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Daniel Lance R.

Nevado Civic Welfare Service Training 1

BS BIO 2Y2-1 June 30, 2021

DISCUSSION: Values versus Ethics

What do you think should weigh more? Values or Ethics? Explain your answer.

Answer: I believe that values and ethics are two important aspects that guides the
individual’s behavior towards the society. As ethics is a consistent guiding principle
that decides what is right and wrong in a particular circumstance. However, values
are guiding principle that a person believed about things and in different aspects of
life. This can vary from person to person. In my own point of view, Ethics should
weigh more but with limitations. We have our own values and belief and we also
have things and values that is important to us. However, not everyone values the
same value that we have. Ethics should weigh more for the common good of
everyone. For example, being charitable and humble is a common virtue or ethical
convention, however, other person's value being healthy and wealthy. Value are
subjective (matter of perception), while ethics are objective (matter of standard).
There are limitations in weighing ethics more than values. For example, abortion is
ethically correct in other countries, however, it is not in your belief. You always have
a choice if you are going to do abortion or not. In conclusion, we should take or do
things for our common good however, we should respect our different beliefs that
varies from person to person and choose to live in harmony and peace.

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