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"A company has three discrete servers: a file server running Linux, a contact and e-mail
server running Windows Server, and a DNS and DHCP server running an earlier version of
Windows" "Server. Make a case for or against going virtual with this setup.

As an administrator of a system in such a case where several servers need to be set up, going for
virtual will be the best way to accomplish all this task. In most cases separating users and tasks
from each other and the main server is important. The most efficient and cheap way to
accomplish this is by creating a private server running parallel to each other through a process
called server virtualization.

The creation of virtual servers has been drifting for some years, it is an opportunity that knocks
organizations, with it bringing several assistances to those seeking resource savings and a more
dynamic IT management. also, it is a green technology.

Virtual server a way of enhancing a physical server by use of virtualization software to partition
the server so that it appears as several servers, after partitioning, each can run a different
operating system.

To explore server virtualization, I’ve listed some comprehensive benefits of server virtualization

a. Saves money. - When partitioning a physical server into several virtual servers, one can
install, run and maintain several operating system cases at once on one single physical server.
Using Few physical servers will reduce the amount of money spent on purchasing them.

b. Reducing the actual number of physical servers on their organization.

Even if the company is small, it is usually good to save space. Server virtualization will free a
lot of space because it will reduce the number of physical servers located on their premises.

c. Reduces energy consumption. – in this case, fewer physical servers will be used hence
power consumption will be greatly reduced. It is also important because we are moving to
green technology.

d. Creates an independent environment for different operations

In the case of this company, they will be able to have all their servers running without
interfering with each other on one physical server.

e. Easy backup and restoration

It is easy to flawlessly relocate virtual machines throughout an entirely virtual environment

furthermore from a physical server to another, with small effort on part of IT management.

f. Moving to cloud-based hosting is made easy

By making the servers virtual, they become portable, hence the company can easily move
them to any cloud hosting company the technology is ready.
g. Easy migration

When the company resolves to drift to a new operating system, it will be easier to keep all old
operating systems in a virtual machine without interfering with them, hence reducing the cost
of migration

Going virtual is better for it will be drastically more effective than using several servers for each
task. It will also lower the number of physical servers needed by the organization hence simplify
the management of the servers, reducing costs liked with running and maintaining servers.

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