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word meaning Word Synonym Antonym Sentence Compound or Part of

origin Complex speech

Luminou Very Middle Shiny Matt The luminous light lit up Complex Adjective
s bright andEnglis the room, making the room
shiny h very bright.
Vague Mysteriou Middle Unclear Clear I sensed something vague Complex noun
s and Englis as I passed Lilian’s room
unclear h in worry.
Fatigued Tired or Middle Tired Energetic Sarah felt fatigued after compound adverb
stressed Englis doing all her chores and
h lay down to have a rest.
Ruby A type of 15th None None The ruby dazzled everyone Complex Noun
gem century who saw it, big and even
Maroon A type of Middle None None Ella’s favourite colour Compound Noun
colour Englis used to be black, but now
h its maroon.
Cardboar A Middle None None The cardboard box was left Complex Noun
d material Englis near the table,
h unsupervised by anyone.
determin Eager to 17th eager uninterest Sarah was determined to Complex Verb
ed do century ed find her bracelet, since she
somethin was the one who lost it.
bemused Confused 16th confused Know Delia looked bemused, as Complex Verb
century she stared at the 300 piece
anguish Feeling Middle worry Happiness Melisa let out a howl of Complex Noun
hurt or Englis anguish, as she stubbed her
suffering h toe on the table.

Argument/Should people do art often Explanation/reason/facts/technical words

1. It calms you down It helps after stressful day of school, it calms
down your amygdala to make you more
relaxed. Amygdala is the fear place in your
brain. Shading, breezeless, tranquil and low-
2. It helps in future Many jobs need colouring skills like artist,
builder and maybe even a shop owner!
3. It is very fun It is creative and unique. You can choose what
ever way you want to colour it. Shading,
dyeing, colouring painting, what ever!

Modality words: Modality words or modal words are helping verbs that normally are about
ability, possibility, permission and obligation.

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