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Ex. 2 His sauce, Reggae Reggae, became famous thanks to the exposure he had on Dragon’s Den
on the BBC. Otherwise, he never would have become so successful.

Ex. 3 1.F, 2.C, 3. D, 4.B, 5.A, 6.E

Ex. 4 extra notes (study these notes and notes in other exercises for the final test in June)

grasp: to quickly take something in your hand(s) and to hold it firmly. Rose suddenly grasped
my hand.

grab: to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly. A mugger grabbed her
handbag as she was walking in the park. / He grabbed hold of his child’s arm to stop her from
running into the road.

seize: to take something quickly and to keep it or hold it. I seized his arm and made him turn
to look at me. / He seized the opportunity to go on holiday for free.

1. seize is the most formal word

2. to do something suddenly: grasp, grab, seize

3. A. grasp, grab, seize, take (all are possible)

B. seized power (fixed expression)

C. take/seize control (fixed expressions)

D. grasp the fact (fixed expression meaning understand something difficult)

E. grabbed, took, seized, grasped the chance (all possible meaning making use of an opportunity).

(NOTE: take a chance = take a risk)

Ex. 5

1. encounter/ receive / suffer a setback

2. trust / doubt / follow / rely on your intuition

3. get / gain / receive exposure. (note: gain exposure means getting attention by e.g. television,
newspapers, magazines….etc.)

4. get / gain / receive inspiration

5. have / exceed / fulfil an expectation (note: exceed an expectations means to be much bigger or
better than expected)

6. achieve / fulfil / realise (Am. Eng. realize) / follow an ambition

Ex. 6: study list on page 162 for the final test in June
Page 39

Ex. 2

1. Unfortunately, they failed to achieve their ambitious goals.

Answer: B. weren’t successful in achieving

2. Answer C: regret not having started. (I regret not having started my own business. Direct Object: I
regret that.)

3. Answer B: can be relied on completely. (in the other options, words are missing)

Ex. 3

1. isn’t expected to do / won’t be expected to do

2. would have been able (we call this sentence a conditional sentence. It shows an unreal,
hypothetical, situation. The fixed structure is: If ……..(+ Past Perfect), …….would…….

3. may/might not be realised/realized (Use may/might because the first sentence starts with: It’s

4. is no point (in) learning (verb+ ing because it follows the preposition in. You can, however, leave
the preposition out)

5. is considering taking on

6. prevented me from going (verb + ing because it follows the preposition from)

Page 40

Ex. 2 similar: it has a very large collection of objects

different: it is not open to the general public, there is only one of each item.

Ex. 4

1. D (unlike in a real supermarket, there is only one of each item.)

2. A (The museum is home to discontinued brands …)

3. B (Every failure, the way she sees it, embodies its own sad story………It is never far from her mind
that real people had their mortgages, their car payments and their family holidays riding on the
success of products…..)

4. C (Its creator…merely intended to accumulate a ‘reference library’ of consumer products, not

failures per se.)

5. B (…so unwilling to invest time or energy thinking about their industry’s past failures…)

6. C (Perhaps nobody wanted to contemplate the prospect of failure……didn’t want to bring it up for
discussion…..we’d rather avoid confronting that fact.)

Ex. 6 1.A

2.B (meaning: not having an obvious plan/structure)


4.B (meaning: not showing careful thought or planning)


6.A (if something or someone is bound to do something, it is almost certain that it will
happen. Example: He is bound to fail his exam because he hasn’t done any studying at all!)

Important words in the text (page 41):

 impermanence: not permanent

 accumulate: to get more and more of something over a period of time.
 granary: a large building for storing grain
 viable: to be able to work as intended

Page 42

Ex. 1 1. True, 2. True, 3. False, 4. False

(note: in the text it says: read medicine. This means: study medicine)

Ex. 3 1. could (Grammar Ref. 12.5.4)

2. needed to (must: only for present tense, Grammar Ref. 12.3.4)

3. couldn’t (past tense, Grammar Ref. 12.5.4)

4. couldn’t (past tense, Grammar Ref. 12.5.4)

5. can (now he can still recall it vividly, Grammar Ref. 12.5.2)

6. had to (must is only used in present tense, Grammar Ref. 12.3.3)

7. couldn’t (meaning: wasn’t able to, Grammar Ref. 12.5.4)

8. could retake (they told him he would be given the opportunity to retake the exam,
Grammar Ref. 12.1.2)

9. could have done (Grammar Ref. 12.5.5.)

10. should have realised ( see Grammar reference 12.6.2)

11. must have done (=Br. English meaning: they are sure I must have known, Grammar Ref.

12. doesn’t have to (12.4.1)

Ex. 4

1. couldn’t work it out, couldn’t complete, can still recall, couldn’t go travelling, could have done both

2. should have realized

3. (= logical conclusion): must have done

4. could retake

5. could read medicine

6. needed to do well, had to stay behind

7. doesn’t have to be like that

LANGUAGE TIP (extra note):

He didn’t need to bring me a present. (meaning: it wasn’t necessary for him to bring me a present,
but it isn’t clear whether he actually brought a present or not.)

He needn’t have brought me a present. (meaning: it wasn’t necessary for him to bring me a
present, but he DID bring me one.)

Ex. 5

be able to: couldn’t (=all the examples in ex. 4, number 1). So: wasn’t able to work it out, wasn’t able
to complete, am still able to recall, wasn’t able to go travelling, would have been able to do both.

be allowed to: could retake = was allowed to retake

ought to (=should): should have realised = ought to have realised

Ex. 6

1. should have achieved (Grammar Ref. 12.6.2.)

2. did you have to (Grammar Ref. 12.3.3.)

3. might come (Grammar Ref. 12.1.2.)

4. didn’t need to do / needn’t have done (Grammar Ref. 12.4.1 & 12.4.2)

5. could have done (12.5.5.)

6. must have seen (12.2.1.)

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