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STRENGTHENING Rural women in developing countries tend to be poorer than men,

produce less from farming and are much more vulnerable to an
THE RESILIENCE increasing risk of climate change. In Uganda, new ALL-IN research is
testing a comprehensive approach to supporting women to improve
AND their on-farm productivity, increase their resilience to shocks and
EMPOWERMENT enhance their overall empowerment. This research builds evidence on
what mix of interventions create the most opportunity for women to
OF WOMEN escape poverty and secure resilience to improve the well-being of their
families and communities.
FARMERS IN The Challenge
Women are critical to agriculture in
Uganda, contributing about 90 percent of
UGANDA the nation’s food.1 Women are also more
A recent paper1 argues that policy-
oriented research on women’s
vulnerable than men to agricultural shocks empowerment would benefit more if a
Lead Principal Investigator caused by disasters like drought and flood combination of methods was applied to
Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi, Makerere because the majority are poor, largely better understand the “why’s” as well
University subsistence-oriented and depend on less as the “what’s” of different approaches.
rewarding farming practices to produce Combining a randomized controlled trial
Project Partners low-value crops. (RCT) with other qualitative methods
Uganda Insurers Association; Uganda will generate robust evidence to explain
Women’s vulnerability to agricultural
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and causalities, especially when testing the
shocks is exacerbated by additional burdens
Fisheries, University of Florida impacts of different interventions.
imposed on them both in and outside
Use of mixed methods in RCTs makes
Development Innovation of the home. Women have less decision-
it possible to determine both the
Integrating farm inputs, training, making power inside the home while quantitative and qualitative impacts of
community/men support and agricultural carrying a heavy unpaid care workload. the interventions and their causes. Mixed
index insurance to empower women Women’s limited control over their land methods combine the counterfactual
smallholder farmers and even the proceeds from selling what analysis from an RCT with factual analysis
Commodity they grow keep them from opportunities by using quantitative and qualitative data
Arable crops and livestock that include quality inputs and extension to examine the causal chain. In this study,
services, credit and even off-farm income.2 mixed-methods in impact evaluation yield
Targeted Population As climate change increases farming a more rounded and nuanced picture
Women smallholder farmers risks, what interventions help women of an intervention’s overall impact by
Country/Location to adapt? A comprehensive approach gathering more rich, comprehensive
Uganda focused on building women’s resilience and diverse perspectives from the
and empowerment may be a viable way to quantitative and qualitative measures,
Timeline enhance general household food security, providing credible evidence and ensuring
2021-2024 better nutrition and reduced poverty.3 that the findings are grounded in the
experience of participating women
Funding smallholder farmers.
$450,000 (USAID) Research Design
This ALL-IN research project led by 1
De Haan, A., et al. 2020. “To RCT or not,
Makerere University in Uganda seeks is not the Questions: Methods for Policy-
to transform and improve women Relevant Research on Gender Equality.” World
smallholders’ empowerment in agriculture Development.


So every rural family can take control of their future
and their resilience to agricultural shocks. Development Impact FEED THE FUTURE ADVANCING
The project employs a mixed methods Climate change is having an indelible LOCAL LEADERSHIP &
approach that draws on expertise from impact on poverty in Uganda, causing INNOVATION NETWORKS
economics, agriculture, social anthropology frequent and intensive weather extremes
and gender studies. The project takes place
leading to droughts, flooding, landslides,
in Uganda districts with high levels of hailstorms and erratic rainfall that have This research is funded by the Feed
poverty, poor nutritional outcomes and a increased rural poverty from 23 percent the Future Advancing Local Leadership &
high risk of agricultural shocks. in 2012 to 25 percent in 2017.4 Improving Innovation Networks (ALL-IN) initiative,
The project begins with qualitative research agricultural productivity now is critical an innovative collaboration between the
with men and women farmers, community considering forecasts that poverty will Kenya-based think tank International
leaders, policy makers and technical staff to increase even more due to the current Centre for Evaluation and Development
understand the local concepts of women’s COVID-19 pandemic which caused severe (ICED) and the U.S.-based Feed the
empowerment and the agricultural shocks disruptions to rural livelihoods, especially Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk &
women face. The team is measuring among women. Resilience at the University of California
women’s empowerment with pro-WEAI, This project contributes directly to a at Davis.
which was developed by the International number of USAID and Feed the Future Launched in 2020, ALL-IN advances
Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) objectives in Uganda. This includes host-country leadership in defining and
with support from USAID to standardize strengthening and achieving a well- implementing research projects and to
field research on women’s empowerment nourished population, understanding deepen host-country networks. The
in agriculture while providing flexibility to key drivers of vulnerability, increasing initiative funds research to develop and
adapt to local contexts. households’ capacity to manage risk and test financial and market innovations that
The team is also testing a suite of diversifying community and household take the most promising agricultural tools
interventions that help women respond for rural families in developing economies
assets. The project also maintains a strong
from the lab to the field.
effectively to agricultural shocks. The focus on gender by seeking to empower
Historically, Feed the Future Innovation
interventions include (1) an input package women by increasing their access to
Labs have built their research programs
of seed for stress-tolerant and nutrient- financial resources, improved agricultural on partnerships between researchers
rich crop varieties and fertilizer; (2) practices and reduced vulnerability to at U.S. universities and researchers at
training on climate-smart agriculture agricultural shocks. host-country universities and institutions.
technologies and practices, business skills, National efforts have begun to focus Historically, these partnerships have been
gender transformative approaches; and (3) on community-wide rural resilience and led, in both program administration and
weather-based index insurance to mitigate on women’s inclusion but separately.5 the ideas that drive the research, from
the risk of crop failure. This ALL-IN project integrates multiple the U.S. ALL-IN shifts this leadership role
The interventions are implemented approaches with a focus on improving to researchers and institutions in Africa.
as a randomized controlled trial (RCT) women’s livelihoods as well as their ALL-IN builds on research capacity
to test their impacts on key outcomes empowerment. This research offers a in African countries by inverting
that include household welfare, women’s window for policies that effectively address the traditional model of research
empowerment and resilience to agricultural women’s vulnerability to agricultural shocks collaborations led from U.S. universities.
shocks. The research team has identified through interventions that will increase With funding through ALL-IN,
48 savings/microfinance groups, from their agricultural productivity, help diversify researchers at African institutions lead
which ten women are selected at random to their incomes and improve the wellbeing of these collaborations, defining research
participate in one of five groups: their families. priorities and leveraging their local
• T1: Input package, trainings and knowledge, skills and ideas to build
weather-based index insurance
Feed the Future. 2015. actionable evidence for effective policy
FAO. 2019. “The State of Food Security and with U.S. university research partners
• T2: Input package and trainings only Nutrition in the World 2019. Safeguarding against to supplement their own skills, talents
• T3: Trainings and weather-based economic slowdowns and downturns.”
USAID. 2018. “Global Food Security Strategy and ideas. ALL IN also addresses capacity
index insurance only
(GFSS) Uganda Country Plan.” gaps among many research institutions in
• T4: Input package and weather-based 4
Uganda Bureau of Statistics. 2018. managing large and complex awards.
index insurance only 5
Financial Sector Deepening. 2018. “FinScope
• Control: No interventions Uganda: Topline findings report, Kampala.” Learn more at

This report is made possible by the generous support of ABOUT FEED THE FUTURE insecurity and malnutrition. By equipping people
the American people through the United States Agency with the knowledge and tools they need to feed
for International Development (USAID) cooperative As the U.S. Government’s global hunger and themselves, Feed the Future addresses the root
agreement 7200AA19LE00004. The contents are the food security initiative, Feed the Future works causes of poverty and hunger, helping people
responsibility of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for to give families and communities in some of end their reliance on aid and creating important
the world’s poorest countries the freedom opportunities for a new generation of young
Markets, Risk and Resilience and do not necessarily reflect
and opportunity to lift themselves out of food people—all while building a more stable world.
the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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