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Marketing Proposition | HashGate

Hindering to be one of the leading E-
commerce platform that provides the
best electronic gadgets in the whole
Gulf Council Countries.
Hitch 1
Attracting the Perfect Customer

Hitch 2
Competition & Competitor Analysis

Hitch 3
Converting Shoppers into Paying Customers
Hitch 1
Attracting the Perfect Customer

Shoppers have a myriad of options to choose from

these days. If they are looking to buy a high-end
headset, they do some thorough research before
finalizing one. If shoppers have several options, how
do you make sure they pick you? How do you go
about finding that perfect customer that wants your
product, at your rate and to the places you can ship?
Hitch 2
Competition & Competitor Analysis

Have you heard of a Jam Experiment? Well, it has quite a

controversial conclusion, which is – the less you offer customers the
more likely they are to actually purchase something. A lot of people
these days are fatigued by all the options that are out there. A
simple search for something like headphones will give you
thousands of options – how does one make a choice?
From a retailer’s standpoint, how do they stand out from the
crowd? How do they bring shoppers to their website, instead of
buying a similar product from their competitors?
Hitch 3
Converting Online Visitors into Paying Customers

One of the biggest e-commerce challenges is to

convert visitors into paying customers. An
eCommerce website might have a lot of traffic, a lot of
clicks and impressions but they aren’t making the
sales they anticipated. What can they do to get more
The Utopia
HashGate solves your problem
Solution 1
Attracting the Perfect Customer

We help you partner with companies that help you target your
customers. Digital marketing is preferred over traditional
marketing because we can target your ideal customer. While this
might not happen overnight, with A/B testing, fine tuning and
analysis – your electronic products could be showing up to
potential customers on different social media platforms.
Solution 2
Competition & Competitor Analysis

HashGate did an analysis of your competitors, and found out what

products they are selling, how they are generating leads and how
they keep in touch with their customers. The next step would be to
make sure you stand out – be it the colors you use, the topnotch
functionality of your website or amazing user experience. And
finally optimizing the products that are unique and relevant to
your customer base.
Solution 3
Converting Online Visitors Into Paying

The first and foremost, HashGate understood why your online

shoppers aren’t converting – right audiences aren't targeted,
bounce rate is too high as mobile web version isn't working
seamlessly, customer base lack trust in the brand.

Competition 50















Target First Step: What Problem Do You
Solve? – DEFINE
Define – Refine – Research – Assess

Second Step: Narrow Down Your

Target Market – REFINE

Third Step: Validate the Market –


Final Step: Trial Run – EVALUATE

Define – Refine – Research – Assess

Identifying the problem to solve it, or the desire that you fulfill makes
it easy to clearly define your target market.

We've figured out which problem you solve with your products, your
target market and target audience can be automatically revealed.
Define – Refine – Research – Assess

Now that we've have identified your potential customer, it is time to

refine your market. To do this step, we find about the demographics
and psychographics of the buyers.

Demographics can be the Age, Gender, Location, Income level,

education level, and marital status, etc. Psychographics can be likes,
behaviors, and attitudes, etc.
Define – Refine – Research – Assess

An ecommerce won't become a hit overnight, just because you

have an amazing website, people will not just come to you.
We will help you question your target market and check their
For instance, checking if they can afford your price tag and if they
can buy repeatedly. In order to have profitable business, a big part
of your sales should come from your returning customers, we will
tell you how it's down.
Define – Refine – Research – Assess

Testing is proof!
We will simply try to sell a couple of products here and there and
test the waters. The real testing is essential to confirm your target
market. Of course, selling a product here and there would not
simulate the real situation at all. With optimized ad campaigns, we
can create a better impact in the real scenario. But, with pre-testing,
we can refine and adjust the platform's visibility to resonate the
2.2 trillion
Total Available Market (TAM)

Size the Market 107 M

This includes only the market for Serviceable Available Market (SAM)
electronics & gadgets.

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)
Direct Indirect
Competitors Competitors

Indirect competitors
are as equal as the direct competitors.
People are becoming more dependent on technology and exploring more
possibilities of the internet. As a result, they are getting used to online
shopping instead of physically getting up and going to a shop.
This made their life easier as it should have, especially for people who tend
to be busy with their jobs and household chores. This includes people who
have a 9 to 5 job, moms, double shifters, startup entrepreneurs, and elderly

Approach 1 people who don’t feel like going out for small things. And also, teenagers are
already into doing things online.
As you can see, the demographic is huge and so is your potential customer.
Pick a specific niche & target
So, it’s natural to expect people of all ages, races, religions, and locations to
audience be your customer. This is where many eCommerce store owners make their
mistakes – at least the ones who fail.
There are several advantages of targeting towards a specific group of
people or sticking with a specific niche and that’s why we have listed it in the
list of eCommerce competitive strategy.
First of all, advertising gets easy. When you don’t have a specific niche or an
audience, you’ll have no idea how to run the marketing campaign. You won’t
know what words to use on the advertisements, what features to highlight,
what price range to aim for, how many units sales to expect along with
other factors.
That’s why keeping a small group of people in mind and a specific product
line in consideration helps set the campaigns.
Secondly, you get more product ideas when you have a specific audience in
Next in line for competitive eCommerce strategy is personalization. It’s time
to personalize your website based on your niche and your target audience.
Design your website in a way that your target audience finds value every
time they visit. So, put content on the webpage only if it is relevant. Use
images where necessary but don’t overdo it. Remember that they came to
your website for information about your products, not for stock images.

Approach 2 You must ensure navigating through your site is easy. If your visitors can’t
find the information that they came here for, there’s no reason for having a
Personalize your website This ease of use also comes with device compatibility. If a website is not
compatible with a certain device that your visitor is accessing your website
with, the person might not find the contents in places where you’d want
them to find them. That’s why it is important that your website is compatible
with all devices including mobile, PC, tablet, etc.
Another thing that you should consider is storing your customers buying
and payment habits.
A few days ago, I was browsing through my YouTube Dashboard and
suddenly saw a video from MKBHD’s Marques featuring Unbox Therapy’s
Lew. The video was about the shooting setup and the studio of Unbox
Honestly, I didn’t even know about Unbox Therapy until that day. But I was a
subscriber and a fan of Marques. But since I’ve been exposed to Unbox

Approach 3 Therapy’s video, I am checking both out their videos every day. Now, what
does it mean?
It means I enjoy the contents that Unbox Therapy produces and I was
Create new partnerships missing out on them till now. But since MKBHD channel as exposed Unbox
Therapy to me, I can now enjoy both of their contents.
So, the highlight is, no matter how good your content is, in this case, no
matter how good your products are, if you can’t reach your audience, there
no use.
That’s why collaboration and partnerships are important in competitive
eCommerce strategies. The way how MKBHD’s audience discovered Unbox
Therapy video and become loyal to Unbox Therapy, your partner’s target
audience will also discover and love you if your collaboration or partnership
is done properly. So don’t back out from partnership offers that benefit you
at the right time.
Approach 4 Your business might be virtual but your customers are real. You might be
Interact with your customers operating your whole business from a bunch of laptops but your customers
are paying real money for it. It is important to hear from your customers.
Listen to what they have to say. If they do not like something, improve on it.
Give them what they desire or want to buy. Do not just keep on throwing
makeup and accessories because your target audience is women. If your
niche target is stay-at-home mothers, you might benefit from displaying
furniture on your website.
Approach 5 Social media is the most powerful platform today and a crucial part of
Use social media as your competitive strategy in eCommerce. Social media helps you to identify all
your potential customers by peeking into their personal lives. You will get to
weapon see their interests and habits. You should invest a lot in social media.
Through social media, you can even direct people from social media directly
to your website. Think of Facebook, if one of your posts is appealing to
someone, he or she might share it. In this way, your post gets more generic
views. Well, that’s the beauty of social media!
Approach 6 Also, implementing SEO-friendly keywords is an
Prepare the right content important competitive strategy in eCommerce.
Otherwise, your content won’t be able to bring traffic to
your sites. So, remember these three things when
producing content for your site.
SEO optimization
As a mobile-first generation, Snapchatters are actively
looking for new apps they can download and engage
40% of Snapchatters say they typically download
1–5 apps per week.
App Installs 50%+ of Snapchatters use apps to make
Why Advertise Your App on purchases at least once a month.
Snapchat? 60%+ of Snapchatters say they are likely to tell
Snapchatters love apps! friends or family about an app they enjoy.
110+ million Snapchatters in the Casual & Mobile
Gamer Lifestyle Category.
We'll amplify your business by targeting
the right audience,
in the right way,
at the right platform
and on the right time.
Define A Landing Page
We'll make a simple and clear introduction of your app—one sentence should suffice.
Start A Blog & Wikipedia Article
Regular updates on a topic that focuses on your core range of product/s makes you a niche expert, and perhaps worth downloading
the app and buy electronic gadgets.
Social Media Ignition
With our list of micro influencers (5k to 50K following), Viral Giveaways, Engaging the right audience. Our designs that're click & share-
worthy, catchy & creative intro text we'll force users into conversions.
Create a teaser landing page for the app reach, and collect beta subscribers via an email submission field.
Video Intro To Your App
Creating a video for your app should be to prove your app’s concept, you’ve gained some traction, and you’re sure that you have a
winner. You wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money to produce a video for an app that has changed three times since it launched. If
you feel ready for this step, check out Sandwich Video for inspiration.
6. Pitch tech blogs. This is a tough one. While you think you’ve got the most awesome app launching tomorrow, others might be less
impressed. Don’t despair. Make a list of contacts, email them your perfect pitch, and hope for the best. Note: Do not stalk these
editors, they get tons of pitches regularly and if they're interested, they'll contact you.
7. Ask for app reviews. Besides the big tech blogs, there are tons of app review sites. I run one of them, Mevvy, but there’s tons more.
Here is a list of the best app review websites, but don’t stop digging for more. Even though you want the whole world to know about
your app, try to stay relevant.
8. Contact writers in the niche. This is one of the most effective techniques out there. If you find people who care to write about [insert
your niche here], then they might want to write about your awesome solution, too! Again, don’t be pushy—you don't want to burn
bridges with influential writers.
9. Use Disqus or other content discovery tools. Remember that blog I mentioned earlier? Be sure to plug in your Disqus channel. It
helps tremendously in getting the word out, and drives traffic back to your blog or website!
10. Contribute to the online conversation. If you read news and articles on other websites, and the site uses Disqus, leave a non-self-
promotional but valuable comment. This way you’re building your expert level on multiple ends.
1. Define your landing page. Make a simple and clear introduction of your app—one sentence should suffice. Get inspiration from
Tinder, which is one of the best example out there right now.
2. Start a blog. Regular updates on a topic that focuses on your core service makes you a niche expert, and perhaps worth
3. Use social media. But do it wisely; too many people think copy and pasting a link is enough. Engage your audience. Be interesting.
Tease. Intrigue. Make yourself click-worthy and share-worthy. Be creative about your intro text. Mashable does this very well.
4. Use teasers. Create a teaser landing page before the app launches, and collect beta subscribers via an email submission field.
5. Create a video intro to your app. This is something you should be careful with. Creating a video for your app should only be an
option if you have proven your app’s concept, you’ve gained some traction, and you’re sure that you have a winner. You wouldn’t want
to spend a lot of money to produce a video for an app that has changed three times since it launched. If you feel ready for this step,
check out Sandwich Video for inspiration.
6. Pitch tech blogs. This is a tough one. While you think you’ve got the most awesome app launching tomorrow, others might be less
impressed. Don’t despair. Make a list of contacts, email them your perfect pitch, and hope for the best. Note: Do not stalk these
editors, they get tons of pitches regularly and if they're interested, they'll contact you.
7. Ask for app reviews. Besides the big tech blogs, there are tons of app review sites. I run one of them, Mevvy, but there’s tons more.
Here is a list of the best app review websites, but don’t stop digging for more. Even though you want the whole world to know about
your app, try to stay relevant.
8. Contact writers in the niche. This is one of the most effective techniques out there. If you find people who care to write about [insert
your niche here], then they might want to write about your awesome solution, too! Again, don’t be pushy—you don't want to burn
bridges with influential writers.
9. Use Disqus or other content discovery tools. Remember that blog I mentioned earlier? Be sure to plug in your Disqus channel. It
helps tremendously in getting the word out, and drives traffic back to your blog or website!
10. Contribute to the online conversation. If you read news and articles on other websites, and the site uses Disqus, leave a non-self-
promotional but valuable comment. This way you’re building your expert level on multiple ends.
11. Create and share interesting infographics. Use a tool like to create an infographic, and then share it with writers,
bloggers, and via social media.
12. Apply for app awards. There are tons of organizations that give prizes to new, innovative applications for their functionality,
design, and so on. Research these contests online and apply to those you think you're a good contender for.
13. Talk to one user at a time. This is extremely crucial. In the beginning your primary goal should be user retention rather than user
acquisition. If you manage to form a small group of users that provide essential feedback to help you validate your app’s purpose, and
get them to remain loyal, then you’ve got the biggest hurdle behind you. In general, no matter what stage you are at, seek a direct
conversation with a user. Ask them questions, listen to their critiques, offer help, make them happy. There is nothing better than
word-of-mouth marketing.
14. Offer a helping hand. Not everything you do has to lead back to an app-download button. Find users who have a problem you can
help with, offer advice, and become a little hero—the downloads will roll in later as a thank you!
15. Clearly define the problem your app solves. Make it a statement and use that to identify your target customers. Market your app
to those people first.
16. Record a podcast. In your show talk about the problem your app solves (note: the problem, not the solution). The guys over at do this well, and host their own show on Soundcloud.
17. Start a community. Good places do this include Facebook (for online groups) and (for local groups). Surround
yourself with people who care about the same things you do.
18. Host a giveaway. With a service like you can create special prizes and raffle them away to those who share your
app, post about you, or complete other tasks.
19. Work hard on your ASO (app store optimization) strategy. You can optimize your icon, title, description, and screenshots in order
to be found faster on official app stores.
20. Promote in all your communications. Include links to your app website, blog, and social media channels in your email signature.
Use voicemail, and let everyone who calls know what you are working on.
21. Host a contest. Tell your audience to complete a certain task and tag themselves with contest-specific hashtags on social media in
order to follow the development. Reward the winners publically.
22. Create a video channel on YouTube or Vimeo. Make sure to regularly post interesting content, be it “best of” series, development
updates, industry news flashes, user surveys. or user content (big hint!). Always add your main hashtag and descriptive hashtags to
maximize exposure on social media.
Step 1
Roadmap Website Optimization

Step 2
2 Social Media

Step 3
3 Digital Marketing

Step 4
Testing & Conversion

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