wish to thank to thank Eliot Black and
EDR Group is a national leader in evaluating the
Robert Samis of the FAA, who pointed us to core
economic development consequences of transportation
aviation data sets, as well as Jane Calderwood and
projects and policies. The firm has undertaken several
Liying Gu of the Airports Council International
national-level research studies for the Transportation
and Jeffrey Gilley of the National Business Aviation
Research Board’s Cooperative Research Program,
Association, who generously provided data gathered
including NCFRP, that have investigated the relation-
by their organizations. Research on NextGen was
ship between freight infrastructure and economic
greatly assisted by Michael Garvin of the FAA’s
development, including an assessment of the extent to
NextGen Institute and Heather Krause of the U.S.
which rail freight policies may help stem the deteriora-
Government Accountability Office. EDR Group would
tion of existing highways, NCHRP Project 8-42, Rail
also like to thank Aaron Ellis, Scott Brotemarkle and
Freight Solutions to Roadway Congestion: A Guidebook
David Sanford of the American Association of Port
for Assessing Rail Freight Solutions to Roadway
Authorities for sharing data and advanced materials.
Congestion; Improving Return on Investment Evalua-
tion for Transportation Projects, NCHRP Project 8-36
(62); and a study of methods for the monetary valuation
of performance measures, NCHRP Project 8-42(61),
Monetary Valuation of Quality of Life Impact.

Senior staff at EDR Group have conducted studies from

coast to coast in both the U.S. and Canada, as well as in
Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, England, Scotland, Finland,
the Netherlands, India, and South Africa. EDR Group is
also nationally recognized for state-of-the-art analysis
products, including TREDIS (Transportation Economic
Impact System). They are leaders in the evaluation of
economic development opportunities and assessment of
freight infrastructure impacts across the nation and the
globe, helping public and private clients to prioritize their
transportation and infrastructure investments in aviation,
marine, and surface modes, as well as the study of inter-
modal impacts and opportunities.
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