Agegroup Copy Tool

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NX AgeGroup Copy Tool

Intended Use

Premium Musica2 packages on NX require separate Paediatrics exams. The NX2008

Configuration Tool and its predecessors do not allow copying the existing 17+ AgeGroup
exposure types into the Paediatric AgeGroups. This can be performed using the NX
AgeGroup Copy Tool.

Note that successors of the NX2008 Configuration Tool do implement additional features that
allow copying between AgeGroups, which reduces the need to use the AgeGroup Copy Tool.


The NX AgeGroup Copy Tool is delivered as a separate installer for the NX2008 version,
which must be installed on top of an NX2008 Offline Config Tool.

For the NX2008 successors, the tool is installed as part of the OffLine Config Tool

Note that the tool is not available on an NX system; it is only available as part of the OffLine
Config Tool installation.

Starting Up

There is a shortcut available in the Start Menu group of the OffLine Config Tool installation.


- Start from a full configuration export xml. Just the exam tree export file is not sufficient.

- If the configuration export xml originates from an NX version prior to NX2008, the export
xml should first be imported into the NX Config Tool or the NX Offline Config Tool and
exported again. The exported file can then be loaded into the AgeGroup Copy Tool. This step
is required in order to guarantee correct settings for NX EI/LGM behaviour and NX New
Features license.
Using the AgeGroup Copy Tool:

Note: dialogue screenshots below are only illustrative and may vary slightly for NX2008
successor versions.

1. Via the File menu select the full export configuration and press the start button to start
the AgeGroup copy.
2. In the main window select if the XRG modality settings of the selected exposures have
to be copied as well. Note: if the modality settings are copied, they should be adjusted
manually since in most cases the adult XRG modality settings cannot be used for
paediatric exposures.
3. After the file has been loaded, an exposure selection dialog pops up offering 2
selection criteria:
- select exposures by exam group (Mammo and QA-Exams are not included in the
- select exposures by exposure group
Note: if the target exam groups already contain paediatric exposure types you will be
asked if the existing paediatric exposure types can be deleted.

If you respond Yes, the paediatric exposures will be deleted and the copy process is
started. If you respond No, the process is stopped and you should terminate the
application by clicking the Done button in the main application window.
4. If exposures are selected via exposure groups
- only the exposure types listed in the selected exposure group are duplicated to the
paediatric AgeGroups
- the copied exposures are added into the corresponding exposure group
- if the source exposure types were included in a print sheet, similar print sheets will
be created for the duplicated exposure types in the target AgeGroup.

5. If exposures are selected via exam groups

- all exposures of the selected exam groups are duplicated to the paediatric
- if the exposure belongs to an exposure group, then
- the copied paediatric exposures are included into the exposure group
- exposure types which are included in the exposure group but did not occur in
the original selected exposure list are copied to the paediatric exam groups as
- if the source exposure types where included in a print sheet, similar print sheets
will be created for the duplicated exposure types in the target AgeGroup.

Warnings are submitted in case incomplete print sheets are created. This could occur
in case print sheets contain Mammo or QA-exams combined with exposure types that
are selected for duplication.

6. Last step of the copy is the export of the modified configuration. The export file is
stored on the same location as the import file but with the string "Duplicated_"
inserted at the start of the filename.

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