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Quarter: 4 Module: 3

Self Check 1
A crushed tablet to form powder is considered as physical change because the only
change that can be observed is through the physical properties and no chemical properties are
involved. An example of physical change is cutting paper into tiny pieces.

Self Check 2
An example of chemical change is baking and cooking.

Self Check 3
Scenario Physical or Chemical Change
When vinegar is added to baking soda, Evolution of gas
bubbles are formed.
Wood is burned forming ashes. Production of heat and light
When an iron rod is exposed to the Change in intrinsic properties like its color,
environment, rust forms. odor and taste.
Milk becomes sour when it is spoiled. Change in intrinsic properties like its color,
odor and taste.
Rotting of food. Change in intrinsic properties like its color,
odor and taste.

Self Check 4
1. Reactants: Zinc (Zn) and Sulfur (S), Product: Zinc Sulfide (ZnS)
2. Reactants: Hydrogen peroxide ( H2 O2 ) and Manganese dioxide (MnO2 ) , Products: Water
(H2O) and Oxygen (O2 )
3. Reactants: Hydrogen gas (H2 ) and Oxygen gas (O2 ), Products: Water (H2 O)

Self Check 5
1. Word Equation: Zinc + Sulfur → Zinc Sulfide
Formula Equation: ��(�) + �(�) → ���
2. Word Equation: Hydrogen peroxide + Manganese dioxide → Water + Oxygen
Formula Equation: �2 �2 (�) + ���2 (�) → �2 �(�) + �2 (�)
3. Word Equation: Hydrogen gas + Oxygen gas → Water
Formula Equation: �2 (�) + �2 (�) → �2 �(�)

What’s More
Activity 1
1. Evolution of gas, Production of Heat, Temperature Change
2. Change of intrinsic properties, Formation of Precipitate
3. Evolution of gas, Production of Heat and Light, Temperature Change
4. Change of intrinsic properties, Formation of precipitate

Activity 2
1. Reactants: Zinc (Zn), Sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 )
Products: Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4 ) and Hydrogen gas (H2 )
2. Reactants: Copper II hydroxide Cu(OH)2
Products: Copper oxide (CuO) and water (H2 O)
3. Reactants: Methane (CH4 ), Oxygen (O2 )
Products: Carbon dioxide gas (CO2 ) and Water vapor (H2 O)
4. Reactants: Sodium oxide (Na2 O), water (H2 O)
Products: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
5. Reactants: Carbon (C), Hydrogen gas (H2 ), Oxygen gas (O2 )
Products: Methanol (CH3OH)

What I Have Learned

1. Chemical reaction, rearranged, chemical bonds, physical, chemical
2. Evidences of chemical reactions
a) Change in intrinsic properties
b) Evolution of gas
c) Formation of precipitate
d) Production of heat and light
e) Temperature change
1. Reactants
2. Products
1. Chemical equation, Reactants → Products
2. Word equation
3. Reactants, Products, →, +
4. Formula equation

What I Have Valued

A common chemical reaction that can be observed everyday in our household is cooking.
When a member of our family cooks or bakes, there are numerous chemical reactions that take
place in the process. Cooking food is crucial for us to be supplied with enough energy to
execute our daily tasks.
What I Can Do
1. Combustion
Reactants: Fuel and Oxygen gas (O2 )
Products: Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and Water (H2 O)
Word Equation: Fuel + Oxygen gas → Carbon dioxide + Water
Formula Equation: Fuel + O2 (g) → CO2(g) + H2 O(l)
2. Oxidation of iron (rusting)
Reactants: Iron (Fe), Oxygen gas (O2 ), Water (H2O)
Products: Iron oxide (Fe2 O3 ∙ H2 O)
Word Equation: Iron + Oxygen gas + Water → Iron oxide
Formula Equation: Fe(s) + O2 (g) + H2 O(l) → Fe2 O3 ∙ H2 O(s)
3. Photosynthesis
Reactants: Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and water (H2 O)
Products: Glucose (C6 H12 O6 ) and Oxygen gas (O2 )
Word Equation: Carbon dioxide + water → Glucose + Oxygen gas
Formula Equation: 6CO2 (g) + 6H2 O(l) → C6 H12 O6 (s) + 6O2 (g)

Additional Activities
1. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O
2. 2N2 O5 → N2 + 5O2
3. 2C8H18 + 25O2 → 16CO2 + 18H2 O

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