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Ornithology Services

The challenge The Royal HaskoningDHV ornithology team aims to:

Wild bird species are protected under a range of national
and international regulations, making ornithology a key • Provide specialist technical support and advice
consideration for many developments within marine, throughout a project life–cycle.
coastal and terrestrial environments. Developments can • Identify potential ornithology constraints and consent
significantly impact bird populations in numerous ways, risks early in the planning stage.
including via direct mortality (for example from collisions), • Assess and identify suitable means for reducing
disturbance, displacement, loss of habitat or effects on potential impacts and, where necessary, devise
their prey. Importantly, assessment of such impacts is appropriate mitigation.
required irrespective of whether or not they concern • Design, manage and report on post-consent monitoring
populations associated with designated sites. The programmes.
requirements for assessments involving populations that • Provide cost-effective advice at all stages and reduce
are qualifying features of internationally designated sites the risks of adverse financial and commercial effects on
(such as Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites) can be project programmes, delivery and budget.
particularly stringent. • Minimise the risks of adverse impacts to important bird
species and populations.
Our approach
The impartial and objective advice that our ornithology Sector expertise
experts offer ensures that clients are supported through The experience and skills of the Royal HaskoningDHV team
the entire development process from conception to mean that we are able to deliver an extensive range of
construction and beyond, to cover any operational ornithology support services, across a number of sectors
monitoring requirements and ultimately decommissioning. including:
• Renewables (offshore and onshore wind, wave and
Working in partnership with our clients and wider project tidal)
teams, we adopt a robust, science-led, approach to our • Port and harbour developments
advice and services that is underpinned by long-standing • Infrastructure, such as nuclear power stations
involvement in applied ornithological research and a • Habitat and species management, including habitat
thorough understanding of the latest science in the field. creation and compensation schemes
• UK and international projects
Our expertise


Our ornithology team includes internationally recognised ornithology services that can be tailored to meet your
experts with strong science backgrounds, as well as needs. These include:
previous experience of working within key stakeholder
organisations and working with statutory and non- • Site appraisal, screening and scoping
statutory consultees in various capacities. • Statutory consultee and stakeholder engagement
• Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and
The team is experienced in providing a wide range of Environmental Statements (ES)
impact assessments and has detailed knowledge and • Habitat Regulations Assessment/Appraisal (HRA)
understanding of regulatory requirements, legislation, • Desk-based appraisals, assessments and associated
policy and guidance. With our expertise in survey design, technical reporting,
statistical analyses and modelling, more specialist • Survey and study designs, coordination of data
requirements – such as those that can arise under certain collection and technical reporting
post-consent monitoring obligations for example – can be • Statistical data analyses and modelling
fulfilled. The high level of technical expertise within the • Monitoring and mitigation strategies
team provides the capacity to support clients whose • Subcontractor procurement, coordination and
projects face particularly complex challenges, which have management
previously included judicial review and public inquiry. • Expert witness for inquiries and hearings
• Specialist technical reviews and advice, due dilligence
Our Services • Development of industry guidance
As part of Royal HaskoningDHV’s multi-disciplinary
environment team, our ornithology experts work For further information please contact:
alongside specialists in ecology, landscape, air quality, Murray Grant BSc, PhD
geology, heritage and archaeology, noise and vibration, Principal Ornithologist
traffic and transport, carbon and sustainability, and EIA E:
and consenting. Whether your projects are UK or T: +44 (0)131 561 2271
internationally based, we can provide a full range of M: +44 (0)7557 316138

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