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OCPOL N4180 E Is a Thixotropic, Pre accelerated and medium reactive Orthophthalic Unsaturated
Polyester Resin with a blue catalyst colour change indicator. It is formulated for the production of regular
GRP panels in the marine, Industrial and Transport applications with hand lay up or spray up processes.

It is extra inhibited to help good shelf life in Middle East climate and Geltime adjusted to suit higher
ambient temperature work environment.

The accelerator system incorporated in the resin gives medium long Geltime, good reactivity, relatively
low exotherm and quick de-moulding time in medium thick laminates (3-8 mm) applied wet on wet. It
comes with a controlled Viscosity level ensuring good glass fibre impregnation.


Colour & Appearance: Blue, cloudy.

Density: 1.10 - 1.14 ISO 2811 - 2001

Viscosity, Cone & Plate 220 – 250 cP ISO 2884 - 1999

Viscosity Brookfield LVF Spindle 2, 12 RPM: 1300 –1500 MPa ISO 2884 - 1974

Acid Value (max): 24 mg KOH/ gm. ISO 2114 – 1996

Gel Time: (1% Butanox M-50 equivalent) 50 – 80 Minutes

Styrene Content (% weight): 40 ± 2

Flash Point 32 °C

Shelf Life: 6 Months from Date of Manufacture.

 Recommended Laminate Thickness: 3-8 mm (applied wet on wet)

The general information here is to assist customers in determining whether our products are suitable for their applications. We require customers to inspect and test our products before use
and to satisfy themselves as to contents and suitability for their specific applications. We warrant that our products will meet our written specifications. Nothing herein shall constitute any
other warranty express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor is any protection from any law or patent to be inferred. The exclusive
remedy for all proven claims is limited to replacement of our materials and in no event shall we be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages.

OCPOL N4180E Rev 01/ 05-07-2018 Page 1of 2

ORGI CHEMIE FZ LLC, PO Box: 6287Ras- Al-Khaima, U.A.E Tel: +971-72432925, Fax: +971-72432926

Properties Unit Pure Resin Reinforced method

Glass Content % by Wt. N–A 33 ISO 1172 - 1975

Density g/cm³ 1.10 – 1.14 1.46 ISO 1183 - 87

Tensile Strength MPa 60 100 ISO 527-1/2-1993

Tensile Modulus MPa 4500 8500 ISO 527-1/2-1993

Tensile Elongation % 2.0 2.6 ISO 527-1/2-1993

Flexural Strength MPa 92 165 ISO 178 – 1993

Flexural Modulus MPa 4000 7400 ISO 178 – 1993

Volume Shrinkage % 7–8 ___ ISO 3521 – 1976

H.D.T °C 61 ----- ISO 75-1/2-1993

Barcol Hardness 42 ASTM D 2583 – 87


The product is quality controlled with Butanox M-50. Users of the alternative peroxide should be aware of
the fact that the gel and cure characteristics provided by alternate peroxide can vary greatly from those
specified. User shall evaluate each alternate peroxide prior to full scale manufacture.


OCPOL N4180E is supplied in ISO Road Tankers of 22 MT, 1100 kg returnable IBC’s or Non- returnable
220 kg Steel drums.


N4180E is recommended to be stored in closed containers at temperatures below 25 C and away from
Heat for its optimum performance. Avoid storage under direct Sun. The Flash point of the resin is 32 C
and therefore should be stored away from flame or combustion sources. The storage area and containers
should conform to local fire and building codes.


Read Material Safety Data Sheet for this product prior to its use.

he general information here is to assist customers in determining whether our products are suitable for their applications. We require customers to inspect and test our products before use
and to satisfy themselves as to contents and suitability for their specific applications. We warrant that our products will meet our written specifications. Nothing herein shall constitute any
other warranty express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor is any protection from any law or patent to be inferred. The exclusive
remedy for all proven claims is limited to replacement of our materials and in no event shall we be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages.

OCPOL N4180E Rev 01/ 05-07-2018 Page 1of 2

ORGI CHEMIE FZ LLC, PO Box: 6287Ras- Al-Khaima, U.A.E Tel: +971-72432925, Fax: +971-72432926

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