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Micaflor Tizon Cadiao



SPEAKER: Andrew Miller

To begin with, first aid is critical not as it were for therapeutic specialists, but for everybody,
particularly in the event that we live distant absent from a healing center and wish to amplify the lives
of those who have wounds until restorative experts come. Acing its utilization will increment not only to
family members' sentiments of security. It is also to their certainty in their capacity to appreciate things
whereas keeping up the family's safety.

According to Sir Andrew Miller's introduction, 80% of restorative understudies seem not
perform CPR, or Cardiopulmonary Revival, which is exceptionally concerning since most Filipinos
adore to eat greasy nourishments that can cause heart assaults, and the as it were way to assist a
individual who is having a heart assault is to use CPR, so whether you are a restorative professional
or not, you must learn CPR. Another thing to consider is the Continuum of Care, which may be a
method that guarantees a patient's wellbeing from begin to wrap up. We ought to moreover grant
credit not as it were to the specialists, but moreover to the therapeutic reaction group, which is
mindful for the patient's security to begin with help to exchange to the ER since their work requires a
part of exertion, and one off-base move or choice by a part can put the patient's life in peril. I
moreover learned from the address that in arrange to be an incredible healthcare supplier, you must
be able to communicate successfully, have compassion, kindness, straightforwardness, polished skill,
regard, information.

I'm delighted in the discourse since it was truly pertinent, and Sir Mill operator was
exceptionally clear and to-the-point, especially when clarifying his presentation.

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