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Pre Examination Training for SC/ST and Minority Candidates: Quantitative Aptitude - Set 2

S.N Question Choice1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5 Ans Explanation

Direction (Q. 11- Q.15):In each of these questions two equations numbered I and II are given.Solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option.
1) Quantity I>Quantity II
2) Quantity I<Quantity II
3) Quantity I ≥Quantity II
4) Quantity I ≤Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II or No relation

1 Quantity I:x; where 20x²-119x=-176; Quantity Quantity Quantity I<Quantity II Quantity I ≥Quantity II Quantity I ≤Quantity II Quantity I = 1 I:(4x-11)(5x-16)=0;x=11/4 ; x=16/5
I>Quantity II Quantity II or II:(45y+155)(y+1)=0; y=-155/45=-31/9;
II:y; where 45y²+200y+155=0
No relation
y=-1 x>y

2 Quantity I:x; where 12x²+47x+45=0; Quantity Quantity I<Quantity II Quantity I ≥Quantity II Quantity I ≤Quantity II Quantity I = 2 I:(3x+5)(4x+9)=0;x=-5/3 ; x=-9/4 II:(3y-
I>Quantity II Quantity II or
Quantity II:y; 18y² – 63y =- 40 8)(6y-5)=0; y=8/3; y=5/6 y>x
No relation
3 Quantity I:x; where 8x2– (16 + 3√5)x + 6√5 = 0 Quantity Quantity I<Quantity II Quantity I ≥Quantity II Quantity I ≤Quantity II Quantity I = 5 I:(8x – 3√5) (x – 2) = 0;x=(3√5)/8; x=2
I>Quantity II Quantity II or II:(3y – √5) (y – 2) = 0; y=√5/3; y=2
Quantity II:y; where 3y2– (6 + √5)y + 2√5 = 0 No relation

4 Quantity I:x; where -27 +x2 – 6x = 0; Quantity Quantity I<Quantity II Quantity I ≥Quantity II Quantity I ≤Quantity II Quantity I = 5 I:x2-6x-27=0; (x-9)(x+3)=0;
I>Quantity II Quantity II or
Quantity II:y, where -12y -72 + y2 = -6y; No relation x=9; x=-3 II:y2-12y+6y-72=0;
(y-12)(y+6)=0; y=12; y=-6

5 Quantity I:x, where x2– 4√2x + 6 = 0 Quantity Quantity I<Quantity II Quantity I ≥Quantity II Quantity I ≤Quantity II Quantity I = 5 I:(x-3√2)((x-√2)=0; x=3√2; x=√2
I>Quantity II Quantity II or II:(3y-4√2)(y-3√2)=0;
Quantity II; y,where 3y2– 13√2y + 24 = 0 No relation
y=(4√2)/3; y=3√2

6 In a concert in school, amount gathered by selling the tickets was Rs Statement I Statement I and II Statement II only Either statement I or Neither 4 Let the cost of each ticket = Rs x.
60000 when all were of equal value. Each student got 1 ticket. What only together Statement II Statement I So total no. of students who got the
was the cost of each ticket? nor tickets = 60000/x
Statement I: If the price of each ticket had been Rs 50 less, the total Statement II From statement I,
amount gathered would have been 15000 less. (x – 50) × 60000/x = 60000 – 15000
Statement II: If the price of each ticket had been Rs 50 more, the total On solving, we get cost of each ticket i.e
amount gathered would have increased by 25%. x = Rs 200
The above question can be answered using which of the given Similarly from statement II,
statement? (x + 50) × 60000/x = (125/100) × 60000
On Solving we get cost of each ticket i.e
x = Rs 200; Hence , the cost of each
ticket can be found either from Statement
I or from Statement II

Direction (Q.7-Q.11) What should come in place of (?) in the

following questions
7 5,10,13,26,29,? 56 58 60 62 64 2 2nd term = Ist term*2=5*2=10;
3rd term= 2nd term+3; 10+3= 13;
4th term=3rd term*2=13*2=26;
5th term=4th term+3=26+3=29
Required term=29*2=58

8 2,6,12,20,30,? 40 46 54 42 50 4 The pattern is 1*2, 2*3,3*4, 4*5,5*6, The

required term =6*7=42

9 0,31,242,1023,?,7775 2560 3025 3124 3358 2080 3 1st term=15-1=0; 2nd term=25-
1=31; 3rd term=3 -1=242; Required

10 10,3,14,6,18,12,? 36 27 30 25 22 5 Two patterns are being followed

1st pattern:(10,14,18) i.e increase by 4
so required term=18+4=22 2nd
pattern:(3,6,12) i.e each term getting
multiplied by 2

11 2,4,12,48,240,? 1040 1440 960 880 1226 2 2nd term = Ist term*2=2*2=4;
3rd term= 2nd term*3; 4*3= 12;
4th term=3rd term*4=12*4=48;
5th term=4th term*5=48*5=240;
Required term=240*6=1440

Direction (Q.12-Q.16) : Study the following pie diagrams caefully

and answer the question based on it
Composition of Human Body

Harmones 1/3
& enzymes,

Skin, 1/10
Bones, 1/6

Percentage composition of
nutrients,water and other elements in
human body

Other dry

Water, 70%

12 In the human body, what part is made of neither bones nor skin? 13/16 7/15 11/15 3/8 9/16 3 Part of body made neither of bones nor of
skin=1- {(1/6)+(1/10)} =11/15

13 What is the ratio of the distribution of proteins in the muscles to that of 03:01 02:01 02:05 03:05 05:16 2 Required ratio: {16% of
the distribution of proteins in the bones? (1/3)}/(16% of(1/6)}=2/1

14 What will be the quantity of water (in Kg) in a body of a person weighing 35 49 42 38.5 44 3 Required quantity=70% of 60= 42 kg
60 Kg?

15 What percent of the total weight of human body is equivalent to the 2.50% 1.80% 1.75% 1.60% 2.20% 4 Let the body weight be x kg,
weight of the proteins in skin in human body? weight of the proteins in skin in human
body= {16% of (1/10)of x} =(16x/1000)
kg Required
%={(16x*100/1000) /x}=1.6%

16 What is the central angle (in degrees) of the sector corresponding to 50.4° 45° 55.5° 52.3° 48° 1 Required angle = 14% of 360°= 50.4°
Other dry elements

Direction (Q17-22): The data given below is about the male and
female viewers of a match having varied preference in cold drinks,
juice and water.Read the data carefully and answer the following
The number of male viewers who are watching the match is 175% of Let no. of female viewers be x;
the number of female viewers who are watching the same match. The no. of male viewers=1.75x;
ratio of the number of viewers who like Cold drink , Juice and Water is No. of female viewers who like juice=
61 : 67 : 37. Each viewer likes only one item out of three. The number (160*x)/(3*100)=320; x= 600; Female
of male viewers who like Cold drink is 28% more than the male viewers viewers=600; male viewers
who like Juice. Ratio of the number of male viewers who like Water and =600*1.75=1050; Total
the male viewers who like Cold drink is 5:9. Number of female viewers viewers=1050+600=1650 No. of
who like Juice is 320 and is 160/3% of the number of total female viewers who like Cold drinks=
viewers. The ratio of number of female viewers who like Cold drink and (61*1650)/165=610; No. of viewers
Water is 4 : 3. who like Juice= (67*1650)/165=670;
No. of viewers who like
; Let the no. of female
viewers who like only cold drink=c; no. of
female viewers who like only water=w;
No. of female viewers who like either cold
drinks or water= 600-320=280;
c+w=280; c:w=4:3; c= 160; w=120;

17 Find the difference between the male viewers who like Water and 80 85 90 95 100 3 No. of male who like water=370(total)-
female viewers who like Cold drink? 120(female)=250; No. of female viewers
who like cold drinks=160; Required

18 The number of female viewers who like Cold drink and Water together 25%, more 20%, less 25%, less 20%, more 30%,less 2 No. of female who like cold drink and
is how much percent more or less than the number of male viewers who water together=280; -------i)
like Juice? No. of male viewers who like
juice=670(total)-320(female)=350; --------
ii) i)<ii);(350-280)*100/350=20%

19 Find the average of the number of viewers who like Cold drink and Juice 610 650 630 640 660 4 Required
together? average=(610+670)/2=1280/2=640
20 Find the ratio of the total viewers who like Cold drink and Water 7/9 14/15 16/19 17/19 10/13 2 Required ratio: {610(cold
together to the total number of male viewers drinks+370(water)}:1050(male)=14:15

21 Total number of male viewers who like Juice and female viewers who 116/7 % 257/13 % 309/9 % 267/13 % 340/11 % 5 Required
like Cold drink together are what percent of the total number of viewers? %=(350+160)*100)/1650=(510*100)/165

22 Find the ratio of the female viewers who like water to the total number of 3/17 3/5 4/15 7/15 4/9 3 Required ratio:120 (female who like
male viewers who like cold drinks water)/450(male who like cold

Direction (Q23-28): Answer the questions based on the line graph

given below which depicts the ratio of Exports to Imports of two
countries A and B over the years
Ratio of Exports to Imports (in Crores) of two countries (A,
B) over the years
2 1.75 1.75
1.5 1.25 1.25
1 1
1 0.75 0.75

0.5 0.75 0.75

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


23 In how many years over the given period , were the exports more than 2 3 4 1 No such year 2 For ratio>1 implies exports>imports. For
the imports for country A country A, ratio>1 for 3 years

24 In which year the difference between the imports and exports of country 2013 2015 2017 & 2018 2014 & 2017 Cannot be 5 For eg in 2013; for country B ; E/I=0.75;
B was maximum? determined E= 0.75I; Now I- E= I-
0.75I=0.25I ; Hence to find out the
difference, Import data for the
corresponding year should be made
available, otherwise it cannot be

25 If the exports of Country A in 2016 were Rs 1237 cr, what was the 1729.75 1699.66 1679.33 1649.33 1729.67 4 In 2016, E/I= 0.75; I=1237/0.75=1649.33
amount of imports (in cr) in that year

26 If the imports of country A in 2015 were increased by 40%; what would 1.2:1 1.25 : 1 1.35 :1 1.3 :1 Cannot be 2 In 2015, E:I= 1.75; E=1.75I; Now New
be the ratio of exports to the increased imports ? determined imports I2= I+40%I=1.4I; the required

27 In 2013,the exports of Country A was double that of Country B. If the 2250 2150 2300 2100 2175 4 In 2013; for country A ; EA/IA=1.75; EA=
imports of country A during that year was Rs 1800 cr, what was the 1.75IA; (EA,IA are exports and Imports of
import for country B during that year? country A);
EB/IB=0.75; EB,IB are exports and
imports of Country B;
Now EA= 2EB ; EB=EA/2;
Now EA=1.75*1800=3150;

28 In how many years over the given period , were the imports more than 1 2 3 Cannot be 4 2 For ratio<1 implies imports>exports. For
the exports for country B determined country B, ratio<1 for 2 years

Direction (Q29-Q33):What value will come in place of question

mark (?) in the given question?
29 {(856+165)2 +(856-165)2}/(856*856+165*165)=? 2 4 1011 691 2022 1 Given expression:{(a+b)2+(a-

30 (5.32*56+5.32*44)/(7.662-2.342)=? 4 10 5.32 100 766 2 Given

2.34); (5.32*100)/(10*5.32)=10

31 {(0.953*0.953-0.953*0.047+0.047*0.047) 0.32 0.886 1.1286 1 0.756 4 Given expression: (a2-ab+b2

/(0.953*0.953*0.953+0.047*0.047*0.047) = ? )/(a3+b3)=1/(a+b); Here a= 0.953;
b=0.047; 1/(0.953+0.047)=1

32 [{(96*?/12)-(7*2)}/(72-8*6+?2)]=0 1 3/4 4/7 1 3/5 5/8 3 1 Let ?=x; given expression [{(96*x)/12-
14}/(49-48+x )]=0; (96x)/12=14; x=7/4=1

33 587.4+58.74*2 - 5.874/{(8+?)/4)}=702.744 2 4 3 1/2 3/7 3 let (8+?)/4=x; given expression:

5.874/x=2.136; x=
5.874/2.136=11/4. Now (8+?)/4=11/4,
therefore ? =11-8=3

34 A, B and C enter into a partnership by investing in the ratio of (3/7) : 56250 56750 59675 57500 58800 5 A, B and C enter into a partnership by
(5/3) : (7/6). After 6 months, A increased his investment by 50 %. If the investing in the ratio
total profit at the end of the year is Rs. 169800, then find the share of C = > (3/7) : (5/3) : (7/6).
(in Rs)?
= >18 : 70 : 49; The
shares of A, B and C after 1 year

= > [18 * 6 + 18 *(150/100)* 6] : [70 * 12]

: [49 *12]

= >270 : 840 : 588

= >45 : 140 : 98; C's share:

35 5years ago, the age of the mother and daughter was in the ratio of 7: 2. 10 12 16 14 18 3 Let 5 years ago, age of mother and
Eight years after, the age of the mother and 5 years after the age of the daughter be 7x, 2x; 8 years after,
daughter will be in the ratio of 12 : 5. The average Present age of the age of mother-7x+13; 5
mother, father, daughter and son is 25 years. The difference between years after age of daughter=2x+10;
the present age of the father and his son is 25 years. Then find the age (7x+13)/(2x+10)=12/5; On solving;
of son after 6 years? x= 5; Present age of
Present age of daughter=2*5+5=15;
Average age of Father, Mother, son and
daughter=25; Sum of the ages of 4
members=25*4=100; Let
Father's present age be A; Son's present
age be B; A+B=100-
(40+15)=45; ----i) A-B=25; -------ii)
On solving i) and ii) A=35 ; B=10 ;
Son's age after 6 years=10+6=16 years

36 Ram spent 20 % of her monthly salary on fruits, 18 % on education, 12 15% 18% 20% 22% 16% 3 (18 % – 12 %) of salary = 4500;
% on insurance and X % on other expenses. If the difference between 6 % of salary = 4500
the amount spent on education and insurance is Rs. 4500 and the Total salary = 4500* (100/6) = Rs. 75000
saving is Rs. 22500, then find the value of X? Savings % = (22500/75000)* 100 = 30 %

Total salary (100 %) = Expense (70 %) +

Savings (30 %)
Given,Expense = 70 %
70 % = (20 %(fruits) + 18 %(education) +
12 %(insurance) + X %)

X % = 70 % – 50 % = 20 %

37 If the unit digit in the product 459*46*28x*484 is 2, the digit in place of 3 4 5 7 6 4 In the product of 459, 46 and 484, the
x, which is also a factor of 343 is …..... digit at units place will be 6. In order to
obtain 2 at units place, 6 must be
multiplied by 2 or 7. But the digit x is also
a factor of 343. Hence the answer is 7

38 A seller marked an article at Rs 500 and sold it allowing 20% discount. 305.5 307.69 308.67 309.86 308.64 2 Marked price of an article = 500
If his profit was 30%, then the cost price (in Rs) of the article was ∴ SP of an article = 500 x (100 – 20)/100
= (500 x 80)/100
= 400
Hence, cost price of an article = (400 x
100)/(100 + 30)
= (400 x 100)/130
= 307.69
39 A container contains 40 litres of Milk. From this container, 4 Litres of 29.16 35.43 26.78 27.54 28.36 1 Operations carried out 3 times ( 1+2).
Milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was repeated Amount of Milk left after 3 operations 40
further 2 times. How much milk in Litres is now contained by the {(1-(4/40))3 }.-
container. 40*(9*9*9)/(10*10*10)=29.16

40 A can complete a piece of work in 25 days. B is 25% more efficient than A. 9 3/7 9 3/8 8 8/9 7 5/6 7 3/5 3 A can complete the work in in 25 days.
C is 25% more efficient than B. In how many days B and C together can B can complete the same work = 25/125
complete the same piece of work? *100 = 20 days.
C can complete the same work = 20/125
* 100 = 16 days
So B and C can finish this work = ( 20*
16)/( 20+16) =320/36 = 8 8/9 days

41 Pulse worth Rs. 130 kg and Rs. 140 per kg mixed with the third variety 155 165 175 160 175 2 Let the cost of third variety will be Rs. x
in the ratio 1:1:2. The mixture pulse is worth Rs. 150 per Kg, Then find Then (130+ 140 + 2x )/ 4 = 150
out the cost of third variety per kg ? =>2x= 600-270=330
=>x= Rs. 165

42 A boat can travel 2.5km upstream in 30 min. If the ratio of the speed of 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 Speed = 7x:2x
the boat in still water to the speed of the stream is 7:2. How much time Downstream = (7+2)x=9x; upstream =(7-
(in hr)will the boat take to cover 36km downstream ? 2)x=5x
Upstream speed = 2.5/0.5 = 5kmph
Now , 5x = 5
Downstream speed = 9*1 = 9
Time taken for 36km downstream = 36/9
= 4 hr
43 The perimeter of a rectangle and a square is 160 cm each. The 900 1000 1100 1300 1200 3 Let x be the side of the square; 4x=160;
difference between their areas is 500 cm2. If the area of the rectangle is x=40; area of the square= 40*40=1600
less than that of a Square then find the area of the rectangle(in cm 2) cm2 ; Let area of rectangle be y; 1600-
y=500; y=1100

44 The ratio selling prices of three materials P,Q and R is 19:25:27., the 1530 1676 1704 1736 1680 3 Let the profits be 7a,10a,4a; Ratio of
ratio of percentage profit is 7:10:4, respectively. If the cost price of SP of material P to material Q ;
material P and Q is 400 and 500 respectively. Then what is the total 400*(1+7a/100)/ 500*(1+10a/100) =
selling price of all three materials? 19/25
Profit percentages = 14%, 20% and 8%;
Let the SP be 19y,25y and 27 y
19y = 400*114/100
y = 24
Total SP = (19+25+27)*24 = 1704
Direction (Q45-Q50):A pharmaceutical company produces 5
different medicines(A,B,C,D and E) .The sales of these 5 medicines
(in lakh number of strips) during the year 2010 and 2018 are
shown in the following bar graph.The questions given below are
based on this graph

Sales (in lakh number of strips) of 5 different medicines

produced by the company in 2010 and 2018
20 15
12 10
6 8
10 5

2010 2018

45 The sales have increased by 140% from 2010 to 2018 in the case of A B C D E 1 % increased in A :(48-
20)*100/20=140%, B:(37-
6)*100/6=516.67% C:(30-
15)*100/15=100%; D:(12-
8)*100/8=50%; E:(10-
46 The minimum rate of increase in sales is in the case of which medicine A B C D E 4 Increase in D is by 50% and is lowest
over the period 2010 and 2018

47 The sales of medicine A was by what % more than the sale of medicine 52 60 48 62 44 2 Required %=(48-30)*100/30=60%
C in 2018
48 The sales of medicine C in 2010 was what % of sales of medicine D 75% 120% 125% 90% 95% 3 Required %=15*100/12=125%

49 What is the ratio of the sales of medicine E in 2018 to the sales of 03:05 01:03 02:05 01:04 01:02 5 Required ratio: 10:20=1:2
medicine A 2010

50 The sales of medicine A and B together in 2018 is what % more than 105.76 104.32 102.38 106.54 103.36 3 Required %{ (48+37)-
sales of medicine C and D together in 2018 ? (30+12)}*100/42=102.38%

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