Role of Leadership in Change Management

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Role of Leadership in Change Management

Romi Nakarmi

Westcliff University

BUS 500: Organizational Leadership

Professor Mishra

April 12, 2021



Employee self-esteem is an important role in organizations. Self-esteem isn’t arrogance

nor it is an intellectual list of positive qualities and properties. Self-esteem is identifying you’re

fine and carrying it well. Individual employee’s actions can make or break an office

environment. Although many leaders would like to think their companies and they are focused

on their employees physically and mentally. Employees are the foundations of a company’s

growth. Employee engagement is when workers are excited about their work and assists the

growth of a company’s reputation. Confidence is another significant leadership attribute.

Employees with high self-esteem are more confident in their abilities and make better

decisions[ CITATION Imb171 \l 1033 ]. They have stronger social interactions and contribute

effectively in a fast-paced workplace.

Description of Situation

As in my organization after the pandemic, many staff have left the job as they don’t

return to Kathmandu from their village. As a result, managers didn’t recruit new staff but they

divided the work and assigns their roles to us. And as we feel the overload in our working it

affects the confidence in our work. Poor self-esteem results in distrust as well as unproductive

job behaviors such as excessive compliance. Now it's like employees' self-esteem wouldn’t

improve even if companies give us a promotion for more responsibilities at work because they

will just have a different work designation but the same sense of identity.

Effective Leader by Improving Process

As a leader, I believe it is important to keep each of the team leader and other employees

individually responsible. When team leaders create business strategies, they have to ensure that

their priorities are in coordination with the department’s performance objectives. I will make

sure to give credit to the employee when they have come upon a new concept that helps in the

success of the companies. We just deserve to be appreciated as a person. People’s self-esteem

and self-confidence would improve if they receive recognition and gratitude for their

efforts[ CITATION Ali19 \l 1033 ]. I will provide proper training and encouraging them to do their

jobs well, they will realize that I will believe in them and that they should believe in themselves.

For the employee who works hard and has shown effective job performance, I will reward them

for their efforts and appreciate them. I will hire trained professionals to conduct lectures and

other events at the company and also help to inspire the team and makes the employees more

excited about working. These activities will increase self-esteem resulting in a more productive

work climate and increased productivity.

The Role for Risk Management

Most Managers and corporate leaders understand the value of having creative and

adventurous workers who aren’t afraid to take the risk and take the initiative to solve problems.

All type of risk entails a degree of complexity, insecurity, and the possibility of negative

consequence[CITATION Han191 \l 1033 ]. However, not all risk situations are dangerous. Since the

leader is expected to coordinate and control the group to achieve the objectives, a leader is held

responsible for their actions and as well as for the group to manage.

I will gain my knowledge from mistakes and promote mental-emotional toughness

because leaders should begin by gradually taking small motivating steps and small wins. I will

understand the critical step to follow to achieve positive outcomes. The most important thing I

can do is lead by example by defining my values and goals. As a leader, I will be willing to take

new things and new chances. Another action I will take is to empower others, encourage

cooperation and increase team confidence[ CITATION Han191 \l 1033 ].


Implementing plans for process change in the organization

Change is a common factor in all types of businesses, regardless of their scale, sector, or

size. Our world is evolving at a rapid pace, and businesses must change accordingly[ CITATION

Cha111 \l 1033 ]. The idea of “change management” in today's world is well-known. However,

how companies handle varies depending on the nature of the market, the progress, and the

individual involved. Kurt Lewin introduced a three-step of change model that is unfreezing,

changing, and refreezing. The model is a straightforward and realistic approach to understand the

change process. In my organization, I would also like to practice different types of

kotter’s/Lewin’s models and make the necessary steps to lead a process change


The First step of change entails organizing the company to agree that the change is needed,

which entails replacing the current status before constructing a new way of working. To

effectively prepare an organization, I will begin at the very center by examining values,

principles, that currently represent it. By promoting the company, I will effectively control the

crisis by building strong motivation towards the employee. Some of the steps to using the

structure in practice are   

 Conduct a survey and recognize that change is necessary

     Make a problem a top priority for the whole business

     Use the vision and make the better strategy


 Maintain an open mind about employees issues


         I will tend to overcome the confusion and search for new methods to do in the change

stage after uncertainties generated in the previous stage. People tend to learn new methods,

concepts, and mindsets during the evolving phase. Change is a method that requires proper

planning and execution. Some of the steps, I would like to take in the change process stage are

 Preparing and implementing the whole process of the change

 Explaining the advantages

 Make prepare each employee for what is about to happen

 Deal with issues quickly

 Generate opportunities for employee participation

 To strengthen the improvement and create short term wins


         The company can refreeze after the reforms have taken shape and people have accepted

the new ways of operating. I will make sure to understand and try to overcome it during the

refreeze period. This entails ensuring that the changes are implemented consistently and that they

are integrated into daily operations. Positive reinforcement and recognition of employee efforts

are often used to strengthen the current state since it is assumed to conduct positively reinforced

would be replicated[ CITATION Cha111 \l 1033 ]. According to Lewin's model, some of the

necessary method that I will apply in the change process

 Identify the obstacles to a long term transition

     Create a reward system

 Create feedback mechanisms

 Adapt the appropriate changes to organizational structure

 Provide proper assistance and instructions

Organization commitment for improvement

         Here are some methods that I would like to  foster commitment within the organization

during the change process

Know and understand what should be left behind

         As a leader, instead of addressing the fear, I will overcome it. I have to be open and

honest about what could be different. Recognize people’s concerns and assist them in dealing

with them by listening rather than persuading them of the benefits of making a move[CITATION

Imb173 \l 1033 ].

Create a team to assist with the change process

         I will gather a group of individuals with enough authority and determination to lead the

way. I will assemble various roles according to their capabilities to each team member and

organize team-building activities for the team so that motivation and confidence can generate


Make a clear vision and values

         The new team should develop a strong future vision. Then I will convey the vision to all

staff and set it out for them. A vision should be simple for workers to understand business.

Understand your community

         Your presence as a leader is important during a change. I will allow every team member

to talk about what they're seeing and how they’re seeing. Take some time to address their fears or

concerns that might have about the upcoming changes. People's uncertainty during change can be

reduced by feeling seen and heard.

Celebrate every win

         It takes time and patience to make a successful change. I will celebrate any measurable

progress, no matter how minor. As a result, it shows appreciation and motivation toward every

employee. Short-term successes should be rewarded, as this would inspire workers to keep




Individual encouragement and the promotion of a potential vision tend to have a

significant impact on an employee's ability to adapt in response to organizational changes. The

creation of a future vision tends to be a vital foundation for presenting an optimistic picture of

the future to workers. Negative thoughts about organizational change, such as resistance, can be

minimized and optimistic emotions, such as commitment, can be reinforced by framing positive

future views of employees[ CITATION Mul191 \l 1033 ]. Framing tends to be a powerful tool

for influencing a worker's desire to adapt so it would be beneficial for me to continue to learn

about it as a leader[ CITATION Mul191 \l 1033 ].



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