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Early Postnatal Weight Gain, Intellectual Performance, and Body Mass

Index at 7 Years of Age in Term Infants with Intrauterine

Growth Restriction

Objective To determine whether the postnatal growth rate of infants with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is
associated with later cognitive function and body mass index (BMI).
Study design Infants with IUGR (<2211 g at >37 weeks’ gestation) were identified in data from the Collaborative Perinatal
Project, excluding those with diagnoses affecting cognition or growth. Wechsler Scale of Children’s Intelligence (WISC) scores
at age 7 years and data on postnatal growth at 16 weeks were available for 463 infants with IUGR. Linear regression relating
postnatal growth and WISC score, adjusting for potential confounders, was performed for these infants. BMI at 7 years also was
Results Weight gain at 16 postnatal weeks ranged from 1059 to 5119 g in the infants with IUGR, with lower achieved
cognitive testing scores apparent at both extremes (ie, an inverted J-shape; P < .001). Infants gaining 1200 and 5000 g scored
15.5 and 2.4 fewer points, respectively, on the full scale compared with infants with score-maximizing growth. In contrast, BMI
at 7 years was linearly related to postnatal weight gain (P < .001).
Conclusions Growth in the first 4 postnatal months is an independent risk factor for cognitive outcome at age 7 years, with
both extremes associated with negative effects. (J Pediatr 2009;154:201-6)

ntrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the most common cause for small for gestational age (SGA) status in term and

I preterm births worldwide. Although most infants with IUGR demonstrate catch-up growth in the first 3 postnatal months,
approximately 10% remain small for life. Infants with IUGR are at increased risk for worse cognitive outcomes, metabolic
syndrome (comprising hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease),1 precocious puberty, and short stature2-5 compared
with appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants. Concerns about the combined effect of IUGR and postnatal growth failure
have driven the common postnatal nutritional strategy of inducing the most rapid postnatal catch-up growth possible.
Although poor postnatal growth after IUGR further increases the cognitive risks of IUGR,6 the potential adverse effects of
excessive weight gain after prolonged IUGR on neurodevelopment have not yet been assessed. An increased risk of cardiovascular and
metabolic diseases when IUGR is coupled with rapid weight gain has been reported.2 The
developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) hypothesis states that the nutritional
environment present during times of active fetal development may program metabolism for
life.1 Also known as the “thrifty phenotype hypothesis,”7-9 the DOHaD hypothesis posits that From the Divisions of Neonatology (M.P.,
the early adaptive alterations in neurologic and endocrine mechanisms that promote survival M.G.), Epidemiology/Clinical Research (L.S.,
of the fetus during adverse intrauterine conditions are maladaptive later when living in S.P.), and Academic General Pediatrics
(C.B.), Department of Pediatrics, University
enriched postnatal conditions. The mechanisms of altered regulation are only now being of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis,
understood and appear to involve alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis MN and School of Medicine, Emory Uni-
associated with activation of inflammatory cytokines.12,13 Because they cross the blood-brain versity, Atlanta, GA (J.C.).
The authors declare no conflicts of interest,
barrier, these factors have potential effects on higher central nervous system regions and real or perceived.
processes that develop in the early postnatal period. For example, excessive glucocorticoid Submitted for publication Jun 10, 2008; last
exposure reduces hippocampal neurogenesis, differentiation and volume, and proinflammatory revision received Jul 15, 2008; accepted
Aug 7, 2008.
cytokines alter myelination.14,15 Both mechanisms therefore present potential risks to developing Reprint requests: Michael Georgieff, MD,
brain structures and may result in altered long-term cognitive function. Our aim was to analyze the Division of Neonatology, University of Min-
nesota, MMC 39, D-136 Mayo, 420 Dela-
ware St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail:
AGA Appropriate for gestational age IUGR Intrauterine growth restriction
BMI Body mass index SES Socioeconomic status 0022-3476/$ - see front matter
CPP Collaborative Perinatal Project SGA Small for gestational age Copyright © 2009 Mosby Inc. All rights
DOHaD Developmental origins of health and disease WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children reserved.
FTT Failure to thrive

long-term effects on growth parameters and cognitive tasks of early Table I. Mean WISC component and summary
excessively rapid weight gain on specific cognitive tasks evaluated by scores at age 7 years for term children with IUGR
the WISC subscores using data from the large, multicenter, lon- and AGA children in the CPP
gitudinal Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP).
METHODS WISC (n ⴝ 503) (n ⴝ 30 412)
The CPP was a prospective cohort study of children component Mean SD Mean SD P value*
born between 1959 and 1965; the methods are described in Full 89.97 13.62 97.25 14.27 ⬍.0001
detail elsewhere.16 Neurologic and intellectual development Verbal 88.92 12.71 95.45 14.11 ⬍.0001
was the primary outcome of interest. Approximately 45 000 Performance 92.96 15.05 99.72 15.12 ⬍.0001
women were enrolled during pregnancy at 12 United States Information 8.26 2.75 9.39 3.02 ⬍.0001
academic institutions. A total of 59 843 pregnancies, resulting Comprehension 7.92 2.50 8.89 2.75 ⬍.0001
in 54 795 live births, were recorded among these women. Vocabulary 7.90 2.82 8.97 3.07 ⬍.0001
Extensive maternal, pregnancy, social, demographic and fam- Digit span 8.75 2.93 9.77 2.94 ⬍.0001
Picture 8.34 2.94 9.81 3.21 ⬍.0001
ily history data were collected at multiple time points by
Block 8.78 2.72 9.89 2.82 ⬍.0001
trained personnel using standardized methods. Children were Code 9.88 3.02 10.19 2.88 .02
examined several times during the newborn period and at age
SD, standard deviation.
4, 8, and 12 months. Investigators continued to collect de- *P value from the t-test for 2 means.
tailed data at several time points up to age 7 or 8 years,
depending on the institution. Analysis of the CPP dataset,
which is deidentified and in the public domain, did not full-scale IQ and individual subtest scaled scores were com-
require Institutional Review Board approval. pared between children with IUGR and AGA children using
We conducted analyses on 2 segments of the CPP study the t-test for 2 means.
population. In the first analysis, we compared all component Linear regression was then used to assess the influence
and full-scale scores of the original Wechsler Intelligence of weight gain at 16 weeks postpartum on cognitive and
Scale (WISC)17,18 at age 7 years in children born at full term anthropometric outcomes at age 7 years while controlling for
who had IUGR and those who were AGA. A total of 34 460 race, SES, sex, and birth weight as categorical variables. The
children were born at ⱖ37 weeks’ gestation, completed a natural logs of weight and BMI at age 7 years were used to
WISC assessment at age 7 years, and had allowable values for meet the normality assumption of the regression model. SES
all WISC component scores. IUGR was defined as the 5th comprised 5 categories, as assessed by the original CPP in-
percentile of birth weight in this cohort (⬍2211 g). We chose vestigators,20 and race comprised 3 categories (Caucasian,
a more stringent criterion than the standard definition of African American, and other). Birth weight was categorized
⬍2500 g,19 in an effort to eliminate small infants who may using natural cutpoints (ⱕ2000 g, 2001 to 2150 g, and 2151
not have had IUGR. We excluded children with conditions to 2211 g), which divided the IUGR cohort approximately
likely to diminish intellectual capacity, including those with into tertiles.
5-minute APGAR scores ⬍6 (n ⫽ 606), congenital syn- The significance of 16-week weight gain as a quadratic
dromes (n ⫽ 633), or microcephaly (n ⫽ 40). We also variable was evaluated by entering both continuous values of
eliminated children with missing or invalid data points, leav- centered weight gain and the square of centered weight gain
ing a total of 30 915 children available for the first analysis. in linear regression models. Using centered weight gain (cal-
Our second analysis related early postnatal weight gain culated as the difference between each observation and the
to weight, WISC score, and 2 anthropometric measures (ie, mean) avoided the problem of collinearity between the linear
weight and body mass index [BMI]) at age 7 years in the and quadratic terms. The t-test of the quadratic term was used
infants with IUGR. The CPP protocol called for weighing to evaluate the fit of a parabola, to describe the relationship
infants at age 16 weeks, but because the actual age at weighing between 16-week weight gain and each dependent variable.
varied (mean age, 16.4 weeks ⫾ 2.4 weeks), we calculated the The quadratic term was dropped from the model if it was not
grams gained per week between birth and age at weighing and significant at ␣ ⫽ 0.05, and the linear term was then evalu-
multiplied by 16 to obtain a consistent metric. Forty children ated.
were excluded because of missing growth data, and 1 child When either the quadratic or linear terms improved
was excluded because of missing WISC data, leaving 463 model fit significantly, estimated mean WISC component
children with IUGR available for analysis. scores with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for low,
middle, and high values of 16-week weight gain using a “base
Statistical Analysis case” scenario. The “base case” values of all covariates were set
Characteristics of the cohort, including race, socioeco- to the following referents: male sex, Caucasian race, middle
nomic status (SES), and sex, were tabulated by birth weight SES category, and birth weight 2151 to 2211 g. The rounded
status using contingency tables for categorical variables and extremes and median of the observed distribution of 16-week
means for continuous variables. Mean WISC scores and weight gain were used as the low, middle, and high values

202 Pylipow et al The Journal of Pediatrics • February 2009

Table II. Variable estimates (␤) from linear regression of independent variables in relation to WISC
summary scores and anthropometric measures at age 7 years in infants with IUGR
WISC score Anthropometric measures
Full score Performance Verbal ln (weight) ln (BMI)
Variable n ⴝ 463 % ␤ P value B P value ␤ P value ␤ P value ␤ P value
Intercept 62.03 ⬍.001 67.96 ⬍.001 63.30 ⬍.001 3.55 ⬍.001 2.60 ⬍.001
Male 172 37.1 Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
Female 291 62.9 1.25 .29 2.10 .13 0.36 .75 ⫺0.001 .95 ⫺0.01 .29
Caucasian 169 36.5 Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
African American 274 59.2 ⫺7.84 ⬍.001 ⫺7.64 ⬍.001 ⫺6.75 ⬍.001 ⫺0.01 .41 ⫺0.05 ⬍.001
Other 20 4.3 ⫺8.59 .003 ⫺1.27 .71 ⫺13.71 ⬍.001 ⫺0.07 .08 ⫺0.06 .03
SES index
1 52 11.2 ⫺0.33 .87 0.60 .80 ⫺1.21 .52 0.03 .24 0.02 .18
2 158 34.1 ⫺0.20 .89 0.21 .90 ⫺0.52 .69 0.01 .76 0.01 .29
3 153 33.0 Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
4 74 16.0 7.15 ⬍.001 7.26 ⬍.001 5.65 ⬍.001 ⫺0.01 .65 0.01 .68
5 26 5.6 10.39 ⬍.001 9.39 .002 9.49 ⬍.001 ⫺0.08 .02 ⫺0.04 .09
Birth weight, g*
2151-2211 152 32.8 Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
2000-2150 159 34.3 1.74 .20 0.99 .53 2.14 .09 0.01 .65 0.01 .55
⬍2000 152 32.8 ⫺0.17 .90 0.37 .82 ⫺0.69 .59 ⫺0.01 .50 ⫺0.02 .21
Weight gain at 16
weeks, g†
Increase per 100 g 1.67 .003 1.47 .02 1.55 .003 0.01 ⬍.001 0.005 ⬍.001
Increase per 100 g2 ⫺0.02 .01 ⫺0.019 .05 ⫺0.02 .01 NS NS
Ref, referent value; NS, not significant at P ⬍ .05.
*Mean, 2 025.9 ⫾ 182.2 g.
†Mean, 3 152.0 ⫾ 674.4 g.

when the linear model was significant for WISC component linear regression models. Among the covariates, SES and race
scores. When the quadratic model was significant, the 16- demonstrated significant associations with WISC full, per-
week weight gain that maximized the WISC score (ie, the formance, and verbal scores, whereas birth weight within the
vertex of the parabola) was used as the middle value. Similar IUGR group was unrelated.
modeling was performed for weight gain over the first 4 weeks Postnatal weight gain between birth and age 16 weeks
and over the first 12 months (data not shown). The results was the main variable of interest. The mean weight gain in the
were similar across all 3 time periods but were somewhat IUGR group during this period was 3152 ⫾ 675 g (90th
stronger using the first 16 weeks. percentile, 3992 g); these values are similar to those in AGA
group (mean, 3143 ⫾ 706 g; 90th percentile, 4050 g). Mod-
RESULTS eling weight gain as a quadratic term provided a significantly
Mean IQ scores were consistently lower in the IUGR better fit to the data compared with modeling it as a linear
group compared with the AGA group, with deficits of 7.28 term for the WISC full IQ score (P ⫽ .01) and verbal IQ
points for full-scale IQ score, 6.53 points for verbal IQ score, score (P ⫽ .01), with a borderline significant quadratic term
and 6.76 points for performance IQ score (Table I). Individ- (P ⫽ .05) for the performance IQ score (Table II). These
ual subtest scores also were significantly lower in the IUGR results remained significant after exclusion of influential ob-
group. The statistical significance of these comparisons was servations identified by studentized deleted residuals and
not surprising given the large sample size, but the differences DFFITS (data not shown) Among the WISC subtests, qua-
also were qualitatively quite substantial. dratic terms were significant for the vocabulary (P ⫽ .03) and
Characteristics of the children with IUGR included in information (P ⫽ .02) scaled scores, and linear terms were at
linear regression analyses are summarized in Table II. A or near significance for the comprehension (P ⫽ .06) and digit
majority of the cohort was male, African American, and from span (P ⫽ .005) scaled scores; no association was apparent
the middle of the SES scale. Mean birth weight was 2025.5 g ⫾ between postnatal weight gain and the block, coding, or
182.1 g. Mode of feeding was not included as a covariate, picture score. Postnatal weight gain was significantly associ-
because a large majority (96%) of infants with IUGR were ated with the log of weight and BMI at age 7 years as a linear,
formula-fed. Table II also gives parameter estimates (␤) from but not a quadratic, term (P ⬍ .001 for both). Modeling

Early Postnatal Weight Gain, Intellectual Performance, and Body Mass Index at 7 Years of Age
in Term Infants with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 203
Table III. Mean WISC scores at age 7 years in infants with IUGR with low, middle, and high 16-week
postnatal weight gain*
WISC score
component Weight gain form Weight gain at 4 months, g† Mean WISC score‡ 95% CI
Full Quadratic 1200 78.99 71.32-86.66
3887 94.52 91.35-97.69
5000 92.14 85.81-97.89
Performance§ Quadratic 1200 82.87 73.96-91.78
3801 96.00 92.33-99.66
5000 93.21 86.19-100.23
Verbal Quadratic 1200 79.09 72.00-86.19
3975 94.11 91.14-97.07
5000 92.06 86.47-97.65
Information Quadratic 1200 6.13 4.50-7.77
3891 8.94 8.27-9.61
5000 8.23 6.94-9.51
Comprehension¶ Linear 1200 7.97 6.98-8.96
3119 8.59 7.96-9.22
5000 9.20 8.39-10.01
Vocabulary Quadratic 1200 6.40 4.85-7.95
3924 9.19 8.55-9.83
5000 8.76 7.54-9.98
Digit span Linear 1200 7.60 6.45-8.75
3119 8.71 7.97-9.44
5000 9.79 8.84-10.73
CI, Confidence interval.
*Derived from linear regression models described in Methods and adjusted for sex, race/ethnicity, SES, and birth weight.
†For linear models, the middle value is the median 16-week weight gain. Otherwise, the middle value was calculated as the vertex of the parabola described by parameter estimates
for the quadratic 16-week weight gain.
‡Mean score setting covariates to reference values of race, SES, and birth weight.
§Quadratic term P value ⫽ .05. Results for the quadratic model are still presented, because the P value represents a marginal association.
¶Linear term P value ⫽ .06. Results for the linear model are still presented, because the P value represents a marginal association.

predicted that term infants with IUGR who gain 1200 g and are the use of a large longitudinal study, a more stringent
5000 g in the first 16 weeks of life will score 15.53 and 2.38 definition of IUGR that eliminates most other causes of
fewer points, respectively, on the WISC full-scale IQ score at smallness, and regression techniques that control for potential
age 7 years compared with those who gain the score-maxi- confounding variables.
mizing weight of 3887 g (Table III). Fitted quadratic regres- Most previous studies of either SGA infants or infants
sion curves for WISC summary scores and linear regression with IUGR have assessed neurodevelopmental outcomes with-
curves for BMI, with the common x-axis of postnatal weight out accounting for rates of postnatal growth.6,19,21-23 Impair-
gain, are depicted in the Figure. ments in verbal ability and spatial memory, as well as modest
losses in general IQ, were reported for small infants compared
DISCUSSION with AGA infants. Reduced attention, lower reading scores
In a large cohort of infants with IUGR, we demon- (Wide Range Achievement Test),21 IQ, and school achieve-
strated that excessively rapid weight gain in the first 16 ment19 have all been reported in term SGA infants. Neonatal
postnatal weeks after prenatal growth failure predicted both hippocampal function, as indexed by auditory recognition mem-
increased BMI and decreased cognitive scores at age 7 years. ory, is known to be compromised after IUGR.24 Magnetic
Early weight gain and BMI had a direct linear relationship, resonance imaging of cortical gray matter at term has demon-
but cognitive functions generated an inverted J-shaped risk strated volume losses that correlate with later functional deficits
curve. These effects remained after controlling for SES, sex, in attention, cognition, and school performance.23 Regions af-
race, and birth weight. Consistent with previous studies, slow fected by prenatal nutrient deficiencies include the striatum,
postnatal growth predicted the worst long-term outcome, and cortex, and hippocampus.25-27
the effect was dose-responsive. As might be expected, the The neurobehavioral implications of slow catch-up post-
effect of excessive weight gain was less pronounced than that natal growth after IUGR has been the subject of fewer studies,
of suboptimal weight gain. Interestingly, the degree of IUGR but the data suggest that poor postnatal catch-up growth in-
below a birth weight of 2211 g (5th percentile) did not creases neurodevelopmental risk after IUGR. The timing of
correlate with either the rate of postnatal catch-up growth or growth failure was addressed by Casey et al,6 in a cohort study
later cognitive outcomes. The strengths of the present analysis comparing the effects at age 8 years of antenatal growth failure

204 Pylipow et al The Journal of Pediatrics • February 2009

ment Test.6 Our study confirmed that slow postnatal growth in
the first 4 months after IUGR confers a dose-dependent risk to
cognitive function.
A unique finding of our study is that excessive postnatal
weight gain also confers a risk to the developing brain after
IUGR. The magnitude of this effect is smaller than that of
postnatal malnutrition, resulting in an inverted J-shaped risk
curve. IUGR, especially when followed by rapid postnatal weight
gain, also is associated with increased risk of subsequent coronary
events1,7,9 and diabetes mellitus with a similarly inverted J shaped
risk curve.28,29 The DOHaD hypothesis suggests that these
chronic disease outcomes may be due to early endocrinologic
alterations in response to incongruent prenatal and postnatal
metabolic milieus.30 Cortisol and proinflammatory cytokines are
proposed mediators of the relationship between rapid postnatal
growth and chronic disease.31 These factors are known to cross
the blood-brain barrier and affect the developing brain; for
example, animal models have demonstrated that excess cortisol
alters early hippocampal development and function,32 and that
proinflammatory cytokines damage oligodendrocytes and result
in leukomalacia.33 Although we cannot directly test this hypoth-
esis in our data set, we speculate that these factors may be
involved in mediating the reduced cognitive performance in the
infants with overly rapid postnatal weight gain. These findings
may have implications for other groups in which severe growth
restriction is followed by overfeeding and rapid catch-up growth,
including preterm infants requiring intensive care.
The timing, severity, and duration of an insult to the
developing brain determine the risk to future function and
explain regional variability in brain dysfunction after timed
insults.34 Consistent with the concept of regional brain effects
due to the timing of key developmental windows,27,33,35,36 the
effect of postnatal weight gain on later cognitive function is
not uniform and maps onto brain structures that are vulner-
able in the perinatal period.27 This finding of a heterogeneous
neurologic effect reinforces that the small effect that we
detected is indeed real. The cognitive scores that were inde-
pendently altered by early growth were verbal skills (informa-
tion and vocabulary) and working memory (digit span). In
addition, both the performance IQ and full-scale IQ at age 7
years were affected. Although full-scale IQ scores provide
only a broad assessment of cognitive development, individual
subscales reflect specific tasks implicating specific brain re-
Figure. Fitted regression curves and 95% confidence intervals for BMI gions.17 Verbal comprehension tasks include information, vo-
and A, full, B, verbal, and C, performance WISC scores at age 7 years by
cabulary, and comprehension tests, which require both im-
16-week postnatal weight gain in infants with IUGR.
mediate and long-term memory, as well as experience and
judgment. Tests of perceptual organization include picture
and postnatal failure to thrive (FTT) occurring between 4 and 36 arrangement, block design, and object assembly using short-
months corrected gestational age. Low birth weight preterm term spatial, visual, and working memory; visuomotor orga-
infants who were SGA and had postnatal FTT had the worst nization; concept formation; and nonverbal reasoning. Digit
outcomes, followed by those with only postnatal FTT. Math and span tasks require verbal working memory and freedom from
reading capabilities were at particular risk. Infants who were distraction. Coding tests probe processing speed, which is
SGA without postnatal FTT had normal academic achievement historically correlated with myelination. Even though these
and cognitive function as assessed by the full-scale, performance, tasks are not specific to just one brain region, they do suggest
and verbal IQ scales of the WISC, and also had somewhat involvement of such rapidly developing regions as the hip-
higher scores on the Woodcock-Johnson Broad Math Achieve- pocampus, basal ganglia, and prefrontal cortex, which are

Early Postnatal Weight Gain, Intellectual Performance, and Body Mass Index at 7 Years of Age
in Term Infants with Intrauterine Growth Restriction 205
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