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Alma Mater Values

Voice of Love

The compass that always points North is the most important tool for the captain of a ship, to steer it
in the right direction. An uncompromising value system is the mental compass for ethical and moral
living. For great people, their life is value based; and for the mediocre, their values are life based. A
value is a value only when the value is not compromised even under testing circumstances. A value
system is never subject to negotiation. Compromising on values is like selling your soul. Let us
discuss in this column the values of Alma Mater, an organisation that has been mentoring hundreds
of thousands of people on holistic living.

I understand every human being is unique and they have the right to be
different. I understand relationship is not built on agreement, but it is built
by understanding.
In a world where nothing repeats, you are doomed if you do not have the attitude to look at differences
positively. In a world that is filled with many people, many choices, many temperaments, and many ways,
you can never find harmony in relationships unless you learn to look at differences positively.
Man is not sure about himself. So he needs mass endorsement. As a result he assumes - “If the world is
different from me, then either they are wrong or I am wrong.” So man desperately seeks conformity,
obedience and duplication. 'Become like me; be like me' seems to be the crying. If everyone is like
everyone, then what is life? Then where is originality? What about uniqueness? Every human being is
unique and they have the right to be different.
The husband wants his wife to be like his mother, and the wife wants the husband to behave like her
brother. In fact, the whole family, from husband to mother-in-law to sister-in-law, works as a team to
convert the girl into what they call 'our family type'. Dad wants to decide the dress code for the daughter,
and the mother decides what career the son should pursue. A whole society with incomplete life cycles is
after the life of a kid, to mould him into what they want him to be. In trying to mould others the way we
want, we experience war zones in relationships instead of harmony.
The other person is not ugly or beautiful - she is different. His taste is not bad or good - it is different. It is
not that you cannot think like others - you are different. In life nothing repeats, and what can be repeated
has no life in it. Instead of wasting time in changing the other, start cherishing the other - with his
differences, in spite of the differences.
That is her way. This is my way. What is your way? Remember, there is no His way. The freedom of
relationship is in this understanding. Do you agree? If not, at least, do you understand?

Owned & Published by T.T. RANGARAJAN from 3, 3rd Cross Road, R.A.Puram, Chennai-600 028 and Printed by: N. JAYARAMAN at MWN PRESS, New No.35, Old No.27,
Lloyds Road, Triplicane, Chennai-600 005. Editor : T.T. RANGARAJAN

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