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Meta Description

The meta description tag is missing from your page. You should include this tag in order to provide a
brief description of your page which can be used by search engines. Well-written and inviting meta
descriptions may also help click-through rates to your site in search engine results.

Most Common Keywords& their usage in meta tags and description

Customer -13

Customers -12

Know -8

Data -7

Product -6

Your most common keywords are not appearing in one or more of the meta-tags above.

Your primary keywords should appear in your meta-tags to help identify the topic of your webpage
to search engines.

Keyword(s) not included in Title tag Keyword(s) not included in Meta-Description tag

Spelling mistake in current description, unprofessional Title, Unoptimized meta description are
shown in the image given below has to be changed.
Social Media Test

Your website is not connected with social media using the API's provided by Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn


 website is not using https, a secure communication protocol. Even for sites that do not
collect sensitive customer information, search engines suggest that switching to https is an
increasingly good idea and may help improve rankings.

 webpage is using "img" tags with empty or missing "alt" attribute.

 our webpage does not contain any H1 headings. H1 headings help indicate the important
topics of your page to search engines, H1 headings may still help define the topic of your
page to search engines.
FRROLE Dashboard analysis

They provide three kind of dashboard.

 Audience intelligence
 Social Listening
 Owned Insights

Audience intelligence

 Analyse of audience.

They gave option to analyse 3 type of audience.

o Owned audience
o First party audience
o Earned audience.

In each of these options a large set of filters can be applied which are duration, location, Gender,
Fake Users, ‘Post begin time and post end time’ to analyse in a set of specific date

From customer perspective they are providing multiple option which make their product an upper

 Comparing audience
This is same as Analysis of audience where multiple audience and their comparison can be
seen in single dashboard. Mostly these tools are used by marketeer’s product mangers etc.
They should find it useful as it reduces their task and comparison can be easy.

Disadvantage: This is not applicable to any ecommerce product; they analyse social media
customers in general

Social Listening

Here they ask for keyword, hashtag that we need to analyse, and they provide analysis of Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

o Analyse topic.
o Compare topic.

These are the two parts available in this section.

The filter for this includes Location, Sentiments(Very positive, positive, neutral, negative, very
negative), Language(around 20), content, primary mood.

Analyse a brand
Here they ask for all social media handle such as instagram twitter fb youtube ID’s or link and
analyse the customer.

Analysis Result

They have 5 parts

o Overview
o Twitter
o FaceBook
o Instagran
o YouTube

In each case they provide analysis of mentioning, engagement, unique author, mood and

In individual social media analysis, they provide an additional attribute of ‘potential reach’.

In user engagement part they provide analysis on type of user engagement each platform provides

Mood of customer is analysed in 4 categories Active, anxious, Calm, Depressed.

They also provide an option to share insights through link so others can also see it.

Overall analysis of FRROLE


o Good website with easy-to-use platform( Though black colour is not customer lovable)
o They assist customers what to do in each place
o Insights are fast and resourceful
o Additional filters and comparison option is very useful from a management perspective
o Dashboard sharing is good option to connect with others and can change analysis
parameters timely


o Analysis of YouTube, Facebook are not available in most of the case.

o They can provide only social media insights, not product centric.
o These analyses are readily available in other established websites and probably they are
using them in background and its not a big thing.

Summary: FRROLE is not a direct competitor to Citrusberry since they analyse

social media of brands but not ecommerce individual products. They are more
into mass analysis than micro analysis.

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