Chandra Ponnekanti Resume

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Chandra P
Phone: +1(647)424-0224
Address: Toronto, ON


Self-motivated and highly organized team player and excellent communicator QA experience. Looking to obtain
the position of Quality Assurance Engineer/SDET, offering exceptional follow-up skills, spreadsheet and
analytical expertise, and detail-orientation to track down errors in several tracking tools.


 Having 5+ years of experience in Software Quality Assurance with emphasis on Manual and Automation
testing, which comprising of Functional, Regression, system testing, system integration testing and
Automation testing of various client/server, web - based applications.
 Expertise in developing Automation frameworks with Selenium WebDriver using JAVA and C#.
 Hands on experience in developing Automation Scripts, Execution and Analysis Test Results using Data
Driven Framework in Selenium.
 Solid experience of Agile Methodologies and Scrum processes.
 Strong Experience and Involved in SDLC (Software Development life Cycle).
 Strong experience in reviewing requirements, design documents and developing Test Plans, Test
Scenarios, Test cases, Test Scripts and Test metrics.
 Experience on Performance Testing tool Apache, MTM.
 Experience in defect tracking and change management using HP ALM/QC and JIRA, Bamboo, Load
 Experience working with software tools Jenkins, Maven and GIT.
 Webservice automation using C#, Soap UI and tested web services manually using POSTMAN.
 Experience in Test planning and conducting Backend, GUI, Functional, Sanity, System, Integration, end-
to-end, System, Web testing, User Acceptance Testing, Bug tracking and Reporting.
 Experience in Automating Test cases in TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior Driven
 Created and maintained Test Metrics for management reporting.
 Proficient in backend testing including writing SQL queries for testing data integrity and validating
business rules.
 Captured Daily Bug Reports and generated weekly Status reports using Microsoft TFS.
 Web Service testing (RESTful) and Automation using C#, .Net based framework, Apache Microsoft Test
Manager (MTM), using JSON, XML payloads.
 Worked with VBScript, QTP for automation testing, and validated WSDL, Response messages and
Databases in SOAPUI (Groovy   Script).
 Experienced with Web Services, SOAP, SOAP UI, WSDL technologies. 
 Experienced in using LINUX platform with LINUX commands for root cause analysis and backend server
 Involved in Peer Reviews of Test cases/Defects and developed, maintained Review Checklists.
 Created and executed Manual and Automated test scripts for Functional, Confidence/Smoke/Sanity,
System, Security, Performance, Load and Stress testing.
 Worked on Operating Systems like UNIX\WINDOWS and Strong Database (Oracle, SQL Server, My SQL,
and MS Access) testing skills using SQL.
 Experience in reviewing applicable requirement documents and conducting second requirements scrub.
As a Test coordinator, responsible for providing daily status report, sending communications, preparing final
status report for the project.


Languages JAVA, C#, VB Script, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, Groovy, JavaScript.

Automation Testing Tools Selenium Web Driver, Selenium IDE, QTP, Cucumber, Bamboo,
Postman, Protractor, JMeter
Frameworks TestNG and JUnit, Jasmine, Visual Studio
Web Service Tools SOAP, SOA, SoapUI, WSDL
Software Tools Maven, Jenkins, Apache Charles HTTP Proxy, Apache, MTM
Defect tracking Tools JIRA, TFS, Bugzilla, HP Quality Center,
Database Git
Methodologies Agile-Scrum
Test Framework Data Driven Framework, POM, Hybrid


AppStudio Toronto,
QA Analyst Nov 2019 to Present

 Involved in various stages of development of the project starting from the project planning until
production and maintenance using Agile methodology.
 Automated the manual test cases using Selenium WebDriver and using JAVA.
 Configured TestNG Framework to execute Selenium scripts.
 Studied and analyzed the Functional Requirements, System Design Specifications, and interacted with
Business Analyst & developers for changes in requirements if any.
 Worked in a fast-paced Agile Scrum team environment.
 Created test scripts using C# and Selenium Web Driver for the functional test cases.
 Used Maven to create taste suite and creating technical and managerial reports.
 Assisted Manager by providing automation strategies, Selenium/Cucumber Automation and JIRA reports.
 Developed BDD tests using Cucumber by writing behaviors and step definitions. Developed required
Selenium support code in JAVA for Cucumber.
 Attending Sprint Plan meetings and estimating story points for each user story.
 Analyzing the User Stories, New Features/Enhancements in JIRA.
 Experienced in performing e2e tests using Protractor under Jasmine framework.
 Automated Test cases in TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior Driven Development)
 Developed test cases and executed the same based on Acceptance Criteria.
 Used BDD framework with Cucumber, Java and created future files with scenario and scenario outline
 Involved in Selenium web driver test scripts and writing Selenium supporting classes through JAVA.
 Performed Integration of automation batch run job with Jenkins.
 Customized the Selenium Test as per the Test Case by using the C# Script.
 Experienced with automated API testing and SOAP UI and Restful web service testing.
 Designed and automated the manual test cases using Selenium Web driver, and C#.
 Automated the manual test cases using Selenium Web Driver, QTP and VBScript.
 Performed data setup / testing of Rest services using Postman.
 Performed Regression testing activities in Test environment and Production support environment.
 Generated, parsed and validated JSON and XML formatted data using Groovy Script that received in
response from REST API calls.
 Worked on Logging issues into HP Quality Center.
 Involved in backend testing of the application by executing SQL commands.
 Take offshore calls and resolve work related issues and review the day-to-day work deliverables.
 Used Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) for all the source code maintenance among the whole
team members.

Environment: Selenium Web Driver, Agile, TestNG, JAVA, WSDL, Agile-Scrum, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, SOAP
UI, C#, API, Restful, SQL Server 2012, JIRA, VisualStudio2013/2015, HP Quality Centre, C#, VBScript, TFS,
Postman, Protractor, Jasmine.

AppIncubator Noida, India

QA Test Analyst Nov 2016 to Oct

 Performed functional testing of SOAP & Restful Web Services using SOAPUI Tool.
 Developed automation script for Web applications using Appium, Java.
 Designed automation test cases by using Java, JUnit, Maven and Selenium Web driver.
 Used Selenium Grid to run test cases in multiple browsers and Platforms.
 Implemented POM (Page Object Model) automation framework using JAVA, Selenium Web driver and
 Involved in implementing BDD framework using Cucumber while working on project.
 Experienced in load and performance testing tool JMeter.
 Used C# as a programming language and Visual Studios as IDE for automating the Test Suite with
Selenium WebDriver.
 Tested Service Oriented Architecture application using Soap UI.
 Tested request and response XML's based web services interfaces using SoapUI.
 Tested SOAP and Restful Web Services using SOAP UI.
 Following-up with developers as to the status of JIRAs and ensuring that the issues are resolved.
 Involved in creating automation test suites for progression & regression testing in Soap UI.
 Used Java language and JUnit framework for scripting.
 Managed Test results and defects using HP Load Runner defect tracking tool.
 Log defects using JIRA application and communicate the defect status updates to the responsible
analysis and implementation teams. 
 Working with Java to use Selenium-WebDriver API library to write automation scripting with Cucumber
Feature and Scenario.
 Performed Smoke, Functionality, Integration, System, Regression tests based on Analysis, and
understanding of the requirements, non-functional specifications, and end-user needs.
 Used Git as code repository and Code Collaborator to manage code reviews.
 Managed Code reviews using GIT as code repository and code collaborator.
 Used HP Quality Centre for Test Case management, Test Case executions, Defect Tracking and
Reporting Test progress to the Project management teams.
 Involved in writing SQL queries for backend/ETL testing.
 Prepared manual and functional test cases of web applications as per requirement
 Participated in Weekly Status meetings with project manager, Business Analyst, Developers and other
team members.
 Used Eclipse, IDE and TESTNG framework to develop test code in Java language.

Environment: Java, Appium, Selenium IDE, Load Runner, SQL, IOS, Mobile Testing, Jira, GIT, JUNIT, Oracle10g,
Jenkins, Microsoft Test Manager, JMeter, Maven, Cucumber, Eclipse, IDE.

Enguru Global Solutions Hyderabad,

QA Automation / Manual Tester Sep 2014 to Oct 2016

 Developed Test Plans, Test Cases to test the Screens and ability to work using cross-functional using agile
 Converted Business Requirements and Design Documentation into Test Cases and Test Scripts. 
 Used SOAPUI for checking the correct transmission of data and to test web services.
 Tested Web services using SOAPUI tool.
 Designed, analyzed, and performed Integration and wrote System requirements on different leading. 
 Created test scripts via Selenium l (Selenium) for UI and functional testing which can be added to JUnit
based manual regression test suite. 
 Used HP/ALM Quality Center bug tracking tool to analyze & capture bugs, track and manage dashboard any
type of updates for project release. 
 Developed and executed various scripts using Selenium for testing of various functionalities. 
 Involved in testing compatibility of software under various Internet Browsers manually and using Selenium. 
 Executed and Analyzed Test Results using a Hybrid Framework in Selenium. 
 Wrote shell scripts to simplify running a set of commands from Linux machines. 
 Identified and isolated software defects and reported them via JIRA. 
 Followed the Agile Methodology to emphasize on real time communication over written documentation. 
 Performed backend testing for data validation using SQL Queries. 
 Performed Web Testing to check for broken links on the various application pages. 
 Performed Acceptance, Usability, Cross-Platform and Regression Testing during different stages of the
Application Development. 
 Used HP ALM/Quality Center to store Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Scripts and for Defect tracking. 
 Categorized bugs based on the severity and interacted with developers to resolve them. 
 Extensively used Microsoft Office Suite of products for documentation and data interpretation.  

Environment: HP/ALM Quality Center, JUNIT, Selenium, Linux, JIRA, SQL Server, WINDOWS, M.S Office, JAVA,

● JNTU Kakinada, Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology

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