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Republic Act No. 200 : REPUBLIC ACTS - PHILIPPINE LAWS STATUTES and CODES - CHANROBLES VIRTUAL LAW LIBRARY 02/06/2017, 10:55 AM [OETA N@)i}I Ley Tre CHAN ROBLES “VARTUAL LAW LIBRARY PHILIPPINE LAWS, STATUTES & CODES REPUBLIC ACTS REPUBLIC ACT NO. 290 Ssctn 3. arn of Meta, Bayon, Lynd, Calton, snampgan, Calne, Boge ncaa, ‘mucpatty tobe known ate munity o Noten, Pownce 9 Samar Sec,2, Je unt mayor, ve maya nd comcast ne manpaly hl appa by 43, The municpalty eran established shal begin to ext on the date fed in 2 proclamation to that frect bythe President of the Phippines en upon the appsiiment ahd guaenton sf ks Dera eieetecad ‘Approved: June 16, 1948 DebtKollect Company, Inc. DEBT ena sets Sm ChanRobles Intellectual Property Division htp:/taws.chanrobles.comyrepublicacts/3_repubileactsphp?id=289 Page tot 5 Proclamation No, 92, s, 1948 | Otfical Gazette ofthe Republic ofthe Philippines (02/06/2017, 10:47 AM GOVPH (/), Proclamation No. 92,s. 1948 Signed on October 6, MALACANAN PALACE. MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 92 FIXING THE DATE ON WHICH THE MUNICIPALITIES OF HINABANGAN, JIABONG AND MOTIONG SHALL BEGIN TO EXIST AND DESIGNATING THE SEATS OF GOVERNMENT OF THE MUNICIPALITIES OF JIABONG AND MOTIONG. By virtue of the power conferred upon me by section 8 of Republic Act No. 263, section 3 of Republic Act No. 269, and section 3 of Republic Act No. 290, and section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code, |, Elpidio Quirino, President of the Philippines, do hereby fix October 15, 1948, as the date on which the municipalities of Hinabangan, Jiabong, and Motiong, all of the Province of Samar, shall begin to exist, and designate the barrio of Jiabong in the municipality of Jiabong, and the barrio of Motiong in the municipality of Motiong, as the seats of government of these municipalities IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed ‘ntp:fmuw Page Tota Proclamation No, 92, s. 1948 ical Gazette ofthe Republic ofthe Philipines (02/06/2017, 10:47 AM Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-eight, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the third, ELPIDIO QURINO President of the Philippines By the President: TEODORO EVANGELISTA Executive Secretary (http/,ph/downloads/1948/10oct/19481006-PROC-0092- EQ.pdf), This entry was posted under Executi issuances/), Prc ations ( ed it Lrwww.of ‘tp: }wwu_officilgazette.gou-ph/1948 10/08 proclamation-no-.00604de670tHtod0o0000000000009000000D0R0DSEAOEAHOOREAdIAEs Page Zot Proclamation No. 02, s. 1968 | Official Gazette ofthe Republic of the Philippines [REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. All content isin the public domain unless otherwise stated. Privacy Policy (hitov/www.cov.oh/about-this-website/privacy-policy/) ‘ABOUT GOVPH Learn more about the Philippine government its structure, how government works and the people behind It Official Gazette (http// ‘Open Date Portal (htto//data.cov ph ‘Send us your feedback (http/ (GOVERNMENT LINKS ‘The President (http / indiganbayan sicia 02/06/2017, 10:47 AM https otficialgazette.gor ph/1048/10/06/proclamation-no-..00804de670Ftto0000009090000000000000000005930cdtON0SEédGe6A Page Sof 3 Republic et No. 200 : REPUBLIC ACTS - PHILIPPINE LAWS STATUTES and CODES - CHANROBLES VIRTUAL LAW LIBRARY 02/06/2017, 10:65 AM CHAN eh ES ire ee ar CHAN ROBLES VIRTUAL TAW LIBRARY PHILIPPINE LAWS, STATUTES & CODES ChanRobles On-Line Bar Review REPUBLIC ACTS sens reser “teers, Se, ude, aang, Sampiaan,caap, Sone, ncnan Seoerted rom te minspaty ot we Pane o Serer, and Consett ‘municpaiy tobe known asthe mun of Mating, Se aR eal mas en mer and connor of te row munya oe soon by {he Preeden ofthe Pippings thls ocean er uceeszars are eacted ond uses ‘ec. 3, Me muncpatty eran established shat begin to atom the date Read in 8 proclamation to {hat tet By the Predent of the Pilppnes sn upon the appsinuent and gunifcaton oF Re ‘Sec. A Tis Ac hal take eect upon ts approval Approved: Sune 16,1988 DebtKollect Company, Inc. (DAssycooge “Tar RAW CRepibie RA ‘DacsbyGooge CFhuppne See) DAsrbyGooge CPnilppne Sec) CFhipsine The) C— Bias) KOLLECT ee ere ee ChanRobles Intellectual Property Division tpylaws.chanrobles.comirepublicscts/2.repubicacts,phptid=209 Page tof 5

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