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Video Game Play/Field Note Exercise

Super Mario Galaxy (in Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Nintendo Switch)

Session 1: Before Playing | 15-30 minutes

Each of these questions aims to get at a general notion, “what expectations (about this game) am
I coming in with?” The goal in this reflection is not to test the accuracy of your predictions;
rather, the goal is to identify and reflect upon the assumptions and biases you, as an observer, are
bringing into the experience, as catalyzed by the games’ promotional material, introductory
screen, any other descriptive or suggestive information.

With this in mind, respond to each of the following questions:

What will I like / dislike about it? Like:

● It’s Mario!
● Played on my Switch
● Game looks good
● Potential length of game?
● Controls

What will I find interesting about it/boring or Interesting:

tedious about it? ● Story
● New characters
● Repetition of certain puzzles?

What will I need to do in it? ● Learn the controls quickly

● Strategize
● Quick reaction time
● Recognition of patterns
● Patience

What will I need to learn within it? ● How to defeat different

● Find tricks to make puzzles easier
● What is needed to progress vs what is
○ Collection of coins
○ Collecting stars
● How to use NPCs to my advantage
● Recognize when to explore before
moving on to next area

What will it be like / similar to (other games I ● I think that the game will be similar to
have played)? Super Mario Odyssey (SMO), which
came out after Super Mario Galaxy
(SMG) because of motion controls.
It’s predecessor, Super Mario
Sunshine (SMS), was played on a
standard GameCube controller with no
motion controls.
● The game will likely have the same
collection system as Super Mario 64
and SMG

At the end of your fieldnotes for session one, craft one or two sentences (no more) that, for
you, summarize your expectations prior to playing, and what these expectations are based on.
Include one image that catalyzed and/or supported your expectations.

I am very excited to play this game as I never had the opportunity to play on the original
console SMG was released on: the Nintendo Wii. Though I have experience with several Super
Mario games, based on what I have heard about this game I am sure to get a whole new
experience that challenges my puzzle-solving abilities and my handle on gameplay through the
use of motion controls.
Olney, A. (2020, September 16). Video: Super Mario 3D All-Stars looks miles better than the
originals, and here's the proof. Nintendo Life. Accessed June 21, 2021.
Session 2: Solo Playthrough | 45 to 60 minutes

Play the game on your own: familiarize yourself with the controls, mechanics and interface; get
an initial understanding of the game’s narrative and its aesthetic. Your goal is to “get a feel” for
what it is asking from you, in terms of: inputs, emotion, and attention.
Note: If you use outside help at any point, make a note of that. The effort here is not to do
anything “correctly”, but to diligently record whatever you do as you try to get a ‘handle’ on the

a) Descriptive Notes: Just write as you play -- write anything descriptive, records of objectives,
hints, fragments of ideas, anything. You may elect to write as you play (i.e. pausing the game) or
right after you have completed a play session. Try to get at least 60 minutes of play time.
● In order to take notes while I played I used speech to text. Post playtime I went through
and edited the text so that it made more sense (because speech to text isn’t perfect) but
otherwise this is a constant spew of my train of thought, observations, reactions and
recollection of controls. Square brackets ([ ]) will be used to fill context.
● Total playtime: 50 minutes.
Okay already this is weird. We're going to go with Mario [as an icon]. Play this file. Okay so we've got
some story [cutscene playing on the screen]. “All the skies and sent countless shooting stars raining
down” [reading on-screen text]. Oh okay so shooting stars are power Stars. Mushroom Kingdom. Okay
every hundred years [there is a meteor shower]. This game already looks so much better than Super
Mario Sunshine. Oh so pretty. Okay what am I doing. Okay so I've got control of Mario with the left
stick and my right Joy-Con I can use to collect things. Okay. B [button] is jump, A [button] is jump.
Apparently I'm collecting Stars? [with my right Joy-Con]. Oh fragments I'm collecting star fragments.
Can I talk to any of these toads? Nope, they just give me dialogue as I run past them. Oh how terrible,
everything is upset [there’s meteors falling]. What the... what is that? Of course it's Bowser. “To the
creation of a new Galaxy” [quoting Bowser]. Oh look, a spaceship. Okay okay I have to hold these [the
Joy-Cons] at a right angle otherwise the thing doesn't register my Joy-Con. Run Mario! Triple jump is
pressing the B button three times in succession in the right timing. All right so Peach's castle is now
floating and she has a little star friend. And I just got blown off the Earth? Oh it's a plump star dude!
And star you turned into a bunny... “Let's play, Let's jump” [The star is saying to me]. Oh okay so you
can't drop down holes to get back up. Oh okay so apparently you can go through planets if you drop
down the right hole, good to know. Where is my cursor for my Joy-Con? Oh I found a pipe, let’s go see
where the pipe goes. Okay and I just got teleported to the other side of the map. How much do I have to
jump around on this island for? Okay I had to talk to the bunnies. “If you can catch all of us, we will
tell you about where you are” [the star talking to me]. Okay. So apparently the right trigger you can fire
the little star fragments that you find back out at things. Hey so when you are on these Moon Island
things you cannot change the camera. Okay, long jump is the left trigger and the jump button. Similar to
other games. I had to pause because I had to reconfigure my Joy-Con's because the right Joy-Con
motion control is off. Is that funny? This is really trippy, I can't figure out directions very well with this
camera angled the way it is on this weird turning Planet. It's circular. That's flipping upside down,
really weird. Okay so I can talk with A [button] but only to specific NPCs. “Please do as Mama asks”
[says another star]. What? Oh hello. Ohhhh this is Rosalina okay I recognize her from Mario Party. I
got a little fat star dude called Luma as my friend. “You have the ability to spin now. Shake the right
Joy-Con or you can also spin with y” [reading instructions]. Okay so the objective is to save the Grand
Stars. And I have little Luma to help me to spin into things that are breakable. Oh that's how you attack.
“Launch Star jump using y or shake the controller. This is how you can travel to lots of galaxies”
[Reading instructions]. The shake, okay there we go. Starships will create a new LaunchPad. Oh crap
watch out. I found a 1 up! 1 ups are a little green mushroom dude. Stomp the Goomba. Sometimes you
need to collect shards in order to create a LaunchPad, oh but don't fall into the middle or you die. So the
start literally says watch your step. Kill the Goomba. Wonder what the coins are for, we haven't figured
that out yet. You can shake the left Joy-Con and it works just as well. Mind you, I'm probably just
going to stick with the right Joy-Con. Good, I can hit Goombas too. Okay so coins redeem your little
health bar thing. Oh okay so you can also use the little star dudes in the sling star, interesting. I'm still
really hating this upside down thing. Oh God what is that oh God. Where's my Joy-Con? Kay I killed
the big Goomba. Okay I found a puzzle, but not a hard puzzle yet. They'll probably get harder as we go.
Collecting the Grand Star finishes the level. I'm guessing you get a high score for coins and for bits and
then you open a new Galaxy after you beat certain levels. OK so luma isn't just the name of one star it’s
the name of all the star dudes. Okay so Bowser has taken all the power stars from Rosalina and her
lumos and now they are stuck. “These round rooms are called domes. We observe galaxies from domes
such as these but the only one that is working now is powered by the power star you restored”
[Roselina talking]. Okay so as you complete power stars, the further you can progress. So the
collaboration of the Switch Joy-Cons to the system isn't fantastic. I keep losing my Joy-Con cursor. Oh
so if you lose the cursor you can press the R button and it'll reset, that's good they thought of that. The
bigger the number, the greater the distance so we need to collect more stars in order to reach new
galaxies. Okay so this galaxy has three stars. What does this yellow box do? Oh okay so it's just like in
Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Odyssey where they drop coins or in this case I get star fragments. It's
interesting how gravity works because it just causes you to go around the outside of the planet circle
thing. There is a ‘collect all of the music notes’ puzzle. It requires you to collect everything in a certain
amount of time similar to Super Mario Odyssey. Okay can't bring back any Star Bits if you decide to
quit in the middle of a level. Don't get crushed don't get crushed don’t get crushed don’t get crushed
don’t get crushed [avoiding rolling boulders]. Crystal, get crystal, clear crystal. Okay if you run into
like mud you slow down, that's good to know. Then I got squished. Oh I ran into a piranha nice. Oh and
the piranha plant creates something. Oh what, apparently I found something that sucks the life out of
me. Cool, good to know. Okay spin to knock those little s**** off. Plant creates some kind of thing, oh
that helps me transport to the next area. Don't run into spiky plants. Don't fall down the middle of the
Earth or you're going to die. The giant black hole in the middle of the planet. Oh crap. Got it! Knock
the green thing into the piranha plant but have to watch out because the little green thing will actually
knock you into a black hole if you're not careful. Shooting a star fragment at something will not kill it
but it will stun it. Can backflip similar to like the other games. What the? All right I got this I got this I
got this I got this. You gotta shoot him with the star fragments and then that'll stop him from at least
attacking you when he gets close. He'll eat them and then you have to spin into the tail. Get the tail, get
the tail. Man that is a star. “Star bits are the tastiest, most delectable treats imaginable” [Says a Luma
after I finish the level]. Now it tells you how to shoot?! Why are they telling you that after two stars?
b) Analytic Notes: After playing, consider your experience more holistically -- What problems
did it present me with? What options did it give me (to address those problems)? When and how
does the game invoke gender, class, race, violence in ways that might be problematic? What
about learning? Does anything stand out as a ‘defining’ or ‘unique’ feature of the game?
● Initially running around and figuring out the controls were a bit confusing. I knew that
there would be motion controls but I didn’t really know how they would work. With very
little tutorial upon getting control of Mario, I had to rely on my prior knowledge of Mario
games to guess what each button did and test out what would work. That’s why my early
monologue has me saying “okay” a lot as I figure out things for myself. Jumping was
simple and the eventual tutorial tells about the functions of the game and how to get from
one place to another, which was very helpful. But without testing out buttons myself, I
would not have learned that I could shoot star bits until after completing two levels.
● Figuring out how to defeat the mini bosses were problems that the game posed. With the
Dino Piranha level, the tail was noticeably different and it was up to the player to figure
out how to utilize it to their advantage. There were also these small plants which could be
hit towards enemies, though they also hit back, which I discovered when I was knocked
back into the black hole and lost a life.
● In typical Mario fashion, the little plumber man has to save the princess from the evil
villain. Man saves the girl and they live happily ever after. Even though this basically
happens in every Mario game so it really isn’t happily ever after. If we really want to go
there, it sets the idea that girls need to be saved by guys so that is problematic in the
reality of how people think today. Another issue that could be argued is animal cruelty as
you do stop on a lot of different creatures in this game.
● The camera angles could be considered a unique feature of this game.

c) Affective Notes: Playing and analyzing games are subjective activities -- as you played, you
were likely: engaged, irritated, startled, sympathetic, angry, bored, etc. Identify the affective
responses you had while playing, and do your best to account for the in-game circumstances that
gave rise to them (i.e. where, when, intensity, etc.) Don’t worry about being exhaustive, just
mention what you think matters.
● The camera angles were tough to get used to. The constant movement with a fixed
camera kept making me want to tilt my head (well I actually did catch myself tilting my
head) in order to keep Mario looking upright as much as I could. This was a somewhat
frustrating thing to deal with at the beginning.
● I was originally irritated that I kept losing the cursor before I was told how to realign it.
● There wasn’t a ton of intensity since I was basically just getting through the tutorial
during my playthrough.
● The game had me engaged and I was able to grasp the concepts quickly and easily as I

At the end of your fieldnotes for session two, craft one or two sentences (no more) that, for
you, summarize your experiences of learning this new game, and what specific
elements/skills/etc., based on your experience of solo play, to be the most important in getting
a ‘handle’ on the game. Include at least one image that demonstrated this/these crucial game

After giving the game an initial go, I think that I am going to enjoy it once I get used to the
new camera angles. The game looks beautiful and I like that the game also engages the brain
more intensely through controller movements and actions while simultaneously engaging
motion controls to keep you aware of your surroundings.

Personal in-game capture. Little blue star is the Joy-Con cursor.

Session 3: Video observation | 45 to 60 minutes

Watch an online video of your game, either via live-streaming ( or conventional video
(YouTube). Get a sense of how an expert plays that game: see how they understand and react to
the game and how that differs from YOUR playthrough; see what it is like to watch the game not
just as a viewer, but as a mass media spectator. Again, organize your account into three kinds of

For my observation I chose to watch the SMG-120 Star world record completed by Belgium
player, CreepyGar, on the Nintendo Switch in 5 hours, 49 minutes and 34 seconds. The WR was
completed on July 2, 2021, and also verified the same day by site moderators. The run was
streamed on Twitch. Video can be found here:
CreepyGar. (2021, July 1). Super Mario Galaxy - 120 stars [Nintendo Switch]. Accessed July 2, 2021.
Or Twitch:

a) Descriptive Notes: Document what the player is doing, paying attention to, ignoring,
prioritizing, but also what they are talking about (i.e. what they verbally frame as important
during the playthrough). Make notes of what the player is paying attention to, prioritizing, and/or
ignoring and if and how that is different from your play.
● Speedruns are about speed and the fastest way to move Mario is with long jumps. By
stringing these together, the player can cover a lot of ground in a short period of time.
● The game is being played in Korean because the text is faster.
● Ideal routes are created for these types of runs so he is able to capture the bunnies in <20
seconds. He is also well practiced in his movements. I spent a while looking for them
because I was playing the game for the first time.
● Continues to make use of long jumps to maximize area covered and does so with the
precise angle.
● He doesn’t do a lot of talking but he does mention something about the difference
between a D-pad and a joystick. Probably a reference to playing with a Wii remote
(which the game was originally played on) over a Switch Joy-con. He has a friend there
too but his friend leaves to get food.
● While collecting pieces of a star warp he comments that he is slow.
● He skips through all text, just mashing the A button.
● He avoids all the enemies, only taking out the ones he needs to in order to collect an item
they have or to reveal the next path. I was taking out most of the enemies because I could
but also because I didn’t know how to progress.
● He makes a mistake on a jump, trying a faster strategy and it costs him a couple seconds.
Calls himself a silly monkey. At the end of the level he is ahead of his personal best split
time by 26 seconds.
● At 13 minutes he is already further into the game than when I ended my play session.
● His right joycon is always moving in order to collect all the star fragments he can. He
also uses the right joy-con to spin as I do
● After every star/end of a level the game asks if you want to save and he always chooses
● To get extra height he spins, which I didn realize you could do. He also makes use of
backflips for extra height. To grab the Star casually for the 2nd level you need to use
these antigravity things, but he just does a modified long jump spin combination and he’s
● While trying to jump/skip to the next planet he fails the trick and has to do it casually. He
is not happy with the result and sounds very displeased with himself.
● He takes care of the boss with ease and remains ahead at his next split.
● To start out the Honeyhive level, he does not go the way that the game intends you to go
at this point. Instead he makes use of multiple chained combinations of a triple jump,
wall jumps, spins, ground pounds and backflips to get to the top of the planet. It takes
him two attempts to reach the platform with the Toads, which you aren’t supposed to get
till later. He gets really annoyed the second time he fails but does succeed the third time
and he comments that he is still ahead because he isn't playing in German.
● Going into the next level he mentions resetting but since he is ahead still he doesn’t
bother. He gets to the boss in no time and takes him out with ease.
● On the stingray race level, he ignores the coins and goes for the straightest route, taking
corners tighter than I would ever dare. He even goes for a final jump over a gap.
● He mentions being nonoptimal in one of the movements and then does a great little jump
to lead a Bullet Bill over the fence and into the case surrounding the Grand Star. I
definitely tried to lead two Bullet Bills, one to take out the fence and the other to take out
the encasing.
● There are people in chat wishing him good luck so he does say thank you to them.
● When his friend comes back he chirps the runner but also tries to help.

b) Analytic Notes: Review your descriptive notes and consider the problems the player
encountered and the strategies/ solutions that they enacted. Furthermore, consider how the player
navigated/commented on issues/ structures of race, gender, class, and violence. What did you
notice about the game when you watched, as opposed to when you played? Hold off on making
any big conclusions for now.
● There were a few problems that the runner ran into during his playthrough; the first being
minor mistakes in his movements that caused him extra time. A lot of the tricks the
speedrunners use are simple combinations of movements a casual player would use but
some require perfect time in order to work. In his playthrough, CreepyGar messes up a
few of these combinations and you can hear his frustrations as it loses him some time.
Another problem that he runs into is RNG, or Random Number Generator. The moments
of some of the enemies are randomly generated by the system to match up with certain
time frames and this causes him to sometimes run into enemies at inopportune times,
either because he has missed a cycle or he is ahead of the cycle.
● Strategies or solutions: CreepyGar is completing this game as fast as he can, referred to
as a speedrun. Speedruns are about speed (as suggested by the name) and the fastest way
to move Mario is with long jumps. By stringing these together, the player can cover a lot
of ground in a short period of time. The game is being played in Korean because the text
is faster to get through dialogue sections. An ideal route is also followed and has been
planned out by the community before runs take place, and these routes change as faster
strategies are found. These routes often include “skips”, which involve skipping over the
intended objective for the level and completing it in an alternative form. For this game,
this is because there are certain stars that take a long time to obtain, so skipping over
them for another obtainable star or performing some movement combinations to get to
the objective star without taking the intended path. For bosses, where they stand and
which way they go (if a boss moves) is strategically planned so that the least amount of
time is wasted and they know how to best defeat the boss.
● The streamer did not talk about issues/structures of race, gender, class, and violence.
● Differences in play:
○ CreepyGar knows the game well, having put a number of hours into the game to
grab the world record, and so he knows exactly what to do in order to beat the
levels. I, on the other hand, had never played the game or watched anyone play (to
avoid spoilers) and so my struggles were expected as I figured out the controls
and movement for the game.
○ Fast. He is fast. I was slow
○ Utilizes spin a lot to gain extra height as well as break things and take out
enemies. I used the spin only to hit enemies and break things.
○ Uses long jumps all the time. I used long jump only when the camera was straight
because the first few times I tried to use it I went the wrong way or died in a black
hole at the center of a planet.

c) Affective Notes: What affective responses did you observe the player having while playing?
What evidence did you have of their affective response/s? What did they choose to focus on?
How were they different from responses and focus/foci you had? Pay specific attention to
instances where you were surprised by something the player said or did. And if possible, reflect
on how affective responses impact the ‘learning’ or ‘engagement’ you think can be recognized
and documented from this observed play session.
● When CreepyGar failed a movement or trick he got verbally frustrated, which included
swearing and visible annoyance in his voice.
● His focus was straight from Point A to Point B. I would run around and try and find
things on each planet before moving on in each level. I also didn’t always know where
Point B was so I would wander till I found the right direction to go. Anything off the path
or a mistake in a fight is considered “time loss” and is not ideal in speedrunning.
● I was surprised by the way spins were used to aid movement and how easily getting the
second Grand Star was by just jumping over the fence rather than trying to go through it.
● Now that I have seen the way that a speedrunner plays the game, I can take some of those
strategies and apply them to my own gameplay as I continue the game in the future. I
won’t be implementing all the tricks because those take time and practice, but the simpler
movements I can surely master. However, by watching how he skips things and seeing
the levels I have not completed yet, it also takes away from some of the problem solving
that I will go through when I play those same levels.

At the end of your fieldnotes for session three, craft one or two sentences (no more) that, for
you, summarize your observations of a more skilled player playing this game. Include one
image that supports your conclusions

It is always very interesting to see how good people are at video games, and even more so for
games that I have had the opportunity to play myself. From the fluidity of movement to the
impeccable timing of certain tricks, there has to be an appreciation for the amount of time that
people put into becoming experts of their game.

Screen capture of CreepyGar’s setup, taken July 2, 2021

Research Synthesis and Analysis Notes:
The final "bridge" is to put all that together in an analytical and summative "case study" of the
game that should be no more than 1000 words. Make sure you make careful and direct
connections to both Bogost and Taylor.


Super Mario Galaxy (SMG) was first released in 2007 on the Nintendo Wii and was a

well loved game by all those who picked it up to play. Thirteen years later, to celebrate Mario’s

35th anniversary the game was re-released, along with Super Mario 64 and Super Mario

Sunshine, with cleaner graphics and optimized for the Nintendo Switch in a game bundle called

Super Mario 3D All Stars. In this Mario game, our popular plumber hero once again must rescue

Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser. With the help of Roselina and her luma friends,

Mario must navigate the galaxy, collecting stars to power the star ship and get closer to Bowser

and Peach.

The Controls

In Super Mario 3D All Stars, SMG can be played in either handheld mode or with motion

controls. On the left Joy-Con, the joystick controls Mario and the ZL makes Mario crouch when

stationary, long jump if you are running, or ground-pound if in the air. On the right Joy-Con there

are several buttons used. The A-button acts as your “action” button to talk to other characters but

along with the B-button can be used to make Mario jump. The X-button and Y-button can be

used to make Mario spin if you are in handheld mode, and the Y-button can also be used to throw

things. The R-button allows you to recenter your pointer connected to the right Joy-Con, which

you use to collect star bits and then be fire back at enemies using ZR. Either Joy-Con can be used
to make Mario spin by flicking your wrist to the side. There are also a number of combinations

for buttons to allow Mario to do other tricks..

My Experience with SMG

I took on this game for the first time and immediately loved the look of the game. I chose

to play with motion controls so I had a Joy-Con controller in each hand. In the game, Mario will

jump between several planets, each with a slightly different terrain and sometimes enemies, to

progress and it forces the player to be aware of their surroundings. These surroundings alter the

player’s play style and reactions to environmental factors, each different galaxy creating the

sense of being in another world, each needing to be navigated differently. For me, I moved

around each planet and explored, looking to “come to understand [each planet] through slow

transit rather than the speed” (Bogost, 2011, p. 50). As I learned enemy patterns and got more

comfortable with the controls, I was able to speed up my movements. My introduction to the

game was about 50 minutes long, but that was also the entire tutorial and it was at the very end

of my session that I finally found out how to re-align my cursor with R. I was not impressed.

Since my playthrough I have since gone back and played SMG, but not before taking the time to

watch an “expert” play the game.

Watching an Expert

Belgian Twitch streamer and speedrunner, CreepyGar, is one of SMG’s many talented

players. Speedrunners are players who beat a game as fast as possible, utilizing ideal movements,

timing and sometimes glitches. Not only does CreepyGar hold the world record on the

leaderboard for the Nintendo Switch version of the game in both the Mario 120 Star and Luigi
120 Star categories1, he also shows up on the leaderboard in four categories for the original Wii

version (, 2021). And watching him, it was easy to see why he ranks so high. In

short, he finished the section that took me 50 minutes in 13 minutes. CreepyGar also played the

game with motion controls, as it makes it easier to collect star fragments during gameplay. His

movements were precise and planned out, he used the fastest movement he could (which was

usually long jump) to cover distance quickly, and he ignored all enemies that were not necessary

to progress. As I continued to watch, he would sometimes fail a trick and he would express his

frustrations aloud, usually with swearing. Instead of having a camera, as many streamers do

(Taylor, 2018), CreepyGar organized his layout with a section devoted to a live split program

used to keep track of time in a speedrun. Each split showed how quickly he was able to move

through a section, allowing him to see where he either made too many mistakes or had really

good movement.


There is a lot to be said about experiencing a game for yourself, but there is even more

that can be learned from watching someone better than you play the exact same game.

Navigating motion controls can be very daunting for people who have never used them and for

those who have low game control literacy, it can be difficult to transition into. I like to think that

my game literacy is quite good, so I have since returned to SMG and tried out some of the

simpler tricks that I saw CreepyGar do to help my movements in the game. That said, I still

continue to traverse game space at a pace that allows me to explore, while CreepyGar’s focus is

on speed and speed alone as that exploration piece is long done. This also leads into intensity.

Note: Current WR holder at the time this was written. Records are broken everyday, as recognized by the fact that
this record was broken again by CreepyGar a day before I wrote this analysis and only mere hours after I had
finished taking notes on his other WR time. He improved his time by five minutes on July 2, 2021.
Depending on the intensity you play with, SMG can be considered a relaxing game, as it is for

me, but at the same time it still invokes that leaning forward focus (Bogost, 2011), as

exemplified by CreepyGar. I have an appreciation for those who put hours into a game and can

do amazing things, like finish the game fast, as they are really fun to watch. With many fun

puzzles and a simple direction of play, SMG is a game for casual and competitive gamers alike.

Bogost, I. (2011). How to do things with video games. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota


CreepyGar. (2021, July 1). SM3DAS 120 Mario WR in 5:49:34 [Video]. Twitch.

Nintendo. (2020, September 18). Super Mario 3D all stars (Switch version) [Video game].
Nintendo. (2021, June 12). Super Mario galaxy 120 stars (Mario). (2021, July 2). Super Mario 3D all stars: Super Mario galaxy 120 stars (Mario).

Taylor, T.L. (2018). Watch me play: Twitch and the rise of game live streaming. Princeton:

Princeton University Press (pp. 1-22, 66-135).

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