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Running head: Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper

Jaicey Pruett

Paris Junior College 2301.200

Running head: Reflection Paper

The classroom, to me, is a safe place and should be for any child that enters the room at

any given time. In the videos, I learned that regardless of what a student wants, no budges should

be made. Orson Scott Card said in their review, “If you have to read it in class, then you have to

consider that you’ve been sentenced to a term in prison for a crime you didn’t commit. And you

serve your time.” – I love this saying and plan to use it when teaching books in my class in the

future. Personally, I believe that you need to be stern and stand firm in your teaching ways in

order to succeed.

The interaction that I saw in these videos was positive. The teacher explains that when

grading a paper, you need to point out the things the student did well as well as offering

suggestions on things that need improvement. She also explained that asking questions that came

to the readers’ part of her helped as well. In addition to this she also tells how she organizes her

classroom into a workshop set up that allows for direct interaction!

The Teacher does appeal to more than one learning style, including visual. The teacher

worked with a visual arts teacher to guide students in creating and performing scripts. In the 100

days of reading, she does interactive learning. She makes sure that the students have posters to

go along with that relate to the story line and helps explain the meaning of the book itself. In this

she includes guided reading, independent reading, interactive writing, and independent writing.

I saw many student-centered lessons as well as teacher centered. I loved watching how

the teacher included the students in “Connecting With The Arts..Take On?” by letting them take

the role of the writer, designer, performer, critic, researcher, and director during this hour lecture.

I have never thought of allowing the student to be so in control, but I would love to do that in the

Running head: Reflection Paper
Teaching is far from easy; in fact, it may be one of the most difficult things I have ever

done. Currently, I am managing a summer camp where I create lessons for the holiday and tutor

students if their parents request extra help. I have found that when teaching younger students, it

is much easier to included snacks into the mix. I teach fractions with cookies and spelling with

letter cookies as well! Allowing incentives with younger students has helped me a lot. I will

continue to take from these videos as I have learned a lot and hope to continue learning from

Running head: Reflection Paper
Works Cited

Card, Orson Scott. “Why Do I Have To Read This Book?” Annenberg Learner, 18 Oct. 2019,

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