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Task Workbook

PSPTIS066 Apply Theories to translating and

interpreting work practices

Student Name: ___________

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

Assessment Information:

This workbook contains all of the assessment tasks required for completion of

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices

The assessor will clarify the assessment requirements for these two units.

Assessment Tasks Title

Task 1: Complete a series of underpinning knowledge questions
Task 2: Apply theories to translation practice
Task 3: Critique translation

Assessment Task 1 – Complete a series of underpinning knowledge

Unit Name: Apply theories to translating and interpreting work
Unit Code: PSPTIS066
Questions assessed – Orally - Written
Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Elements of competency Performance Criteria

1. Identify the role of the 1.1-1.2-1.3-1.4

translator and interpreter
Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. Identify the principle issues 2.1-2.2-2.3-2.4-2.5
influencing practice

1. While you are interpreting in an interview between a police officer and a witness,
the officer asks you for your comment on the client’s background and whether he is
telling the truth. How would you reply? Please explain the role of an interpreter for
your answer.

Firstly, I will tell the officer what the witness said accurately without
any thought and analysis. Then, I will give my comments on the
client objectively and just say something as a statement of fact.
 
As an interpreter, I produces a first and final translation on the basis
of a one-time exposure to an utterance in a source language, which
means I must have enough experience and accumulation in this field.
And the role of an interpreter is to translate all the thing accurately as
far as possible and without own opinions.

Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

2. Is it ethical for the translator to display or manifest their ideology through

translation? Please give reasons for your answer.

NO, translation should just obey the original meanings without any
thought and analysis because you just need to do your translation work.

3. What are the two ‘basic orientations’ of translation described by Nida?

 Formal equivalence (later called ‘formal correspondence’) and

dynamic equivalence (later called ‘functional equivalence’)  
 Formal equivalence and equivalent effect
 Formal correspondence and dynamic translation

4. Which of Newmark’s types of translation corresponds to Nida’s ‘dynamic

 Semantic translation
 
 Communicative translation
 Literal translation

3. What does the term ‘skopos’ mean?

 Function
 Purpose  
 Scope

4. What does the technical term ‘Register’ mean?

 Formal or informal
 A configuration of the situational variables of Field, Tenor and Mode
 
 A configuration of the situational variables of Subject, Position and

5. What does the term ‘lexicogrammar’ mean?

 Words that are used grammatically
 
 Lexis and grammatical constructions
 Denotation
6. Which of the following is likely to be an example of ‘covert’ translation,
using House’s term?
 An exoticizing literary translation that seeks to preserve local colour
 
 A literal translation of a witness statement that preserves as many
features of the ST as possible
 An adaptation of an advertisement for a new locale
7. Which of the following is likely to be an example of ‘covert’ translation,
using House’s term?
 An exoticizing literary translation that seeks to preserve local colour
 
 A literal translation of a witness statement that preserves as many
features of the ST as possible
 An adaptation of an advertisement for a new locale
8. What is the term used by House to describe the process of modification of an
ST to conform to TL expectations?
 Comparator  
 Cultural version
 Cultural filter

Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

9. According to Venuti, a translator’s invisibility is produced by:

a. …Domestication……….  

b. …. Foreignization……….
10. The traditional view on translation focused only on words and linguistic
systems while the new concept of translation is shifting to:

a…Equivalence at the grammatical level...

 
b. …Equivalence at the textual level…

c. …Equivalence at the pragmatic level…

11. The following dialogue has been translated or interpreted into Chinese:
Jazzi: ―Why do you always have to argue?
Bee: ―I don‘t always argue, it‘s just that I prefer dreaming..
1). ‖ ―你怎么总要跟我争论呢?
‖ ―我并不是总要争论。只是我真的更喜欢做梦...‖
2 ). ‖ ―你怎么总要跟我顶嘴呢?
‖ ―我并不是总要顶嘴。只是我真的更喜欢做梦...‖

Which equivalent Chinese word will you translate “argue” into? Please give  
your reason and explain the issues involved.

NO.2 is the better one. Because this translation considers Chinese language


The candidate’s performance was: Not Yet Competent  Competent 

Feedback to candidate:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Candidate’s signature: Date:24/02/2016

Assessor signature: Date:

Assessment Task 2–Apply theories to translation practice

Task Specifications:
You are required to translate the following passageby applying related translating
theories. The translation should be accurate in both meaning and function, as well as
natural in the target language.

Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

Mental Health

When the heart breaks down, it beats erratically or not at all. A bone can chip or snap. But when the complex
network of neurons in our brain malfunctions, the result can be a near-endless variety and combinations of
mental illnesses.

It's normal to sometimes be sad, happy, anxious, confused, forgetful or fearful, but when a person's emotions,
thoughts or behaviour frequently trouble them, or disrupt their lives, they may be suffering from mental illness.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 450 million people worldwide are affected by
mental, neurological or behavioural problems at any time.

Among the best known and most common mental illnesses is depression - a prolonged, debilitating sadness,
sometimes accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide. Seasonal affective disorder is a
type of depression that affects some people in the autumn and winter and is triggered by the shrinking hours of
daylight and colder temperatures.

Anxiety disorders are characterised by powerful feelings of stress and physical signs of fear - sweating, a
racing heart - due to some cue in the environment, or for no obvious reason at all.

Eating disorders involve an unhealthy relationship to food. A sufferer of anorexia nervosa will strive for
thinness to the point of starvation, due to a distorted perception of their body and dissatisfaction in their sense of
control. People with bulimia engage in cycles of gorging themselves and then purging through vomiting or use
of laxatives.

Mental illnesses are quite common. As many as one in five people are thought to suffer from mental illness, at
least temporarily, each year. Suicide - often the result of untreated mental illness - claims 873,000 lives around
the world each year. The economic costs of these conditions are also enormous and growing. According to the
WHO, depression is expected to account for more lost years of healthy life than any other disease by 2030,
except for HIV/AIDS.

Even so, the mentally ill face stigma and discrimination. Studies find people are reluctant to admit they have a
mental illness, to seek help, or to stick with treatment. Others are eager to reject the label of a mental illness.

Your Translation:

打断他们的生活时,他们可能患有精神疾病。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的统计,全球约有 4.5 亿人随时都会受到精



的结果 - 每年在世界各地有 873,000 人这样地生活着。这些条件的经济成本也很大,并且在不断增长。根据世界卫生组
织(WHO)的报告,除了艾滋病毒(HIV)/艾滋病(AIDS),预计到 2030 年,抑郁症的死亡人数将比其他任何疾病的死亡


Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

Assessment Record for Task 2

Unit PSPTIS066 Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Name of Trainer Name of Assessor
Name of Student Student No
Assessment Assessment Title: Respond to and prepare for assignment
Details Assessment Method: written project
The candidate demonstrated the ability to: Yes No
Analyse the cultural and political agenda of translation.  
Analyse the position and positionality of the translator  
Identify the influence of the publishing industry on the translator.  
Analyse the impact of the new media, localization and globalisation on translation.  
Competent Not Competent

Assessor’s signature Date

Student’s signature Date 25/2/2018

Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

Assessment Task 3– Critique Translation

Task Specifications:
Carefully read the source and target texts side by side and answer the following questions:
A. In your opinion, is the target text an effective translation of the source text? Why or why not? Be as specific
as possible in your evaluation and rationale. You may comment on the given translation in terms of its
accuracy, function, grammar use, fluency and naturalness.

B. If you were consulted to revise this translation, what, if anything, would you change? Make the corrections
on the original text.

A DISEASE that carries with it a social stigma 如果说哪种疾病会带来附加的社会污名和

causes additional and unnecessary suffering. This has 额外的痛苦,那一定是肌痛性脑脊髓炎
often been so with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), (ME)了,它另一个响当当的名头是慢性
or chronic-fatigue syndrome, as it is also known. 疲劳综合症。除了有衰弱的症状,病人们
Despite debilitating symptoms, patients have been 被认为是无病呻吟:所谓“雅皮士流
accused of suffering from an imaginary illness: 感”。医生们只能努力去分辨真病还是装
“yuppie flu”. Doctors have struggled to distinguish 病。但是,这些年所发现的事实证明这种
the ailing from the malingering. Nonetheless, 综合症是真的,而现在又有消息说它的根
evidence has grown in recent years that the 源来自遗传。
syndrome is real, and now there is news that it has its
roots in genetics.
Your Comment:

In my opinion, this target text is not an effective translation of the source text. it is apparent that the
target text is not accurate and the fluency is so bad. You can see that some sentences lose their verb
while some sentences lose their objects. Therefore, it is very important to have a check after finishing
the translation works. Then, you will find plenty of mistakes which also can help you improve your
translation skills.

ME manifests as extreme exhaustion, something that ME 的症状是极度疲劳,有时还伴有其它

may include a range of other symptoms, such as 症状,比如说睡眠受到干扰,记忆和注意
disturbed sleep, difficulties in remembering and 力集中困难,头痛,肌肉关节痛。心理症
concentrating, headaches, and painful muscles and 状,如焦虑或易怒亦会出现。随着症状严重
joints. Psychological symptoms, such as anxiety and 性的改变,这种综合症很难辨识,患者在
irritability, can also be present. As the symptoms can 被确诊前可能已忍受痛苦数月。
vary in severity, the syndrome can be hard to
identify, and patients can suffer for months before a
diagnosis is made.
Your Revision:



Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

Assessment Record for Task 3

Unit PSPTIS066 Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices

Name of
Name of Trainer
Name of Student Student No
Assessment Assessment Title: Critique Translation
Details Assessment Method: Written Project
The candidate demonstrated the ability to: Yes No
1. Analyse translating and interpreting work assignments and identify the  
relevance and application of particular local and global theories.
2. Classify and explain optional methods and approaches to assignments.  
3. Analyse, critique and constructively report on approaches, translations and  
4. Analyse translating and interpreting work assignments and identify the  
relevance and application of particular local and global theories.
Assessment Summary
Competent Not Competent

Assessor’s signature Date

Student’s signature Date 25/02/2018

Final Record of Assessment Result

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Unit Name:

Student name: Student No:

Trainer name: Assessor name:

Qualification: PSP60816 Advanced Diploma of Translation

Task 1: Complete a series of underpinning knowledge questions
Description of tasks: Task 2: Apply theories to translation practice
Task 3: Critique translation
Results for each element C NYC

Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

PSPTIS066Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
Assessment Workbook

Element 1: Identify the role of the translator.   

Element 2: Identify the role of the translator  
Element 3: Critique translations  
Overall Result:
Competent  Not Yet Competent  Reassessment required 
Assessor comments/details of action plan (if applicable)

This signature confirms student agreement that I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have provided
and that I have been informed of the assessment result and the reasons for the decision.

Student’s signature: Date:25/02/2018

This signature confirms that the student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and
the reasons for the decision.

Assessor’s signature: Date:

Multilink Academy of Interpreting & Translating (MAIT) – Linking the world

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