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Leyte Colleges

Tacloban City

Guidance 1 (Self-Efficacy, Concept, and Promotion)

What is guidance?

Arthur Jones
- “Guidance is a personal help that is designed to adjust a person to go
somewhere and do something. “

Emery Stoops
- “Guidance is the continuous process of helping individual to develop the
maximum of his capacity in the direction of most beneficial to himself and to society. “

It is the process of facilitating personal and professional growth of an individual

in a scientific way.

It involves in creating an awareness of strengths and potentials of an individual

for overcoming problems.

It aims at making the individual self-directing, self-accepting, and self-



Need and Significance of Guidance

I. Educational needs

A. Guidance as an Instrument for the Qualitative Improvement of Education

1. Expending Educational Objectives
2. Solution to Educational Problems

B. Solving Discipline Problems

II. Vocational Needs

-expending complexity of the world of words
-increasing need for manpower planning & utilization
-exceptional awareness
-change in the condition of industry &

III. Personal/Psychological Needs

-Guidance is the basic need of man
-Educational & Social Aspirations
-Psychological problems
-Satisfactory adjustment
-Proper development of personality

IV. Social Needs

-complex nature of society
-changed family contexts
-explosion of population & exposure in human resources
-political used & Extension of Democracy
-change in the concept of Educational

Objectives in Guidance

 To help individual to understand and accept the positive and negative aspects of
his personality, interests, aptitudes, attitudes, etc.
 To provide a wide choice and opportunities.
 To help make adjustment in the new life situation.
 To help in facing the challenges of life and manage tensions by realizing and
accepting the facts.
 To help in solving by social and personal problems and be able to adjust with
oneself and the environment.

Aims of Guidance

1. Exploring Self
2. Determining Values
3. Setting Goals
4. Improving Efficiency
5. Building Relationship
6. Accepting Responsibility for the future

Purposes of Guidance

1. To enable the individual of person to be matured, socially responsible,

economically self- efficient and ultimately to be self-directing citizen, for that
necessary programmers are undertaken for his best development.

2. It enables the individual/person to take right decision in each and every stage of
his life by overcoming the necessities and incorporating the necessities

3. To achieve of self -sufficiency in each and every aspect of life, the

individual/person is helped to analyze his self clearly is his strength, limitation,
interests, aptitudes, abilities, potentialities etc.
4. Guidance is organized with the help of different services to provide realistic
information about potentialities of the individual and the opening of the world of
words in which he is best fitted for.

Nature and Characteristics of Guidance

1. It is a process.
2. It is a continuous process.
3. It is apart from instruction.
4. It is a process of development rather than direction.
5. It fulfills some aims of education.

Basic Assumptions of Guidance

 Race, color, and sex have little as no relation to aptitude and abilities.
 Many crises cannot be successfully met by student without assistance.
 The school is in a strategic position to give the assistance needed.
 Variations within the individual are significant.
 Abilities already existing in individuals and not usually specialized.

Basic Principles of Guidance

 Principle of All-Round Development Individual

 Principle of Human Uniqueness
 Principle of Holistic Development
 Principle of Cooperation
 Principle of Continuity
 Principle of Adjustment
 Principle of Individual Needs
 Principle of Expert Opinion
 Principle of Evaluation
 Principle of Responsibility
 Principle of Periodic Appraisal

Source: https:/

Prepared by:

Dr. Norberto O. Erandio


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